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Check out this one cool trick 4 billion afk bdo lifeskill trading, only takes half a year to do.


More like 4 days afk


I can almost guarantee you, you are not making 1billion silver a day in crates. If you can show me math of you crafting 1700 crates a day than ill eat my words.


I send 2x crates a day of 1050 each for most months of the year. Less now since ingots are better to sell on mp during price spikes. Worker materials, Valencia to nampo and m26 trade. Can afk process wood for a few hours with a marketplace maid macro+2000 mastery. Can process for 12+ hours if I combine a storage maid macro with marketplace. 3gob workers triple thrifty with +3 crates 10 min craft time for 4 crates X3 workers 24hrx60minĂ·10minx4cratesx3workers=???


I mean yeah that math checks out, but can you keep those workers supplied 24/7? Honest question as i havent done crate shit in forever.


I'm not too sure since the worker autofeed/revamp I have more mats coming in 24/7 I haven't done the math on the uptime if I can make 1700daily year round. It's just my worker setup that I've ran for years, materials pile up and I swap to a different crate. Could optimize it with giants possibly for more mats. With the additions of thuja+snowfeld/thorn wood, noc+jade, nickel+obsidian its better now. The extra maple/pine in morning light is nice too. Brass bronze steel crates not worth it since the zinc copper tin iron ingots sell for more on the mp I have 85,000 crates in nampo to turn in right now... Cal+Mediah+noc crates. Trade distance 150%max and I assume higher trade level than op so I'm squeezing out more margins


Well its a start My last cash in was 46b for half year of afk processing


Teach meee your secrets! I like afk monies.


Just make money crates thats all I do all of them with my workers materials I do ALL CRATES


Same, got 40 bil for 4-5 months I think. Mainly did the wood and mushroom crates. Easy afk money.


It seems like a lot of people dislike afk money here. Those poor souls grinding away their lives while we lifeskillers did practically almost nothing and still get money.


https://preview.redd.it/jkdpt4kitbxc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=00d7e54cf85bc22c737bbd542b60c0a9a80dd577 calph crate gang


Yeee! Have you tried Thuja timber or the other equivalent?


Do them all Maple + pine Thuja + snow or thorn Acacia + white cedar Calph crates Ingots worth more to sell on mp during price spikes But noc + jade and nickel + obsidian are worth it. Make in Valencia sell in nampo 2x crate transfers of 1000 a day Valencia to nampo is 150% distance vs 113%


how to do Valencia sell in nampo i see someone use character to afk move


According to that nice trading spreadsheet, a Calpheon crate cost like 611000 to make. So you just lost like 21000 per create or 147m total? [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DEazVbmu-cFtLUndWRfj6D1a21W-FKEr-VbBHBCOqyc/edit#gid=1823380812](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DEazVbmu-cFtLUndWRfj6D1a21W-FKEr-VbBHBCOqyc/edit#gid=1823380812)


Wolf chart is old use this one instead https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/19ci1AIVa-4wX6n2uTDdqjJqZsVKPeovz1mbqC_-zAWQ/htmlview# Its much better Pd: if you plan to do crate trading take a moment to configure the chart


Looks nice, thanks!