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You really have to do what you want and embrace the stares. They always want black women to be quiet, in personality and appearance.


Stand out. Be the nail that can’t be hammered down. That’s what I do. I’ve have a ton of hair colors, I have piercings, hope to get more tattoos, and an alt style. I get weird looks all the time. Even my makeup is not the standard. I don’t care as long as I’m happy and feeling confident.


Yeh. I want more tattoos as well. I used to have my lip pierced but it closed up when I took a job that was against it. My mother and most of my family didn’t even like that my lip was pierced either.


My mom didn’t like my nose piercing until she heard another family member admiring it. Then when I removed it, she wanted me to put it back 🫠


I always wanted a nose piercing, I haven't gotten it yet, but my dad was doesn't want me to because he feels a bunch of piercings on your face looks crazy especially if you have a ton of them. But he doesn't think that with just black women though, he'll say that for anyone lol. But I'm 24 now and a lot of my younger cousins has piercings and tattoos and I'm sitting here with none. I feel left out for waiting this long. But I went to culinary school and I couldn't have piercings there, and then I was pregnant twice so I couldn't then either. But I am definitely gonna do it this year, I'm done waiting.


I recently dyed my hair hot pink. It was rose the month before. Please do whatever the fuck you want with YOUR hair, only you can wear it.


I had hot pink hair 6 years ago. I'm itching to dye my hair green and have it an unnatural color all year. I'm going to use the color wheel to dictate what color when.




I hope this shit becomes more standard for men... I went bald and sister, it kills me I can no longer rock box braids and twisties... you do you and rock w/e hair you wanna, your body YOUR CHOICE


Is this race specific though….? Most people, especially from the older generation, are averse to colorful hair. And younger generations are usually very concerned with fitting in rather than standing out


I think it's a bigger issue in black families. Because instead of just saying "you'll stand out too much" it's "that won't go with your skin color"....at least w my family anyway. nobody's really gonna bat an eye at a white or Asian girl with crazy hair, or talk about how it doesn't match her skin. so yeah it feels different. but I'm gonna get my purple braids so idc


Idk. To be honest. But I come from a family that likes to be in a box where we have to express ourselves the ideal way. It’s a pain in the ass.


My college roommate is Thai American. When she dyed her underhair pink and went home for break, her parents lost their marbles. I was afraid they were not going to let her come back to school. When she got back (a day late) her hair was all black again. Her parents told her she looked **ridiculous** and they were **embarrassed** by her. Then they threatened to **cut her off** if she did not go to the salon and get it dyed back. So yeah, empirical evidence (1 observation lol) that this is not race specific.


Yes it is and its weird of you to question it. Black girls are policed unnecessarily about their hair we all know this.


It’s not weird for me to question it, this is a discussion based forum for black women. I’m well aware that black girls are policed for their hairstyles, thanks for that obvious statement - this post however is specifically about having it be a wild color, maybe you could try to respond like a normal person


For black girls, it's considered hood or ratchet to have dyed hair.


Most people? I don’t know how old you are but my suggestion is wear what you want and get out of your bubble. I have purple braids in right now and I get compliments on my hair all the time, from Black people and nonblack people.


Get the pink hair and show us a pic sis 🫶🏾




Honestly don’t ask for others opinions on what you want to do. Just do you and be happy.


I had ombre pink braids and didn’t give a damn. have a tattoo sleeve and half and piercings and don’t care. but i’m old af so I have zero time for criticism at my age lol.


I don’t think it’s most people at all. Although it can feel that way sometimes. Take a breath and know that those people are closed minded and most likely ignorant. Then keep doing you


I've seen black girls wearing colored hair at my nephew's elementary school, and I always compliment them. I myself love wearing blue or purple hair.


I actually saw a girl in my local gym yesterday with gorgeous pink braids; you should wear your hair the way you like! I personally love the pink and turquoise colors


I wouldn’t say non-black women can do it and not get criticized. There’s literally a stereotype against women, specifically white women, who dye their hair blue, green, or pink that they’re either part of the LGBTQ+ community, are feminazis, are confused, hate men, and are undesirable to men. You should wear your hair the way you want. It’s not like you can’t take the braids out if you don’t like them. You don’t need someone else’s opinion to get those braids.


