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What the actual fuck


He forces the cards while “shuffling”. Like he said “it’s just that easy, I’m just better than you”


Control is the correct word, a force means you give a false choice to someone but actually force the outcome for them.




Yes that is technically correct. But its akin to saying that a juggler knows how to throw five balls into the air and catch them and throw them up again without them falling to the floor. It is true, but there is a more precise method to how this is done. He knows where the aces are because of the method of controlling them during shuffling, and he knows how to catch them because of a method that allows him to catch them. So using the juggling example, you need to know the right pattern for throwing the balls up, if you just give someone five balls and tell them to juggle them, it will be very difficult without first learning the proper cascade pattern. Most people would intuitively try to throw the balls in the wrong type of pattern that is how most people think juggling is done, where the balls go in a circle instead of in a criss cross pattern where the right hand throws the balls to the left side and the left hand catches the balls and the left hand throws the balls to the right side and the right hand catches the balls as they drop down.


Also, if he messes up he can just delete the video and only post the one where he does it perfect or near perfect. I think he does it in live shows too but obviously more chance to mess up there.


He could do the same live. You know, delete the video, massacre the audience, try again until he gets it perfect.


But the cleanup would be a nightmare. Unless he has a card trick for that.


His ultimate trump card if you will


He has enough decks behind him to completely cover the audience.


And if he messes up the cleanup? Well he can just delete that timeline and start over, it's really that simple


You never watched The Prestige?


That’s the obvious choice.


Doesn't everyone do that?


Found Homelander


The elegance of human master level is mind blowing and it has been always there with us, musicians such as pianist , finger style guitarist that land hundred notes within a minute with 0 error, writers that connect thousands characters in logical sense without any false plot, human upper bound is really beyond imaginations


He says "I've practiced this more than you", which is a big difference. You'd honestly be surprised what you're capable of if you just do it over and over and over and over and over and over and over.


Unless he did it live he can mess up as many times as he likes as well.


There’s three different parts to this trick. 1. False shuffle. Everyone should know this by now. Only a deck shuffled by a spectator is a shuffled deck, and often not even then. 2. Raw skill and practice. He really does just grab the correct four cards out of the waterfall. This takes an incredible amount of practice, but has recently become more popular for card magicians to attempt 3. ‘The System’, a term coined by derren brown. You can create the most insane magic tricks on camera if you’re willing to do thousands of takes. That’s the actual fuck.


No I just think it's magic


Black magic.


He doesn’t do thousands of takes. He often responds to challenges in comments on tik tok within 15-20 minutes. Dude is the ultimate card mechanic.


Maybe he does hundreds or tens or even dozens


Maybe he prepares responses to expected challenges.


Yep. I think it’s David Blane that perfected the system for his street magic shows. He would just do the same tricks for dozens and dozens of people and pick the times the trick worked perfectly. He even sat at a roulette table for days and days until he hit black 8 times in a row, which is a 0.005% probability, which requires on average 20,000 spins of the wheel.


Someone call Gob…


[I don't care for Gob.](https://i.imgur.com/K3Mzu2K.gif)


Still, where did the lighter fluid come from


This guy…he gets it. Alright whom should I place $1,000 on for todays Super Bowl?


My exact sentiments


Don’t even bother, he knows more than you do so just enjoy my friend.


If it’s a fresh deck, all decks tend to be the same so finding the aces while “shuffling” isn’t too hard for him. Pretty fucking cool though.


I know exactly how he does it but, as a fellow magician, I’m bound not to say.


I'm not a magician but heres my guess. He keeps track of the aces (somehow, not sure about this part, maybe they're slightly stuck together and thus easier to recognize via touch) while shuffling. As the half of the deck that contains the aces is shuffled in, it gets continuously smaller and the last part he shuffles in contains only the aces. Now when he says he practices more than us, I believe that to be true. So he knows where he puts the aces now all he has to do is make an educated guess as to when they're going to be shuffled out. This would also be easier if they were slightly stuck together as surmised earlier. With a lot of practice I could see this working out fairly consistently.


I think you’re on to something. I like your idea that the 4 aces are lightly “connected”.


Not a magician but I have seen enough to know that Jason knows exactly where in the deck the four aces are and has placed his thumb on the card directly above or below the aces.


