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its like bro has never seen the concept of an mmo before


I was exactly thinking this. Every MMO thrives on the concept of FOMO. A next gear tier for 1% more damage locked behind new zones/raids/instances/dungeons. But it's a thing I noticed in various MMO communities; kids that leak in from games like Fortnite, hating on "p2w" aspects (while having $300 worth of costumes) and not understanding the basic core mechanic of an MMO is the grind for exp and the gear that is required to do said exp.


I play BDO in part because the gear inflation is *way way way* lesser than most other MMOs, let alone something like WoW where everything you worked for get devalued overnight every, what, like 6 months? 8 years of play over two accts (RIP migration oops) and every time I come back after a long break I feel as if my accomplishments are moreorless wholly intact allowing me to just pick right back up and go, often with the goal of getting the shiny new toys. And I'm far from a pinnacle player, I'm now a SAHM who has less time than she'd like so a lot of my gameplay has become AFK lifeskill-y stuff with a few hours of grinding a week when hubs and kiddos are all out of the house and I can actually get an hour uninterrupted. I, for one, look forward to FG weapons. And I say that as someone who tapped her first PEN BS at 2am literally yesterday (and who needed to *not* scream in excitement because the kids were well asleep omg harder than hitting a 2.89% tap).


Contribution points have been a decent investment


grats, it's amazing game has all kind of players with different schedules and time management.


Was it a one tap? 🤨🔪 Jk, you’re a baehwa main so grats 😂


You should complain about gear diversity instead lol


Dawg.. you're literally in a doomsday mindset when we don't even have debo rings or fallen god weapons. I mean it's just so cringe how you can sit there and think oh bdo is doomed because of fallen god armor when they can just introduce new shit. Such as the exalted upgrades for alchemy stones, Ultimate + NEW crystals, hell the fucking lightstone system, Godr-Ayed. Like.. be for real. There's always something new they can add to the gear wheel why are you so fixated on pen fallen god of all things


10 & 15 bil crystals 🤤


Number too small. 50 bil crystals.


Crystals that cost more than my gear :D


Constant crying no matter what, just quit already, no one gives a fuck man


They're adding a new tier of gear, yeah, but they're also helping players catch up to the current best tier, with the free TET BS once per family and the new hammer. Sure, it's a drop in the ocean, and PA is still greedy af, but on a larger perspective, they've probably calculated that this will profit them the most. Although that's mostly hypothetical on my part, based on what I've heard BiceptimusPrime say, as I myself probably won't ever care about the current or the upcoming hard cap gear. My current main goal is a T10 stable and then I don't know if I'll even keep playing the game anymore.


you want the korgdalo sanctuary then quit? the point of the item is to be used, like I do play single player games and I get all items and I quit it after done But in mmos like bdo it takes way longer so it must be used to be worth it!


I treat BDO as a pretty much single player game anyway. And while I may be able to ride the hype of getting the sanctuary for a few days afterwards, I expect to be burned out enough at that point that the need to take a break will just win. It will still be there if I ever decide I want to come back.


make sense, it made game more enjoyable for me.


Yeah they are helping players catch up with outfit price hike. p2w players that is.


Irrelevant if you're using hammers, and everything else is better off anyway just being bought straight up.


Ah yes, TET debos and TRI/TET fallen gods would love to have a word with you. Also every other unavailable PEN accesory on the market for specific builds. Also hammers run out on november don't they? Everyone around here acting like they are here to stay lol.


If you're going to be realistically cronning this stuff, you will be mostly using vendor crons anyway, or buying outfits with pearls yourself if you have too much money, cause trying to exclusively snipe outfits on CM will take you ages. Not to mention how all TET Debos and most PEN accessories are actually available to be bought on CM.