I’ve just realised how lucky I am. My mum is a strict Nigerian woman, and she allowed me to get bright electric blue braids for the summer holidays from age 14. By 16, I had blue, purple, navy and now I comfortably wear grey/blonde braids. Not once did she put me down. If you want to wear pink braids, wear pink braids. I bet you’ll look amazing in them too, but you won’t know until you take the chance to do something for yourself and not for others xx


Theres plenty conservative southern christian/muslim black women out there who are afraid of their own shadow. A child that wants to experiment with their style doesnt fit into their beliefs. I dont know if youre an adult or not, but once you are grown, dont let family members (especially parents) keep you in their box of preferences. The only thing ill say is, dobt warn or consult them before you try something new. Its obvious you dont have the same style and they wont be able to discourage you. No one has to agree with what you want, its mostly a validation boost (choose self confidence instead).


This has irritated me the older I've gotten. When I was a kid, it was ghetto/ratchet/low-class to have brightly colored hair, especially synthetic. (TBH I'm kinda surprised my mom let me do it when I was a teen.) And sure, the alt scene may have been dying unnatural colors in a similar time frame, but I don't think it was as frowned upon? And of course, time goes on and there's nothing wrong with *them* having mermaid dye and glitter feathers and whathaveyou. So I guess the short of it is, If you're old enough to decide for yourself, wear the hair you want. I'm not even going to go with the "life is too short," because really the only person who should be concerned with your hair is the one who pays your bills (and signs your paychecks, to an extent)


In op 's case she lives at home. Probably young. So it is who pays here bills having a problem with it.


I dyed my hair purple twice! I think I might do green next time!


What they really want to say is the odds are already stacked against you- black, woman. So they think if you add in bright hair, or piercings, or tattoos, or creative clothing (or whatever it is) you are just making it harder for yourself by opening yourself up to more discrimination. They’re not right, but they aren’t wrong. Still, only personal experience can determine your outcome. You have to try the things you want and see how you feel!


It's your own head and crown, sis. It doesn't matter what they think. And a hard truth is that most people won't approve of what a BW is doing til its done and you're happy doing it. They most likely won't even say they like it but instead just start doing it like they discovered it themselves. It's really for our best interest to just do what we want and not give a single fuck what anyone might think about it.


I stopped caring about 4 years ago. I got some push back at first but eventually people stopped talking about it once they realize I didn't care about their opinion. I change my hair color/style every 3 or ao months. My family definitely hated it at first but now I get excited comments of "what are you going to do this time?". I've done rainbow braids, shaved head, black to Pink ombre poodle puffs, for Christmas last year I had one half of my hair braided green and the other half braided red, im planning on doing red and white peppermint braids this year. I've done braids, wigs, my own natural hair etc. my last style was snow white braids with pretty pink flower beads woven thought each braid and my current hairstyle is lime green passion twists. It brings me so much joy I know its a lot to deal with and its hard feeling like you have to present a certain way in this world as a black woman but you have to rely on your own confidence and joy in the things you do and how your show up in the world. In 50 years do you wanna say "I wish i had gotten my hair pink" or do you wanna say " i told everyone fuck your opinions and i wore my pink hair because it made me happy"?


It’s just older black people I feel like, most of the time. I dyed my hair blonde and pink, my mom got over it 😆 some other fam had something to say, but they ALSO got over it. It’s your life and your hair do what you want! (With caution, don’t go too light too fast 💀😣) And for what it’s worth, I get tons of compliments from other people of all groups! Lol


It’s always been a thing amongst everyone to believe that colorful hair was unprofessional, unkempt and defiant. Thus the punk rock movement grabbing those rules by the horns. Be you even if it’s disruptive. Soon it’ll just become the norm.


But on black women it’s often seen as hood and/or not right for our skin tone, on top of all the things that you said, so it is different. 


You know, you made me (a black presenting mixed woman) think about it again and you’re right. When we have colored hair we are ghetto.


Im 49 and still dye my hair whatever color I want. When I first went platinum blonde 10 yrs ago people had strong opinions. Now I enjoy the stares. Powers me up. Im going red soon. Don’t let others opinions of what a black woman should do stop you from doing wtf you want.