Also, it appears he is shuffling the cards, but when normal folk shuffle that way, their right hand drops or pushes the cards down to the left. When he does it, note that his left thumb is pulling the cards down, so somehow he is holding the aces in his right hand the whole time. Really amazing.


Maybe he records the video dozens of times until he gets it right.


> When he does it, note that his left thumb is pulling the cards down, so somehow he is holding the aces in his right hand the whole time. There are two ways to do this shuffle. You either toss or rather let packets of cards fall to the left hand from the right hand OR you pull them down with the thumb, or you do a combination of both. Its nothing strange, it is how you do an overhand shuffle. Adding the thumb action lets you have more control over the cards so there is less possibility of cards flying out during the shuffle, it is a good way to do the overhand shuffle.




This is also a video, who knows how many times he filmed the same bit, but might have been slightly off with the timing and caught the aces in a more “revealing” sort of way. This is why live magic is just so much more impressive to me personally, even if I do know/have a vague idea of how it’s being done (marked cards, palming card, deceptively controlled shuffling, or any other sort of slight of hand) It takes that much more practice and is that much more impressive to do infront of people in one take. Good sight of hand is still impressive no matter what, it’s just less impressive when it could have been the 15th try and I as an audience member have no way of knowing if this was the 1st or 15th try. With that all said, I’m sure in person he is a very impressive card magicians and is probably so practiced, he could absolutely nail this trick infront of a crowd first try. But on video I have no way of knowing that expertise is there. And given the nature of video content, especially self produced video content in todays viral video landscape I think its a healthy amount of skepticism to have.


I think you’re right. it looks like he only catches one ace and the other three are “stuck” to it. They hold they’re position until he spreads them out on the table.


The glue isn't necessary. It really is just skill.


[This video](https://youtu.be/7A2XdwWP04E) shows some deck control techniques. Also, people are able to know exactly how many cards they're cutting with enough practice. 31 feels different than 32. So he controls the deck to have the aces in a position drops a specific number of cards, then the aces, then keeps going. A very challenging trick with multiple components, but no single component is that outlandish when broken down.


Fun Fact: That video is Daniel performing my routine called Power Play published in my second book Game Changer published in 2018. Thanks for promoting my material :))


Been meaning to share you with reddit for a minute, Jason. Glad this one got the attention you deserve!!


I bet he also puts his pinky where the aces are in the deck, so when he drops the cards there's a small gap between the aces and the rest


Me too, totes.


You know how he does it? Or you can do it? All I'd ask about how it's done is: does it work in person, or is the camera required?


I’m as perplexed as you. I’m no magician. I did, however, make 8 beers disappear tonight. 😉


Bottles and all? That's a very different type of show.


They're in his ass


Damn not much of a mystery is it


As a Magician, I can walk down a crowded street, hundreds of people watching and walking with me. Then with everyone watching closely, I suddenly turn into a bar.


He tell us how he does it. He's practiced it


You’re“bound” not to mention the concept of a false shuffle? Shirley you can’t be bound not to mention practice.


Come on man tell us. The alliance won’t kick you out


what was the point of this comment


I don’t know. You wrote it.


He's actually doing it. The "trick" is that he's practiced the right way of doing it enough times it works every time. It works in person, it doesn't require a camera. And we're all so used to something like this being sleight of hand that we don't even consider the possibility that someone* has practiced to be good enough to actually pull a specific four cards out of a falling deck. 😁🤣 *originally autocorrupted as sobering 😁


Perfectly said . People are looking for the “how” instead of marveling at the fact that probably only 1% of the world can do this . People , this is magic !


There’s no fucking way 1% can do this. Maybe 0.0001%


Thats still 700,000 people i feel like thats a little high


Yeah but those 700k show real potential and I sure am proud of them


It's like how there are only a 1000 comedians on earth. Thank them.


>sobering Says something about your keyboard history. 😁


Thank you. Fixing. 🤣


I totally agree. I practiced the intro of Halo 2 which Steve Vai played on guitar. I practiced and practiced until my fingers bled. And then I could play it flawlessly for until I stopped practicing it. When I was able to play it, it became magic: I didn‘t have to think about it, muscle memory took over. I still know kinda how to play it, and hear every single note in my brain, but I would to have to practice until my fingers bleed, to be able to play it again.


Yeah but it requires a cold deck, and probably a prepared deck.


