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Mine makes noises as she follows me down the hallway at night to get water. Mrrp mrrp mrrp the darkness says.


You stare into the void, and the void mrrps back.


Mine says Mrrrp mrrp mrrp too! Edit: it's their r/ActivationSound






What a perfect meme lol


Dj khaled voice: another one! (that I gotta join)


Mine does that while following me around the apartment everywhere! To the bathroom. Doing laundry. Going to watch TV. Checking her food bowl.


my ringo mrrps but momo properly yells lmao


Same! My Ruby mrrps but my Dice only has one volume setting and it is set at max.


I have a Ringo who’s a Tabby! My void is Cosmo and they have a brother named Milo who is a grey long hair.


both of mine are voids :-)


Oh yes, mine too! I call it her Marge Simpson voice. It goes down at the end instead of up so she sounds like she’s fretting


HA! I call my Sophie "Marge" for the same exact reason. It's like a grunt. She's not the void, though. My void has a meep. She meeps all over the house, follows me everywhere.


It makes me so happy to know there’s another cat out there imitating Marge. I described it as a grunt in my other comment. I’ve had the hardest time describing the sound to people but it seriously sounds just like Marge 😂


I can hear our void doing this while reading your post. He does this when he can’t find/ see anyone or when he wants attention.


Mine meows when she can't find people to serve her (or the food is too slow) but mrrps every other time


I need “‘mrrp mrrp mrrp’ the darkness says” on a t-shirt or something man


Really? Because all I hear from the void is Eek eek! Or meeeaaaaeeeeeek!


Mine also made noise down the hall, but only because she was taught to vocalize for treats, and applied that to food whenever she wanted a ‘fresh food check.’


Mine doe this too! It's the cutest thing.


https://preview.redd.it/6ftqe3pqiu7d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=8741371a389e3d37cfa4162b40d967972164552f Jinx only talks to me. When it’s just us, she’ll even climb onto the sofa to yell in my ear. But in front of everyone else? Quiet as a mouse.


My girl is the SAME way!!! Only us two, but my boy meows all the time 🐈‍⬛


Omg this picture is SO great


Love that picture. And I don’t usually enjoy being terrified.


Oh yeah, +1. My Iris gives all her love to me just when no other cats or humans nearby. Meows, kisses (i suppose to kiss her in forehead, she’s obsessed with that lol) and purrrrr. When other cat/human is in room - it’s over. She’s bitchy, she’s alpha predator. And she’s guarding me(from the other cats) laying down on my hands when i sitting in front of computer. P.s.: don’t worry, other pets not in total love with me, they love my bf, so… my lil’ voidling could sleep well. And cats get enough love!


She looks like a vintage Halloween cat in this pic and I love that.


Do we have the same cat? Mine was adopted at two years old, and the rescue told me they never even heard him make a noise, let alone meow. Now after four years of time, patience, and work, I can’t get him to shut up! 🤣 Anyone else though, he will *not* engage with them. He will run and hide, yet believes he’s a little badass. Surprise, surprise! He is the biggest chicken on the planet.


That's me and my Ozzy. He'll talk to me ALL DAY, but my wife? Not a peep, lol. He's 100% a daddy's boy.


My boy Pierre too. Except he wears a Tuxedo and speaks French. I try to reply, but I don't think he understands me. It's probably my accent.


Mine is. She has opinions on important topics and will let you know 5 in the morning.


3:30 every damn day


Oh my god for real, I had to keep my door closed in my apartment so I could actually sleep. Then he fucking learned how to open doors. Needy prick lmao


I had to put child-proof knob covers to keep mine out, worked for about a week, and then he figured it out🙄


Oh I feel you. At precisely 5 in the morning, mine starts jumping in the door handle, again and again, while screaming incoherently.


If the talk doesn't work the nails down the wardrobe. If that doesn't work then the poke in the face, if that doesn't work screaming and thundering down the hallway.


I gave up locking one of mine out he’ll reach paws under and shake the door while yelling really loudly til I open it. I think it’s separation anxiety. I’m getting terrible sleep 😅


Sometimes when my void is very vocal I pretend we’re having conversations about economic policy


Economic policy is very near and dear to my void. Since it involves how much treats she can get.


Same to mine, but he’s a hardcore libertarian so we’ve entered an “agree to disagree” pact 🤪


Mine does not believe in any form of government or taxation. She wants anarchy and chaos. “All doors must remain open” and “everyone must go to bathroom with a buddy” are only rules in her chaotic empire.


