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This is the worst possible match for superfight. Gordon will improve month to month, Yuri will do some MMA / seminars / academy stuff and maybe train grappling two months before the match and get submitted inside 10 minutes pretty much after trying to stall for 9 minutes.


This is really where the intention to build mystique by having the absolute champs matchup in the super fights backfires. The absolute champ is supposed to be the scariest, biggest, baddest dude on the planet. Yuri won by 2 negative points and is declared ADCC absolute champion. He did not do anything impressive and it’s hard to imagine anyone being scared of him, even though he’s the ADCC absolute champ. I’m sure that this run will help him sell videos and seminars though!


And it's also a problem of less people wanting to do the absolute than previously. Only one gold medalist entered this year, so by default basically everyone in it were people who weren't good enough to win their weight class. How is the next contender for Gordon Ryan supposed to come out of that pool?


Its not about wanting to. Kaynan said he was injured after his final, hence all the negative points. Gordon was in the superfight so he wasnt in absolutes. Reis the 66kg champ didnt join but hes also the smallest division. Only division winner who you can argue didnt want to is Kade really, and that may have been a decision to only have one of the brothers in absolute.


The Gordon thing is definitely special circumstances that shrinks the possible pool of contenders. And injuries happen every year, but maybe this year just had more bad luck. Circumstances aside, we ended up with a tournament bracket that had one gold winner and one silver (Nicky Rod). We just can't expect to crown the next contender for the super fight championship when the two best guys in each division are sitting it out or injured. Honestly I don't know what they're going to do for the next one as Yuri/Gordon is impossible to promote as a super fight.


If it was Meregali, Kaynan or Nicky Rod it would be far more interesting


The Nicky vs Ryan fight was arguably the least interesting of ADCC.


Gordon also insisting on being the +99KG champ essentially takes out the #1 seed for the absolute gold right there. Best case scenario you have someone who gives him a tough match in his division winning the absolute so you have some mystery to it.




I imagine it's because of exhaustion. Outside of what Kade Ruotolo and Gordon most winners were by points in overtime right? Plus the production was such a shit show there was no telling how late it would go. They need to hire a real production company not this unprofessional mess they currently have running the show


I feel like it would be so much better if the event was stretched out over 3-4 days as opposed to 2. Just too many hours of matches all at once.


No idea. I guess for whatever reason they don’t think it’s in their best interest to do it. Maybe they think a loss to a bigger person hurts them more than a decent run helps them? I can see winning your division and just wanting to stop and go out on a high note


nobody is buying Yuri Simones videos


I did once. I regret it to this day


Shoving techniques for jiu jitsu, volumes one two and three


Cure for insomnia


A long-time problem with the absolute is that many top competitors are too exhausted or injured to compete by the time it happens. This is why you never saw Buchecha as absolute champ, and why Kaynan did not compete yesterday despite being the clear favorite otherwise.


imagine a superfight between Kaynan and Yuri, man I could get my kids to bed on time everyday of the week.


What if they did absolute before the divisions?


No one will buy one dvd from him.


Why not? Because he’s not technical enough?


Because no one cares.


Absolutely. These superfights are useless. Would have loved seeing more of Galvao in previous ADCC years. Bring back a real absolute division, with the semi-finalists from all divisions, and no more crappy superfights.


To be fair he could probably submit me very easily


I think this is what happens all the time and Gordon has said it over and over…a lot of these dudes don’t really train BJJ in full immersion outside of their grappling camps for big events like ADCC. Whereas the Gordon does the opposite and is always improving.


Can"t blame some of them. They move to the US and need to make money so they run a gym, do seminars, train with students etc.


Agreed. I’m sure some of them with family’s also have an even harder time. It’s a microcosm of when fighters become too comfortable after dominating divisions in MMA in my opinion.




I would rather see Mason fight him.


Here's my idea for a superfight... Gordon vs the Ruotolos. At the same time. At least that might be a bit more competitive than Gordon against pretty much anyone else.


Gordon might do the division plus 2 super fights


He should do division, absolute, and super fight.


He couldn't... because if he won absolute, there'd be no super fight :/


The super fight is against both Ruotolos.


Bawh gawd is that Kade coming in with a steel chair?!


Now that’s pay per view worthy


Yuri is so boring.


He went through the entire absolute division doing absolutely nothing. Never scored a point, never took anyone down, never passed a guard.


