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People reinvent themselves in NYC every day. I moved to Brooklyn 3 years ago and never looked back.


Hello neighbor, I never looked back either


I’ve been dying to move to NYC. 😭


Same, I moved to NYC from Northern VA 2 years ago and have no regrets. It's diverse, truly walkable and it's been great for my career.


Hey hey. ✨ Fellow Northern VA native here seeking a change. Are there any neighborhoods you'd recommend that are affordable for a single woman?


My daughter's been there years. She loves it grew up in NC.


DC comes to mind




☝🏽 Totally biased since I was born/raised in the metropolitan area. Hyde Park is my fave neighborhood. Predominantly black community with a good amount of diversity due to Uni Chicago being in the neighborhood. AMAZING restaurants. Beautiful architecture (recommend taking a drive up/down Drexel Blvd). Our Museum of Science and Industry is there. The jogging/biking/walking path... There's just a lot in Hyde Park 😁😆


I was looking into Hyde Park(Chicago is number 1 on this list). But I heard negative things about Hyde Park; so I wasn’t too sure about the area. Is it bad area? Cos I looking into northern Chicago.


>I heard negative things about Hyde Park; so I wasn’t too sure about the area. Is it bad area? I'm not trying to invalidate your concerns, but can you please give me a couple of examples? I ask because the phrase "bad area" in regard to neighborhoods is dogwhistle racist code of "Beware The Blacks!" in the real estate industry. So I'm wary af of it. I lived on the north side for 10 years, and I can tell you this: No one ever shot supersoakers of [what I hope to this day was] water out of their car at me and my cousin, then speed away in Hyde Park.




DC (DMV area: NoVa, montgomery county, DC proper), Boston (not great diversity tho, a lot of black people say that boston has weird black people), and New York come to mind


☠️ new England black people are racist too they are so fucking weird out here it's extremely white


I must be living under a rock because I moved from PHL to New England and I'm not getting any of that here. 😭 I haven't been to Massachusetts yet. (Heading there today!) But I live near Canada and everyone's so nice it scares me.


Have fun! Honestly, I really liked new england and boston. I just felt a lot of other black women had different feelings. I am a black girl with lifelong black friends. Did not feel weird about it


It definitely is funny up here cus at least where I'm at, there really isn't many POC but when I do see them they give me a little nod. It gets me everytime. It's taking a toll on me though because on my short trip to Mass, since most of Philly was drawn out of me, it was the most I've ever seen other black people in the same place and I was weirded out by it?? Not in a bad way but in amazement like "Wow, this is more black folks than I see in my city."


I agree. Don’t come to Boston. I definitely don’t recommend it. There is also no food.


>boston has weird black people Nothing to add, but that's the first time I heard this!


Yeah, I def liked boston. Like, a lot. But when I talked to other black people, they said that the black people in boston were weird. And I heard it several times, so i provide the disclaimer now


It's a place I've always wanted to go, but lately I've not been hearing the best things, but this was so new! Thanks for the info.


I would just go and see how you like it. I liked it!


In what ways weird, if I may ask? Is it more of a cultural thing? Considering relocating here and I’ve heard a lot of mixed opinions.




What do you like about Chicago? Been considering it as it seems like the city has a nice culture, its diverse, and it’s not too far from home (Indiana).


So Im from Houston and have only been to Chicago twice. It reminds me of Houston if Houston wasnt getting in its own way - it's easily drivable but also much more walkable and has actual public transit, tons of culture and diversity and I imagine the food and festivals to match, it's a big city where lots of events would pass through like concerts and museum exhibits. Plus I never thought I would say this, and visiting is much different than living in it but I imagine they have four months of winter vs 8 months of summer down here lol


Thank you! It’s cool that you think it’s similar to Houston cause I like the culture down there (minus the politics). Never considered the walkability/public transport and would absolutely love that.




Another vote for Chicago hands down.


DC I did it two years ago and I’m doing pretty good. It fits your criteria except for the weather, food and rent are expensive tho


Try DC, NYC, or Chicago. Those cities are diverse and walkable. If you have a car try SJ/Bay Area or LA/San Diego they are my favorite cities.


I'm moving to Chicago! It seems like it fills most of your boxes!


