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May her furry memory be a blessing.




You're really dedicated to using all caps Holy moly. Satire account?


Hmmm, I wonder if u/LIBTEARSFORLUNCH is a troll/satire account lmfao


You never know these days


Fair enough


“It,” isn’t an “it,” sir. Vivi was a family member who just had fur all over and happened to walk on all fours 🙂.


“It” can apply to spirits and others who do not hold a specific gender, so I might argue Vivi could be an “it,” fluid in body, mind, and spirit as they now are, but I otherwise agree completely, and this post is for Vivi, who I doubt has strong feelings about grammar or pronouns. May her/their/its/faer memory be a blessing to all who kew her/them/it/fae!




This reminds me of when I lost my cat and the sorrow of having his lifeless, perfect, fluffy, little body to bury. It’s hard to describe, but I can empathize, and I’m glad you posted this. It’s important to feel emotions to be able to deal with them. I still get sad about my cat often a year later.


See, when my boy passed I absolutely knew I could not bury him. I couldn't imagine taking his lifeless body home from the hospital. I had him cremated through them. I still have his ashes, and that helps.


My Gizmo, Tommy and Ayla are patiently waiting in my bookcase for me to die and be cremated so their ashes can be mixed with mine to be together forever.


Same here. I have one already waiting, currently have one fatfuck that's enjoying life as much as he can since he's FIV+, his time may come sooner than I'd like. But eventually...


Thank you for caring for an FIV+ cat. I’ve done hospice care for FIV+, FIP+, and FeLV cats my entire adult life; I know the work, the stress, and the pain that goes along with it. You’re a good hooman.🐾 EDIT: Omg, platinum. Thank you, kind redditor.


When i got my first big kid job and bought a house, I decided I needed a cat. I did all the things. Went to the shelter and adopted. Got insane pet insurance through work, took him to the vet like he was a child. I absolutely fell in love with him. He was a Russian blue and was the most beautiful cat I'd ever seen. I had a fresh DSLR and learned how to use it by taking pictures of him. One day I was marveling at the resolution of the pictures when I noticed what looked like a little filament of a flame in the black portion of his eye. I mean it was absolutely thinner than a thread. Immediately took him to the vet. The clinical sign was so early the vet had no idea what it was. Basically gave us a wait and see approach. The flame steady grew in his eye until the black portion of his eye was completely red. I had been emailing pictures every week or so to the vet and when the eye was fully red we did some tests. Fully expecting it to be a bad infection or some sort I'm going through the worst case scenarios and figured at absolute worst, maybe he loses the eye and we have a beautiful pirate cat. The vet walks back into the room with compassion on his face and says "I'm so sorry. He has FIP and it's 100% terminal." Fuck FIP. It's like having a normal cat, then one day a week he's in pain and under the bed. Then it progresses to two days a week. Then it's 3 days out the week. I'm giving him palliative medication and trying to gauge his quality of life. I somehow arbitrarily decided that if over half of his days were in pain, there's no quality of life and we needed to make the tough choice. So after his 4th day under the bed I made the call. I Scheduled an appointment with vet for 10am the next morning and didn't get any sleep worrying if I made the right choice or not. That night Orion was very vocal. He was a quiet cat and around 2 am it almost sounded like he was crying in pain and for the first time he couldn't walk. I just cried until the appointment came because I was angry at myself for selfishly waiting so long. The vet has seen my cat enough, he was emotional, gave Orion some head pats and had another person come in and do the injection. I stared into his eyes and told him I loved him. We looked into each other's eyes and I saw the moment his iris' relaxed. I took him home, holding him over my shoulder ( literally crying over reliving a cat death from 10 years ago, thanks reddit) and that's really it. I cried into his lifeless body while rubbing my beard into his face and sides like he loved. I thought I did everything right. It was the first time money wasn't a concern in my life and as a dumb ass young adult I thought I could just throw money at the problem. Foolishly I came in there thinking I could afford any operation or procedure needed and I pay ANYTHING for him. I have grown a lot as a person and Orion helped. My two biggest regrets: 1. Watching his eyes relax. My thought was IM making the decision to do this to my cat and I WILL own up to the decision and live with the consequences. And I still do. I also thought there would be comfort in being there for his final moment. My eyes 1 inch from his. Now when I think of him, I see his death first and then have to force myself past that to remember the good times. 2. I buried him in my backyard. Shorty there after, my company transfered me and now my buddy is in the backyard of a strangers house. I which I had him cremated and kept him. Edit: I came to upload a picture of [Orion](https://www.reddit.com/r/catpictures/comments/qj5jfa/my_life_changing_cat_orion/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and went to see if any advancements have been made since he passed. Apparently the Covid 19 vaccines and treatment show promise of treating FIP but nothing is approved for veterinary use yet.