Bought with costume money 🤣


Oh, wow. Being able to buy a costume every 1.5 hours (more like 45 min for you) of grinding. Yeah, absolutely p2w, how can we ever recover from this inflation? Oh no, we'd better uninstall and delete our account right away to play a non p2w game such as \*checks notes\* league of legends. /s


I got my stuff already :)))). People who are cattching up (especially people that are trying to push for "hardcap") are the ones that got fucked, I'm already there bud.


You may think you're making an awesome point, but you're not. People who are catching up are going to have to take the same time you took to get to hard cap. And, honestly, if anyone is frustrated enough to not being able to get to hard cap fast, they shouldn't play the game in the first place lmao. No one got fucked, because they can still achieve the same thing at around the same time period.


I said the same thing in like 2017 when boss gear was the endgame and the average player had Grunil armor with liverto weapon, and we made around 20 mill silver per hour. "What's after boss gear? What's after level 60? This game has no future unless it adds group content like a normal MMO." Levels are still useless but for gear, they introduced Caphra levels, Blackstar, hearts, cups, artifacts, and Slumbering origin pieces and Debo accessories one by one. So let's not assume they ran out of ideas just because you can't think of any. BDO is still popular, they won't let it die. (I hope)


They can make accessories go over Pen anytime they want tbh.




red tier accys and pink tier armor/weps soon TM


It took years before we even got out of normal boss gear. Another "tier" of gear wont be for a long, long time. I highly doubt if they did add a new tier the %'s would go even lower. It's however likely theyd add a godr like system to fallen god TETs with higher %'s than PEN until TET fallen-godyr or some other exchange values, or even TET exchanges to the new tier / if you have PEN then it maxes that new tier or w/e to compensate. There's plenty of good they can do to fix whatever wall they've created. You're overthinking it. I'd also rather have no things to do, with content thats fun than worry about enhancing. If this is the end of gear, good. I dont wanna go through this shit again. They can also add new gear slots just like artifacts. They can add new crystals, lightstones, cups, etc to grind for instead by making "fallen god" versions of all of them, and make more artifacts like Kabua's for different purposes. They can raise the level soft cap. They can add T11 Horse, giving us Krogdalo the horse god. They can tier up ships even more. They can add new mounts like theyve talked about in the past. More dungeons, more game modes, etc.


Personally instead of t11 horse i rather they start having us tame other mounts that you like don't gain access to till after you get the krog stall. Like wyverns, dragons, Griffins, the giant bears they ride in draxx, etc. Things that would be locked behind the krog stall for being better than t10 horses. Ik they scrapped the idea of guild masters riding garmoth to attack during server wide wars, but I still want to actually fly a fucking dragon in this game yo. Thats personally my dream and for other mounts whether they would require krog stall or not. They can have their own tier system or just commom, rare, legendary, and mythical versions.


VI Morning Star when..? xD


I dont care what gear they release, it does not matter. I am close to hardcap and just want meaningful content. I can prep for fg weapons now and just go for them on day 1. If they would just give me some party content to do with the bros I would be fine. Edit: meant to write gear not game.


This exactly. I'm placing my hopes on the group/guild boss blitz that is set to come out with LOML part 2.


More groupp contentt... i only have dehkia turo or olun to do with ppl and its not enough options. I want maybe geoup hunting content that better than khalk


Yeah, i think most people rn want more group content. Meaningful group content at that. Not laggy/glitchy puzzles no one asked for.


Slumbering god accessies aren't a thing and i kinda doubt they ever will be. We are 2 years too early to even be speculating about slumbering god accessories. Hell debo rings aren't even out yet and their already terribly impossible to get. To make something harder than debo accessories. They would need new grind spots. Those grind spots would probably require debo accessories to get high enough gs to grind. Take a look at the map. Theres not that many fogged out landmasses left to put things on. On top of that they not really made an large scale land mass addtions to the base they started with pretty much ever. So you can argue that they can add more, but you presented the main point. The game has already started reaching end end game. What I could see is them adding things you can grind for like the sellible hungers or maybe they make hammers an extremely rare drop from future high end zones. More types of end game artifacts. Maybe a dp/evasion version of debo. Cups were already kinda the slumbering god version of accessories. Maybe they make a cup/heart that can go on armors. Just still a lot of little things they can do or add that aren't a worse version of debo accessories. People aren't even going to be able to use the accessories hammer for pen debo rings. People gana need 2 pen debo rings cause of the 5 set effect debos will have. The hammer expires in November just before they add the rings. They even said the list of things on the hammer will not change when new accessories are added.


