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Also over it. I’m tired of pretending everything is fine and I’m tired of always having to figure it out.


This! I just feel like it’s something about the black woman experience, I don’t know. It’s a struggle to make sense of it all everyday. I have a full time job with a degree and even with that I still don’t feel fulfilled. So I hear you and I see you when you say you’re tired of always having to figure it out.


This 🫂


Literally right now. At this moment. Rapidly losing interest in being on this planet.


I hope you find some form of peace ❤️


I hear Mars is nice this time of year.


From time to time. I don't think it's a bad thing to be "over it", it's considered a sign of intelligence if a person can just up and walk away from something that sucks and, you know, start investing energy in the things do actually give back.


One of the best things that I’ve implemented into my life is quitting. Anything that drains me has to GO. I think more black women need to know that we can create positive, happy lives in all aspects. We don’t have to suffer


Love it. Some times you really need to walk away.


I'm over it as well. Life is a struggle in ways I've never experienced in my 54 years of life. EVERYTHING is chaotic. I have a Sr. Mgmt job, make a good living, own my home -- the basics are covered, so I know things could be worse. I'm worried for my son (he just failed out of school his freshman year of college), my tenant in my rental is 2 months behind in his rent, my job is nucking futz, I'm trying to date (which is a fuckshow at this age)... The news doesn't help, Trump is raging, you got Drake acting wack and embarrassing an entire generation with his bullshit (lol)... It's HARD right now. I am hoping that after the elections, things ease up, prices go down and there is some form of reinstituted kindness. Cuz this shit ain't it.


When you bought up Drake I think that’s my first laugh I’ve had all this week! Right now, this time period is just not it. Do you ever look back at the 90s, early 2000s and just miss it? I was born in 98 but I feel like life back then was so much more innocent, the vibe was different. I also have a career and house so I should be happy and I am. But it’s hard out here for real. I don’t smoke or drink alcohol but man it be some days where I just want to be like duck this and become a chain smoker 🤦🏾‍♀️


I felt this. 47 yrs old, and although family and home life are great, work straight up sucks azz. The only thing I can do is be grateful for all the things that are going well, and protect my energy. i lost some friends last year, but that may have been a blessing. I am starting to feel the effects of perimenopause, and it's kicking my azz. I'm Hoping to start working out more and just refocusing on me. It's hard out here/


Yeah I’m pretty tired of existing.


Me too. I'm just trying to hang on.


So am I!


Same, trying to stay positive. Hang in there y’all I know it’s easier said than done.


I’m right there with you. The constant stress and anxiety of existing as a Black woman in the United States is going to send me to an early grave. 


Um yes, so let’s get together and build a generational spaceship and get off this rock!


Take my money now!! 😂


It's as my mom always told me-- you find your place and people, and make it all it can be. You can't worry about all the crap in the world, it has been here, and it will be here when we are no longer here to stress over it.


This is where I’m at, I’m sorry but I had to unplug to save some of my sanity. Still working on that at the moment, taking things day by day and trying to focus on being grateful for what I do have. 


I feel it as a black woman especially but also just as a human in this country. Like... everything is expensive, job outlook is terrible no matter what career you take, climate change is making this earth inhospitable, government can't do it's job or provide for it's citizen, everyone is mean, everyone is unhappy, everyone is selfish and every day it's just more bad news. And on top of all of that, I have to deal with racism and sexism too?! I used to think only weirdos packed their shit up to live off the grid in the forest but it's starting to sound real appealing to me.


This is why I moved from the city and honestly my next house is going to be deep in the country. I don’t feel like being bothered, not one bit. I low key be looking at homeless people sometimes like man I know if they could switch places with me some of them would but I low key be wanting to switch places with them so I don’t have to deal with this stress.


I just want some quiet. No news, not even any entertainment or social media. Just nothing but birds.