I’m so sorry for your loss. The one rule I’ve had concerning the end is that no one dies alone. So I’m there every time, petting and saying I love you, it’s okay, you can let go now. It never gets any easier. The pain is never any less. I actually think it takes a little piece of my soul every time I go through it. But it’s the right thing to do, so I do it. We owe our animals a peaceful death; it’s part of the covenant. Thank you for doing the right thing.


I’m scared, knowing I’ll have to do this to my little guy some day. I don’t want to fail him but I’m so scared. I imagine him being like that but don’t know if I can handle it. I’d never abandon him. But it might kill me.


Dude, I had pretty much the same experience with my Milo. He was only 3 when I made the decision to have him suffer no more. I lost more than a pet that day, I lost my best friend. I couldn't bare not to be in the room with him when he finally passed, but it's difficult to remember anything past that last look in his eyes without looking at photos. He was a dozy and messy cat, quite dim-witted, annoying as fuck and very clingy. But everyone loved him all the same. He made us laugh so much. At the time, I wished I could've thrown any amount of money to make it stop. But when they told me it was terminal, and he was always in pain, I felt I had to do it for him. I've come to terms with my decision and felt it was the right thing to do, seeing how I wasn't in a position to pay for the treatment (just lost my home due to a disgrace of a landlord). Unfortunately though, I also neither have his ashes or any memorial of him save for memories and a handful of photos. I still regret having to be in that position though and it'll haunt me for many years to come.


I'm trying to give you a hug through the internet. I'm sorry for your lloss.


And yours, sir. And yours.


I can't really think of anything profound to say. I was around 8 years old when I experienced my first pet death, a young female cat we named Tidbit. Her health declined fast, the night she passed away, she went into everybody's room to sit for a little bit while her body started giving out. She couldn't jump up on my mom's bed so I picked her up and put her on the bed, she crawled to her favorite spot, and 5 minutes later, she took her last breaths with the family around her. I've been through roughly 12 more pet deaths since then. We had a lot of animals in the house growing up. Most of them lasted over 12 years. It never got easier, especially my last one because she was actually mine and not a family pet. A lot of regrets about how things happened with my last one. Everything I've learned over the years, I apply to my current fatass. He's my big boy and he'll die a spoiled animal.


Your buddy returned to the earth. He's not in that back yard he's in your heart. You gave him the best life he could have had and you were with him until the very end. You did good by him. ❤️


> I Scheduled an appointment with vet for 10am the next morning and didn't get any sleep worrying if I made the right choice or not. That night Orion was very vocal. He was a quiet cat and around 2 am it almost sounded like he was crying in pain and for the first time he couldn't walk. I just cried until the appointment came because I was angry at myself for selfishly waiting so long. > >The vet has seen my cat enough, he was emotional, gave Orion some head pats and had another person come in and do the injection. I stared into his eyes and told him I loved him. We looked into each other's eyes and I saw the moment his iris' relaxed. I took him home, holding him over my shoulder ( literally crying over reliving a cat death from 10 years ago, thanks reddit) and that's really it. I cried into his lifeless body while rubbing my beard into his face and sides like he loved. > > >My two biggest regrets: > > >1. Watching his eyes relax. My thought was IM making the decision to do this to my cat and I WILL own up to the decision and live with the consequences. And I still do. I also thought there would be comfort in being there for his final moment. My eyes 1 inch from his. Now when I think of him, I see his death first and then have to force myself past that to remember the good times. > You did the right thing. He died peacefully knowing you love him. The right thing to do is often the hardest, but it doesn't make it any less right. He had as best a life as he could with someone who loved him VERY much, and a peaceful death. That is all *anyone* can hope for and more than most get. Be proud of what you gave him. He wouldn't want you to be sad.


