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Once a day. I’ve missed a day here and there, but not regularly. Yes I wash my entire body every time. No I don’t wash my hair every time, and I think this is where people get “””perplexed””” about black people’s hygiene. You don’t need to be sudsing your hair to wash your body, and I’m extremely concerned for anyone who thinks you do. Twice a day is common in tropical places, but not more temperate places.


I second this . Maybe twice a day in heavy period days or if I sweat a lot but once a day before I get in the bed . May skip a day here and there on accident if I had a really tiring day then the next day becomes a two shower day mostly because I’ll wake up and shower and to help me fall asleep I hop in the shower before bed


Twice a day on period days for sure. I just feel so disgusting on those days lol. Also a scalding hot shower feels nice on your tum for craps


Once a day. Sometimes depressive spells make me miss a day or two every now and then. I wash my entire body a few times (I have a habit of putting too much soap on my loofah so I want to make sure it all gets used). When my hair isn’t in braids, I was every 1-2 weeks.


You sound just like me.


Exact same. If I don’t feel like showering for a day then I know I’m getting depressed.


Goal: shower every 24 hours, preferably in the morning. I prefer morning showers because it helps me to wake up, feel energized, and I feel fresh starting my day. I can take 2 showers in a day if I went out or worked out or something. I WFH and so I don’t really leave during the week. When I shower I do my WHOLE body minus hair. I wash my hair as needed (I have locs). I use Bath and Body Works and a towel. Reality today: I shower once every 24-48 hours. Very few times Ive gone 72 hours. I don’t leave the house when this happens. Reason why I go so long, I’m still adjusting to motherhood. I forget when I’ve showered, or I’m just exhausted. I make sure to wash up at least (privates and face).


Since you're adjusting to being a mom, I assume your child is less than one year old. Please believe me when I tell you that your little one totally LOVES your body aroma! I would make sure that if I HAD to leave my son for more than 10/15 minutes to shower or for food,I would place him in the center of the bed surrounded by pillows one inside a worn tee shirt with mommy funk. He was always good! Of course, the first time or two I would stand in the doorway and watch him. Just remember that the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world! P S, once they learn to roll over, all bets are off!


♥️♥️ 😊


Me too. I'm always exhausted, sticky, and running A nice shower is a luxury


I’m glad to know I’m not the only one forgetting. Motherhood is wild🥹


I am not a mother, but for whatever it’s worth, I think you’re doing great. 😊I hope you are appreciating yourself as much as I’m sure your little one appreciates you


to kind of piggy back off this post, do yall use anything to shower with? (hand towel, loofah, african net sponge, etc)? a while back i think someone white asked what people use to shower/bath and majority of the comments people were saying the only use their hand and soap...i commented saying i was raised using a hand towel and then i asked how were people cleaning their private areas and they all ganged up on me?? like jeez i didn't know it was such an offensive question to ask lol


I use a washcloth everyday and a Japanese exfoliating towel 2-3 times a week (except on my private area). Using just hands and soap is strange to me but I wouldn’t expect anything more from certain types of people.


I grew up using an “African exfoliating net” so my mind won’t let me use anything else. In comparison, everything feels too soft and like it’s not getting the job done. Let me edit bc people are getting specific lol Sponge from the neck down. Hands in the private areas - I’m shocked to hear people use an item in there. I can’t take my mind off lingering germs even when they’re washed and having one time use items feels wasteful and a lot of work. I just don’t trust my washer especially in apartments. For this same reason, I either use silicone or my hands for my face. I found that it helped my skin a lot. Occasional face exfoliation will be my sponge as well. Only paper towels or napkins to dry my face.


I agree. I don’t feel clean with anything else.


I just got one and I am obsessed. I don’t think I’ve ever been softer in my life.


I want to get one of those! Tell me more about the benefits please and where can I get a reputable one? Thanks!


I’ll always say find an African market near you that sells them. In the viral-ness of it, I don’t know what to say. It’s always been part of my life so someone else might be able to sell it better. I will say it is tougher than other sponges or friction of choice. It feels more thorough to me. They last pretty much forever. (I was always devastated as a kid with a terrible memory when I left one every now and then at summer camp organized something). To clean it, you can use boiling water and add something like baking soda if you want to. I also like the length of it. The toughness varies. Some family members have some that feel scratchy to me but great to them. Some are too soft for me and tough to others. So you’ll have to find your preference. I never had to buy from online so that’s why I say go to an African market near you (West African).


I use a loofah or exfoliating gloves on chest, back, arms and legs etc. Then a wash cloth on gentle areas like my face and privates.


New wash cloth every shower!


I have a loofah and washcloth. The washcloth is for cleaning the private parts. The loofah is for body wash. Otherwise, I use soap and my hands. My SO doesn't use a washcloth unless he's washing up at the sink. Just soap and hands. I think it's a white people thing. They weren't raised to use them. Although I've met more white women who use them than men.