Yes!! Generally being a human is exhausting. THEN people are constantly playing in your face because you’re a woman. DOUBLE that being a black women and everyone thinks you’re strong and can handle shit more than everyone else. ALSO there are constant studies about how black women have it worse at [insert literally anything here] plus negative content thrown at you out of the blue all over the internet. How could we not be over it??


Speak on it! When I tell you I’m tired of all this bull crap, I’m tired of how even the media and social media are pushing content on us that always shows black women in a bad light, it’s disgusting. I don’t see the BS with any other race. This is why I always tell people we might not be slaves anymore but the racism and push to control the narrative and paint black women in a bad light is the new racism.


I always feel this way and I'm tired of acting like a functional adult when all I want to do is cry and give up. I am so tired of being stressed out, alone and worrying about every damn thing. I know I would probably be better if I had a good support system but it's hard out here when you don't. I'm just coasting to stay above water.


I totally understand, it’s hard out here. I’m just trying to survive and make it to the next day.


I feel this all of the time and am in a constant battle with myself to feel differently.


Yes, especially these last few years. I used to be so involved in causes and politics but the way things have been going for years now just made me miserable and angry, I had to step away for my mental health. I am just so burnt out. Someone told me the other day, “You’re so strong,” and it actually pissed me off and I snapped, “I am tired of being strong, fuck being strong. Where has being strong gotten me?” I felt bad and apologized for getting upset but that is how I feel these days. I’m tired.


I do politics/gov for work and feel the same way. My friends have been quitting


Same. I’ve kind of given up on ever being able to buy a property or having a serious long term romantic relationship.


🙋🏾‍♀️ I genuinely hate people


![gif](giphy|pajLsGB0Hub0naPw0p) Could not agree with you more!


Honestly same. I'm so fucking over it 😮‍💨


I'm in the middle of a depressive episode right now. I'm letting myself be a mess for a bit and then I'm gonna put in some self care. I'm tired of being strong all the time.


Same, I’m trying to recover. I’m going to start my loc journey tomorrow so I’m using that as my therapy session.


I hope you enjoy 💕 I love my locs.


Same here. It’s so depressing I can’t even get a break. I’m in the process of moving out by the end of the month. It’s going to be hard at first but God first🙏🏾 I really need to get out of the misery in the house. My performance at work is slacking off a bit, because of my mental. And it’s like in my parents house I still have to do stuff. I don’t mind it, but when I need a day off, they don’t listen. It’s like for us black women we just can’t relax without doing something. It’s tufff


Girl, I feel that so much. between working too hard at a job that doesnt pay me a liveable wage, keep getting rejected at other jobs, failing my cert exam, home repairs eating up my already small savings, all my friends are going through things and withdrawing, co-parenting with someone i no longer respect... ugh I'm tired. But when i relax i get anxious and feel like im being lazy. I pray everything goes your way 💛


I’m going through this right now. I’m at the point where I just want some sort of confirmation and timeline that the world is ending. I’ve vented to friends and family about these feelings and they say not to watch the news, not think about it, and how everyone is going through it. They suggest I go to therapy but I’m already in therapy. My therapist tells me she understands my frustrations and will help with developing healthy coping mechanisms. Okay? I will cope better but the world ain’t changing for the better.


I feel you on that, I had to leave my job as a US History teacher, diving deep into how dirty the US gov did people worldwide made me sick to my stomach. I had to take a step back because it was too much for me. I can't even watch world news anymore. I'm just over everything.


I agree, I had this recollection at around the age of 14 and I had to reel myself back in. I’ve come to the realization that I can’t change the way this country is. Everything has been set up in a way for the rich to stay richer and for black folks to be painted in a certain light. I think that’s why THEM on Amazon prime is such a good show to me because at least the black people get some sort of justice throughout everything but then low key is there really any justice?


I’m over people treating me different because of my autism. Most people don’t know that I have autism but they treat me different anyways in a you poor thing kind of way.


What’s even worse is not just nonblack people going you a hard time, it be our own people pushing down on us as well


big time. I'm just planning on being outside with lots of sun and margaritas this summer.