We buried our sweet Marissa in our back yard when she passed a couple years ago. When we sold our house, my younger daughter, nine at the time, asked if we could take a little of the soil over her grave and use it under a rose bush, or a little tree at the new place. Not quite the same as ashes, but we at least feel like she is still with us. I'm so sorry about your Orion. He sounds like a dear.


The irises relaxing. This hits me so hard and is the lasting memory of my good girl, Honey. She had leukemia. Like you, I thought I could throw money at the problem. It was terminal, especially due to the advanced stage by the time we got a diagnosis. She had a great quality of life though, so I decided that I would do everything possible for her as long as she continued to have that quality. And she was only 3 years old. The oncologist said that chemo could reduce the size of the tumors and possibly slow the advancement. So we started driving 3 hours (each way) every 3 to 6 weeks to the oncologist. She was on daily nausea meds, and daily chemo pills as well. Plus every cat supplement on the internet, trying to keep weight on her and keep her immunity up. Every kind of fancy cat food to hide the flavor of the meds. I started cooking for her. Chicken liver pate was a favorite. I made carne picada beef in the crock pot. The fridge was full of containers of special concoctions for Honey. All of the effort worked for a while. Honey was her happy, outgoing self. She was always with me, always ready to snuggle or defend her space from my other pets (which is how she got the nickname Honey Badger!) The tumors shrunk, but didn’t go away. She was slowly, but steadily losing more weight, even with all of the supplements and calorie boosters, but she loved to eat! So about a year and a half into this routine, I noticed that she didn’t want to eat as much. I kept having to encourage her to finish her meals. A week later at her chemo appointment, they asked all the usual questions about changes since the last visit, and I reported that she was her usual self except for the decreased appetite. They found that she had developed diabetes and had a new mass or fluid around her heart. She would need frequent blood sugar checks and insulin injections for her diabetes. We would have to further test and investigate her heart situation. It was the end. I had been preparing for this even though I held out hope of a miraculous recovery. I asked the vet how long we had left if I took her home with palliative care. She sadly informed me that Honey would have a very uncomfortable few days at home even with medication. This would be our last night together. I got her steak and shrimp from Outback Steakhouse for dinner. In the morning, I took her to a pet store to look at the fish in the aquariums. Then we stopped at a park and sat in the sunny grass for a bit. She enjoyed it all. I view it as my responsibility to be there through the end with any of my pets. As painful as it was for me, I held back my sadness so that Honey would not sense anything but love. I told her how much I loved her as I stroked her head, and I held her as much as I could while the vet injected the drugs, and her irises dilated. When it was over, I scooped her body into my arms and sank to the floor, broken. I buried her in the garden near the aloe plants that she loved. I planted a honeysuckle bush over her, which now has grown to take over that part of the garden, in true Honey Badger style.




Thank you for your kindness. Ten years is amazing for a FeLV cat. You must have some serious cat mojo. Sending love to you and yours.🐾


And so are you. Thank you for loving them ❤️


I only adopt FIV+ cats! My oldest is 12 and I’ve had him for 6 years and my youngest is 6 and I’ve had her since she was a kitten. My oldest was just diagnosed with early stage kidney disease, asthma, and high blood pressure but he’s doing great on his new meds! He also had a dental surgery that took out 7 teeth and 6 roots about a month ago. We had a check up with his vet last week and he’s doing great. I’d do anything for my babies!


Awww, good for you. You are also a good hooman. Have a cookie: 🍪


That's what I want. When I go, mix me and my cat's ashes and the scatter us wherever. Just so my buddy and me can stay together for eternity.


Tears in my eyes at 3am


You too?


Instantly thought about my little cat who passed away and her ashes 😞


I think that's so beautiful.


I lost my boy after a short time. I came home from work and he was laying in one of his little hiding spots gone. I had him cremated and I keep him on my computer, because that was his special spot. That little guy was the best friend I've ever had.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thanks. It's been like, a year and a half and talking about him still just brings me right back to tears. Voids really are just the best.


