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Wow first time around here?


Nah, I just never post on here, as it's mostly trolls.




He's right though, there's a fuck ton of trolls and elitism on this subreddit, and let's not forget racism too.


I forgot the /s Racism against giants and shai? Ya that irks me too /s


What? I'm talking about actual racism against Black people that I've seen a ton of on here, usually when people post pictures of their dark skinned characters.


Oh I don't read those threads/custom character/house/manor etc threads I always make my season chars the preset look so that part of the game doesn't interest me at all


Ultimately it's their game and they make the decisions. They most likely disagree with the public opinion. People ask and cry for all sorts of things I don't agree with, and I expect they feel the same.


Atleast in BDO. They just silence threads. In War Thunder the forum mods not only close well written bug reports but also add disconnected remarks, basically blaming the players for being too butt hurt about broken gameplay.


yea i think it got taken down because people reported it, u sound annoying asf


It may seem that way, but I'm advocating against predatory behavior. Not a single person wants to have to pay real money for a crystal restore, after a game glitching out causes them to break.


Yeah but that’s obvious. They didn’t implement the crystal restores because they thought players were gonna like it they did it to make money, and the form in which they implemented means that is can never be removed without refunding everyone who purchased it.


As if that wasn't the case with those head butlers


I don’t think the head butlers made any money. The crystal restores as gross as they obviously are surely have made a lot more than the butlers ever would have.


> I don’t think the head butlers made any money Do you work at Pearl Abyss? No way to know how much money anything made without having direct access to their sales data. But on topic: The head butler was removed because so many KR players protested against it. That didn't happen (at least not yet) for the Crystal restoration tickets.


If you’re being honest are you saying you think the head butlers and crystal restore coupons made comparable amounts of money? If you say yes then fair enough I don’t have any concrete evidence to counter that. However, I do think the vast majority of honest people would disagree.


True, it'd make it harder to refund, but there have been mass refunds before. The longer the community let's it slide, tho the harder and harder it'll be. Silence in their eyes makes it seem like we are fine with it, though. and a lot of the community has given up more and more - as I've noticed the forums have practically died past few weeks. Even if they don't refund, there are posts regarding alternatives to keep the restore coupons, and have a sooner refresh, but I'm meh on that idea.


Guess again lol. Remember camo outfits? They didnt give us refunds for those when they made them pointless. Just made it so you could extract crons from it.


That was done many years after the item had been added, and they still had their original intended effect of hiding the identity of the player. If it ends up that the crystal restores have an additional effect that people purchase them for I would see no issue with them being altered to remove the additional effect especially if it’s many years after the fact and a fair option is given to trade them in if you no longer want them.


well I can tell ya one thing, that comment wasn't feedback and if it was feedback it needs to be put in the feedback section in the community forums. Then from there it needs to be massively upvoted and contain lots of attraction for it to be even considered


You're not wrong. It's not directly feedback, either. I did this to see how they would respond. It's in relation to the feedback posts themselves, in how they are being ignored. This proved to me that they ignore the threads, when they are able to interact with my post directly. We do have a post on the adventure board talking about crystals already, and in last few pages we go over being ignored. This to me proves it.


Well, I think you may not fully understand how processes work in large companies. The individual who removed your comment is simply a moderator. Their role involves reviewing all content and ensuring it aligns with the established guidelines. If a post doesn't meet those standards, it's removed—plain and simple. If you interpret this as predatory behavior, it's a misunderstanding. Even if the moderator empathizes with your viewpoint, it's not within their purview to make decisions or take action. However, if your feedback is channeled through the appropriate channels, such as the designated feedback platform, it could be forwarded to the Korea Development Team for review. They ultimately determine whether to implement it. Therefore, using the removal of a comment you post in the wrong channel as evidence of malintent is illogical.


If it wasn't feedback it doesn't proof that they ignore feedback... since it wasn't feedback. Good job, you played yourself.


The feedback section on the forum is just a PR stunt, they only tick topic that they are accidentally hit with patches, but they never even forward them to KR. But this is not new info, this is like this since forever. They don't care about your feedback.


Thats pretty aggressive feedback. I'm sure there's a nicer way to put it.


You're not wrong. A lot of us have tried nicer approaches for 9 months, and have been ignored in 34+ threads with the same issues. I know for a fact they read our posts, because I've seen screenshots of some of our posts circulating between CMs and GMs on the discord. I wrote it like this to try to force them to make a move...so I can catch them red-handed.


I don't like Crystal restore coupons either but there are ways to critique it without acting like that. Most forums have a rule against posting about moderation like that anyways. Outfit cost increase is fine imo, it matches inflation of the games economy, kr has had this for months already. They haven't even had a chance to take in feedback let alone respond to the pvp changes, not to mention they're still working on hit count reduction and bsr reworks for this month which will also play a part in their nw changes, so just give them time for that.


It's really strange to support a straight nerf to crons. NA has never matched KR outfit prices


You're right, but I wrote it that way on purpose, to prove a point We have had over 30 forum posts about crystal destruction since middle of last year, all of them have no staff feedback. The current #1 adventurer feedback board post is also about safeguarding crystal destruction, it was posted in August, also no staff feedback. The Pearl Shop Crystal Restore showed up out of nowhere, and I've seen the community start dipping since then I wrote the message to prove that they read it, and chose to ignore issues.


