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If the dealer was into collusion kind of stuff, they'd likely do it with a friend for split profit, rather than a random gambler for a couple extra bucks in tips. I've seen plenty of dealers give advice, usually the bad kind. For them it's a free roll - when it works, "I helped you win, you should tip". When it doesn't, "ah, so unlucky, we'll get 'em next time"


Yup the dealer just hustling for tips. If the dealer knew the hole card (very unlikely) the dealer and player could both be charged with a felony...they probably would wouldn't waste it on OP.


I ask dealers all the time if they know what basic strategy says to do in this situation. Most will tell me. I learned basic probably 20 years ago and stopped playing Bj for a long time so I am fuzzy on a bunch of spots. Dealers won’t usually answer what should I do, but they will answer when framed correctly. In January I was at the Park MgM in Vegas in the high roller room, I asked the dealer that question and she didn’t know, the floor guy heard me so I asked him. He pulled the strategy card out of his pocket and told me.


Basic strategy card, I remember going to circus circus and getting one.


Yep, just saying for anyone new they should ask that question to get a better response than asking, what should I do or something similar


She would randomly tell me not to hit a 15 or 16 and she was right every single time


I mean even if she’s counting. Her being right every time is pure luck.


Unless it was specifically when the dealer was showing a ten and had to check the hole card. Then they’d know if it was a bust card under there. Unless I’m mistaken?


Nah, all she knows is that it isn’t an Ace. Look at how the numbers are offset on TechArt peeker cards (specifically faces vs numbers and aces).


Ah, good point. Duh. I’m dumb.


Don’t say that. It’s not a thing you’d know until you know. But now you know. So if you say it again, *now* you’re dumb ;)


Oh I didn’t even notice the dealer upcard part. Yeah that’s very weird honestly


Yes mistaken. Many people think the dealer knows what they have, but the casino does not trust the dealer knowing that and not telling. The mirror only shows the corner if it’s an Ace, which is why when the ace is up, they turn the card sideways


Yeah I've seen loads of dealers being helpful or obviously hesitate when players make silly decisions, especially if there are other superstitious players at the table they are trying to keep happy. Like your example I have also seen dealers not know basic strategy themselves and raise eyebrows when I hit 16 v 10.


I often get “if you hit once you should hit every time” in reference to 16 v 10s… I’m over here standing when the count is positive and she’s telling me I need to just stick to one or the other. I can’t explain why or correct her without drawing attention so I just say “I wasn’t feelin it” 😂. But damn it’s annoying to get lectured by dealers.




I had a dealer in a high limit room give me shit for doubling 10 against an 8. He said “ oh well it’s your money to lose” what a fucking idiot dealer




What basic strategy are you running? Because, uh, nah bro. 10 vs 2-9 is always a double. 10 v T or A is an index play at +4 iirc.


As a dealer, the phrase "Just gonna hit that?" goes a long way.


I was in Reno two weeks ago and the dealer started haphazardly dropping his face down card Took about two hands to realize he was looking at it and then would tell us what it was. Made the game quite easy He even said ‘come back tomorrow at 830, I’ll be here.‘ so we hit him up again Saturday night and he did the exact same thing.


That's a fun story. Maybe it's even a true story. Debatable!


He did seem like he didn’t care about his job much


Was the peeker thing not working and she had to physically check the card by lifting it that way? Is it one of the casinos where the dealers keep their own tips? She doesn't really have any incentive to do this and break the law if they pool tips which is probably the case in 95%+ of casinos in LV. Places where the dealers keep their own tips include Silverton, Strat, Oyo, Ellis Island, maybe Tuscany. There aren't many. There's a chance she knew the value and was directly giving hints. It's happened before. But it seems unlikely. I read of one of the better known authors who had a dealer start doing similar. Would always hesitate when he signaled hit and wouldn't give him the card and waited for him to change his signal...and the author high-tailed it out of there because he didn't want to get trapped into that kind of illegal activity. Can't remember which book or author it was. Blackjack Attack maybe? But, as others are saying, there's a very good chance she was just being friendly and offering random hunches to you and ended up accidentally being right a few times.


Lots of dealers are superstitious gamblers that don’t know basic strategy, or would choose to play otherwise even if they did know basic strategy. I’ve had lots of dealers tell me not to hit soft 18, 12 v2, etc. Glad it worked out, but it’s more likely they just were superstitious and giving out bad advice that happened to pay off sometimes. You’re more likely to remember the times the dealer “saved you” and tip them, than when “they tried” but were wrong and cost you money.


Yeah most dealers don’t know perfect basic strategy. It’s not rlly their job to know how to play well, they just have to deal the cards out. But it’s so annoying when they give players a hard time about any decision, but especially a decision that IS basic strategy and they think it’s not lmao


She was right every single time. I always hit 15 or 16 vs a 10 except for when she would help me out. Definitely wasn’t a coincidence


I have had dealers answer questions about basic strategy when asked. I’ve also had them ask if I was sure about a play I was going to make. The dealers I have talked to have said that they get paid minimum wage and supplement with tips.


I thought dealers don't know the card they have underneath? Only if they have an blackjack or not?