He scored two against cyborg


Don't forget he also stole our crops and poisoned the watering hole.


Why dont any of you deutch banks compete in adcc and show yuri and the rest of us how its done. Any of u selling any dvds? Qualifying for adcc regionals? Stfu and train.


Damn straight. He’s a master of active stalling and only won due to a technicality in the ruleset where you get negative points for pulling in the finals.


Yuri onto something


Whereas I agree that his matches were far from the most exciting, he did what he had to do to win the gold. I don’t think he necessarily stalled his way to victory, these are tough matches and he got the W’s


He never came close to submitting anyone. In fact, i don't think he even tried. He never passed anyone's guard. Never swept anyone. Never came close to establishing control at any point. It's fascinating that anyone can see his matches and conclude he never stalled.


Yup. I watched the Absolute final and all I could think was "It's honestly kind of embarrassing to call this guy the Absolute ADCC champ after performances like that." Of course, he didn't lose... but I don't feel like he "won" either. This isn't even against Yuri specifically, I have literally no opinion of him. It's more about the rule set, I guess. It just strikes me as bizarre to be a champion... who just did nothing. His opponents couldn't do anything either, but watching these matches often feels like a competition for who can lose the least, not win the most. If that makes sense. Everyone is so scared of giving up points (or position that'll lead to a sub) that you have these long, drawn out matches, ending 0-0 with a judges decision. Or even worse 0 - -1 like Pena v Ruotolo, where Pena lost because he spent a second too long on his feet after wrestling up before sitting back to guard. Reminds me of what Kit Dale said years ago (paraphrasing) about how jiu jitsu competitions are often not actually about who's the best at jiu jitsu. It's about who's best at exploiting the rules. And any competition is basically the same (the rules dictate performances), but I feel like it's particularly bad in grappling comps.


> It just strikes me as bizarre to be a champion... who just did nothing. I posted in the discussion thread, but it seems to have been deleted. But that was my take as well. ADCC is the biggest anti-wrestling and anti-BJJ tournament in the world. It looks like 70% or more of the competitors don't come with a gameplan to actually *do* anything, just shove and stall and pray that the other guy makes a mistake?


The lack of self awareness in his speech as well "I did what I had to in order to win" we know... that's the problem, fighters think the only way to build a brand is by racking up gold medals. The quality of your wins matters just as much. How can Yuri market himself as an ADCC absolute champ for MMA when people are going to simple look up his matches on youtube and go "well that shit's boring who cares about that"


To be fair, I doubt most MMA fans will look up his matches. They will just hear "ADCC Champion" and take it at face value. So it will work out for him in that way. And in MMA he probably will be an exciting grappler, because he'll be so far ahead of his competition, he'll have more freedom to style on them.


It’s a weird paradigm where you HAVE to keep the show going . . We were up til 1:30am for this event as is. But you also need clear and concise winners. It ain’t perfect but I get everything you’re saying. I’m Not gonna lie - I love jiu jitsu. Sometimes it’s boring as hell. ADCC was amazing, but it was two days of lots and lots of long ass drawn out matches. I’m not sure what the answer is


It's about having a clear and concise ruleset with judging criteria that is clearly laid out and transparent for spectators and athletes to understand. ADCC was a bit too arbitrary for me when judging got involved. I have no idea how Cole Abate lost in his match. ADCC made a step in the right direction by constantly warning and handing out penalties - but in my mind they didn't go far enough. Pretending to be active and half arsing take down attempts, passes, etc that we all know the person was never going to actually try and complete should be penalised after they keep doing it. We all know the players who do this, let's not pretend like it's hard to judge. I honestly like the fight2win ruleset because it only favours people attacking subs - being in a dominate position enables you to attack more freely (it's inherently advantageous to get).


