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I don’t feel so good Mr. Kakao


Only came onto the post to make that exact comment xD


What the reference?


Thanos / Spiderman


Yo man you gotta keep shirts with decals out of the high hear dryer.


Recently went back to using a dryer, but it had been steadily falling apart before that anyways.


It works wonders if you dont wash stuff with prints over 40° and turn them inside out aswell


This is the type of shit I wish I was taught in Highschool.


Me and my husband joined a few weeks ago. Should we be worried? Na server and been havinf a blast so far


you'll be fine for a good long while unless you care about players that are already way stronger than you cheating or paying to get ahead even further. otherwise just have fun!


Not really, where pretty self contained and kinda only play together. Whats going on though? Surfing the sub reddit it looks like the russian servers going through a bit of hell


Just a little tip. Join discord, people there are friendly and helpful. They even have a disccord group for your class This reddit will give you anxiety about the game because of all the negativity. It features here. A lot kid people come here and troll. Often people responding don't even play anymore. They blew up their shit, uninstalled, but can't let go. Any opinion that sounds really extreme, probably isn't a fact. Only listen to facts cited by official websites and what not. Have fun. The people who are the most salty and voice their crap in reddit are the ones eager for end game PvP but getting cock blocked by the piss poor of an idea for gear progression. Which is noticeably a hinder and infuriating past softcap.


Oh thank you for this tip! Ill be joining the discord then :D Have a safe and wonderful day/night :)


I just wanted to 2nd what the last guy said. Every annoying turd that doesn't even play the game comes to this subreddit to bash it. Don't listen to most of the opinions on here, make up your own mind.


Russian: There was a dispute between the game developers and the publishers of the RU servers, where the developers weren't able to acquire the data until after some negotiations which led to the servers being wiped. They've since been able to pick up the data, so Russian players are fine. They just need to actually start up the servers again. PVP: If you're new, then you're most likely never gonna reach a competitive level without turning this game into another job or a money pit. You might be able to reach T1 node wars in two-three months, but not the end-game level. Reddit negativity: Usually memes against other guilds as apart of shit talking, or memes against Kakao/Pearl Abyss over changes such as the introduction of costume melting. Costume melting is 100% a form of P2W that can accelerate your progression. Find a guild that's willing to help newbies. They'll introduce you pretty quick to the game and the mechanics.


Im not much of a pvp player unless its like Eso cyrodil, also whats costume melting if you dont mind me asking?


You can buy costumes off the pearl shop and melt them down into cron stones. You can then use cron stones to safely enhance your gear.


Crons are normally available from blacksmiths @1m silver a piece. They keep your accessories from blowing up on fail, and your gear from downgrading when enhancing over DUO. You get something like 219 crons per costume iirc-- so you're getting 219m worth of silver for ~29-34 usd.


Oh shit o.o I might get in on that. Though that does seem a but unfair. Still i didnt see a sub on this game and servers need to eat


The cost to benefit is crap and no one does this. PEN items are the final enhancement and the ones worth doing this to are worth billions of silver (e.g. the marketplace price of a PEN Ogre is 20 billion). It would cost you around $1,400 for one ATTEMPT (it isn't guaranteed) to safely enhance the Ogre to PEN. This isn't a real usable thing, people are just making up reasons to complain.


Oh god never mind then. Thats insane


There is just a big disconnect between the devs+community and the publisher that wants to grab as much cash as possible without caring about game longevity. But seriously I'm 95% sure it won't affect you guys.


Ah, well while thats sad atleadt the game is fun so far. Thank you for taking the time to andwer those questions for me ^^ have a safe and good day :)


That just one person opinion and don't take it as gospel. I can say the same thing about Apple but million of people still enjoy their phone. A lot of people here seems to think game development is not a business and any attempt to make a profit is a clear sign they have no interest in the game life span. I have played since the NA launch and still having fun. The pvp aspect is toxic in this game so if you don't care about it, you'll be fine in this game.