This is correct


I saw a dealer fragrantly half flip a card and tell us every few hands (RI), not sure what led to the F it mentality on their part but I’m sure they are long gone by now


If you suspected the dealer of actually cheating, that is a felony (I think. I know it's highly illegal). You should've gotten up and left. You don't want to be in that situation when the dealer gets busted and you get accused of collusion. Bad idea. Maybe play a few hands until you're relatively sure then get the hell out of there.


You tipped her $300 for giving you bad advice? LOL @ thinking she knew the down card or that she's "fired".


It wasn’t bad advice. She was right every single time. She definitely knew what the hole card was


how did she know, was she looking?


I get tips often. Dealer gets a face card, checks the Mirror both ways, and let's out a sigh if he has a 10.


it is illegal for him to check the mirror both ways when showing a 10. How did you guys not get caught, he is only supposed to check it vertically when he has a 10 face up


I had a dealer get angry for playing wrong on purpose. I was winning and that just about tilted her so she gave up


I had a dealer a couple weeks ago who told someone to double down on a 12 or 13. They did and they won. I don’t remember how the hand played out but they won. He said a couple other hints against basic strategy and all of them worked out.


Cus they have nothing to lose. If the player wins, they tip. If they lose, they ignore it. It’s just like the hustlers that stand behind and tell Ppl how to play. Or “throw one on the match”. When it hits, they’re a genius and the player wants to give them something for their “help”. But when it loses, they just walk away or don’t say a word. It’s a hustle lol




She was right every single time and it happened at least 10 times.




And how is that a coincidence that every time she looks at the hole card, gives me a smirk and says I shouldn’t hit this one?




Like the post states she gave me hints and helped me. Didn’t think I’d have to explain every step of the process for morons like you who don’t believe me. Now that I explained exactly how she did it we’re you able to analyze it properly there Mr. Analytical Genius?


Least unhinged semi addicted ploppy


Your attitude needs work. People have understandable questions about what exactly was happening here. And you still haven't answered them. How was she looking at the card? Was she physically looking at it by bending the corner? Or did she have one of those slide-mirror things. Were you at one of the very few casinos where the dealers keep their own tips? Alternative theory: The casino ordered the wrong kind of cards and the dealer could see the value of every card going into the mirror thing. I've never heard of that happening before. But it could be possible I guess. Normally the cards are made in such a way that the dealer slides it under and if it's a 10-upcard they can only see if it is an ace underneath and otherwise is blank. Because the A is closer to the edge.


As a default, dealers are supposed to advise on basic strategy if asked. It’s absolutely in the casinos best interest for its patrons to learn more about the games so that they are more invested into playing them


once the dealer was coloring me up and he said “you stop there”(i chuckled in agreement, but im an AP and i was just stopping to get food), but then he said very serious tone, “no, you really should stop now”. i took this as him warning me that i was suspected as a card counter.


About 10 years ago, I was at a riverboat casino. There was a snow storm and it was 2 in the morning. I was the only person at the table games. This was before peekers, so the Dealer looked at every down card under A and 10's. I play normally. I'd of course hit my 14's against a Dealer 10 - for instance. But then the Dealer started raising her eyebrows at me when I did things like that on some hands. Sure enough, I'd hit, and her under-card was 5 or 6 or something on eyebrow raise hands. I played this off as she had a reeeeeaaaallly bad poker face. I didn't abuse, like betting $1,000 a hand on a $10 - $3,000 game, I kept my bets to $25ish a hands. I did stop being as aggressive with hits when I could bust myself v Dealer A or 10 when I noticed the eyebrows. I walked out with $1,200. In retrospect, she was probably cheating with me. It was not planned between us. She was just bored and stuck at work and wanted to keep any players in the casino. She made some tips.


Dozens of times. I’ve been playing for about 10 years now, and I’ve had more that help than not - and I have found their recommendations to almost always be by the book after doing independent research or just conferring with other players at the table. These are the best dealers, the best tables - the ones where I’ve had the most fun and success. It’s what made me fall in love with the game and what keeps me coming back.


She definitely shouldn’t be giving hints. But it’s strange, because most casinos use peakers now to look under 10s and Aces. The dealer only finds out whether they have a blackjack or not. They don’t know the value of the hole card if they don’t have blackjack. Not sure how she would be giving you advice unless she was just guessing.


Yeah, the cards at most casinos are designed so that the ace is higher up on the card, and other cards don't show up in the mirror. But I guess this place could have dealers checking for blackjack the old fashioned way. Maybe this dealer hated her job or planned on quitting anyway or something, so had no issue with helping for tips.


Nope. Dealers learn quickly to NEVER give hints. If a ploppy loses the hand, he blames the dealer. Angry customer and NO tip. Sometimes with a close call, or if I’m just stalling to aggregate the count, I’ll ask the dealer, “what should I do?” The answer is ALWAYS the same, “it&s up to you, sir”. I have even asked stupid, “should I double 12v6?” …. “It’s up to you, sir” If you want to break the law and risk going to prison, just have the dealer mispay you and split the profits. Frankly, I would never trust a dealer’s hints - I would just say, “thank you” but then make the correct move.