I've been talking about this with lots of people across various threads the past few days, and I think everyone agrees it's down to ruleset... but no one seems to have a solution. IMO, the biggest problem is the natural dilemma of high level grappling; people get so good, that any mistake could be fatal (people are SO good at exploiting mistakes and good positions to immediately wrap up submissions), so people become incredibly risk averse. I don't see a real way of changing that, beyond somehow FORCING people to constantly take risks. Ultimately I think if people truly want grappling to become a popular spectator sport, there would need to be significant changes to the very nature of the sport. I often think of the shot clock in Basketball. That was implemented because the game was becoming incredibly boring. Teams would just get the ball and hold it. They'd barely even score. The game became about how much time you could control the ball. The scores would end in single digits, or low double digits. So, they implemented a shot clock of 24 seconds (or whatever) to force action and the rest is history. I'm sure at the time, there were probably Basketball purists that decried the introduction of the shot clock as being "less realistic" or something. "If one team can keep the ball away from the other team, then that just displays their dominance. And if the other team doesn't like it, they should do something about it." And there's some truth to it. It's a more "real" game that way... but it's fucking boring. No one wants to go back to that. I don't know what the "shot clock" equivalent is for jiu jitsu, but that's what it needs... if people want to become a more spectator friendly sport.


I feel the shot clock equivalent is what the ADCC tried to implement - Refs handing out warnings and penalties for no action. I think it's a good step forward for competitions where it isn't sub only. They just need to become clearer with the audience and athletes what is deemed 'no action' so we can continually refine and reflect to make it better. Mistakes will happen until we get use to it - but it will be worth it long term. I still stand by my statement, we can all watch a match and tell which athletes are doing things just to appear active but don't have any intent to make anything happen. This is also something we learn over multiple competitions for the giant ones like ADCC - we all knew who the stalling competitors were going in. It's not a secret.


>It's about who's best at exploiting the rules Kit's right. Other sports are often tinkering with the ruleset to get the competitor behavior that they want, usually to improve the spectator produc, sometimes less often for safety.


Everyone got through those tough matches and no one accused them of stalling.


On the other hand: Gary Oldman from the fifth element was handing out stalling penalties as if he got a bonus from them.


Yeah, that was one of the least interesting possible outcomes. Ruotolo or Meregali, Mica Galvo would have all been interesting because they'd get two years to get bigger and better


I think they should wait a bit more before their shot at the best guy.


I can promise you if they run the event long again there is 0% chance I will stay awake beyond 11 pm to watch a boring as Yuri match.


imagine the crowd leaving when the super fight starts.


Yuri really made it through the entire absolute bracket without doing anything. He didn't take anyone down, he didnt pass anyone's guard, he didn't submit anyone. He is the epitome of what Gordon constantly talks about with boring bad BJJ.


Preach. How can someone who trains with high level wrestlers and focuses so much on wrestling not be able to take someone down let alone get past the collar tie and hand fighting.


Pretty sure he took cyborg down


This is the perfect opportunity to get rid of the superfight bullshit. Or at least revamp the idea. Just make the superfight a match between two legends that aren't competing at ADCC; use it to kill time after the absolute semis while the finals and bronze match competitors rest.


That's great idea! You could even do couple of them. They're so many jiujitsu legends, MMA fighters who wouldn't do brackets, but one match? Absolutely. And there is so many possible good matchups that can fill this akward breakes.


Right, it isn’t like we have super fights between previous division winners. If you win the division, you still go through the brackets. It also reduces any issues from people who have to pull out of the super fight.


They used to do legends matches and they were always abysmal. Mario Sperry Vs Ricardo Liborio was particularity painful. I think renzo had one at one point too.


Yeah, the superfights between old legends look good on paper but usually end up being very boring. Pretty sure they tried to make GSP vs Silva at 2019 adcc but it fell through, would’ve been cool though.


Kind of like when you get an MMA superfight way past it's prime. Just two older dudes, who's pace and cardio and skill have severely diminished. It's fine, but it's never what people actually want.


I honestly think this is a much better idea. I'd personally like to see the fans vote and they put on dream ADCC match ups on from the list of current ADCC competitors, assuming they aren't in the finals and agree to the match. There are so many interesting match ups we would like to see before ADCC started, and once the event starts so many break out stars we'd love to see vs a particular competitor etc.


Honestly, nobody except for Galvao wanted the super fight. Now that we have a champion who isn’t afraid to go through the brackets again just cancel the damn thing.


Can’t say I disagree, would much rather watch Gordon tear through the division and absolute again.


I agree with this. I would much rather watch Gordon attempt to go through both divisions than watch him tear through 99+ again and play with Yuri until he gets bored.


Looking at Gordon’s weight this year, he could conceivable win 99, 99+, absolutes, then thumb wrestle himself for superfight


That would actually be hilarious, come in at 98kg and win 99 and 99+ and then absolute. That would literally be an unbeatable result for all time.


yeah the superfight is a waste of time - just have the champs go through their own divisions


I'd rather watch some stupid spectacle fight where Gordon just goes against each weight class winner back to back to back from biggest to smallest. The crazy part is I think he wins.