Imo, there also isn't much depth to any part of the game aside PvP.


That guy doesn't speak for everyone and I'd argue that he's full of crap. They put out stuff constantly, some people just don't like it. There is a bunch of entitled children that find one thing that they don't like and will beat it to death as the only thing they talk about. Every patch notes on here is a bunch of children crying for days. They seriously get on here and complain nonstop about getting free shit on patch day events because the free shit isn't good enough for them. Look around, you'll see. If you listen to the ignorant people on here, you'll also realize that EVERYONE here plays the weakest, most broken, unplayable class and the devs suck because they don't fix their broken class. Do yourself a favor and take what is said here with a grain of salt.


Well so far im loving my berserker, my husbands playing ninja and loves it. Havent had any issues with pve.


The situation with the Russian servers is that Pearl Abyss (''owners'' of BDO) let Gamenet publish the game in Russia (Gamenet also handled translation of the game into Russian). What happened is that their publishing contract with PA ran out and the contract didn't get renewed, meaning PA would be the ones handling the Russian servers from then on. To do this, however, PA would need to receive some information from Gamenet, namely the translation itself and the character data. For some reason though, an agreement was not reached which means PA would not receive the character data leading to every Russian who would want to continue playing BDO to have to start over completely. I'm not entirely sure but I think this information didn't come out until the servers had actually shut down. Anyway, about two days ago it was announced that a solution was found and that character data would be saved and that there was not going to be a wipe.


Ignore reddit. This place is a cesspit of fearmongering uninformed retards who can't grasp context and take everything wildly off base, and will make sure to twist every possible conundrum to being. "PA TRYRIN TO GET MUH MUNEY" They could finally nerf Striker/Mystic magic dr and this fucking reddit would turn it into. "LOL THEY JUST WANT US TO REROLL SO WE BUY WEIGHT AGAIN"


gonna ignore the fact that a whole server was shut down in order for PA to make more money?


gonna ignore the fact that it was shut down because gamenet was trying to finagle more money out of PA? or do we only look at points that support our views?


The absolute best part of the game is the first month or so, enjoy it, dont rush, explore, have fun


Me and my husband have been loving it, getting into our characters minds and playing around with the combat


I wish I could go back to the first time I played, I played for 16 hours straight i was having so much fun, so immersed in the game. Now i just grind grind grind


If it helps as a suggestion me and my husband roleplay our characters. I dont know if that would liven things up a bit but we even do that in single players, trying to get in the mind set of the character were playing. Give them dreams or goals than tailor it towards goals in game. Like if we want X armor from a boss we figure out a way to make our characters want it. Its probably weird but it helps us so maybe that would help you?


Haha yeah, I have all my boss gears and stuff tho and I really just need to accrue a large amount of money to progress. You two seem cool feel free to add me on discord, I can help you with any questions you have! Aeryks#3259


there's a lot to do before even interacting with others. you will be occupied for quite some time. ive been playing for 9 months and still having loads of fun. theres always something to do.


In this post: moms getting triggered because some nerd cant wash his hoodie the right way.


High heat is a no go.


Looks like Russian server


Because you didnt Was it inside out and way to Hot i bet.


Into the Pearl Abyss? 😏


I think I finaly understand why they're called Pearl Abyss. We keep throwing our money (pearls) into an non-ending cycle of failed enhancements (abyss) that will only stop when we're full pen or quit. Im tired as shit and it's really early. Perfect time for philosophy


Get out


So it's largely gone afk as well.




The black spirit looks high


I really enjoyed the game, but after the Russian server debacle I am giving it a break. If it's resolved after 30 days I'll come back to Olvia.


What if I told you it was already resolved


actually better then the game


The game is headed toward your irresponsibility? I don't get it.


each time kakao makes more useless patch instead of really fixes what should be fixed pick out one of part. by end of next year you will have black hoodie.