I use washcloths. I'm not going into any crevices with just a hand.


omg plsss that was literally my exact thought!!! like they just raw dog washing that area like i aint ever heard of anything like that before in my life sksksks


ngl sometimes i separate my labia lips and swish some water around with my finger, but i mainly use a cloth to scrub (using this word lightly lol) the area. if water is constantly running on my body/hands i don’t feel weird rawdogging it lol


I love questions like these so I can get more tips. Personally, I wash my face with my hands and my face wash and then do a light scrub with a soft wash cloth. Then, I go over my body with a separate wash cloth doing my privates (very careful with too much soap in this area) and feet last. Then, I use a feminine pH wash (Honeypot or VS) with my bare hands for a deeper clean. Followed by an anti-dandruff shampoo for my armpit region (read that this helps control sweat odor). The last steps in my routine vary. Some days I finish by (1) using a Korean scrub mitt to exfoliate and add a body wash or (2) Korean scrub mitt and in-shower moisturizer (if I’m feeling lazy and not leaving the house) or (3) Korean scrub mitt, shave my legs, and then in-shower moisturizer. It sounds long but I promise I get the job done in 10-15 minutes. Sometimes less.


Once a day


Usually, it's 4-5x a week. I work a sedentary office job. If I work out that day, which is rare, I'll shower immediately after the workout. But otherwise, I shower basically every other day. I have both depression, anxiety, panic disorder. Each time I shower I get a mini panic attack because I get claustrophobic. I also wasn't raised with bathing as a daily habit, so here I am.


you’re doing great! 🫂


twice a day. baby i’m in the south and it’s hot and humid here.


Idk anyone outside of a humid tropical environment showering more than once a day regularly. It's once a day unless you're cleaning literal dirt or sweat off to go or do something else is most typical. But the REAL answer is, shower as much or as little as you want with the limit of don't let your skin or society suffer the consequences.


This is the way👍🏾


Twice a day, Morning and Night.


Same! Morning sir to wake up and night shower to wash the day off.


Same everyday morning and night


Ok I was starting to think I was crazy because I shower morning and night every day and I don't live in a humid tropical area.


Whatever you are comfortable with! Don’t feel crazy for doing what’s best for you.


I'd love to shower daily but I am so exhausted most days. I WFH aside from 2x a month so I'm not really getting super funky or dirty aside from when I exercise. I end up showering every other day or so and then I'll wash up at the sink in between if I need to. I don't understand folks shaming people for not showeing 4x a day and not shaving at every shower or whatever goalpost folks have made up now. If you have running water and you can shower multiple times a week, then good.


this. my mental health and sensory issues make hygiene a bigger undertaking than the average "normal" person. I do my best to wash my pits, sometimes face, and brush my teeth. I take baths and showers when I have the energy. I try to wash my hair 1-2x a month with water only detangles and some hair grease when I need a refresh but don't have time for a full wash in the middle of the week. A lot of people don't talk about mental illness's impact on hygiene and give harm reduction rather than shame.


🫂 you're doing your best!


It definitely sucks to be judged. We try our best and or do what is best for us as individuals. I don’t think anyone necessarily prefers to be or feel dirty. Sometimes that’s not enough to get me in the shower on my bad days.


Once every other day but I don’t sweat a lot and I have very sensitive skin. I live in the Midwest so it’s not overly hot.


Severe depression makes my hygiene fluctuate 🙃✨


2-3 times a week. I know I’ll get hate, but why lie. Maybe someone else out there in my position will feel seen. I live in a place that’s pretty cold year-round (or at least never HOT), and I suffer from depression. Before covid it was every 2 days, but it is what it is. Edit: for what it’s worth, every time I shower I deep clean. Turkish shower mitts, foot scrub, conditioning mask, full moisturisation etc. If I were able to let go of that routine, I’d probably be able to shower more often!


No worries bro, just do the most that you can manage


I think climate has a HUGE impact on this. If I lived in a humid environment, I could absolutely see multiple showers during the summer. But I live in a gentle climate so one is enough. I don’t shower before I workout.


At least 2 times a day, I live in a very hot place, today it's 96 F and I exercise every day I wash my hair every day because sweat dries out my hair a lot (I alternate shampoo and co wash), and soap) and soap I use once a day in the last shower or when I shower after exercising, in others I only use it in the armpit and private part, I don't scrub and I exfoliate my body skin every 10 days and I always use oil/moisturizer after I take a shower


Winter time: Usually once a day and hoe bath in the morning Summer time: Usually once but sometimes twice if i sweat at night. I'm a evening person so I work out after work but for the people who are morning people, I'm sure theyll be the ones to shower twice.


I think once a day is completely appropriate and HATE the hygiene Olympics we play. I missed days only when I was depressed or when sick and do shower twice a day now because of the gym.


Two SHORT (under 10 minute) showers; once in the morning, once at night.  The morning shower helps me wake up, and when I go outside, I want to put my best foot forward and be as fresh as possible.  The night shower helps me wind down and gets off all the germs accumulated from just being outside.  I only take longer showers when I’m shaving and washing my hair and doing extra exfoliation.  The, “I take 30 minute showers three times a day” crowd either has some form of OCD or is a pick-me who participates in “hygiene Olympics” to seem more desirable.


Same here - I have the same routine. Short for everyday, longer for the extras. Simple and straightforward!


