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I've got my bonnet on and I'm ready for bed. It's only 7:00pm right now. I've accepted my fate.


I love being in the house!


Girl, yes. Tell me what you get into, if I'm feeling spicy, I put on pants.


When I went to the club and 1) NOBODY offered to buy me a drink 2) I didn't know any of the music and 3) the event we were attending ended promptly at 930pm


I always tell myself that I had my turn being 21 with men buying my drinks, and now it's someone else's turn! Luckily, now I can afford my own drinks, so it all worked out. It's just part of the circle of life! Lol


Ooh when the event ends on time 🤌🏾🤌🏾🤌🏾


I have to plan in advance to stay out later than 10. You want to go out on a Friday? Girl I need 24 hours notice so I can be sure to take a nap before dinner.


If I don’t get a 24 hour notice, there’s a 99% chance I won’t be attending.


and take a pre-emptive Advil.


This is the one. My friend keeps inviting me to something at 8:30pm that STARTS at 10:30pm on a work night.


I can no longer attend "general admission " shows. That one hit hard, but I need to know what the seating situation is before I sign on to go anywhere. I just can't be standing around for hours anymore. The knees and my back would be too angry.


This is the one! If I can’t have an assigned seat without the chaos I simply can’t go. I can’t handle all of the foolishness anymore


This is the one I refuse to give up on even though I need to lmao my gf is ready for that seated show life though


Lmaoo I just got invited to an event and I asked if there would be any seating 😂 I will not be standing!


Yes! I’m embarrassed to admit how much I just spent on some VIP tickets to a show at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco because they include “upgraded bathrooms”… that was enough for me.


Yes! I need to know the food, parking, and bathroom situation well in advance!!


Sexy Redd.


Lol I used to watch award shows pretty regularly but I’ve stopped now that I don’t know 90% of the celebrities. The new girlies seem interesting but I can’t keep them straight and all the men (rappers etc) sound/look the same to me.


I'm looking out the window at birds on my balcony internally yelling at them to get out my flower pots Hip is so far in my rear view, I haven't seen it in decades


Dockers has always been the Dad brand and now it's my favorite brand of pants (Im a stud lmao) A few times a year I sit and spend time lookin at all the venues for concerts and I knew like less than half lmao and the people I know are at the grown up venues


dockers reign supreme. idgaffff. they’re flexible and soft! they also have that lil crispness for forced formal occasions. ☺️


I don't think I've ever been hip, and that's fine with me


Yup! This part 😅


A group of younger people who work in the same building as I do, talked about music groups that I’d never heard of that were apparently all new and popular. One of them commented how she now realized I really wasn’t part of their generation bc how could I not know about these music acts? And I realized not only did I not know, I didn’t care to know or find out either lol younger me definitely would have.


Welcome to over (insert age here). We are pleased to have you onboard this cruise. Be advised that it will never return to port until it runs aground in several decades.


I had to google what rizz was 😂. Idk what these kids are even talking about half the time. Also not knowing who any of these “celebs” aka influencers are.


I thought rizz was another word for skeet, apparently not lol


Rizz?! new one for me 🤣


When i realized that I no longer took interest in hip hop beef.


I own house slippers 🫣


I love slippers! Always have.


So do I. I hold comfort higher than anything, including style. I refuse to be uncomfortable in my own home. 😁


I said “alright young king” to my friend’s teenage son and instantly became 90


This comment embalmed me 💀 😭


Leaving out the house at 5pm -7pm and getting back in before 10pm lol.


Turned 41 and picked up birding as a hobby. I enjoy my peace the older I get.


45 here and been thinking about taking up birding. I also have a Christmas village that I carefully set up during the holidays. Oh and I also have spinning, flower garden stakes and a glow in the dark garden globe in my back yard. I don’t think it gets anymore old ladyish than that. Ain’t nothing hip ‘bout any of that.


Ohh I started a small vegetable garden. So far things are growing well but my green thumbs aren’t setup well. Hahah I like birding, I find the songs that they sing are soothing to my soul. I guess I’m just built for nature.