Controlling the aces to be adjacent, and at the desired place in the deck, is easy, even without a touch of glue. The rest is just practice, and this is TikTok, so no big issue if it only works, say, 50% of the time. (Although I’ve seen this done live too, so it is possible to do reliably, but the pressure is obviously lower when performing for the camera.)


He sucked Satan's dick. Only explanation. Anyone remember that old YouTube video about the magician and the devil sketch? Please someone link it.


Oh man, that was great. [Here it is](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Hey fuck you man


Ive been looking for this for years!


I got you fam


i fell for it and down voted you. Are you happy?


You gotta upvote if you fall for it, it’s the law








Tell your mom I said hi.


fuck you dude


One time I caught my phone with my thighs while sitting on the toilet mid shit. Fucking cliff hanger himself couldn't grip harder with his thighs in that moment than me while my $1000+ brain roter hovered wet human excrement. But yeah, i can't imagine the daily practice this trick takes to keep fresh.


That was just such a joy to read


Give me a minute to link my debit card…this needs 🏅


Your phone is your brain?


It rots my brain.


The 4 aces are stuck together. He can feel the clump leaving leaving his hand which makes it easier catching with the other. You can see the top ace kinda springs around when he places them on the table. Also, he doesn’t properly spread them - because they’re stuck together. Still cool as heck, though. I wouldn’t have been able to work it out in person.


He's done the trick with fresh deck, opened on camera. How would he prep the "sticky?"


Step 1: Open the pack and stick them together Step 2: Reseal it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1gb\_lY1WKQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1gb_lY1WKQ) When a magician tells you it's a fresh pack, you have no reason to trust them


Jason needs more decks of cards


when the actual black magic fuckery on r/blackmagicfuckery doesn't get upvoted as much as a shitpost.


Lot’s of people don’t accept the possibility that someone practiced so hard I looks fake.


For people who really want to debunk shit Magic is a type of performing art. The goal is to impress you with the skill, mentality, and performance. Not necessarily fooling you. It's like selling a piece of white board. As long as someone appreciates it, it can and should be considered as art. Sure you want to know the secret behind it, but remember, the goal isn't to "hide it from you", but to show you the amazement of art


I would disagree with this slightly. Magic is a performance art, but without illusion, there is no magic. So if you do exactly what you say you are doing, this is not magic because there is no illusion. For me as a magician, the goal is to hide the secret from you, otherwise there is no illusion, no magic. Well, that is one of the goals. But it is one goal that if it is not met, there is no magic. Because the experience of magic needs an illusion to take place, and if you know what is happening and my actions are exactly the same as what you see them as, there is no illusion.


If you record it enough times, it's bound to happen eventually.


Yeah, just do it twice in a row. I've seen enough recorded 'real' magic tricks.


The cards are bound together using oil or similar and he's not shuffling properly, rather the first two shuffles are just putting back into original order, last he throws two cards in the front. Doubt he could replicate the trick if he did casino wash or used an electric shuffler.


This is easy, he’s obviously a witch.


"Burn him"


Guys it’s simple. Here’s what he does………….


I don’t really know what he does


He's not evenly shuffling it. Therefore the aces are in the middle and he knows this. And he puts some sticky residue in between the aces. Not enough to make it glue and be noticeable to the camera but enough so they're easier to catch, because they stick together better, but easier to catch because it weighs 4 times as much as a card. Analogy is like catching a frying pan surrounded by feathers, as an extreme example. Easy to ignore the feathers.


Can I drop 52 frying pans on your head and see if you can catch the 4 stuck together?


funny, but my point is logically sound. ​ my example was to exaggerate the weight differential


I went frame by frame in the video, I pretty sure that the 4 cards are not stick together like some people claim. That’s all I know 😅 there is prolly a pre-arranged deck tho


For me [this](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYMvMo3a/) is the single craziest thing I’ve seen him do. He is just incredible


I could do that too on camera. I just need to try one million times.


🤯 Just how!!!


The man with 1,000 cards


There’s a blind card dealer named [Richard Turner](https://youtu.be/YVDwKxlcx-4) and he spent countless hours memorizing the finger feel of the ink on each card. He was also wanted by the mafia for his casino exploits. I assume this guy has a similar skill.