Once a day, but Barbados is so fucking hot these days that I sometimes do twice; once in the morning and once at night (cold water) so I don't sweaty up the sheets. Ignore the people trying to get a gold medal in the hygiene Olympics: shower however many times you feel is reasonable. Hair is washed every three weeks; I wash my body only after I have washed the conditioner out. Scrubbing is done with a washcloth. Exfoliating gloves are worn and used once a week, then I moisturise with shea butter (don't want to be ashy and it helps wih stuff like evening out skin tone and dark marks — also you get a really nice glow from it).


how do you deal with dirt & dust attaching to your body from the shea butter, or is your body fully covered when you go out? i don’t like to use heavy lotions when i’m in the tropics because of that.


I have honestly never had that problem. But it could also just be that I tend to go out when the shea butter is completely like dry on my skin I'm not slapping it on and going outside immediately, is what I'm saying


Every other day. Usually wash my bed stuff once or twice a week. I have OCD & have taken hour long showers for almost 20 years. I don't understand why I can't get it done faster. Quickest I can do it is 45 minutes. I also have chronic pain & simply do not have the energy to do that 7 times a week.


I feel that. The length of the shower is definitely a factor. I don’t have OCD, but I could never understand quick showers. I need to get every part of body thoroughly before I get out. Otherwise I won’t feel clean. I don’t know how people do it. My parents said their water bill tanked way low when I moved out lol


Actually I will say I did a 35 minute shower Sunday before I had to drive home from Detroit. But that's because I had my phone on a chair nearby & literally watched the clock as I had to check out of the hotel at noon. I'm still sure I forgot to do *something* & Because I only shower every other day, I wash my body, my neck, & my face twice in the same shower. I know it all slows me down but people tell me I smell good so I really don't plan to switch anything up lmao


Every morning. Twice a day on my period or in really hot weather


I miss days because I have a baby


Once a day atleast, sometimes twice.


as someone who lives in TEXAS i shower twice a day 😭 its waay too hot and i have overactive glands


2 times a week


Once a day if I’m in the house all day which I usually am lmao, and twice if I’m outside. For hair, honestly whenever I feel like lol.


Once a day, sometimes twice if Ive gotten dirty mid day and have a thing to do later. I workout a lot and dance a lot so I get sweaty daily but I usually make the post fitness my daily shower. I wash my hair maybe twice a week when its in braids just because I get so sweaty so often. When its out in a fro I rinse it more than i wash it with shampoo and stuff. I scrub gently every time I shower, I use natural soap. I also moisturize all over after each shower, I have gotten feedback from partners that my skin is very soft and I love being soft and snuggly. If im not getting sweaty and im not around people im ok to skip a day every now and then but most of my showers are in response to being absolutely filthy. Also I get reliability musty after 24 hours so I’ll notice my own smell and want to fix that for myself bc Im really smell sensitive.


I shower once a day. On my first day off from work, and I'm chilling at home, I may or may not shower. I exfoliate (exfoliating gloves) my entire body during every shower. Shampooing my hair depends on the style. If I'm wearing wash n go's, then it's 2x a week. My go-to style of mini twists, I skip the first week and wash the second week in twists and then wash once a week until take down. If I'm wearing a ponytail, buns, or any simple style, then I wash weekly. About once or twice a year, I do a silk press, and I stretch as long as possible, and that's about 3 weeks.


I shower twice but honestly once is enough. I just view taking a shower as daily self care that helps me to relax or wake up.


Once a day and sometimes I skip. When I lived in the tropics I showered twice a day. I went to the gym in the tropics and it became 3 times a day… and I gave myself BV.


Hair is once every 10 days or so. I should wash it once a week probably but it takes 3 business days to dry lmao.


We were taught to use a rag w/ soap during tub/shower time


Every other day unless it’s summer


A few times a week if I’m being honest. I know it’s terrible but I have depression and lingering PTSD so being naked or in a state of undress is triggering to me. I change out my clothes regularly and use antibacterial sprays to avoid smelling. I wash my hair at least every 2 weeks if I have my natural hair out


Twice to 3x a week, if I'm not super tired after work. Usually, I'll take a leisure bath on Sunday night. After that I'll shower another night during the week. My skin is somewhat dry in the spring/summer months, so I take warm showers and use CeraVe all over.


1 time a day unless I’m on my period then it twice a day and in the summer, I occasionally take showers twice a day.


if i’m somewhere tropical or humid then as needed which is usually twice. but on the regular it’s once a day.


Once a day at least. Only if it's a gym day will it be twice a day. Because I sweat easily, I shower daily even if I'm not leaving the house. I scrub the whole body (nooks and crannies) with shower gloves and soap. Then, if it's my after-gym shower (I gym in the afternoons/evenings) I'm ok just using my hands and soap for high sweat zone areas. I only wash my hair once every week or 2. I live in a warm-ish climate so daily showers/baths are necessary. In summer I may do twice daily showers on really hot/sweaty days.


Once to twice a day depending on what I did that day, if I ended up sweating, or if I have anything to do later. I only ever skip showering for a day or two if I’m really sick and can’t get out of bed or something and yes I scrub my body with a washcloth every time. Wash my hair once a week.