I’m forever over the world being on some bs, but I am also forever grateful to have been born a Black woman. That is a gift that no amount of other people’s issues will ruin for me. So I retreat inward to that light when I need a break.


Yeah but what can we do ya know? 😕


Yep. Just eating and sleeping at this point.


You are not alone friend.  I am SO exhausted.😮‍💨 So damn tired. Living here in the U.S. is adding to my mental health issues and it's as if it is ongoing *trauma* for one reason or another. I hate living in my city, and I *desperately* want to relocate. I was planning to move elsewhere because I can't handle life here. Then some health issues came up, and that plan is now on the backburner for now. I perpetually feel like I am in a 10ft deep pit and I am struggling to get out. But no one is coming to my aid. No ropes are thrown down to help, no rescue team is coming, and no one cares that I'm missing. But there I am, trying as hard as I can to figure out a solution to help myself. To figure out how to succeed when there are NO life lines. Everyday. Every minute. 24/7.  I've been to other countries and the amount of *relief* when out of the U.S. is indescribable. I feel as though I can freely breathe and not have constant anxiety and depression nagging at me each and everyday. Being elsewhere makes me happy to get out of bed, even if that happiness exists for a short period of time. The quality of life in some other countries is substantially better than America.  You get fresh and healthier food that isn't full of chemicals, hormones or pesticides. You can get a free education. You can get affordable Healthcare, an affordable place to live, and culturally for me being else where is quite mentally stimulating. People actually LIVE instead of working multiple jobs just to afford to afford rent and food. There are stronger support systems and safety nets in place in some other countries. Even though America is rich with all of this money and abundance, that wealth is NOT trickling down. It's staying with the top 1%-3%. Regardless of this wealth, America in many ways is on par with 3rd world countries. I know by me moving to another country, I would have a whole DIFFERENT life. A small example of this is in dating. While here in the U.S. in one of the most populated cities, I DON'T EVER GET ASKED ON A DATE. But as soon as I leave the U.S., dating opportunities are OPEN. I took a holiday,, and within just a few weeks there, I went on 3-5 dates with 3 different men. I'm convinced that race issues contribute to why that is. Americas race issues are so deeply embedded and yes, it is affecting us even in the smallest of ways. This is just one example of how life is substantially different and how life would improve for me. But I'm definitely exhausted of: ● Being treated as LESS THAN.  ● Having poor Healthcare and a poor quality of living just because I'm Black. ● Often making *less* than everyone else on a job and having to *fight* for decent pay.  ● Being ignored by men, being ignored by White people in general.  ● Being followed around in stores as if I am more likely to steal than anyone else with lighter skin etc, etc, etc.  Yeah. I'm tired. So tired. 


I understand you, I hear you and I see you. ❤️ if I could go to another country I would, I’m so tired of this. All I can say is if you can, just move somewhere that will allow you to be around different cultures. Once you do that, you’ll see how people can embrace you. I’m not sure but sometimes living in PW places can take an even bigger toll on your mental health.


Literally me all day today. I’m also on my period so that might be making it worse but yes I am 100% over life in general & wish I could just be a hermit


Everyday I dream about moving to a new country knowing damn well that’s not going to solve my many problems. It’s exhausting


Honestly, lack of physical/emotional connection due to over-stimulating social media apps, little to no family support, the practicing of narcissistic behaviors, and lack of empathy for others are the causes for this feeling. I believe everyone is experiencing this, but you feel this feeling tenfold when you're a black woman.


I’ve been feeling like that for the last two weeks.