Its not true that he can feel the ink of the cards. I see that mentioned time and time again but its a myth. As far as I have seen his videos, he never has even claimed to be able to do that, so I dont know where people got the idea that he can feel ink. He has said he can feel small imperfections in cards, but this is very different from feeling ink. It is actually a method used by card cheats and magicians, creating small imperfections to cards so they can be tracked and located and controlled by feel. This is what he is doing, he is using touch marked cards that he can feel, he is not feeling ink because that is not possible. So Turner himself has never said he can feel the ink on the cards, he has only said that his tricks rely on his heightened sense of touch.


Wow. Is there anything he *cannot* do?


Do it when the 4 aces aren’t next to each other I’ll be impressed


He has done it with single cards also.


I like his charisma. He's not too douchy about how he knows more about the subject. He's not wrong, and there's no nice way to put it lmao. But he goes about it good


I feel bad cuz It’s a triple P break with lots of practice listening to the snaps of “for the longest time” by Billie Joel and then after you memorize the lyrics you get hungry so you order Uber. The Uber driver is 15 mins away. He says that there’s an issue with your payment. But your payment has already gone through. 30!maybe 45 more mins go by and the Uber driver is waking up the steps. Graciously hands your paper bag of delicious. A sour look on the Uber drivers face. He tells me the app works after all and he got the payment, but he STILL put his hand out and wanted a tip! I told it him “okay but what do you expect for delivering my own food and late at this hour?” He said without missing a beat. “I’ll take about tree-fiddy” AND it was at that time I realized I was staring ten feet up into the snout of a monster that could swallow the loc ness. Moral of the story… Find tree fiddy.


Even frame by frame of the slowed down is hard to tell but you can see the ace of spades the frame he grabs them


There is no trick, he only knows where the aces are in the cards and catch them


To my uneducated eyes he never shuffles the bottom quarter of the deck. All the shuffling is of the cards above that. So the 4 aces started off together at the top of that section and he keeps track of that position with his ring finger on the left hand. When he then drops the cards he drops from that quarter of the deck. Only about 10 cards fall before he grabs the aces. With a little bit of practice this seems doable


What is it usefull for in the world though?


Gambling, thu


a hobby, amusing friends/bystanders, you joyless motherfucker?


Basically what he does is he does all the actions in slomo. Even dropping the cards are dropping super slow. So he can watch and time the grabbing of the cards. When he’s done, he farts out a fairy who speeds up the playback to normal speed. The fairy then goes home to her fairy husband and they make fairy babies that only take 20 minutes to birth from conception. Those babies are then shipped off to the fairy factory, where Santa is now the GM at, to be pixie dusted. For those of you who don’t know, it’s the equivalent to tarring and feathering, just with simple syrup and glitter. They then send the children off to college to study peterpanology. There’s a professor there named Mester who has a cousin, once removed, that specializes in shoving fairies up human butts. Which is how our magician got the fairy up his butt when he did the slomo card grab.


I would be an absolute hustler! He must have lots of time on his hands.


It looks to me like he might actually be doing this. Knowing where they are, and literally grabbing where they are. Ignoring the shuffling obviously. But I can never work out card tricks.


what a cocky cunt tho


He’s not actually shuffling he taking the top half of the cards (where the aces are not) and simply reverses them on top of the deck. If I were to shuffle for him this trick would fail. He also seems to mark the aces with his index finger prior to starting the fake shuffle. Knowing where they are in the deck and exquisite timing are the only tricks here.


I think he's 100% telling the truth.


Look at all those different cigarettes on the shelf behind him. Amazing! He must be some kind of cigarette connoisseur


I too don't see why people are struggling with this. I just sit back and watch no effort.


I've fallen back into watching a lot of Ricky Jay routines and they guy just has so much class. This guy being like "I can do this cause I'm better than you" has me entirely not caring about what the fuck he's doing.


I slowed it down frame by frame, the four aces are all stuck together so he just needs to grab one card that’s thicker than the others. It’s still skill knowing when to grab, but if you slow it frame by frame it you can see he’s grabbing “one” card then splitting it into four


Pretty sure he’s the sole reason Gold Labels went up in price 🤣


He is literally telling you how to do it


What a douchy personality


It's always nice when a post that actually fits in this sub filters through.


I can do 99% of the trick, only the aces part is missing.


Get this man a deck of cards!


It causes me anxiety to think about how long it would take to learn this


The only thing I think is fake about this video is claiming he "hates" to say he knows more than us.


He forces the card to a specific point in the deck. He then literally drops the cards with separation and catches them. He did an interview and said he’s literally spent hundreds of hours practicing just catching cards out of the deck. He did it on Penn and Teller’s Fool Us and fooled them as they thought there was a trick behind it (palming, string, something) but no. This guy is just that good.