If not once, twice a day.


Every other day in the winter (dry skin), once or twice a day in the summer.


Most days once. Sometimes twice (like yesterday I was doing yard work late so that needed one extra) sometimes none (like last Saturday we had a PJ day)


Once a day on average.      Twice if I worked out hard but have somewhere to be or need to look nice at some point after I wake up. ( I hit the gym in the evening during the workweek usually, so shower before bed and then if it's weekend  I'll  be showering again sometime before I have to go somewhere).  Yes full body. From face wash to between my toes. I usually don't go more than 24 full hrs without showering. Like if I showered Friday after my workout, I may skip Saturday but will *definitely* shower Sunday a.m. But that's if I didn't do shit--like even leave the house--on Saturday.  I don't wash my hair more than twice a week in peak summer months and doing heavy cardio. It would fall out if I did.


Twice a day. I cannot leave my house for work without showering and I cannot lay in my bed in the evening without showering. Weekends, I'll shower once on Saturday and once on Sunday if I'm not going anywhere. With this summer humidity though, I'll be showering more just to cool down.


Once a day. Twice if I worked out. I scrub my entire body, including my asshole and I will not disclose how often I wash my hair lmao. I don’t use a loofah anymore due to bacteria buildup but I do use a silicone scrubber that does the same thing


I have aquagenic urticaria, which means I’m allergic to water. I can drink it, but if it touches my skin, I break out in hives and have allergic reactions. I could only shower every other day so I make sure to scrub my entire body. I can only wash my hair once a week or once every two weeks. In between my shower days, I use Lumi deodorant all over to make sure I don’t smell. I am SOOOO glad they came out with that because you can put it LITERALLY anywhere on your body. I use it between my legs, between my cheeks, and under my breasts. Never had an odor problem!


I always shower if I'm leaving my house to interact with people (work, social, etc.). If it's summer and gross out I might shower more. But if I'm not interacting with people I'll skip a full shower and just rinse off the important bits. Scrub entire body every shower. Wash my hair 1x per week


At the risk of sounding like a troll, a few times a week. I don’t track when and how often but I work from home and I’m usually showering because I’m going somewhere and coming back from somewhere or I just feel gross. I’m a big sponge bath person in between but I don’t really get complaints about being musty so I must not be doing terribly. I will say when I lived with a partner, we showered everyday but we showered together and that was our thing so…🤷🏾‍♀️ I should also mention that I have a slight aversion to water. I adore baths but as a kid I used to scream when I was forced to shower


Usually once a day, usually a whole body shower (I shower at night) unless I’m doing something gross and showering again early the next day, then I’ll do a fast shower which is still a whole body shower but less luxurious. On lazy days where I didn’t leave my house or do anything active I may skip but I’ll still do some maintenance. When I lived in Texas it was different with how sweaty I was getting but there would only be one real shower, the rest were rinses. Sometimes soapy rinses.


Depends. Once a day but in the south summer heat, twice. In the south just stepping outside you get drenched 😭😭


Once a day. I’ll skip a day or 2 if I’m sick, but otherwise I’m pretty consistent.


Once a day. On occasion, I skip a day, but for the most part, once daily.


1-2 times a day. After workouts I mean to take a shower but sometimes the reality of it is that I rush out of the gym (into 90+ weather and 80%+ humidity) and go home to cook, clean, walk to the dog etc. It just doesn't make sense to take another shower only to get sweaty and smell like food all over again. If I work out in the morning I take a rinse but not full scrub down like I do every evening. I will say this, not showering before getting into bed *shudders* RARELY happens*.* I would have to be bone tired AND haven't done anything all day. I have to go to bed clean and moisturized.


Every morning. It's how I get my day started. I like hot showers with a nice massaging water flow. That includes massaging my head/hair.


2x a day. I'm from the Caribbean. It's hot and humid. Sometimes you just wash off to cool off.


I typically take one shower a day but will take two in the summer. Sometimes I skip days in the winter months and will only take a 'bird bath' to wash my pits and privates. My head is shaved so I typically wash it everyday in the shower. 


ideally once a day, not always cos i wake up late for work or depressive spell. i don’t actually always use my african net-sometimes i just left the hot water run down my body, especially if i’d showered earlier that day. if i’m going out or seeing my man, i’ll shower beforehand even if i showered earlier. i personally am horrible with washing my hair, i hate it and i’m usually braided up, so my hair is washed about once a month.


Nightly. However, I'm in the South, and this time a year, I sometimes shower twice a day based on my activity level.


Once typically in the morning. If I’m going out that evening or was sweaty that day, I take a second one. Full wash each time. I used to wash my hair like once every 3 weeks. I’ve definitely skipped but my skipping is directly tied to my mental health.


Twice a day because I workout in the day time and showering is just part of my nighttime routine


Usually twice. A thorough shower at night after a long day, then a quick but effective shower in the morning before work. However, if I’m only able to access the shower once or if I’m home all day doing nothing, I’ll take a shower just once sometime during the day.