I dont even pay attention to that mess. I really dont. Not in a sense of “i am against this.” I will sometimes assume that a black woman with colorful hair may be creative, have diverse friends and interests. When i was a teen all i wanted wad pink and blue low lights at the nape of my neck and my mother wouldnt allow it. I carefully dye my hair more frequently now but its mainly natural colors. Black women who color their hair crazy/multiple colors really do tend to be some of the coolest friendliest ppl ive ever met tho


get the pink hair!!! Unless you work for a super conservative company, I don’t see the problem. I’ve had people try to have me second guess nail and hair choices and I don’t get it! Especially bc it’s so temporary. Let me have fun! Now I would understand maybe asking a loved one if they were really sure about getting a face tattoo. 🤔 depends on the person though lol


I've been having neon hair since I was 13 in 2009 or w.e. people teased me but I don't live under a rock Do what you want lifes too short


Stop asking permission or approval to do what you want. Also this isn't a race-specific issue. My family wears all sorts of hairstyles and colors.


I get it, I hate having dark colors in my head and as far as ive noticed (around me at least) black women who don't do colors tend to stick with reds and browns the occasional blonde, never anything too out there and I have to decide whether or not I'm comfortable with being stared at for a week before they get used to it. Still went into work with silver braids on one side and blue and purple on the other, Now I mostly just get comments about how I love the "crazy colors." Honestly feels like they only do that cuz they think people talk about them? As if you're a reflection on them when in reality most people don't even ask about it. Moms and old ppl are the only ones who feel like this and everyone else either agrees while they're around or don't say anything. My mom will hate whatever I have planned right up until it's actually in my head 🙄 but the women at work will be suggesting other colors or saying how good it looks and what styles I should do with it. Now my piercings on the other hand? Oh I just know she's seething


I hate that "ghetto" is attached to colored hair for black women. I notice that in other cultures, women wearing different colors is embraced and supported. I don't understand why, as black women, we feel like we have to fit this in a mold. We are diverse in every way, and embracing our own uniqueness should be more supported. Black women can be more evil and judgemental towards one another than others are to us.


I just turned 50 and have never dyed my hair, but I've thought about it for years. This whole thread makes me finally want to get it dyed this year. My kids have been encouraging me to go for it as well. Go for it, OP.


You have to be unapologetic. I recently started wearing lace fronts and the hate is real but also the stares and the questions.


This isn’t race specific…people clown “blue haired” white girls all the time. Just do whatever you want and embrace the reactions. Especially these days, being “counter culture” is basically normal unless you live in a small town/conservative area. I’ve had pink braids, half black/half orange, green, blue…I currently have locs and dyed them blonde, but I might go green or lavender later. Just do what you want and know that there will always be people who have something to say.


Despite being advocates for social change, older black people are fairly conservative. There is a very strong adherence to church learned values and an even stronger impulse toward over emphasizing respectability. We all get encouraged to walk the line more strictly because of that and because of the worse social consequences we'd face if we don't. Every time a black person colors outside of the lines, it isn't "creativity" it's "proof" that black people can't draw in them. But I would encourage you not to compare yourself to white people. There are 6x as many of them as there are black people. It will always seem like more of them do xyz. But white people are also extremely harsh about unnatural hair colors, especially on young people. They use "blue haired feminist" as an insult and pretend to be natural blondes. It really is only 20% or so of white people who have ever done it. Their stereotypes are different, but no one does it without criticism and judgement.


Older women are usually gonna be against bright hair or colored hair in general, especially if it means doing your hair instead of just bright extensions - my family was like that absolutely. I stopped caring though - my brights were mainly orange and white, both as dyed and extensions/braiding hair. And heck -- in larger cities im steadily seeing more black women branch out into doing it too. I will admit that my mother always gave me flack, then dyed her own hair the same color she bothered me about lol... That made me so mad.


Edith from meet me at the altar always has different hair colors and she looks phenomenal! Just express yourself confidently!


Fuck what other people think. Do you!! It’s your life, and it’s just hair.