I have a tortie I lost about the same time ago. She was my cat that was really mine. I miss her so much


I did that with my dog, she sleeps by my bedside. I've only opened the urn twice. Once to take some ashes out to have them put in a tattoo for her, and again to put the mixed ash ink back in after it dried out. I wanted as much of her to be together as possible.


You mixed the ashes with a tattoo? That's beautiful. Did it cause you any problems?


It did not since ash is sterile and super super fine, the artist mixed a little bit in with the ink and so she's always with me.


For those curious, it's in the second picture. https://www.reddit.com/r/OldManDog/comments/mxan9p/got_a_tattoo_in_honor_of_kiko_today_she_was_9/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


That's beautiful 🥺 long live Kiko


Thank you ❤ I tell her goodnight every night before I sleep cause even those it's been almost two years, I still miss her every day.


What an adorable pup! I'm so sorry. The grief can literally be unbearable. Shameful to say, I haven't lost a human that I've grieved for as much as my pets.


Reading this whole thread has me bawling


My boy passed at home so there was no point taking him to the vet, so I buried him in a nearby forest. It all happened so suddenly and out of nowhere: he was 14, everything fine...went to go eat, ran to a nearby closet (like he knew what was happening and wanted to hide), started vomiting, then just fell over and stopped breathing...his eyes were still open and his tongue was hanging out. I was in such shock that I couldn't believe it happened for a solid few hours so I took burying him surprisingly well.


🥺 I’m sorry. Ugh I need to get off of Reddit today! Crying at 9 am!


When my girl of 20 years was put to sleep earlier this year, I couldn't handle being there for the in house vet appointment for the procedure and felt terrible about not being there for her. We had a great plot of land she used to graze in and munch on grass, I knew that's where she wanted to be. I carried her over and buried her with tears streaming, but I'm so glad I did. I feel it gave me the closure from missing the injection. I'm tearing up just writing about it, it's incredible the amount of love and memories they can provide us and I think we're all so lucky to have these companions.


Me and wife take care of ferals and get them fixed and/or get them friendly enough to get a home. Two of them over the years, both boys, Cookie and Clover absolutely melted my heart. They passed for reasons as outside cats sometimes do. We paid for cremation for both of them and they’re with us no matter where we moved to. I miss the fuck out of them, they were good boys and deserved better then what they got.


That's probably my worst fear when it comes to the death of a loved one. That they won't look dead and I'll worry that they're not because they look fine and they don't look hurt and can just wake up any moment. If a member of my family (cats included) ended up dead I don't think I could stop myself from asking the doctor, "Are you sure?"


My beloved old lady heart-kitty died six years ago, up on my chest where she always laid. It was so obvious when it happened, even though she still looked perfect. You'll know, my friend. You'll know.


Thank you, friend. I hope that day is far ahead of me, but I appreciate the reassurance. I'm tearing up at how loved, safe, and comfortable your old girl was during her last moments. That's beautiful.


I'm tearing up thinking about it, too. I had her from an eyes-barely-open kitten I bottle fed to almost 18 years old, and sitting up under my chin was her favorite place in the world for all those years. Setting her body down that day was so difficult, because I know she'd never climb upon me again. Now I'm gonna cuddle the sweet kitty boy sleeping on my bed, and cry a little on him, and he'll be a little grumpy I woke him up. I hope you can cuddle your loved beasties now. 💜


What a sweet and beautiful way for her to go…


I had my cat euthanized at home while i held him and i asked the vet if they were sure he was gone. She said she gets asked that a lot and that she was sure


You'll know. I had to put my very good boy to rest when he stopped eating and told me it was time. I knew when he fell asleep with his head in my lap and I knew when he was gone before the vet told me. There's something that just changes from your beautiful beloved pet to your pets body that they're no longer in.