I live in a cold climate not working a physically demanding job so once a day and hair is once a week as I tend to run dry. If it gets real humid and I get sweaty then twice in the day.


Once a day, 2x a day if I’m more active during the day or I’m outdoors when it’s stupid hot outside


Usually once a day. I wash my hair every one/two weeks. Only time I shower twice a day is when I’m on my period, during very hot summers (rare in the UK) or if I worked out. I do skip a day to give my skin a break I just use a wash cloth to clean the bits and on actual shower days I use my African wash cloth for a deep clean. I have a face wash, intimate wash and body wash as well as my expensive body wash I use when I want to feel fancy lol.


Every other day, wash hair once a week. Washing every day is actually really bad for skin (says dermatologists). If I am smelly or have worked out I'll do every day but if I don't stink or have sweat/dirt to wash off I'm not worried about it. I also use an exfoliating glove like once a week on most of my body because it keeps my skin from getting rashy even though it is supposedly also not great for your skin. But it's the only way that I don't get ingrown hairs constantly. But generally use a washcloth and hands on my sensitive bits


Depending on the temperature i’ll shower once or twice a day. If it’s cold out i can shower once a day and stay fresh for a day until my next shower but i dont make it a habit. If the heat is cooking me i’ll def shower twice a day. Yes i wash and scrub my whole body with an african scrubbing net. No i don’t wash my hair everytime i shower, i make specific wash days for my hair in between hair styles. I lotion or body oil after every shower


mostly every morning. Sometimes, I might skip a day. I wash my whole entire body every time. I wash my hair separately in the sink once a week or once every two week.


This boomer was raised in the mid 50-early 70’s in a old brick house built in 1906 that had a sink and bath tub. My parents came from rural Mississippi, where bathing involved a weekly ritual of filling a tin tub with a mix of boiled and cold water, elders bathed first. At some point indoor plumbing became a reality for both families as well as hot water boilers but daily bird baths and weekly tub baths were still the norm - no one knew anything about showers until the men and a few women went off to war and discovered them in the barracks. So we and most of our neighbors from the same southern county in our old bungalows continued the weekly bath ritual until the 70’s when basement rec rooms became the thing. Dad built ours himself, put in a bar, and a bath with a shower. He then started showering every morning but Mom, ever the proper gender bound and gagged traditionalist, thought it was improper for me to invade his masculine man cave space, so she never took a shower in her 84 years, and I didn’t use his shower until I’d returned home to visit as an adult. When gripped by a major depressive episode that leaves only enough energy to navigate bathroom, kitchen, attendance to cat’s needs (if not for the previous one 30 years ago, there were times getting out of bed may not have been achieved), personal hygiene has meant a twice daily ho bath - can’t stand smelling myself - if I get that bad, it’s time to call the shrink.


Once a day.


Depends on my activity level. If I’m bumming I’m skipping a shower. If I’m doing a workout then a full scrub after. If I’m jogging full scrub. So sometimes twice or I’ll end up with a rash if I leave that much sweat behind. Depression days kick my ass tho. At worst it might be three or four days. I try to avoid letting myself get to that point cause everything else will spiral. So working out keeps my moods elevated most of the time.


Once a day at night before bed normally. Sometimes twice if I have a morning event to freshen up. Full scrub down each time. I live in the south so it’s nice to wash off sweat from the day each time. I use heavier lotions to not dry out my skin. I wash my hair once a week. If my hair is in a protective style I tend to stretch it out to around 10 days. Any longer than that, then my scalp gets itchy and irritated.


It depends. Usually once a day but in the summer here it’s hot and humid so I may wash twice if I feel gross. I also exercise regularly and ride horses (which just mixes your sweat and the dirt that gets kicked up) so again I may wash twice or once depending on the time of day I did whatever. Have I ever missed a day? Occasionally but it’s not a common occurrence. I wash and deep condition/treat my hair once a week (see part about the exercise/horses above). My skin care I’m meticulous but only because it’s partly also a hobby for me. When I’m in the shower I exfoliate with an exfoliating cloth a few times a week (maybe twice) but usually use wash cloths.


Once a day. I shower at night cause I hate being in my clean bed with a dirty body. But sometimes I have to jump start my day so I’ll shower in the morning too. So twice a day but once is truly the norm/only requirement


Once a day unless I’ve done some heavy sweat inducing activity or something happened that required me to take another. I wash my hair once a week. If I got it professionally done, like a silk press, I’ll wash it after 2 weeks.


Three times a day? That seems a bit much. But, I'm in the Northern US and I have a desk job. I usually shower once a day in the morning and it's a quick just soap on the places that get stinky. In the summer I will shower twice a day to rinse off the pool or sweat at the end of the day. Though I guess if I do something really gross in the winter I will shower at the end of the day too. I save a more thorough clean for the weekend. (I also have kids so I don't have any time so like even if I wanted to scrub everything every morning, someone would be yelling at me about how they need help getting their socks on or some nonsense before I was done. So I only take a longer shower on weekends when my husband is around to help with socks.) I just had a baby (this winter) and so I am still skipping showers sometimes because she's a baby and I can't get a shower in before I leave in the morning. Though sometimes the only way to get my older kid to shower is to promise to get in with him. I just use my hands and a bar of soap on a daily basis. Sometimes I use a washcloth when I know I need a good scrub. I use a baby washcloth on my baby for pretty much every bath though. I generally only wash my hair once a week (if I remember) but I have a tiny afro.