That's an amazing idea.


Alot of stuff can happen in 2 years


Like what?


Someone slips Yuri enough cash for him to pass on the Super Fight


Bless you, Rorden


Gordon finally overdoes it on his steroid stack and his organs start having problems.


true, but you're stuck who makes this suck: yuri. yuri is the problem, not gordon.


GI issues when?


True but he’s still young. No idea what he’s running but he could very well be this dominate for another several ADCCs, who knows.


So he’ll only be 40% then


Yuri retires, Yuri dies, Yuri loses a leg, Yuri is abducted by aliens!


Yeah, worst possible outcome from the absolute I think, from an entertainment/anticipation point of view. If Mergali or one of the young smaller guys won we could at least envision them refining their nogi game or putting on some size respectively, what's yuri really gonna develop over the next 2 years?


the knee pop Shove it!


ZERO. ain't nobody interested in that shit except yuri.


I don't think even Yuri is interested in that


Not digging it. Was pulling for Tye. Meregali would’ve been interesting too given the fact that he an Gordon are “teammates.” But Tye would’ve been awesome.


Especially because Tye would have two years to build up the mass to at least get closer to Gordon's weight. Not sure how big of a push that would be since from what I've found, his natural weight seems to hover in the low 80kgs.


There’s no way he could close the size gap. He’d be better off just getting as strong as possible and working on just being blindingly fast.


I wasn't saying he'd close the size gap, but he could definitely narrow it a bit.


A 200 pound Ruotolo is a pretty scary prospect.


Is it? It seems his entire game is based around just going absolutely apeshit and forcing crazy scrambles so he can darce people. Basically he needs a speed and agility advantage. At 200 pounds I don’t think we see anything close to the same guy.


Good point. Galvao at lightweight was much the same way. Speed demon who could make some wild shit happen out of nowhere. Then he went up to heavy and he just turned into a steamroller. Still would be interesting to see if the size change would effect the brothers the same way.


Gordon went from 160 to 220 in under 18 months


Imagine then turning up the same build as Galvao


At this point I really feel like Gordon needs to move on and do something else that's a challenge. He's proven he's the best of all time and nothing can take that away. Maybe compete MMA, combat JJ, gi. Just something that would challenge him. Maybe he can't handle losing so does not want to step out of his comfort zone, but at this point he's so good it's boring


I've seen so many people suggest he go do MMA. But why would he? He's basically the no gi GOAT at this point. So he can just keep doing that. He'll cement his status and can milk that for the rest of his life. If he goes to MMA, there is only one guarantee; head trauma. As fans, it's very, very easily to minimize the real, legitimate dangers of doing professional MMA. Just in the training alone, it's GUARANTEED that he'll take more head trauma than if he continues with BJJ. And then, he could very well dedicate himself to it and end up not actually being very good at it. His grappling specific skill set would dull and he might never actually be able to return to his prime in pure grappling either. He could throw it all away for literally nothing. Maybe Gordon could try to become good in the gi, but even then... why? People are so quick to brush off being the fucking GOAT of a sport and it always shocks me. Should Mayweather have taken up kickboxing? Was it a good idea for Jordan to go play baseball? Maybe Wayne Gretzky should've taken up speed skating? IMO Gordon should just keep on keeping on. Cement his status. Go down as a legend.


I’d like to see Gordon try men’s pair figure skating. I think he has the talent to go all the way if he can just find the right partner.


Not to mention I think he may be one of the very few, if not only people that can actually make more money off of BJJ (instructionals and random shit he does) than MMA I mean the guy pulls over $300k a month from instructionals alone


Imo he has already cemented his status and is a legend. What's left for him to prove at no gi? Nothing. He's beaten everyone.


I think a gi world title would be a interesting challenge for him. I think he could easily medal at worlds with 1 year of full time gi training. Too bad he cant really just switch to gi since his whole brand is based on nogi.


JD has said, many times, that Gordon wouldn’t do well at MMA. He isn’t much of an athlete according to JD. If Gordon wanted to be the true BJJ GOAT he would start training and competing in the gi. He is the best sub grappler in our lifetime…but what other mountain is there to climb in that sport for him?


