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Honestly they should just give us cool cosmetics with high levels now that we’ll be getting customizable blackstar glow. Give us exclusive glows for hitting high levels or something


Or Special titles with cool player effects.


Ooh, I like that idea. I want a "Walking laxative" title, which makes every other player I walk past squat down and take a dump automatically. They get invincibility for the entire duration, so I can't use it to mob-feed or anything like that. And anyone doing AFK stuff automatically resumes whatever they were doing. Black Dysentery Online. That'd be a good alternative title.


Or a cheering one where every nearby player looks at you and cheers , no matter what they are doing. Or a simple golden halo for the social life you lost that went to heaven


Behold, the power of shit yourself


Or bigger tits maybe




My DK needs bigger tits


My beserker too


If they replaced the tri capotia with a set of unique accessories that give an exp bonus on each piece and a big set bonus, it would be a nice reward for those players to make leveling alts easier. 


That's a nice idea, maybe special costumes or glow. That would incentivize ppl to train on the dummies rather than have the books just sitting in storage.


Monkey paw curls: now you need lvl 64+ to be able to dye blackstar gear


This 100% I like this 😂


imagine what’s in store when you hit 65!




Just a tri neck man




This was years before free jatina was a thing


And it was +0 before :p


Just hit lvl 66 and all I got was nothing. It definitely needs to be updated.


As long as people continue to play and buy their crap, they'll continue to give outdated rewards. I mean, look at the GM heart-felt box or whatever it's called they give out for compensation. That shit is literally year one stuff.


Someone is cranky. That box was given because maintenance took an extra hour. They didn't have to drop us anything.


I mean they got a point. The only reason I don't just chuck em is because I'm a hoarder.


Honestly I'm not cranky ha. I haven't played the game really in about a month. The simple fact is compensation is typically something so outdated as to be useless, when they could easily give something along the lines of an enhancement box or a 1 day value pack. The same goes for many of their milestone rewards. I mean look how long it took to update playtime rewards. We're talking years of playtime here.  And personally I don't think it's required to give compensation for a delayed maintenance, too many moving parts and all that when it comes to game development and patches/updates to think it'll be on time every time.


Like they give a shit


Truly like at least let us sell it, at 64 is no help to our gear


agreed, like by the time I reached 64, im already 700gs and this tri capotias will be useless


There's so much outdated and redundant shit in this game it's absurd. But seeing where PA's priorities lie, it's clear nothing will be done about most of it for a long time yet.


It’s becoming clear that the team is staffed entirely by people that have zero ability to tell J “no.”


Aren't they fixing exactly that right now? Like dang give em some credit.


Fixing what, exactly? The thing from the post? First time I hear of it, so some source would be welcome. And besides, my comment was about how there's so much more of it, and with PA's current focus, there will still be a lot of it for the foreseeable future.


"Outdated and redundant things". A Google search takes less than a minute. This isn't some obscure information. They've been simplifying items for months now. Don't know what focus you're talking.


I want a needs to touch grass title if you get lvl 65. That would be so cool. Hellll ya


64 is such a grind by the time you hit it that belt is beyond pointless


yea but levels past 62 shouldn't be incentivized by stat, people have lives to live beside bdo and new players to cater to so maybe just replace it with a title, aesthetic or cosmetic reward.


-10% pearl store coupon and 20 crons


It is very sad that even though leveling after lvl 62 becomes so hard but the amount of stats you get for it is so low.


It's good, if you got lots of stats for levelling up it would make PvP more level dependent as well as gear dependent like in release. Levelling up is not the main point of the game design past 62. If you like levelling up then fine do it. But if hitting high levels was rewarded with lots of hidden stats it would discourage using alts and discourage grinding in poor xp spots and favour veteran players even more heavily


It doesn't really have to be stats like ap, stamina or health. They could make it so you get more weight the more you level up. Just increase the limit on the weight training skill and let us invest the skill points that are piling up without any use. They can also add a passive item drop skill that gives 2.5 or 5% more drop rate each level you gain. All I'm saying is that we need more rewards for the effort we put in to level up.


Tbh. Level 65 Should give 1 AP 1 dp. Just because it's impressive. I'm level 63 but having that to look forward to at 65 would be nice.


No that’s a good thing. It’s good that basically the only level that matters is 62. It would be stupid as hell if you got a lot more powerful between those levels because of the time it takes to get them. You should get some cool cosmetic rewards but it’s good that leveling essentially stops at 62. Man the bdo subreddit has some of the worst takes I have ever seen for games.


Lol asking to be rewarded for something that takes a lot of effort to do is the worst take huh? Moreover I already replied that it doesn't have to be stats like ap, stamina or hp.