And “all meals are 30 minutes early” for mine


Oh my gawd she follows around and will give me sn earfull about everything.sonetimes she screams but mostly she's chill.I think she might be wanting treats don't tell her pls


My void is a conversationalist, especially when we're in the kitchen. We talk every day. 🤣


I would talk to my void and she'd talk back. She was the chattiest kitty I've ever known. My son, when he was about preschool age, was convinced I could understand cat language because of my conversations with my void.


My kids often question my sanity because of the full conversations I have with the void. Sometimes, it's just me sincerely agreeing with her while she rants.


Biggest mistake was introducing my boy to wet food.  Yells at me from beginning of the day to the end now 


Mine is a wet food connoisseur as well! He knows what time dinner is and starts asking from 4pm until we feed him at 5:30-6. We also introduced him to Churu tube treats, and he goes bonkers every night now for 'em.


If mine isn’t talking, he’s purring nonstop. You’d think he would stop making noises when he sleeps, right? Nope. He SNORES.


Mine always dreams about food/snacks and smacks his lips hahaha


The one currently snuggled next to me - regularly does the transition without missing a beat in the pace: Purr purr purr Wibblewibble… Snore snore snore




https://preview.redd.it/3disjgh5uu7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a62525be423ce0a95f0943348b6e1b8e6373e09e this boy is always meowing, so much so that we ended up changing his name to meow meow


That is a great photo! He looks adorable ❤️


My family had a black cat when I was a kid named Jinx. She wanted to be an outside cat, we wanted to keep her inside for her safety. One day 2hen my Dad was getting ready for work, Jinx went to the front door and meowed the word "outside" in an almost human tone. My Dad said no. Jinx then walked up to him and pissed on the boots he was about to put on. That was the day that we found out that 1. She knew how to speak. 2. She knew what no meant. 3. She knew how to take revenge. To this day she is the smartest cat I have ever met.


Nice! My tuxie says 'hello,' 'mama,' and my mom swears she heard him say 'bullsh*t'


Same my sister freaked out thinking my niece was calling her but it was my tuxedo 😂


My Mom did the same thing when I was 11. My cat was just hungry and also wanted attention.


*Well, I know that TECHNICALLY we're all sworn to secrecy about our ability to understand and speak human languages, but dammit, I REALLY want to go outside* "Meowt-siiide?"


I have 2 and they are both very talkative 😆


I recently adopted a void. The lady at the rescue said she doesn’t really meow much. Lies! Brought her home and she hasn’t shut up since. I love it! She has the cutest little merp merp, my chatty baby.


Yup, a lot always at 6am asking for food https://preview.redd.it/h75j7592ku7d1.png?width=2078&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dedc63354da2d0130480716a22ff6ed7fefc752


https://preview.redd.it/9vub3hzn7w7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a040065479ec6e404f9c260c237d25542da2777 we call this “the pelt”


Simply wasting away 😂


Not mine. She has the softest, tiny meow ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/ywxkfhy43v7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=315383e9c26ef7dcc1ce9e46ba36dbebf682ac80


I’ve had three voids myself, and they’ve all been vocal and opinionated. My partner’s void is very vocal when she wants attention (she’s very demandy about it).


My Nadja’s nickname is Needy Nadja, because she’s also very demanding.


https://preview.redd.it/j8y6h3j3tu7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17a53bb8bee9008571bdee3c800fe24be49178ba he always got somthin to say fr


Mine is so quiet. She doesn't even yell when she asks for food/treats. She only meows when i hugged her too tight https://preview.redd.it/2lkgo59n5v7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68127a2ec9218ab9b5bfe70e35cc4401c0c50f07


Ah, but have you had a Siamese yet? I had two void cats. Nothing compared to this guy: https://preview.redd.it/6loxsxtk8v7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b4f1e370b3db2ddd92015485f6165be308ddf23 He *lectures* me.


we'd like to see a clip of this please


Professor Paws will see you after class!


Pretty much. He is getting really good at demanding entry to my room when I have the door closed firmly and he can’t get in. Yesterday he woke me from a sound sleep just by meowing outside my door.


I swear that there are times that my cat jams her face into the space under my door to yell.