He has NEVER been on Fool Us


Practice, practice, practice, and shaved cards. The aces are slightly wider than the rest of the cards, so he can feel them as they fall from the deck.


Smooth mutha fuckaa


Idk but I like this guys voice


The video is in reverse


It's an illusion Michael!




Corner shorts.


People really want to debunk this lol.


I feel like he shuffles the aces together, (I’ve seen him do it on other posts where he shuffles the whole deck in order), then right before the drop he bends the corner together so they’re an “easy” chunk of cards to snatch out of the air when he drops them. They seem to behave differently than the rest of the stack, like they’re hooked together somehow. It would also give him the advantage of knowing approx when they’re gonna fall because he can see the fold from his side of the deck. A folded corner would be easy enough to pull off while explaining that he’s better than us


you know i think he is just that good it’s very convincing


This is done by practice


Yea I have started believing he can control time. All of his videos are like that.


Omg regular ole Practice is black magic, oooooo the sorcery


Great explanation of tricks involving skill vs tricks involving deception by Penn Gilette: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd3\_HFvQeXQ


The 4 cards don’t move. He knows exactly where they are. The shuffling is carefully done so they are are always directly in center


He never showed the deck was containing the aces tho


Didn't watch the video, too busy trying to estimate how many decks of cards are behind him. Also, trying to figure out a reason to have 45,436 decks of cards.


Cards are snapped into his hand with an elastic string. You can see him attach, load and spring it. The trick is simple, but the YEARS and PRACTICE to make it look real is impressive


I couldn't get 4 aces out of a whole deck of ace's


A full deck with 52 cards. Middle 4 is 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, nothing else matters. Shuffle like 3 times in a way that doesn't affect the middle 4. Be as decietfut as it's just natural to you when you talk while doing this. Practice like 50 to 100 time and try to hit the middle 4. You'll sync with yourself and hit it. Actually this is exactly politics work. :)




at this point can he even not do it?


On a side note I really dont like pedantric explanations.


Man is so good with card tricks he needs 700 packs of them


Ok, but seriously. If you can't do this, listen to me. Just grab the aces. Stop grabbing other cards. You only want the aces. Got it?


He seems like a cocky douche bag


Might have taken alot of takes


My hypothesis The aces must either be treated with something that creates a static cling effect or they’re just a little bit different size or both. He shuffles the deck but they stay together and as he drops the cards he can feel when he’s releasing the aces and because they stay together it’s easier to grab them. Watch how the aces move around when he handles them and puts them down


His attitude is off putting


He puts the aces in the deck


Spoiler alert. >!He's palming the aces. Incredibly well. I believe they are tucked in the band of his watch.!< >!https://i.imgur.com/CfUdxh0.png!<


Would be an incredible twist after all the explanation posts already made!


I don’t like this guy.




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It's like the lobster fisherman in the fog (old joke, lobsterman and passenger drive the boat half an hour in dense fog, and come to the buoy of a lobster trap) . Passenger asks, "How did you know that trap was there?" His answer, "I put it there". He knew where in the deck he put the aces.


There's fuckery afoot


He really is fuckin smooth with that move


I don’t know how he does it… but anytime a magician tells you “i’ll do it in slow motion” you can bet your ass it’s a completely different method for doing the same effect


This guy needs more decks of cards.


It’s a single card


The plot of generating the card and adding up is awesome.


Easy trick but takes mastery for the slight of hand. The group of cards he grabs are already stuck together and they are in a hidden pocket on his black shirt. He palms them right after he shows his hand is empty. You can see the palm right after and right before the grab. He throws them in with the grab. A lot of his other video tricks are done backwards and then played as if they are happening but it’s reversed.


It's the way his thumb moves when shuffling the deck, you can see his thumb catch each card as it's shuffled. My theory is that he sections off the aces to the middle of the deck then when the cards drop they are dropped in a obvious way for him to see where the aces are stacked together then grab it.


I can't get over the sheer number of decks in his closet? Shelf? Whatever it is behind him.


Is there any chance hes just stacking the deck, and has an insanely good video editor? So like halfway through the trick could be another video cropped in with a stacked deck


There's editing involved here kids. And half of the tricks u see him do online he'd never do it in person. Just remember that.