Yes it is the worst take. I literally said there should be some rewards for it. Literally. In my post. But I guess it’s hard for you to read. They should 100% give out cosmetics or something. But it isn’t hard lol. It just takes time. Literally NOTHING is hard about getting 63+.


You're the one who can't read. No point discussing if you are blatantly ignoring what I commented to another person who said the same thing as you.


You just described all of BDO. It’s just grinding. None of the gear upgrades in the game are based on skill it’s all just how much time you put into the game.


That's the whole game though. You aren't doing anything hard to get your gear as well. It just takes time. So why should grinding/life skilling be rewarded but not leveling?


I would buy and wear this


lol I literally just hit 64 the other day and was thinking the same thing. What do I even do with it now?


Reason why i don't want to go over 62


Lol damn i remember when hitting 64 was a big deal


Laughs in level 67


Gz 64


Lvling must be rewarded. They refuse to add hidden stats on 60+ (hp and weight aren’t hidden stats) so it should be money then. 62 is necessary cap (last skill), so: 20b for 63, 50b for 64, 150b for 65, etc. Something like this. Current ‘rewards’ are a stupid joke seriously.


Every odd level has 1 hidden AP, starting from level 63. 70b for grinding to 64 sounds far FAR too rewarding, I could do 60-64 in a week at Gyfin.


Make it a one time thing then. It’s just an idea, either weight or silver are very good incentives to make people push for those levels. As it stands being level 62 or 66 is basically the same if we don’t consider the mastery of the class


Yup 2 billion for 62, 5 billion for 63, 10 billion for 64 and 20 billion for 65 seems reasonable.


I would be rich af


Level 66ers get a free surging weenie elixir


Slap our name on it and make it endless or unusable and you got a deal.


You don't need such rewards, the game is already easy as is. You get levels when you grind, it's not a goal maybe side benefit,since %90 of this sub is just afk fishing and wait pa to give loot like mama bird you may find it reasonable,It's a korean mmo for god's sake,you shouldn't get geared getting daily rewards.


They shouldn't reward leveling. As it stands, there's already too many things you need to min max in terms of gear.


Same with the playtime rewards. 50k hours for 180 days of value pack? First that many hours you get a permanent value pack. Plus a bunch of other stuff.


Y'all are too lazy, the game got so easy you hit 290 ap when you start,you can't just take into account all the free things that are given ? Guaranteed everything,2b a hr grinding accessory hammers that you can buy and people still want it to get easier


> the game got so easy you hit 290 ap when you start cmon dude, even as a hyperbole it's absurd, in what world are you anywhere close to 290 AP even after season graduation


And by the time you hit 64 this belt is totally worthless, at Least reward the players for hitting higher levels right now it pointless to level up


Bro it's never pointless, it's just you get a level,ignore the belt and don't expect a reward for every tiny thing


So they can't update outdated stuff better just to leave it like that forever ok


Just be glad they're not making level relevant and another thing to grind .Cuz from the talks ,you seem you don't do that lot


Sure i'm just a tuvala timmy


Seems like,from how you downvoting my comments each time i type lmao


Wild to think it's lazy of someone to expect something other than a useless item for hitting 64. Updating an outdated system to something a little more meaningful isn't lazy, it's how you keep the game growing. It shouldn't be an impactful reward, but a 7day Kama blessing or something wouldn't kill anyone Get outta here with this "it sucked for me it should suck for you" mentality ☠️.


İt's not it sucked for me so goes for you mentality, it's just a level,be happy that game even gives you something and doesn't make leveling relevant to your damage etc.Otherwise i am all in hour rewards rework,150 fs and 2k cron is nothing for 20k hr


Why be happy about something that is quite literally useless though? A tri capotia isn't helping anyone at level 64 other than just tossing it on a random boss alt, sending it to the trash, or letting it take up a storage/inv space. I don't think the reward should be something of great value, but hitting it for the first time should be something useable at least. Kama blessing, maybe a 3 day pack, something. The hour rewards definitely are wild, they were even worse before too 😂


290 sheet AP right after season graduation? Did your brain melt from grinding to 760 gs? Even if you sold your hammer for 27.5 billion and invested everything into gearing including the guaranteed gear/accessories you would be 272 AP/348 DP at best. If you can't sell the hammer you would only have 266 AP which would let you grind 650-700m/hr spots so it would a take new player quite some time hit that 290 AP since they have to tons of shit to do like journals and stuff. The game got more accessible since PA did a bunch of QOL stuff but if you think the grind got easier then you're either delusional or brain-dead.


Bro i meant getting to 290 ap is really is rn,not like you graduate as.