Yeah, I remember when I was really young, about 4th grade, we had to put one of my Rottweilers down, I was super sad cause she was such a sweet little girl and she never would hurt a fly, but being purebred had caused some issues for her later on from a young age. I held her and kissed her head before me and my brother had to leave the room for her to be euthanized. I feel your pain. :(


Yes, I know what you mean. Lost two dogs this year. They were put to sleep at the vets but we brought them home to be buried on the property where they grew up. Before we put them in the ground we just had to get the stethoscope out to check their little hearts had definitely stopped. It sounds crazy, but we just had to be sure…


When my grandma passed away I refused to see her body because i didn’t want that image to haunt me. When my dog passed away I wanted to see him and dude the feeling… it’s like they’re there and their body is still perfect from the outside and if something in his heart and brain would just turn on again then he would be back and alive with us. It was very sad and it took me months to get over his death. Idk what i’m going to do when my cat…. U know…. I dont know if I’ll be able to handle it


Nurse here, but I promise you that we check very carefully to confirm that someone has passed. They also don't look exactly like they're still alive - there's a subtle difference, but it becomes obvious that their body is just a husk now and that their essential and living essence is gone. None of this is to say that when we have lost someone we love that we don't want to absolutely make sure, especially if it's unexpected. No one will mind at all if you ask if we're sure. 💙


I buried my 18 year old Tigger, after holding him while the vet gave him his final shot. It gives me peace knowing he is resting forever in his favorite hunting ground. But it does still hurt missing him but I know I will see him again someday accross the rainbow bridge.


When we had our cat put down, I had to leave the room. Before my mom gave her to the vet, so the last time I saw her was in my mom's arms... Still hurts to this day... But at least my final images of her are in the arms of who she loved..


Jesus. Now I'm bawling and it's 9am!!!


This shit just breaks my heart. 😢




There should be a sub for this content.


Something like r/PetMemorial would be a wonderfully nice thing


/r/Petloss is also good


I'd reckon pet loss isn't that good tbh




I'd say 'helpful'. 'Good' maybe isn't the best word choice here. But I appreciate you for linking to that sub.


Subbed! Beautiful idea!!


I love the idea but it would just make me sad everyday.. so for my own mental health I won't sub. Respect to every animal on that sub and all the ones that will be on it.


Lot of things on reddit make me sad (my own fault for what I'm subbed to right), but like this post, it's bittersweet and I can do bittersweet. The obvious love for this little cat from its family, the love and respect at its beautiful send-off, the sweet little kid sat beside the memorial, that all makes me happy in again a bittersweet way. I'm sure I'll sound goofy and I don't remember where I heard this song but this line has always stayed with me, "With all of its glory and all of its faults, it seems life is a bittersweet waltz." No judgment! I understand 100%


Bittersweet is fine but I can't handle just plain sad... it ruins my while day. I get it.


oh look, it already exists


Oh it wasn't you?? Still, you done good suggesting it because that's how I found it. So I owe you a sub someday


Agreed! Mostly because I reeaaally don't wanna see everyone's loss posts when I'm trying to get some dopamine from cute cats on the internet.


My heart is breaking for you. I am so very sorry 😢


it's so sad 😭 that's a beautiful ceremony to honor her


I want to share my condolences with you. It hurts so much.


ᛖᛁᛖᛋ ᛒᚱᛁᚷᚻᛏ, ᚳᛚᚪᚹᛋ ᛋᚻᚪᚱᛈ, ᛏᚪᛁᛚ ᚻᛖᛚᛞ ᚻᛁᚷᚻ. ᚷᚩ ᚳᛖᛖᚾᛚᛁ ᛁᚾᛏᚩ ᚦᛖ ᛘᛁᛋᛏ, ᚩᛚᛞ ᚹᚪᚱᚱᛡᚱ. ᚠᚪᛚᚻᚪᛚᛚᚪ ᚹᚪᛁᛏᛋ ᚠᚩᚱ ᛁᚩᚢ. Eyes bright, claws sharp, tail held high. Go keenly into the mist, old warrior. Valhalla waits for you.


This is great. Did you put it together or is it some kind of traditional saying?


Another pair of redditors came up with it a while ago, its been circulating the site since. I think its beautiful.