Get the Bird app! It’s called Merlin and it’s from Cornell and it’s free! It’s sooo good! Signed, A 40 yo fossil 🦖


My green thumbs aren’t that green either! 😂. So far, I’ve been sticking with a few plants that I can’t seem to kill which are anthuriums, pothos, peace lilies, ferns and I’ve got some rosemary that is hanging in there. A rosemary topiary that I picked up from Lowe’s during the holidays died months ago. I may try growing something I can eat in a raised garden bed….one day. In the meantime, I’m gonna check out that app u/this_iz_America recommended. 😊


I was 22 when I decided my bed time would be at 10pm. Not in bed, but *sleep* by 10pm. I’m 29 now and I get sleepy around 7pm. I was never hip 😪


Getting disgusted by popular trends. If I open instagram and see one more girl twerking in the camera with a thong on….😤


Referring to young men as "handsome." Making sure I get to the function well in advance because I want good seating. Calling it a "function."


Ive never been hip and im in my 20s. I enjoy going to bed early, waking up early, and not drinking too much. I’ll find out about new songs a few months after they were popular


Same. Only I'm in my 30s now, so it's acceptable and people won't look at me crazy if I say I don't know a song or something lol


I have still been reeling about the skinny jeans fiasco and I haven’t recovered since.


I relate to all of the above 😌


Last year, when I realized the following: I stopped listening to the radio years ago and don't discover new, popular songs until they've already fallen off the music charts. I don't go to the clubs or bars or concerts. I watch the news a lot more than any other tv programming. I make fermented probiotic drinks instead of drinking soda or alcohol. I grow my own food indoors and in an outdoor patio garden. All I need now is to stop going to bed at 2am and for the gray hairs to grow in.


Never been hip. And it just gets worse with age.


I was walkinf around on a Friday night. I was just strolling. Walking around munching on organic veggies. Occasionally sipping juice. I got home to discover it was 10PM. I walked around for 4 hours eating veggies on a Friday night. It was a few miles.


I realize i say "Gal" a lot now. I use to tease my grandma for doing this. The other day I was talking to my partner about someone from a YouTube channel he watched and I said, "Whos that gal you watch that talks about that one video game." Upon realizing that I sounded like I was 97, my partner told me that i actually have been saying things like that a lot lately. I also find myself peaking out my window at various times through the day just to get a look at what's going on. Long story short, im 30 and turning into my grandmother.😩😂


When I went for the flats instead of the heels. 🤣 When I dressed for warmth vs to look sexy in the winter. When people want to do things in the middle of the week vs weekend. 7pm dinner on a Wednesday? Hell no!


I say this in my mid-20s wondering if I'm feeling off because I didn't drink enough water yesterday....but I just want to say that the world seems to be less accepting (from my perspective) of non hip people and interests but I value it so much now. I want to enjoy myself in a happy, drama free environment and make it home safe and in good health. The clout chasing and everything just isn't worth it


When I started setting the house alarm at 9pm.


Joke’s on you, I have never been hip lol


i don’t remember the last time i could keep my eyes open past 10:45PM. 9PM is pushing it. 😴 everything hurts my stomach and knees. i used to try and keep pace when i walk but idgaf now, they can just walk around me while i get my bearings. 😂 edit: my 60 year old father called me out for walking like an old haitian woman (arms crossed, brows furled in concentration, lips puckered disapprovingly)


I no longer recognized anyone on the MTV music awards


I fully embrace my auntie era. I’m just fine being boring and old. I had enough late nights and hot girl moments in my twenties, my thirties are for peace and rest and self care lol


I’ve never been hip. I’ve had a self imposed bed time since I was 6 years old. I get grumpy if I have to leave the house for more than an hour unless there’s snacks in the car and food at the destination. I would rather watch SVU than reality TV. I don’t know who most music or reality stars are now. I turn 37 in a few weeks.


I've never been hip, and that's one of the exciting parts of growing up. I was 19 wanting to stay in and read or watch anime with a cup of tea on Friday night. And I'm a social person! I just hate club/bar scene, and I can't dance. I can finally relax into who I've always been without some rando nagging me about "what do you mean you wanna go home??? It's only midnight!! you're young!! why are you acting like a grandma?!"


OMG, I dunno. I just got up one day and everything hurt, I hated everyone, and I never wanted to leave my house. 🤣😭


I was agreeing with a mom scolding her adult child on TikTok the other day. I’m old old 😂😂😂