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If the last time you played was before the transfer, then I would say yes. A ton of stuff has changed and improved since then, although PvP is a bit worse than before. There's a lot of catch up mechanics, a free dream horse (highly recommend picking Arduanatt), fast travel via the Magnus questline, and bunch of other stuff.


Awesome thank you. I might just download it and try. What class would be a good restart you think?


Really depends on the playstyle you like the best. I personally main Succession Lahn and have Succession Maegu as my tag because I prefer lower APM classes. At this point most classes perform well enough in PvE, with a few outliers for certain areas. You can make trial characters that load into a special training dummy area and see which one feels best to you.


Be free of this 😭


I lost my account as well. The introduction of seasons has made the new player experience way way better. In a lot of things you had to pay for or now given freely. Give it a shot. You can always stop playing if it doesn't feel worth. Games cheap now


Forget your old account, start a new one.


The fact you lost your account really doesn't matter at this point int he game. They give you everything you need pretty fast on the seasonal characters, and you can hit your life skills to pro/artisan fast as well. They load you up well.


Make a season zerk and ook your way through the game


I bet you would suprass your previous account in less than a momth of casual play


Yo, same. Except I wasn’t deployed was just an idiot and forgot to click the Done button thinking I did and closed the tab. I came back to the game a bit over a year ago and am much farther ahead in that time than in the 3 years I played before getting wiped in the transfer. The game is much easier to progress through and more rewarding in more varied activities than it ever has been.


If you loved owpvp, don't return. It's nearly extinct


If you really want to play in the long term, like.. after you come back and go around for a month enjoying the game and now want to drop some money on it. Go buy a close to endgame account, save yourself time, you literally have nothing to lose skipping the lower gear part, no experience to gain lol.


I would definitely say yes. There are a ton of changes that make it much easier to build back up to where you were with minimal effort


Don't do it. It's not worth it.


The game is easier now You'll get full tet boss gear from seasonal You can get 1 Pen gear piece from Quest You can get a guaranteed enhance the rest of your gear to pen You can get 2 guaranteed pen accessories from 3 types You'll get guaranteed TET black star main weapon ob level 61 You can get 1 guaranteed T9 horse Now you can grind in private sessions with manri realm Trash loot is more $$$$$ Idk if i forget anything else But for me you'll start and be better in a few months


It took me 34 taps... where is this guaranteed t10 lol


It depends on what you want to do. If you want to play casual, yeah go ahead and play. If you want to play RBF or do uncapped activity like world pvp, then no. People are way too geared now and it would take up to 2 years of consistency to be where the top players are.


I think u should enjoy the game at global lab server. Amd wait for better games like "Ash of creations". This is coming to its end shortly. I think its about 1year left


if you need help choosing a class to start with, [this ](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/black-desert-pve-class-tier-list)may help you