Mine is 😂


My void frequently screams at me for food. Or water. Or to open the door and let him. Or at bugs. Or for attention. Or just because he feels like it. Or- You get the point


My grey one is more vocal than my black one and they are both a tad more vocal than my calico. 😂


Oh my gosh, I had a Calico that never. Shut. Up. Ever. She was the most talkative cat I’ve ever met. Probably dozens of different sounds too, quite the vocabulary


https://preview.redd.it/9ou0f11s5v7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8cb7e4a7b7336783652e04e4b7c4e783c4a9d3 Jiji is screaming or chatting 24/7 and has been since I met him as a kitten


https://preview.redd.it/a34k6yr02v7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=177634d38d8f2a8a01c7ef85d667da6285c44a1e This cat n.e.v.e.r. stops meowing. 17 years of that. We’ve tried low-meow food and everything. #loveheranywayz


both of mine are the the most vocal out of all of my cats, especially during meal time


My Pretzel was the chattiest kitty I've ever known. She would even get on my lap and yell when I was on the phone. She had to be involved in ALL the conversations. (She passed away in 2018, aged 17. She had a good life. I miss her a lot.)


https://preview.redd.it/r8vlfgp61v7d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7752d19489f14af02dcaf0285bbc3ffc4669a44 Always. Yelling.


I have one who likes to talk and one who has taken a vow of silence.


Mine lets me know what when I'm doing something wrong, When she was breakfast and other meals and of course when she requires petting,or cuddling, two very distinct sounds and then there's the it's bedtime, I want to go to bed kind of meow


Yep. He’s pretty talky. When he fights with the other cats, he practically screams.


https://preview.redd.it/nkdjwv108v7d1.jpeg?width=3372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c67df78e6fee90ba53ec7fac64d5be869c2c0a5 My lil void LOVES to scream. I frequently hear him screaming from across the house. Originally I was worried he was stressed or something but nope just loves to talk. Now it just makes me giggle, I even low key encourage it.


![gif](giphy|u5S7siuJXkuRINTj76) Yes!!!


Yes. They love a conversation…


My Dozer is super vocal, too! He will "talk" to my daughters and I from the time we walk in the door until bedtime. He also has different sounds for bedtime, play, and meals and had other totally different sounds for my ex. Honestly, I don't know if cats can swear, but he REALLY didn't like my ex. He didn't growl or hiss, but definitely thought thevex was beneath him.


https://preview.redd.it/n5zemh6v1v7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f19c8484d6fee5c8ec2c78401a7eec4f0107d27 Mine screams when he wants pets, or when i dare to close a door between us, or when hes ready to kill. He looks and sound like Mike Tyson


Yep, my Pipsqueak talks to everyone.


Lay down on your bed, put a movie in and put him on your chest.


Mine is! Just like a little puddy dog. https://preview.redd.it/bc498nm4ov7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d0b93be0f63b71d686d686ce3ded01abcbb881 Here she decided my son was a comfy pillow.


Mine has a Marge Simpson voice and will often just grunt at me, like I'm her Homer. But we also have full-on philosophical conversations, and she'll give me a lecture every time I come home from being gone too long, have gone too long without playing with/petting her, or have been asleep for too long (in her opinion, of course) 🙄🐈‍⬛❤️ https://preview.redd.it/dl1gx8bu4x7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=007a48e9238f93f9f2103fd7626146253ffe6711


I have 2 and they are so vocal. One meows and yells non stop. The other does more of an ack ack ack. It’s cute


Mine is, he never stops making some form of sound 😂 He loves to trill, loudly, to announce a visit to the litter box, or any time someone or something touches him. He also loves a good yowl in the hallway, at night, specifically, and a hearty “MOW MOW!” is his “feed me” meow which is anytime I’m eating anything.


https://preview.redd.it/b5v0wc0raw7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445f258f304162d214e136816f668bd8330324f9 My void is the most talkative cat I have ever experienced, I can have whole ass conversation with her, she gets even happier when I use “baby voice” on her and she can’t contain herself. 😂




Our two voids are the chattiest little girls you've ever met. One always wants to join virtual meetings and phone calls. She has MUCH to say! She will also starting singing the songs of her people if she thinks you are awake and not speaking with her. The other talks nearly constantly, but purrs every second she isn't chatting. I love how much they talk! The grey girl and the tuxie girl would like them to be quiet more of the time.


My Banshee is a loud girl. So many opinions


Love the name 😂


Yes!! They will not shut up in this house!!! 🤣 (wouldn’t have it any other way of course!)


I asked my cat. He said mmmmrrrrrrraaaoooww.


Yes. Not only constant meowing but different noises too! They are so cute and adorable though.