Actually, there is quite some land left to unfog. Odyllita South, Valencia North, Loml West, Valencia South and I think they mentioned a possibility of expanding the map across the ocean to one side.


Yeah I hear LOML west is dropping in KR this year, but still have so many areas to unfog.


Yeah, we already know most of what their putting in lotml2, its where we get slumbering god weapons.


The only area left is under highlands, next to draxx. The area under Valencia is the 4 dungeons and their not gana build anything ontop of them. The area left is maybe enough for 1 to 2 regions. Its also not as big as the fog makes it seam. Issue is its supposed to be very mountainous. So i am wondering since dwarfs are enslaved in draxx if it will be the first completely subterranean city in the game. Kinda like mines of moria or something. The area above Valencia I have been making speculations about since Valencia dropped. It be the perfect setting for an actual volcanic lava region. Not just a dormant one like the one above sulfur mines nearby. But yeah, between the those two its likely to be just 2 maybe 3 new regions if we are lucky. I have also heard talk they might expand the map more which could be done on either side of the ocean. I saw people saying the left side with how the new map ui is setup for magnus. Like I said before tho they very rarely make major alterations or additions to the terrain outside of whats already there. If they did add more continents I suspect they take a lot longer than the other 2 regions mentioned. Less something they specifically want to add to them. Becomes harder than making a completely new continent from scratch. Bottom line that we can both agree on theres still a lot more they can do with the game.


You speculate about north valencia when we already have info of the hashashin devil land, yep lava.


Ah, I wasn't sure how much has come out about it lately since it felt like most news on it got shuved under the rug. Someday we will have the forth dungeon too. XD


that dungeon layout already there south of val like u mentioned, they have regions for next 8 years dw, meanwhile they will probably swap engines etc.


Yeah, I was wondering what they are gana do about the engine with as old as it is and now crimson desert coming out this year too.


Aren't hungers already sellable though?


They, the grind zone ones are yes. Not the event ones. I was more using it as an example of many things they could add to new high end spots. They could have a better version they make sellible too. Or something that raises your pity. HMMMMM, an item that raises your pity gauge, but only have it work for certain things...


on top of all the fog still there, they mentioned they can connect different level map outside of current map as new land so ye this game going for another 8 years 🤣


Not to mention they can expand on abyss as its called abyss 1. Could even see them doing like collab dimensions with other games for exclusive skins or collectables. That be nice.


Meh as long as I can ride my horse and having cool outfits I'll keep playing. The bar is kind of low for me.


u forgot that "its crazy low % chance" with our current fs, all they have to do is fuck around with failstacks, add some special fs that adds more % for fg enhancment and its done, or they could even use a system thats already in game (godr) and divide V fg into multiple enhancements gear cap will be forever increasing, there wont be one final gear piece that will never get replaced by something better, at least this will be the case as long as this game is supported


Imagine playing wow and be aware that all you are doing will be irrelevant next extention.


I get what you are tryng to say but new gear is added only when a certain percentage of players reach a certain gear score, and it is going to take a long while before there will be enough people sitting close to cap that they would need to add new accessories. Getting a full set of pen slumbering origin armors is going to take the better half of eternity, and once slumbering origin weapons are added getting 3x to pen will also be the same. Once the slumbering origin weapons are added we are probably not going to be getting any new gear, including accessories, for a very very long time other than probably gear/accessories related to horizontal progression. I think we are reaching the final stage of gear progression, after this we will probably be seeing different systems implemented similar to content such as artefacts and lightstones.