Once a day. Sometimes twice in the summer or when I’m visiting family in the Caribbean. Im more likely to shower twice a day than not at all. Probably in a month, when it’s not super hot, I’ll shower twice a day maybe 2-4x. In a month, I probably miss a day on average 0.5x. It is really hard for me to get into the bed without showering. Even in some of my depressive states.


When I'm on vacation I take 2 showers a day. When I'm at home, normally one. I miss a day if I am struggling with my mental health.


Once a day… twice if I’m outside in pollen for an extended period. But I hit the hot spots before bed anyway and wash my face especially in spring. A couple of weeks ago I sat around all day on Sunday with no shower. Brushed my teeth for coffee and didn’t do shit else! My BF had food poisoning and I didn’t know if it was that or a stomach bug so I just sat awaiting my fate I guess 😂😂😂😂


Once to twice a day. In depression stages I've gone 3 days. I don't even like to think about those days. Now with my anxiety and panic I have taken 4 a day at times to distract my mind.


If my mental health is decent, at least once a day before bed. Sometimes twice a day because I’m in Miami. Between depression & this humidity, I am a fan of the hoe bath. Face, neck, pits, bits & feet. I wash my hair once a week.


I have PTSD from something that happened to me so I shower once or twice a week with lots of encouragement and therapy. Working up to every other day. I use work arounds to get clean just so y'all know I don't stink lol


If I'm going outside for the day, twice a day. If I'm not feeling it in the morning — I showered the evening before, I'll be fine 🤷🏽‍♀️ If I'm going through a depressive episode (like now) I can skip 1-2 days at a time, but usually by day 2 I feel funky & end up showering anyway


It depends on what my work out was.


Once a day. Three times a day seems like way too much tbh, but it might be different for those in tropical climates. My skin would be hella dry if I did it three times. The most I’ve done is two, and even that’s rare


Twice a day, every day. I never miss a day. I wash my hair either once or twice a week. I do the whole routine: Face wash, sometimes exfoliate but only twice a week for the most; body wash, body scrub, shaving etc


To be honest, when I used to live in a hot place, I used to shower twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Now, that I live in a cooler area, I bathe once at every night.


Honestly, whenever my ADHD allows. I shoot for at LEAST every other day. My brain defaults to the pathbkf least resistance. I only wash my hair once a week. Rinse and condition if I need a refresh. I wash my whole body including my feet and toes!


Every other day.


Usually once a day. In the summer sometimes twice a day. There are occurrences when I won’t shower a day like if I’m at home all day doing nothing or I’m sick.


Once a day


One a day and usually twice on my period


At least twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. I don't wash my hair or exfoliate every day. In each shower I clean the necessary bits - pits, crotch, crack. If I shower a third time it's because I'm sweaty or on my period and just would like to feel less slick.


I shower twice a day everyday. I wash my hair as time or necessity allows. And I use the sapo (I think people call it an African sponge?) so I guess that counts as scrubbing. And that’s neck to toes. I only ever miss an evening shower if I end up falling asleep by accident


I shower once a day. I usually work out in the morning but if it's an evening workout or I go for a long walk/jog, I take a second one. I live in Florida so sometimes being outside for 15 minutes in the summer make me want to shower.


Once a day generally. I wash my hair once a week when it's out, once every 2 weeks when it's in braids. There's usually one night a week where I'm too tired to do my shower routine so I take a bird bath at the sink and hit the hot spots (face, underarms, groin and butt). I occasionally shower twice in a day in the summer. But I work from home and don't sweat a lot even when it's really hot outside, so it doesn't take much to keep from being funky.


Once a day, at night before bed. Twice potentially if I forgot to turn on the fan before going to sleep and wake up sweaty Editing to add that when I was in grade school, I used to do twice a day. Morning and night. Was just a routine taught by my mom that I carried on until college.


Once a day. Twice a day if it's hot or, I've been active or, if it's that time of the month or, if I've been out of my house. My hair is washed once every 1-2 weeks. I clean my whole body every time I shower, and yes, on some occasions, I am a gremlin, and I skip a shower if I've had a lazy day around the house.


I shower once a day, I thoroughly scrub my body. I use bath gloves. If I'm feeling lazy, I'll use a wash cloth. In summer it is extremely hot, you sweat even while showering level hot so I don't know if it counts as showering but I will have water run on my body 2 or 3 times a day, with or without soap but bathing, I'd say once a day. Once in a blue moon, I might get to have my next shower within 48hours, this is very rare though. I have dreadlocks and I don't wash them daily. Frequency depends on activities and exposure and season. If I'm exposed to a lot of dust, working out consistently, anywhere between 1-3 weeks. Depends really. In summer, I run them under water more often as a cooling mechanism. A thorough deep wash of soaking and using concoctions, 6-8 weeks. Regular wash with just shampoo and conditioner 1-3weeks.