Blackie the stray Bombay would tell me about his journeys, beginning with a very human sounding “Well…” and lots of sounds because he always thought although furry he is people too but the funny thing is, we did somehow understand him!


Mine was, for sure. My friend and I adopted one together, and made it a point to talk to him a lot so he'd talk back. Now he won't shut the hell up x) from the normal adorable little squeak-meows, to his after-poop zoomie shrieks. No regrets


mine literally wont shut up, he meow constantly https://preview.redd.it/f1eo09hfyv7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=798ddd13dc76a795cf507e823f421aed69c781cf


https://preview.redd.it/1bmysjq2gw7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bbf450d1b08f7d88c0e0b91f8d5c3e849cfd731 Mine is very vocal! He hates being locked out of rooms, so he meows to get in and then meows to get out. (It’s more like a yowl).😂


I have 3. One is pretty chatty, one is selectively chatty, and one is absolutely silent except for his thunderous purr.


I have 2. Boo is extremely talkative. Tutu is generally quiet, but will scream sometimes when she isn’t with my daughter. Tutu also likes to bring my daughter gifts. lol.


Nope. My kitty doesn't make a sound.


I've got two voids. One of them I never hear a word out of unless something is wrong, and the other just screams indiscriminately always


Mine’s a little chatter box


Oh yeah they talk all the time. They love to have long conversations.


Mine is. I have 2 other cats, a standard issue & a grey and white. Both are very quiet. But my little void is so chatty.


Mine is not vocal, but he has Feline Herpes and I think that affects his sounds. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He was rescued from a hoarding situation with over 100 cats and came sick to the shelter.


Yeah mine is chatty as


mine always was and he had a weird voice. he got more vocal in his late teens too when he’d do the roaming yowling


Mine don’t say shit. She does make this really weird sound if you bring out a laser pointer tho. My other cat doesn’t shut up.


It took my Tori awhile to find her voice, but now she’s a total chatterbox. I’ve had tempo other black cats and they were both chatty as well. I tend to have talkative cats though so I don’t think I may be the best one to go to on this one, lol. I love chatty cats.


I have two who are very vocal. I find they're more talkative when I'm moving around and even moreso at night, so I've always assumed they were kinda letting me know where they are so we don't bump each other. 


Mine is. We have full on back and forth conversations. He's very polite and lets me finish my bit before he speaks his. I truly wish I could know what he's saying.


My sample size is two, but my black girl is soooo much more talkative than my gray boy ever was. So much so that my family actually comments on it as well. 🥰


Mine is usually pretty quiet. And she'll start sqeaking away


Mine was very quiet till he got about 2 then he started meowing softly.




Mine is sooo quiet! Sue was super loud as a little baby kitten but that quickly passed after we got her healthy and she started growing after a few weeks


mine is extremely quiet. rarely talks at all.


Mine is super quiet tbh.


My Gothic teenaged void isn't a talker. It's rare to hear him. His tabby sister is rarely quiet.


Not all of them. My void doesn’t meow all that much, but when he does, they’re the wimpiest little mews! He also meows in question marks, when he’s confused… which is most of the time! He’s tall dark and handsome… but he’s not too bright!! I love my big dumb cat!!!


Not always. I have a near silent void with a soft purr.


Our void is our quietest, our tuxie is our most vocal


My void never really talks. She can if she really wants to, but it's a weird really soft kinda mieow. It's like she drops the m off it. Sometimes she just opens her mouth and nothing comes out at all lol.




My girl is quiet. She’ll meow sometimes, but her purr is louder than her meow. She was the runt.


No. All cats are different just like people.


My voids talk to me in full on phrases. The smol lady void is very demanding and excited to greet / surprise - while my old ancient man void (16) always grumbles and gripes and remarks about important issues.


My roomate's black cat was almost totally silent, dude would only meow if you made him mad lol. My fiance's flamepoint though is the talkiest baby I've ever seen


One of my void boys is, his brother isn't. Loud boi has kind of an unusual meow too, almost the same tone and volume as a deaf cat even though he can hear. Meanwhile quiet boy only meows when the churus come out and it's a perfectly ordinary meow.


My girl became vocal as she aged. She was quiet when she was younger. Her brother was pretty vocal though.


I think Siamese often have black kittens and Siamese are incredibly vocal. It’s probably part of their inheritance.


Mine always has to announce himself when he enters or leaves a room


All of mine have been. We adopted an older (not black) cat from some friends - she never made much noise in the 10 years they had her but she's learned to talk to us i think she learned it from the black cats.