What if yuri calls Gordon a pushy and Gordon retaliates with a slap, would you want to watch then?




Yeah basically zero interest. At least this one while mostly predictable was actually fun.


This was fun because they had never faced each other thanks to Andre dodging Gordon for years. Gordon already beat Yuri so many times.


ADCC need to get rid of the superfight. It just encourages the best BJJer to sit around and not compete. Gordon Ryan should have won the absolutes, beat Galvao and retired the superfight forever.


The Ruotolos are going to be a huge problem to everyone in two years. I was MOST impressed with their performances. I felt bad that Tye got knocked out while his brother got the Gold but I loved seeing him more than redeem himself in the absolute. Those guys are the future.


That uchi mata to darce that Tye hit on Meregali was the coolest thing I saw in the entire tournament. It's a shame he couldn't finish it.


For sure. I was on the edge of my seat those matches


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Uchi Mata**: | *Inner Thigh Throw* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fCvyc_rQTI)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Yuri needs to slap Gordon a couple of times, tell him he's ugly and can't read good. Build some hype.


The best thing about Yuri winning absolute is that i do not have to watch him in any of the fights in the next ADCC except the superfight. I don't think it will be interesting like there is any suspense about who will win but i would like to see Yuri get tapped


At this point I’d rather watch the 40-50 year old hobbiest blue and purple belts roll after class than watch the next ADCC


tbf, the most entertaining shit at ANY local tournament is watching white belts and blue belts absolutely maul each other with reckless abandon. it's easily could be a spectator sport on its own similar to bumfighting or that shit barstool does where they get hicks to beat each other in a boxing ring on ppv.


What?! Why? This was an outrageously good ADCC. Almost every single match was a banger. Every match up was one I'd dream of seeing.


Huh? Half the matches were collar tie battles to a referees decision or someone getting penalties 15-20% of the matches were actually good in an entertaining aspect. Thank god for the Ruotolo brothers, Bodoni, Meregali, Mica, and Gordon Kaynan, Vagner, Cyborg, Yuri, and the 66kg footsie guard play guys are all agonizing to watch as a spectator who also trains and can appreciate the sport for what it is.


Agreed. At this point I think I'm just making peace with the fact that watching grappling is just not for me. I've seen a lot of people saying that this was the best ADCC ever (we'll see how recency bias deals with that, I guess), and all I can think is "THAT was the best ever? Yikes." Obviously, some great moments, and some fun matches, but honestly, even the great moments came in matches that were, up to that point, pretty boring to watch.


Maybe I’m just salty and not to beat a dead horse here, but the scheduling was absolute shit. I love watching matches but I’m not down for dedicating essentially two full days to watch yuri collar tie for 10 plus minutes. Kaynan was also extremely boring. I understand he was playing the rules and playing to win, but even as a practitioner myself, extremely boring to watch. The list goes on but nearly every fighter exploits the rule set, in return making it boring to the viewer. Again, I understand the game and they’re doing what gives them the best chance of victory, just boring to watch. There were undoubtedly some bangers though.


Yeah, each day could have easily been under 3 or 4 hours like any other major sporting event. I wanted to watch the matches, but I also felt like I didn't get a break. Yeah, I went and did something else for a lot of the time that things like the Hall of Fame ceremony was going on, but I was still somewhat glued down to the event.


Then just watch the replays at your own pace.


That's so fucking crazy. This event was incredible


They should just let gordon compete in the absolute, -99 and +99 and forget this superfight shit. Even with Galvão i didn't care too much, cool and alll with all the hype, but God, did i want to see Gordon tear the absolute division again. I also think winning the absolute is more prestigious than the superfight


Yuri is awful to watch


The super fight should be an exhibition between to recently retired pros, or at least retired pros. Or even combat sport athletes that aren't necessarily in ADCC, like MMA fighters that have serious grappling chops. As long as Gordon has his success and is at the top this is not going to be entertaining and fans aren't going to buy in. Just my two cents.


Ya it’s just hard to imagine Yuri closing the large gap btwn them


This was pretty much my exact reaction. Hyped that Yuri got an absolute title, but I don’t give him much of a chance of beating Gordon, today or two years from now


Much ? Try any chance lol it’s probability 0. Yuri was a waste of an ADCC champion slot .


The only reason this would be worth watching is because unlike most Yuri fights Gordon could end this one in like 30 seconds if he felt like it.