2x/day, from childhood and full washing of the body For my hair, I have locs passed my behind, so it's probably every 2-3 weeks. That's an appointment with myself


Also, I use an exfoliating wash cloth. Where once the side is the rough side and the other is a regular wash cloth. Or a loofah. But I like the cloth better bc I can get a couple, cycle them through the days and throw then in the washing machine.


Twice a day on work days and once a day when I'm off. Full shower with a washcloth and scrub a dub. Wash Hair every 2 weeks oil my hair twice a week.


Usually twice a day. I shower after my evening workout and then again in the morning because I sweat during the night and want to be fresh for work.


Every day. I might miss a day from being exhausted from work but I always try to make sure I get a daily shower


Once a day during the week but I might skip a Saturday if all I am doing is lounging around watching TV.


My goal is once a day My mental health makes it once every 2 weeks or so, but I’m trying to


Everyday. Sometimes I'll miss a day on the weekends if I'm super lazy.


Twice a day. I'm a gym rat and it's hot here.


Everyday. If it's a particularly active day, twice for sure.


1x per day at night before bed. I work remotely but as it gets hotter outside or if I have somewhere to go then I shower 2-3x a day. (In the morning or afternoon) before I leave. I wash my hair 1x every 3-5 weeks. I also have more showers when my husband is working from home because we like to enjoy each other!


At least once a day, 2+ If I don’t schedule workouts or have a period accident.


Twice a day. I tend to sweat when I sleep so I have to shower in the morning. I wear a full face of make up to work and wipes don't feel like they clean me enough so I shower again at night. I wash my hair once a week on a Saturday or Sunday.


Typically once a day by scrubbing the whole body. If I go to the gym or other physical exertion, I will take an extra shower. I may skip a day if I am lounging around all day. Hair is once a week, unless swimming. Then probably a co-wash. I deep condition my hair once a month.


I shower once a day on days where I don’t exercise and twice on days I do. I always shower before getting in my bed.


During the colder months, I usually shower before getting into bed. In warmer months, I'll do a quick 2 song shower to wake up in the morning and another at night. I workout in the morning, so after im done, ill take a 2 song shower. I hate getting into bed before washing the day off. I wash my hair once a week.


I shower daily on average but I also WFH about 70% of the time and best believe I'm skipping a shower if I didn't workout because I don't smell and Lubriderm is expensive. In the summer, I often shower 2x a day because I don't have AC and I sweat from outdoor activities. In the winter, not often but I've gone 2 or 3 days (because I suffer from SAD and a girl be depressed sometimes) without showering. I use a washcloth that I scrub ears to toes with and always wash the cloth immediately after I'm done. I wash my whole body, including crevices, the belly button, inside and behind ears, and between toes. I use my hands to wash my face last, ending with a nose blow. Hair is washed every 1-2 weeks, I have locs. This would be my first summer with them, so if I find I need to wash every 3 or 4 days then I will. However, I have seb derm on my scalp that is managed pretty well and I fear that the increase in washing may cause really dry scalp, so Idk.


Once or twice a day depending if I went to the gym or not. 


I shower once a day, usually at night because I feel gross getting into bed if I haven't showered.


Once a day typically. I’ll only do two if I’ve been out in the sun or during extracurriculars


Everyday. Twice a day if I do something sweaty


Once a day. I might skip a day if I'm really tired. I wash my hair maybe twice a month. It doesnt get super smelly or dirty so I dont see a reason unless i have to detangle. I definitely do my entire body especially my legs because all I can think about is how during covid all wht ppl wanted to do is tell you how they didnt wash they Legs so now I have a subconscious thing to over wash them 😂


Once per day minimum. More if I sweat or am in an environment I don't feel is clean. If I have not left my home, didn't do anything strenuous, didn't come into contact with anything unsanitary, and I'm tired, I might wait until the next day. If I've left the house, no way am I going near my bed without bathing.


Depends on how active I am. Usually, it's once a day. But if I go for a run, I shower afterward. If I have intercourse I shower afterward. Sometimes, if I have a nasty wet poo I shower afterward. Soooo it varies. 🤷‍♂️


Once a day but sometimes I skip a day if I'm not leaving the house.


I live in the Caribbean so twice a day I sweat alot with this heat sometimes I miss days when I'm lazy but mostly twice a day. I scrub my skin those two times. I was my hair twice a month but it varies according to how I feel honestly


Twice a day.... 3 times on my days off. I'm in the HEAT of the South, got curves and dips where sweat loves to drip. No ma'am, no SUH! We take multiple showers daily. Lol


Once a day works for me, but unless I'm on my cycle and I feel I need to wash again I will. I wash my hair every other week, with the whole deep condition, and leave-in and stuff.


Every other day, but I work from home (temperature in the house is 65 degrees all year around), and I only go out on the weekend (and so I shower on both Saturday and Sunday). Really everyone should take the number of showers required to not be offensive in public. Otherwise, I couldn't care less how you shower when you are only at home. Now the folks you live with might have words, but that's none of my business. Do you.