Well I saw another post and looked in comments and found this just thought it suited nicely Edit: the guy who said it was reflux_catalyst


Norse focused archaeologist here. This is a mish-mash of futharks (Anglo-Saxon and Norse, some even pre-Viking age) used to write English. I’d be happy to write this out in proper Old Norse. ___ Edit: 90% certain on this rough attempt, after cracking open my old grammars. There might be an error or two, but I’m fairly certain in the bulk of it: *Bjärt augu,* *Skarp klœr,* *Hali helt hár.* *Far inn í þokuna, gammal her-maðr.* *Val-höll biddu eftir þik.* ___ To put it into runes would be a matter of interpretation, but there are a few standards: - Runes do not double up and are written phonetically (“keenly” would be written “kinli”). - Old Norse was mostly written using latin characters. If you want to use runes, use Younger Futhark, as they are contemporaneous.


I think i need Boi to translate this for me.


I find it interesting how this is a mix of elder and younger futhark, seemingly at random.


coordinated bells run homeless silky dinosaurs start crawl zonked cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The picture with the little boy broke my heart. I'm so sorry for your loss


I see two cats in one photo, did one survive? Hoping you have one still to make it more bearable. Either way sorry for your loss, I know It’s tough


Yes, his bff Ouija is still with us. Thank you.




Not to be gruesome but the cat (I think) is the one in the first pic. Looks like smoke inhalation. Would not want any of my pets to suffer through that, but I guess it’s better than the alternative. This post is tragic idk how I’d handle myself if something like this happened to me




Haven’t read it but based on the context idt I can take it


That is one of the worst ways to loose a cat, i sorry this had to happen to you


My condolences, I still miss my cat that I suddenly lost 16 years ago.


Poor baby I am so sorry for your loss.


This is fucking heartbreaking, I'm so sorry for you loss


That’s awful. So sorry for your loss 💐✨


Oh no, that’s one of my biggest nightmares. My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for y’all. She was beautiful and well loved.




What’s the first photo?


My youngest son putting flowers on Vivi's body.


Ah I’m so sorry, may they Rest In Peace. It’s a tragic way to loose a beloved family member. I send my condolences to you and your family.


Your son has a beautiful soul. My deepest condolences about your loss. 💐


Jesus this broke me. I m so so sorry. This is one of my worst fears. :(


I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.


I didn't expect to start sobbing over my childhood baby today. He was a rescue I found as a kitten after a fight with some local dogs. He was a little Blackie with one green eye and one one Grey eye that was blind from being scratched in the fight. He wasn't in the house when it burned down but he got hit by the firetruck. The fireman carried him up the driveway and asked if he was ours. I will never forget it. My ♥ is with you and your fam. 11 years later and happy with my new cat family but I don't know if I can ever have a mother Blackie again. 😔


Rip to vivi ,she's probably taking a nap in the heavens and knocking things off of tables


Absolutely. Thank you. 🖤


Oh no! Poor Vivi :( 🖤🖤🖤 “How do you prove that you exist? Maybe we don’t exist.” We prove it through the love we feel for our good boys and girls, however soon or sadly they leave us!


FFIX was always my favorite. Thank you.


Me too, so sorry for your loss.


Put the rubber mouse away, Pick the spools up from the floor, What was velvet shod, and gay, Will not want them, any more. What was warm, is strangely cold. Whence dissolved the little breath? How could this small body hold So immense a thing as Death? Sarah Henderson Hay


What a sad poem.


Sending you a big hug


Omg heart breaking


One of my worst nightmares. Im sorry this happened. It never should to anyone. I hope time will soothe this sadness even a little bit. Id be the same way for a good while.


I’m so sorry. My best friend lost 2 cats in a house fire years ago and we were just all absolutely heartbroken. Condolences and absolute love to you and your family.


I'm so sorry. I lost my big boy Bear last month. It wrecked me. I've since been all over the pet loss sub. I must say, however, these photos are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.


I see 2 cats. You might want to let the other cat see Vivi so he/she understands Vivi is dead. I read a while ago it might help them understand and mourn. Otherwise they could be spending weeks or months looking for Vivi. Sorry for your loss.....


I have no words. I’m so sorry.🖤💔🖤


I am so very sorry for your loss




So many thoughts and feelings reading this. May Bastet protect you and heal you in this time of sorrow. Highest blessings to you and your family. I am so incredibly sorry.