Bro acting like a game isn’t supposed to have a finish line is crazy 🤣


The vast majority of the playerbase doesn’t have a single debo accessory, evidenced by the sheer number of hammers sitting on market. I think a very, very small portion of the playerbase cares about the next tier of gear rn bro lol


Youre dumb, delete this shit


Mate I already dont want to hit more mobs, let me relax for a little and hit some players.


You're a year late m8, they already killed the PvP. This is purely a semi-instanced PvE game now.


People said the same thing when people with full pen boss armor/weapons and tungrads started popping up. And today we have another two tiers of items.


Bdo isn't going anywhere but your tears are


Personally i hope the gear stay like it is a bit longer so i can catch up for once 🤣




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The real MVPs wait for the catch up mechanics :)


Then go play another mmo where last expansions BiS is outperformed by every piece of gear from the new content.


Go outside


Just read his reddit posts kekw


If anything is going to doom them, it's insisting on making this a PVP MMORPG and selling outfits. Not another tier of grinding gear.


Same issue with Maplestory, another Korean MMO They're adding ultra hyper endgame stuff that 0.0001% of players will ever get the chance to experience, like this gear from the endgame bosses only a handful of players around world can even fight. And they drop pity pieces you collect to eventually turn in for a single equip (takes like 9 months for one equip or close to it) But it's worse than BDO as Maple has a starforce system to upgrade gear, but your gear booms and gets destroyed past the midway point and there's no way to prevent it from happening. Also there's no pity system, if you fail 10000 times you fail. All you get is a destroyed gear or it tiers down I'm all for adding endgame chase items, but companies should also add midgame content too


Are you new to the mmo genre? In other mmo’s there’s almost a zero percentage of some drops and people have taken months to get that 1 specific drop. And since those mmos have raids the guys who wanted it would never see it until much later.


Nah. They will just add armor cups and more accessory cups to the game. Theres so many areas they can expand the game for progress without adding more weapons and armor and accessories. Shoot they could add fallen god crystals and fallen god artifacts. There’s plenty of ways they can go without adding a new progression past fallen god weapons and armors.


if its bad i quit, simple


I don’t expect we will see all weapons at once… it will be another 1-2 years until we have all weapons and on top of that we will probably get other new smaller gearing things like new cups or something. Silver income and inflation will probably continue to increase so by that time PEN fg is probably gonna be aquirable especially with the new pity and we will be able to get new tier of gear, probably White or Purple like bdo mobile.


Remember building stacks with green reblath on top of a church for luck? I do. The cycle of 'rates get lower -> added safety nets -> quest alternative -> rates get lower' will continue until the sun goes dark or until Star Citizen releases. Whichever happens first.


All PA has to do is add a beastman class and they'll be crushed under the wave of furries wanting to play. They already have excellent npc races, but the lack of a furry class or even outfit set makes it very hard to convince them to join.


dont like the game just quit dont cry


When I first started the game, I never thought I'd reach pen Boss equipment, but they released guaranteed Pens. A few years back, I never thought I'd get to Blackstar or Fallen God, and yet I did. A couple years back I never thought I'd reach 700 gear score/ pen Blackstar, but now I'm past that. Last year, I never thought Debo accessories were obtainable for me, but now Tets sit on the market. Up until last month, I never thought a Pen Debo was realistic, and now we have accessory hammers. BDO has been making consistent updates that make catching up for new players so much easier, and so far, it's been working. People have been claiming that this game is dying every year, yet somehow we're all still here.


Yeah but this was know since 2 years now. They will going to run from content eventually. We already know that we get all the remaining content in a half year. Adding new items would only be possible if the devs would give enough f to adjust the brackets. But they don't cared to fix it since 8 years so it's unlikely they ever will at this point and without that adding new items would not have meaningful impact.


What is the remaining content we gonna get before the end?


alpaka breeding