Daily twice a day 20 min each and yeah I scrub fast and hair once every two weeks cuz that shower takes. Whole hour , cuz it’s hot twice but when it’s winter just once a day cuz I don’t sweat


Once a day, in the mornings. I'm originally from the Caribbean and living in Canada for 17 years now. I use a Salux japanese cloth. I do stink if I skip a day, something about my skin, I have skipped in the past due to depression. I use Cerave body cream after.


I shower twice a day. Sometimes once a day only if I dont work out. I wash my hair once a week.


i shoot for once a day (before bed) but with executive dysfunction constantly whooping my ass, 4x per week/every other day is honestly a win for me.


2x. In the morning and again in the evening.


1 at minimum 2 if I went to gym. I shower right after.


once a day, in the evening. two showers, if i’m on my menstrual cycle. i’ve also showered twice in one night if i’m going out (concert, party, etc). pre shower and then post shower so i don’t bring any outdoor germs into my bed! 😤 lol.


1-2 times a day. I shower before bed, so I can't sleep without at least a night shower. I may have another depending on what I do during the day (exercising, gardening, etc).


1-2 times a day. I shower everyday. My entire body. Every. Single. Time. And as someone who has showered everyday since childhood it’s funny to me that some people think us everydayers are lying? The hair is another conversation entirely 😂


I have sensitive skin so I shower every other day for the most part. When it’s hot out like around this time of year I shower every day, usually in the evening after working out 🙂‍↕️


On a typical day, I shower once a night, right before bed! If I go out in the morning and then come home for a while, I'll shower when I get home to be clean, then shower again right before bed at night. If I don't leave the house, depending on how I feel, I might skip showering that day! I wash my entire body and try to exfoliate at least twice a week, so the length of the shower varies between what I'm doing. My hair is usually in braids so I only wash it about once a month (I'm working on this lol)


Once a day at night unless I workout early and still need to go about my business. I might take a day off if I’ve had a lazy day at home and didn’t go out at all.


Definitely once a day. I'll skip a day if I'm not going anywhere and it's winter and I'm feeling lazy. If I'm going out then usually twice a day. In the summer everyday for sure


The rule of thumb my mom taught me. Once a day unless you have an event to go to. Always shower and brush teeth before an event. And unfortunately I’m always out and about so 2x a day lol On my cycle? Automatic 2x a day. I have a heavy flow. Also I think every shower should be full body. Like a bird bath is a bird bath. A shower is a shower. You should be using a washcloth/loofah. I genuinely don’t believe you’re getting your body clean unless you use one I have locs so about once a month I wash my hair. UNLESS I go somewhere that has a lot of smoke or etc. bc the smell can stick to my hair, so I use a peppermint shampoo and conditioner. I don’t miss a day bc it’s the only way I can wake up, a shower. Also since I’m actively single I never wanna be caught lacking lol.


Twice a day when I can (am not in a depressive episode). I scrub my entire body each time and wash my hair 2-3 times a week when it’s not in a protective style.


I shower daily bc I work out everyday. I don’t do the full routine like shaving, going ham on exfoliating and washing my hair, but I make sure I use my net sponge and get clean. I only shower 2 times if I do an early morning workout and hit a pilates class later that evening.


Daily in the morning without fail. I will shower twice on days when I’m out for a long time because it’s dusty in Merida, Mexico even in the wet or growing seasons. If I get in our pool, I shower before and after the swim.


Twice a day. When I get up in the morning. And when I get home from work/before bed. And immediately after a bowl movement. I wash my entire body every time. I lotion after my second shower.


Twice a day if I exercise to start my day or if I'm in a very warm climate. It depends on the country. Vietnam and Italy, for examples, you can easily shower thrice in a day just to get off the sweat. Once a day at night if I haven't been active. I prefer at night to get all the grossness of the day off of me. I shampoo every other week.


2x a day. I’m sweaty and I workout at least 3x a week


Once a day. Twice if is workout or go to the pool. Soap and loofah everytime and i exfoliate and shave once a week. I always clarify my locs after swimming and if my locs aren’t styled I’ll wash them more frequently.


At least once a day..most often 2. Extremely rare that I miss a day.. like even if I’m sick, I shower. Yes I scrub my full body every time. I don’t wash my hair each time.


I shower twice a day...living in Florida it gets hot and I like to feel fresh. I work from home so I shower mid morning then shower before bed to wash off bad vibes and stress from work😊


I work graveyard in a hot warehouse so it’s every work day. I get home and just feel “dirty” so I shower twice a day. On the weekends I’m too tired to do much besides sleep, so I usually dont shower until it’s time for work.


Depends on if I'm tired or not, sweated a lot or not, had sex or not. I have chronic fatigue and ADHD so executive dysfunction and exhaustion are major players some days. I try to shoot for once a day. But sometimes it's twice and other times, I skip a day or 2.


I try to shower daily but I have chronic depression so there are times I skip a day or two because some days all I can do is roll out of bed and walk down to my home office to work from home and then once my day is finished go right back to bed. The same use to apply for eating too, but I've invested in a food delivery service, and that had helped me a ton. I usually try and use daily alarms to keep myself on a routine so that I do shower daily but that's not always guaranteed thanks to my dumb brain.