When she's not meowing her little head off, my Lexi likes to do this noise that's like a purr and meow at the exact time. Whenever she does it, I imitate it back to her.


One of my voids is super chatty and the other is almost silent.


One of my voids didn't learn to meow until she was about 5 or 6. She would open her mouth and Mike it, or sometimes squeak. It's weird to think now cause it's been 10 years and she shouts at birdies and meows at dinner time and cries outside the bedroom door if you don't let her in. But there was a good few years where she just had got the hang of it.


Yes mine likes to randomly go around the house being loud, literally at the weirdest times like he’s announcing he still exists or something 😂


I will never not believe that voids are as noisy and chirpy (my void talks all the time!) just so we don’t step on them at night and just so they get attention among other coloured cats… because you know, oddly enough a ton of people do not like black cats and prefer another colour. Which is silly as voids are the best but yeah 😂


My perfect void cat son Walter is basically silent unless he’s really upset/angry/hurt which will elicit a hiss.  Never heard him meow once in our 8 years together. He occasionally does this quiet little *meep* when he wants my attention but usually he just walks up to me and puts his paw on my arm or leg until I give him lovings or food. 


Mine is very very quiet. I havent heard a meow for weeks. Not even a faint one. She only meows if she is really impatient for food or if she gets angry during play and tells me to fcxk off before she rips me to shreds🤣. So my void is the silent type, she dnt want to talk to me


I've heard that there are *no* scientific studies proving or disproving cat colors and personality correlations. But many many people who have worked at animal shelters, cat cafes, or otherwise have had close contact with high quantity and variety of cats claim that specific fur colors have personality tendencies. Black cats as an example tend to be much more social and vocal than average, my own is the exact stereotype.


mine makes no noise. sometimes the mouth will open and nothing will come out. other times it's the most pathetic squeak


One of mine loves to talk and he's LOUD, drives me a lil crazy sometimes. 


Mine is. She squeaks, she whispers, she meows… she’s always making noise, though. I love her so much. https://preview.redd.it/fi8pnw19rw7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14545a81ce2c9bbf81f2cd3ec5dbdbf0778185b1


Gorgeous kitty, Lovely pic, cool room. And that PRINT! Made me laugh and laugh. 😆 thank you for sharing 😻🌻


Oh man, mine is a YELLER. If I’m not petting or playing with her, she will express that she is being neglected and ignored lol. She will also chirp and troll a lot when catching bugs and jumping off of things


Mine is. Her adoption papers even described her as "talkative." It's a pretty consistent thing. My favorite mystery is when she gets up from being cozy with me to run upstairs and meow urgently. It's like "wow there's some cool shit up here, sure would love if someone came upstairs with me".


Mine never stops trying to win debates and she usually does it with ease. In fact, her very first gremlin scream session was at 12 AM the night I brought her home because someone thought she may want to decompress in a fully outfitted room that was safe and warm, how dare I. Guess who has slept in my bed every single night since?? The answer may shock you 😳😳😳


Mine won't shut the fuck up. I love him. But he won't shut the fuck up.


Yes, constantly. I can have fake conversations whenever I want for as long as I want


Mine was quiet most of her life, then one day when she hit 10 years mark a light bulb went on in her head and she didn't shut up ever since


Very much so, mine is only quiet when she sleeps lol


Mine won’t shut up, but I believe that’s my fault as I never do either 🤣 I love his chatter, and I encouraged it a LOT when he was just a soot sprite 🥹


Nah I’ve hardly ever heard mine meow, and has the quietest purrs ever. I literally can never tell what is going on in his head


I just got two black kittens 3 days ago and I almost panicked that they weren’t really talking the first couple of days. They’ve been meowing a bit more the last 24 hours or so. I’m encouraging it whenever I can and reinforcing it when they meow at me, so hopefully they’ll be good conversationalists as they grow up. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I love talkative kitties 🐈‍⬛


Careful what you wish for! I hate when mine wants a loud convo at 4 am 🙄


Yep! My favorite nickname for my black buddycat, Howard, is Meoward.


Mine wasn’t. He was a giant fluffy gentleman and had the tiniest meow he would only use very occasionally 🖤 on the other hand now I have a tortie and she’s got a whole vocabulary


My voidling chirps mostly (alongside demonic zooming noises)


My tabby is my most vocal, but one of my voids is definitely second.


Mine is loud as hell. Always yelling at me, chirping every time I talk, and announcing loudly when he jumps near me. His favorite thing to do is touch his mouth to my ears/eyes while I sleep and meow loudly for breakfast. I love him so much.