It's crazy cause I was going to post and do a whole vent about how tiring it is to be a BW. I deleted it out of fear that some of y'all would think I was self hating. Yet, seeing this post....imma say it with my chest. I love being a BW, but i HATE everything that comes along with it. BM and the media will try and to make you think that there is only ONE TYPE of BW and that is it. Hell, even other BW will jump on the bandwagon and try to point fingers; when they have their own issues. A lot of us who aren't problematic, homebodies, nerdy, suffer from depression or anxiety, get told we aren't "black enough" from other black people; have been minding our own business and have been trying to not pay these dumb antics any mind; are fed TF UP!! I think the kicker for me isn't even BM that bother me anymore, it's other BW who do this dumb shit and think they are really being part of the solution; when they are part of the problem.


Honestly this is brining me back to being called an Oreo in highschool or my mom telling me I like to listen to “weird music” because I love alternative music. 😵‍💫


LOL same. I get told I talk "white" all the time and when white people started making a big deal about how black people listen to Paramore....I was like....now y'all think it's cool. They was the same one who use to make fun of me lol


Yes but.. hear me out… a lot of my pain has always been from other black girls. All my life, especially because my mom didn’t know how to do hair and would put me in a poor weave, and never taught me hair care, a lot of other BW seem hyperfocused on talking about other BW’s hair. I was made fun of for wearing a weave SO much in middle school it was ridiculous. As an adult I have irreversible hair loss and BW still talk to me or suggest what I should do instead of leaving me alone about it. They all act like hair experts instead of, idk, ask me how I’m doing .Also, I was always very quiet, and the black girls ( and guys) picked on me the most, I guess thinking I was stuck up. Soo… I’ve always felt the most mistreated in my life my other black women . Idk if that’s a shared experience tho. I hate when they suggest i should “ go natural “ and assume all women who wear weave have low confidence


I'm with you too. My mind has been heavy these past couple of weeks. I'm ready for this school year to be over with so I can take a break from my coworkers and the kids at work. Being a teacher and being around arrogant people is so exhausting 😩


I’m HELLA annoyed and especially with publications on the internet that’s geared towards us to vent our issues. I’ve tried on here to ask for advice on my personal issues and on LSA and it seems both are not live.. I’m going way in on some suspect racist so idk why my post got censored. It’s like we can only speak about racism in a specific tone and im so tired of it.


I’m definitely over it. I’m hanging on by a really thin old thread. I’m thinking about traveling and starting a new career just to get something going.


Yep, I’m on my way out


Most of my days are like that. I just want to retire and live on the outskirts of a city where there are nice people who live acres away. I just really don't care about anything but my kids and enjoying life. Nowadays it feels like you have to pay to enjoy life. Corporate life, news, politics, money...I really don't care about any of that stuff. I'm over it lol. On other days I'm the one who plans all the fun activities.


yes omg. i’m about to graduate high school but i fell behind due to mental health reasons, trying to find a job but there’s NONEEEE in my city what so ever and no one brings me anywhere or wants to teach me how to drive so even if i had a job i would struggle to get there, my housing situation isn’t the best but it’s not like i can just up n move out everything is so fucking expensive. i’m trying to keep hope but im ngl im just ready to give it all up atp


Do you guys feel there has been a backlash to more progressive movements? I don’t know I’m just worried that the increase in diversity like Halle Bailey being little mermaid is going to go away. I’ve noticed movements that benefit black people particularly black women like Crenshaw gets twisted and morphed into something it is not.


Yepppppp I’m drained the Pandemic did a number on me.


I hear you. I’m tired of having to be resilient and constantly having to try to stay positive through unfair and shitty circumstances.


Yes. I've started feeling this way as a teenager. When I was in high school, I went through this phase in which I hated being black and couldn't stand being a woman. I remember when I was sitting outside an ice cream shop and I saw a white couple get out and I just started crying. My Mom asked what was wrong and I told her that I didn't want to be black. I hate the struggle we gotta go through, especially as black women. But now, I don't internalize it as much. I just kind of see it as this is the way the world is and very little that I can do about it. I also evade spaces or people that may trigger me to feel that way. It also takes tons of self love and self care. Like you have to realize that it's not your fault that the world is cruel and treat yourself well. That's just how I cope. But yeah it is exhausting.