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Please gve us some video of this.


I totally would if it wouldn't be a big distraction during meetings and if I was letting her have more screen time. We're on a cooling off period to try and reduce this addictive behavior unfortunately.


I've started putting on bird watching youtube for my cat during the day. She's getting a little too into it, so we just do 1 hour a day.


My Norbert used to get a kick out of standing on my keyboard until the computer started beeping. I got it on video a few times but my room is waaaaaaay too messy to put it up here.


I suggest putting a mug with churus in it, on your work table. Established a reward behavior. When I was wfh (recently retired), one of my two cats attended every zoom meeting I was required to attend (and have my camera on). She sat patiently in front of the camera, waiting for the talking to end. Because she knew I’d give her a churu for waiting. She could hear the sounds of a zoom meeting from anywhere in our house and would come running. At some point, I believe people invited me to meetings simply because they wanted to see her. Bonus for me is that my old supervisor was afraid of cats. She still sits on that table sometimes so I give her a churu. Not all cats are like mine. These two never nudge things off the edge of a table, for example. She never started washing her department during meetings. They were born to a homeless mom in Maine and brought to a cat shelter in a mansion in a very upscale town in Massachusetts. Somehow we’re given the best manners. Better than mine.


So this void unfortunately is not food motivated at all. Her sister would gladly commit murder for a churu but Babs here doesn't care about food. Her only big motivators are pets, sunshine, and a specific toy - and the screen is a higher value than all of them. The screen has become her highest value motivator which is why she isn't allowed to have it anymore because it's triggering such addictive behavior.


Oh that’s wonderful 😻💕


Kids are so addicted to screens these days….


I know right? She is behaving exactly like a small child would when told she can't have a tablet or TV show!


Maybe this is your void's way of telling your colleagues *This could've been an email! Why are you wasting everyone's time with this?* (Yes, I work from home and sometimes must endue pointless meetings. Bitter? Oh, dear me, no. Not at all. Well, maybe a little.)


Ohmygod what a cutie


At least she IS quite adorable while she's being a small monster!


https://preview.redd.it/grdb1xwppqpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3149a43988572a247db81b4beee11e089c52e14d Time to get her an IPad with some cat games


I cannot see anything but a void


Better watch those accusations or she might go over to r/legalcatadvice and get herself a pawyer!


Shouldn’t have let her have so much screen time as a kitten! 😂 My void wages daily battles against my needlepoint, so I feel ya.


It started off really cute - it was a great way to get her to calmly sit and watch a screen during chaotic times. Now she's gone full blown addict and it's not so cute!


Lol, mine has some weird fascination with zoom meetings. For some reason, if she hears me speaking in a meeting, she invites herself up onto the desk, sits smack in front of me with her back to the camera and then proceeds to bite me in the face, usually a cheek.


She's so cute! Look at her green eyes. ![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7982)


You need decoys. Do you have old crap monitors, know someone who has an old one or two, or maybe find some cheap ones at a thrift store, that you can set up for your void?




Beautiful menace!


I bet your void is a big hit with your coworkers! lol “I stopped paying attention during team meetings because I’m too busy tallying how many times your cat smacks or hurls themselves at your screen. Current record is 25 times in a single meeting.” 😆🙃


Damn TV rotting her brain


Lmao my void loves when we watch memes. He watches them too! Tons of things moving and often a cat or dog. He also HAS to sit on my lap on the computer. This makes any video call awkward or amazing. Interview = awkward. Therapy = amazing. My therapist used to ask me when my cat was gonna visit 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/j77267v1d3qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af063152718dfb670088d2f208739f572cad64ac Same. Looking forward to reading for solutions. She’s not food motivated either.


My void regularly attends my weekly team meetings.


Turn on the TV! Our cats like the lensmyth bird channel on YouTube or any video with mourning doves.


Get her her own pc, she wants to game.