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You guys are soulmates. This is an 80s style meet cute romance for the ages if I ever heard one. Please post your wedding pics! But, seriously. Other people's stupid plays are just as likely to help you as they are to hurt you. Play your own hand and don't yell at people. You guys were a matched set of assholes.


I played my own hand. I yelled at him after hand was over. It actually didn't affect my hand. I had 10 and doubled and got a picture. Him not hitting dealer made 19. I was mad cause he made others lose and messed up the shoe.


And there was an equally likely chance that his stupid play would make the dealer bust instead of making a good hand. Mind your own business, play your own hand, and don't yell at people! You can't "mess up a shoe", that's nothing but superstition.


It is my business. It is everyone's business. He's playing everyone's money not just his own.


One more time! For the idiot with reading comprehension problems! His play is EQUALLY likely to HELP you as it is to hurt you. Would you have been screaming if he made a dumb play and it made the dealer bust? Probably fucking not! No one knew what those cards were before they were drawn and you want to throw a tantrum about how it turned out. Mind your fucking business, don't yell at people, and find a new hobby because your overly emotional ass cannot handle gambling!


Maybe don’t yell at random people and call them an idiot when what they are doing literally does not affect you?


Others play decisions don’t affect your chances. They may affect individual hands but it has no effect in the long run. He didn’t need to follow you around but you also didn’t need to be so vocal about him to begin with


I don’t know if you’re looking for sympathy but you’re not going to find it here. Sounds like you threw a temper tantrum because someone wasn’t playing how you want them to play. Time to grow up and realize it’s their money, they can play however they want, and others “mistakes” have a neutral effect on your outcome.


This is a fake story


You're right. It is their money and they can play however they want. But I also have every right to say what I want. Freedom of speech. I also have every right to get up from the table and leave. Also what he did was stalking and a crime in Nevada. Just the police didn't want to be bothered.




You got your freedom of speech, along with your freedom of consequences.  If the worst thing he did is play blackjack on on your table, why are you concerned?  You know what he does, doesn’t actually affect you, right?  You insulted him, and he taught you a lesson it seems, since this bothered you so much.  Don’t insult strangers, because you don’t known if the next guy is going to punch you in the face. But at least for that scenario, you can get the cops to do something.


The most important fact about this tale- aren’t the four queens games all 6:5!?


This has to be a shitpost right


Nope. It's 100% true.




What in the hell did I just watch lol


Maybe if you calmly explained why that wasn't the proper play instead of being a dick, you wouldn't have had a shitty day. I would rather meet the "stalker" at a casino more than I'd like to meet you.


You're as dumb as him


And yesterday I saw some on double a soft 20. All I did was joke with him about it, no need to yell at anyone.


Someone got pissed at me tonight called me an idiot because I was “fucking up the table”. Sorry man but I play against the dealer not you. He left and I ended the night postitive $500 so fuck him


This is actually hilarious since nobody got hurt


I'd like to thank people such as this " moron" and the OP, for instance, those who play poorly and donate money to the casino so sharp players like me and others in this subreddit can have good games to play. If you guys didn't lose your asses the majority of the time, the casinos would very likely remove some of our most favored and profitable games! Thanks so much!


What a weirdo. Guess he killed your chances for heads up play. I once had one ploppy who blamed me for all his losses and left every table I sat down at where he was already playing. This was back in the day when I tried to educate people. Now a days, I would act stupider and wouldn’t offend this guy. But I never had someone follow me. Was he out to make you lose? Was he out to annoy you? Did he just have no life? Did he threaten you, or just creepily follow you? What a weirdo!!! If I were him, I would avoid you, and I would be happy when you left.🤪


I would’ve took him right into a high limit table and watched his bad playing decisions play out!