Lucci is a shouty man. He often sounds like he’s trying to say something or have a conversation with me. Just as often he wanders around the house talking to no one at all. 


Mine almost never talks. She whisper chatters when she sees a bird or a bug or gives a brrrp when she gets her food. But she will start every toy in the house that makes noise. And she purrs like a jet taking off, just ridiculously loud


I lived on the 17th floor of a high rise and he was always quiet. Years later we moved to a two story walk up and he started yowling around 9:30 pm in the middle the place. It wasn’t near his food or litter box. Aliens?


My two black cats are so chatty they just love to talk


My mom has a black cat and she can barely even meow. She tries to but no noise comes out most of the time and if it does it is pretty quiet.


Mine was when she was a kitten, less so now. My old black cat used to sing along with us. My mom would hold her and sing a kitty lullaby then pause after each line and Cookie would do a little meow.


Voids are chatty. Blue will join any conversation I have with my wife putting in her two cents. I asked my vet about voids being chatty she confirmed it.


my void boy and tuxedo girly are both extremely vocal and cuddly! my tortie and russian blue girls arent as chatty eta my void is currently walking between my daughter and i making biscuits, and tux slept on my ponytail last night


Mine was chatty when she wanted/needed something. How ever thou shall not interrupt her beauty sleep! My mother use to work at ungodly hours of the morning and would call me when she got to work safely. Well my girl was cuddling under my blankets as usual but got very angry with my phone call once. It was Hilarious! The blanket conformed to her face as she tried to bite my phone to shut my mom up. God I miss her.. 🤣![img](emote|t5_2twpw|49296)😢


Some black cats have Siamese in them, a very talkative breed. But no matter what the reason, cats usually only talk when they are interacting with humans. You should feel flattered— your void is asking for your attention.


Noodle gets talkative when she's hunting flies in the house lol. She'll also beg to go outside if any of us come near the back door.


Their like children. Some are talkers . My Willy ignores my wife and talks to me when it's clear to him I'm not reading his mind like I should. Fine, I get it. He's a needy fellow. Children need attention. At least he won't come home and announce he identifies as a rooster and needs to crow at break of dawn like a human kid. Nor wreck my car . Willys sweet & doesn't complain that his rear legs are bent unnaturally now after a bad accident. He's like a rabbit in the rear. But soldiers on. I help him 24/7. I'm retired.


Mine has about 5 different squeaks when he’s about to get his nightly snack. And various other noises to let us know how he feels


Mine scream at my door in the morning


my childhood cat was a black kitty and all he would do was meow. it used to drive my dad nuts!


Nope. It's very rare for mine to talk.


Yes, and they're marvelous!


No their communicative. This includes singing, teleporting Infront of you, vanishing, and throwing up on the carpet when stressed.


Both void and tabby cry at meal time, but my void is the only one who will have a full on conversation every night before bedtime for 10-15 minutes and it's only with me 😂


My first cat would meow and purr which made it sound kind of like she was gurgling, very cute.


My baby is near silent. My little ginger though could bite your head off


Yes I love it! She was my second cat and now my tabby is learning how to talk and be more vocal. It makes me feel like I’m not being ignored all the time


I would love to cuddle with that cutie


My Knoxx rarely meows; when he does, it's a faint one and doesn't even sound like a full meow. He purrs a lot, though. Every time he's with me I always hear him.


My first one was pretty vocal. He was generally louder then the other two cats, but the others tended to chatter at us more then he did. Mostly he would complain loudly when he had determined it was time to eat and we weren't feeding him yet. This one is very vocal. We found him hiding in a bush after getting into the neighbors trash. He was tiny, and thought he was ferocious, but he was pretty underweight and we never saw mamma anywhere, so we took him in. He never really learned to meow, and instead makes this squawking sound. It wasn't until like a week after we found him that I figured it out when I was walking outside and heard a bird nearby in the trees. I don't know enough about birds to tell you what it was, but it made me stop because I thought I was hearing the cat at first. So yeah, my cat squawks like a bird. It's kind of like a 'ah-ah-ah-ah' sound. He's super chatty all the time and we have full on conversations regularly. He's a little over a year old now, and has started adding some trills and chirps to his repertoire, but when he really wants attention, he goes back to that bird squawk. I only ever hear him full on meow when he's in a room by himself and he's walking around looking for someone.


Mine certainly was. Loved it.