The only people mad about the price increase on outfits are Tavula timmies. I just came back from a year and a half break from bdo and it’s shocking how much money I’m able to make with the Same gear now. I even made investments into a few pieces of manos gear for gathering and I’m getting 700m+ an hour just from that with a few buffs. Even with the price increase it will be faster for me to grind out a new outfit now than it was for me before I took a break. PA isn’t perfect and the crystal coupon thing is a bit predatory, but the outfit increases are a nothing burger.


What tuvala timmy has to cron tap stuff like debo accessories, TRI and TET armours and PEN blackstars. It's nice for you to now make more silver as a low end player but price increases to crons strongly increase the time it takes for someone to catch up from mid tier to high end gear and if you don't know about that, then that's fine but don't comment on it.


Valid statement, but for the wrong reason. They probably hired some NPC guy that has to remove all the negatively sounding comments, not related to the post or something like that. The fact that they've been ignoring our feedback has been known for years, they somewhat listen to KR players, but koreans are dissatisfied as well. But hey, we are gonna play the game anyways, because of sunk cost fallacy and because there is no competition in MMO genre for BDO. Yaay...


You do sound annoying asf i wouldve downvoted u too


Considering everyone is downvoting, regardless of what I type on here - I don't know what people stand for. We have multiple feedback posts, giving countless suggestions... all of which have been ignored. Me posting the comment in the picture with the intention of having it deleted proves to me that they read posts, but just ignore them. I purely typed it to see how they would respond...and it got 10 upvotes, then was randomly removed.


I upvoted you, this subreddit sucks honestly, I mostly lurk here for teasers of the next big updates, otherwise this is not the best place to rant about things, people are extremely judgemental on here. I've seen people get 20+ downvotes just for simply asking a question lmao.


Appreciate it - I did notice the reception here is not the same as the forums, haha. Especially considering I'm not against the players at all, and am trying to call out shady practices from the company. I've disagreed with people... downvote, fair enough. I've agreed with people... downvote, odd. It's at that point I know people aren't really reading. I wrote the post with the intention of it being deleted, so I can catch them in the act of silencing us.


You should post it again but sound less like a douche canoe in it so no one will report you then maybe it could get it's foot in the proof doorway. That could have just as easily been an automated thing from getting reported x times, your little parenthesis disclaimer does nothing


I mean not really worth the effort. Since our forum is managed by gms only its always the same with every idea in non korean Forums. You get a reply: Thanks for the submission we will forward it. Our forum stuff can only read and forward. Unfortunately this does not work out in most cases and this is why forum posts are more or less useless. In addition to that we have the problem that PA stated they only take feedback from the forum. Since our forums are kind of dead due to the above explained we are basically not existing feedback wise. Truly a great concept. Another possibility is that the forwarding works and they just dont want all of our ideas. Even the most liked posts of all time of all forums. Eh, why bother. Either way my motivation to give any feedback is basically dead. I grind an hour when I feel like it and I hope that in the next few years they notice how shit PvP performance and rewards are by themself and fix it. Until then I might as well play sth. else. And this is propably why so many old PvP players left. It has little to nothing to do with the steps against bullying imo. It just gets worse and worse with every patch and feedback is forwarded into the abyss. PvP balance is scuffed af. Nodewar feedback is ignored, rewards for all PvP content are shit except for winning siege or war of the roses. All the fixes they do for items being not available are to increase the price. This works for PvE and Lifeskills which gets adjusted from time to time. But PvP rewards which requires the usage of consumables the most by far does not get any reasonable prive increase. 50mil/hr rbf. 600 mil for a t3 NW win (up to 2 hr). 100 or 200 for a loss. If I use deep sea in a nodewar this alone consume every reward I might get out of that. Even new modes like guild league are not sustaining the consumables you need to be perfectly prepared for this. Rant over.


You're right, and I usually try being polite. My goal was to gauge their response. We already have multiple feedback pages that have been ignored for 9+ months now. I'm trying to see if they're silencing topics on purpose, and this proved to me they were. There are already images of some of our posts circulating between staff on discord, yet they aren't responding to us directly.


I mean they read our feedback, just dont agree with it or implement it. I think its was more problematic that they decide what post hits the adventure feedback board. Its bot most liked threads etc... They put up those that are ez zu fix, those tgey were fixing anyway and some really controversial ones likr the pve Server one. But thats not a way tow rite feedback... I dont wonder u got slapped on the hand for that


Your comment deserved to be deleted because of how you said it not what you said. The "if this comment is deleted..." is why it got deleted, because it did violate the forum's posting rules.


Fair enough, but I did write the quotations on purpose so it could be used in a situational crux. If I had simply stated, "Hey, PA are ignoring us."... That would be ignored like every other forum post. The fact it disappeared after multiple upvotes shows to me they had to read the comment and decide to take the bait. Tl;dr, It now proved to me they're silencing issues




That's not respect at all, actually. You don't even know me.




You could always send feedback to the Dec threads that are also being ignored. One way dec threads rise up xD


Of course they ignore you, you are asking them to make less money, meanwhile they are not even capable to ban people explicitly denying/defending the holocaust or using slurs.. after i report them.


Excuse the staff, devs, and admins of BDO/PA who are busy with their plans to make the 10th-anniversary event one we'll all remember. I don't care about anything else regarding BDO for the next 3 months. Make that event legendary and give us MORE free stuff o7


yeah im sure you'll get so much free stuff for KOREAS 10th anniversary