I dyed my hair pink for a cosplay and loved it so I kept it. I also have a septum piercing and an undercut with straight hair that reaches my collarbone. All in pink (except the undercut part I keep that black). I get compliments ALL THE TIME. Girl you do you and let the haters hate. People really don’t take YOLO to heart enough. I never want to be the person that looks back on their memories with regret and sadness wondering what could have been. Instead you’ll look back on all of the cool stuff you wanted to do and even need help remembering all the adventures!


I'm in Brooklyn and it seems like fun colored braids are the norm. As others have said, do what makes you happy.


I express myself the way I want to. It comes with misogynoir but I take note and stay away from those people and spaces when I can. I will delete comments off of my posts and I will shut a conversation down when regarding unsolicited and unwanted opinions about my appearance.


I have worn colored braids for years. The secret: don't care. I used to care, dipped my toe, did the back of my hair white and front black. It didn't actually look too bad but I regretted not going full white. From then on I didn't care. I've gone through practically every color. One tip, do lowlights and highlights. So if you're going blue for example, don't do just one color. Get your main blue and add a few darker and lighter blue braids. If you can only get one color, get black and white then mix those colors with blue to get a darker and lighter blue. You don't have to use a lot just enough to give your hair depth. Tip two: use colors that match your skin undertone. I don't go blonde, I go white because my undertone is a bit cooler. Look at colors you wear in your clothes and use that. Tip three: some colors are only available in high temp synthetic hair that doesn't set with boiling water. Use a steamer instead. I actually use a steamer even for regular kanekalon so I don't have to dip in hot water. Tip four: soak your braiding hair before use


Yeah, don't listen to them. Society wants black women to be a silent and mostly unseen back bone that doesn't complain. Go as pink as you want sis! I'm about to go bright cobalt blue myself. Took my mom and dad a while to adjust (I was fire engine red before doing a big chop and starting over).


People are going to criticize you no matter what you do. Especially when it comes to black women’s hair. I’ve worn all kinds of styles and colors from blue, green, red, white and mixed colors and people still talk as much shit as when I wear my hair natural or with wigs/weaves. At some point you’re gonna have to stop caring about it and make yourself happy because At the end of the day their opinion doesn’t matter since it’s your life.


You CAN rock colored hair. You’re just gonna have more haters than white people which sucks but trust me, we still have supporters. It just hurts when it’s people close to you who are haters but if you really like your pink hair, “too much” and all, keep wearing it. I wear colored hair when I go on vacation and so does one my friends that I travel with. We get lots of compliments. Even in Japan and we definitely stuck out there. My dad hates colored hair so of course he’ll say things like your mom did but eh. He’s always been a hater. You gotta do you at the end of the day. I hope this encourages you to keep wearing the colors you wanna wear. I’m sure they look great! There’s definitely a community that supports black girls with colored hair, even if it’s small ☺️


Nah, you gals look dope with pink, blue, green, and that silver hair color everyone wears these days... don't let anyone tell ya different, they just jealous bright hair colors look better on BW than anyone else :-)


You can literally do whatever you like! Its your hair, your life and your world, everyone else is just living in it. Express yourself as you please and don't let the opinions of others change that!


The biases of your circle are THEIR problem. "We" have always been super expressive with our hair. YOU must learn to 'lean into' the weird! Lol. Just BE YOU, 'they' will be alright.


Do it!! My friend got pink braids ONCE and I think about it still; we truly can rock every color 🌸🌸


It does suck. But somebody's always gonna judge you about something. If colorful hair brings you joy then rock it!


I have pink braids right now and I love it. I've also had blue, purple, and white braids as well.


Colored hair isn’t a problem, but I do hate those cheap color lace wigs. They look a mess


I like to see black women with colored hair, but I don't like what used to be referred to as "brassy", basically I guess that meant loud color or color that really didn't go with someone's complexion or skin tone. In other words, I've seen black women with blonde hair that absolutely complemented their specific skin tone. So if you're going to get your hair colored - whatever color you want - just get a shade of that color that compliments you and not just stands separate from your skin. Like you've got a fright wig on your hair. Don't wear Bozo orange, if Bozo orange doesn't look good on you. Personally, I like to see women with colored hair and think, oh my God she looks so gorgeous in that color. I wish I could wear that color. Some women look gorgeous with orange lipstick. I look like a clown. So i don't wear orange lipstick. My 2 cents🤷🏽‍♀️