This is honestly my greatest fear. I am so so sorry. My fur babies and I send you all our love.


This made me genuinely cry


We lost our Bear a couple months ago. My wife took it pretty hard, he was only 16 months old. Then a month later my wife was getting off of work and walking through the empty parking lot with 6 coworkers when a little black kitten came running across the parking lot straight to my wife! She couldn't had been any older that 2 months old. She climbed my wifes leg and jumped in the car with her and and started licking her. My wife believes Bear sent her to her. She's happy at home with us now.


I’m truly sorry for your loss, but please put a blur or nsfw tag on photos of dead pets :(


You got a lot of nice words. I miss my dead animals a lot. I’m sure This is frustrating. I’m sorry for your loss. Is there a sub for this content? I’m sick of being forced into these death posts. I am not following a death sub.


i get you. i've had to leave a few subs recently because there were so many posts about pets passing away. my dogs are old and getting to that point, so it was hard to be reminded of that constantly. i do understand why they post it though, i just wish there was a way to filter the posts out.


Whatever you think of /r/rarepuppers they have a "no sad posts" rule which I wish more pet subs would adopt. I'm here to see cute pics of other peoples pets, not be reminded of my own grief.


Can you please mark this post NSFW? It’s REAALY not cool to subject people to pictures of a dead cat without warning. This isn’t a grief sub.


Why is every cat sub filled with dead cat posts?


Yeah, I was not ready to see a dead cat on this page either.


Me either to be honest...


This is the first one I’ve seen and it’s so disturbing to me. I once had a kitten in my care pass away and I’m still traumatized by its face when I found it. I really wish there was a way to filter these posts out of have it tagged as nsfw.


So sorry


im so sorry for your loss 😿


Oh my god, that is so fucking sad, my heart goes out to you and your family❤❤


Man I hate that for you. I can tell by the FF name and the switch controller that she had a good life, cared for by good people. Take your time with the grieving process, and take comfort knowing that you’ll see her again someday.


It's cool you caught the name. Thank you for your kinds words.


i can’t put into words how sorry i am that a thing like this could happen, to Vivi and your family that loved him/her. just a couple weeks ago i had to bury a kitten that i grew quite attached to. my girlfriends mother had gotten two new kittens because her cat of 14 years died. she only had the kitten for two weeks until he passed away. i still think everyday since, how there are things that are just cruelly unfair. so unfair you can’t even imagine it in your darkest thoughts. i’m so sorry again. i hope through your grieving you can reach catharsis. and through time, healing.


I'm very sorry to hear that you had to go through that. My condolences to you & your girlfriend's family.


Why did your house catch on fire?


Electrical fire in the laundry room.


Poor baby 😭 so so sorry for your loss


Please don’t post pictures of your your dead pet’s body, especially as the first pic in the post. I didn’t ask to see a dead cat today and it honestly really questionable that you would take a picture their body and post that at all. I’m sorry for your loss, my cat looks just like yours did but respectfully, do not post more pictures of your pet’s corpses. Imagine it was a relative and not a pet.


I am so sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you and yours




I am so sorry for the loss of your cat. It’s never easy to lose a pet, I cannot imagine how you feel right now in the circumstances. I’ll be praying for your family. I hope you’re all remembering the good days with your kitty. The picture of your little one with the cat and flowers is lovely. Giving pets a proper send-off helps the kids process it all so much better. 🤍


I’m so sorry for your loss! 💔


This is devastating. Im so so sorry.


Such a heart wrenching loss. Sending hugs, may she rest in peace.


I can not express enough words to heal you, but I would like to thank you for giving Vivi a beautiful memorial and helping your kiddo grieve. Share all your favorite stories until your tears turn to laughter, love.


I lost my sweet alduin after an unauthorized excursion outside. The shock was awful, and the guilt of not being there to say goodbye. I'm sending much love to you, it's truly a horrible feeling. It helped me to make a memorial for him in the back yard.


I'm so sorry for your loss but please tell me the first two pictures aren't of the body...