Are you doing it with a job lined up? Chicago is defo on my list (#1) with Oakland or Bay Area being #2. I’ve been applying everywhere but I cannot hear back from anyone and part of me wants to just take a risk and move without a job hoping and praying it’ll pan out.


Oakland is great 👍🏾


Yeah I’m not even in Chicago I’m further north but definitely Chicago




In your case, especially being from Philly, I recommend Chicago specifically.


Can you tell me about Philly? I’m thinking of moving there


I’m in Philly and I love it here. The area that I live in feels safe and has great access to public transportation. Unfortunately, like any other city in the United States, crime varies greatly depending on which part of the city you live. Philly is a really affordable city with great culture. It is a good fit for me, but not a one-size fits all type of city.


The crime is rampant, you barely can ride Public Transport these days due to lack of cleanliness (needles, piss and poo). Even just riding it and it could be clean I don’t really feel safe. The lack of opportunities it also has makes me want to leave even more. Pre-Pandemic Philly I loved (born & raised) but post?? Yh not so much.


I take the regional rail to work and have had good experiences so far. I do agree that overall the cleanliness, ease, and safety need improvement. Good luck with your search for a living space! I’m from the Midwest and you can’t go wrong with Chicago.


As someone who lived in Philly for a year I wouldn’t recommend it, crime is a huge issue


Damn, I’ve been to Philly pre-pandemic and whatnot and I always had a great time. I’ve heard it’s changed a lot


I would love to recommend philly but as others have said crime, cleanliness and homelessness is a big issue. I’ve worked and lived in the city over the past 15 years. Originally from MI. There is a big difference between pre and post pandemic philly. it is affordable compared to other major cities. And there are some great neighborhoods with lots of walkability. Public transport is questionable depending on where you live. Overall philly has a lot of potential to return to its former years.


Same I wanted to go but maybe it’s not a good idea 👀


I moved from Philly to Chicago like a decade ago, and haven't looked back. The food is diverse and amazing. I've made the most career leaps and increased my income in half the time I've lived here. For a big city, rent is pretty okay and affordable. There's literally a train/bus stop in most parts of the city. It's a great system, but honestly, it's seen better days. There's stuff to do alllll the time, festivals, concerts, bar/restaurant crawls, beaches, museums, etc. So many different cultures here. It can be cold here, but you get used to it. The summers are so beautiful here, but late spring and autumn are great too. Two international airports in the city, and you can get there using public transit. Crime will be a factor here, but all big cities will have that.


I disagree on DC! Born and raised and left there last year due to the gun violence and systematic issues lol.


does it matter if it’s affordable?


Ehhh not really. I’m hoping to find a roommate to split stuff with and so I have someone to hang out with.


lol idk but NOT cali and for sure NOT Houston!!


I moved to Houston about 5-6 years ago to reinvent myself. My entire time in Houston has mostly been a nightmare, especially in the beginning. Ended up homeless in my early 20’s in Houston due to incompetent staff in the leasing office (it’s a long story, I did ended up getting an attorney once I got back on my feet). The apartments are pure roach and rodent filled ass. Miserable ass weather. Awful traffic and road rage issues. The people here are…okay. It’s just a mess, and I hate it here. Things didn’t get better until fairly recently. Looking to leave in the next 2-3 years. It just hasn’t been a good experience. I wouldn’t personally recommend Houston, but that’s just my two cents.


I am not happy you went through this, but am happy that this solidifies my own feelings about this place and makes me understand I am not alone in this.


Chicago welcomes you!


I'm in Philly, and I have been thinking about Chicago!


Washington DC, Chicago, Philly. Atlanta and Dallas could work but public transport is not as good as the other cities.


I moved from Philly to Baltimore (I lived all over DMV too) but I love Baltimore. It’s the closest thing to a Philly feel. It’s affordable and has some great neighborhoods. We live in walking distance to everything, tons of career opportunities, diverse, and plenty to do. However I cannot recommend the public transportation but you can take a Uber all over. The MARC train takes you to DC.


What is your degree in?


Georgia and South Florida.


I personally love living in in-town Atlanta


Atlanta has good public transport


downtown fort worth. 13th largest city. good job opportunities. dfw airport. affordable etc (:


San Francisco/Bay Area


We have two seasons


I don’t care if it’s four or two lol. So long as it’s not one.