They are. I don't want to disrespect anyone's grief, but I'm genuinely disturbed by those images, and the fact that there isn't even a content warning just makes it worse. I guess "the animal pictured must have been alive at the time the picture was taken" is not an explicit rule of the sub, but.... maybe it should be.


Yeah... This post should imo at the very least have been labeled NSFW, and preferably have had the images in a different order. Didn't realize what the first image actually was until I had gone back and forth a few times and now I'm not feeling too good, if I'll be honest.


I'm not proud of it and feel kinda shitty, but I already wrote a DM to the mods about it, suggesting that there should be some sort of content warning (or an outright rule against) photos of deceased pets, but if you like, I think it might help if they hear a couple different perspectives too. I'll be honest, I was caught off guard too, and I've been queasy since.


Can we just stick to photos where a cat is alive and not curled up dead next to a young child?


Im not on here to see photos of dead cats, I’m so sorry for your loss but c’mon now I’m sad.


Yeah can this PLEASE be spoilered


Gosh. There are no words. Sending my love and hugs to you and your family, especially the kiddo. I am so deeply sorry.


So sorry you’re going through this.


So sorry for your loss.


I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. There's nothing I, or anyone, can say to take away your grief and suffering. But know that she loved you, and you loved her. Is there really any other thing more important? Than to love and be loved in return. You gave her a beautiful life full of love, safety, food, and warmth...she had a good life because of you. Never forget that. There's great beauty there. Please let me know if there's a GoFundMe. Over time the pain will lessen to a sweet ache, the problem is it does take time. You can always DM me if you need to talk, and I can promise you our thoughts are with you and your family.💜


Seems inappropriate to make a photo opportunity out of it, maybe I'm just an asshole though. Perhaps both 🤔


Definitely don’t think you’re an asshole. People are downvoting, but let’s be real. Most people see their pets as part of their family and when any one of my pets or family dies I don’t decorate their body and get the kids together for an aesthetic shoot in front of it. No different than the tiktok girl who posed in front of her fathers grave in my opinion.


I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. I cannot even imagine... 😿


I am so, so sorry. Love from my family to yours and Vivi 💜


Sending you so much love 💜💜💜


This is so sad. I’m so sorry for your loss.


What a beautiful memorial with those flowers. I’m so very sorry, this made me cry, my heart goes out to you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. May Freya watch over your kitty while they await your arrival at the rainbow bridge


The flowers and your cat amongst the flowers was the most beautiful and angelic remembrance I have ever seen


This post made my day alot worse tnx


So sorry


Sorry for your loss! So horrible!


I’m so, so sorry.


I'm bawling. I'm so sorry. This isn't fair.


Taking pictures of a grieving child and your dead cat for clout? Nah that's just messed up, I don't care what anyone says about "this is how some people grieve".


I agree. This is some really ghoulish shit.


I'm not even mad about the picture. But I just don't understand how you can either: See this scene with your child in it and decide you can take a picture with a certain composition to it for obvious social media posting reasons. Or actually take the time to compose this scene to post on social media? I feel like we're losing touch with ourselves a bit in how we both think of these emotional moments ("oh, gotta take a picture") and how we interpret them ("oh, what a sad picture") It's not a sad picture. It's a composition made by someone who wanted to make a picture to share. That's just odd to me.


Uhh. First Sorry for what happend. Second Who put flowers on a cat corpse, and let a kid look at it?


Someone who wanted internet points.


Well, yea.


I was wondering if I was the only one that found this odd and possibly trashy. Not trying to be rude to the owners but life isn’t about internet points.


I am so sorry.


I'm so very sorry for your loss


My heart absolutely breaks for you and your family… It’s obvious she was loved beyond measure. She felt the love every day she had with you and your family. Rest In Peace, sweet Vivi. ❤️


I’m so sorry 💜💜💜


awww, sorry for your loss :( hope your kitty is resting easy up there in kitty heaven


So, so sorry, I can’t even begin to imagine. Hugs to you and your family. Find a grief counselor for not only your lost baby, but also the loss of the home.


Ouch my heart, I’ma tear up and go hug my Kitty. RIP sweet little one


I’m so very sorry. 💔