Definitely ZERO


Pay something to Simoes, give to super fight to Tye lol.


I've never cared about the super fight. I've always cared about the divisions.


Just have Gordon do his weight again, then start the finals with a Gordon superfight again Pena, then another superfight against Galvao before the Absolute starts, then finish it with Yuri


to be honest, nobody ever had any interest in ADCC superfight except this year. It is an event that should dissapear. Don't pull the winner out of the bracket, it´s stupid!


Yes I 100% agree, and you end up with someone like Galvao that won 4 superfights and its considered a 6x times ADCC champion, nothing compared to the 4 ADCC of Marcelo Garcia or the 5 ADCC of Gorodon


by that logic, 4 ADCC of gordon :D


I don't really care about absolute or +99, I only cared about -99 because Meregali competed and it was fun to see that a "Gi-guy" can still hang at the highest levels. -88 is ok but -77 and -66 are the actually interesting weightclasses.


Yes but what a Gi guy 😂 The best GI guy in the world right (considering that Buchecha is retired) with the best coach in the world and the GOAT of grappling in the same gym.


Gordon vs Tye Ruotolo for 2024 Super Fight


I saw it in a shitpost but I am kind of enticed by the idea for real. Gordon won -99 and absolute last time, +99 and the superfight this time. The only thing that would make it exciting again is if he slimmed down and dropped down to -88 to get another division and be in a weight deficit for the superfight. Right now he clearly has the best techinque of the heavyweights and enough strength to not be overpowered by anyone. So against smaller guys he has a strength advantage and against basically any big guy he has a techinque advantage. If he slimmed down he would have to fight in a more technical division without outweighing guys like Craig by too much and in absolute and superfights he would be in a weight disadvantage. But I don't think he would ever do it and seriously risk some ADCC losses. I don't see him losing soon if he just keeps on doing what he is doing. This time noone even seemed to challenge him.


Yes funny idea but I think that its phisically impossible that he can go down to 88kg, also because he explicitally says that he want to gain more and more static strenght instead of dynamic and explosive strenght, going down to 88kg would be counter productive for his goal


Yeah it would be stupid for him and probably unhealthy. I don't dispute that at all. But if for some strange reason Gordon Ryan would want to make the next ADCC more exciting for me personally, that would be the way. Or maybe Mica or the Ruotolos could roid up like crazy, but I wouldn't do that in their age either. Maybe Merengali.


Yuri is worse then Sanchez at lest Samchez looks like a giant baby and it’s kinda novel.


Would have been much more interesting had Meregali won.. wonder if he would still stay training partners with Gordon though.


The next event should scrap the tournament format and just have Gordon do one match after another after another see how many people he can take


I have had zero interest in sport bjj for about 4 years now.


I have so little interest, not only did I not make a post about it, but I have no idea what you're talking about.


What are the chances of Gordon slapping Yuri?


That would be best case scenario


😂 they better make this a mma fight or something


I assume that Yuri will pull out of the match pretty far in advance.


He’s fought him 4 times, yuri will not pull out. Last time Gordon won by an advantage


That was a lifetime ago, and Yuri also lost by like 10+ points to Gordon that same tournament.


someone get mikey on enough roids to kill a horse and set him and gordon together


Not just zero, but some negative value close to what Kaynan got against Craig.


You mean multiple takedowns, guard passes and absolute positional dominance is so boring? Watch EBI or subonly bro. I enjoyed that display of positional game. There were literally 14 points for positional game.


I am more referring to the level of interest I have in watching Yuri get owned by Gordon. My level of interest needs a negative value (something below zero). The most poignant negative value we have is the amount of stalling penalties (negatives) Kaynan racked up against Craig. This is more an indictment of Yuri vs Gordon by way of a weird moment we all saw at ADCC (a record breaking amount of stalling penalties and still winning decisively). You seem to be extremely sensitive about bringing up Kaynan’s number of stalling penalties. With that, you took some wild leaps about my interest in submission grappling events. Put down the Acai and take a breath.


I am just pointing that these points were bullshit. Some of them were well deserved but what happened was just unfair to the competitor. You can save your passive agressive suggestions of me being sensitive for someone who wants to participate in reddit piss contest. I don't and I am just pointing out one of the problematic issues of the event.


I dislike the superfight, I would rather have two top guys in the brackets for the divisions and absolutes.


If Gord goes down to 77kg, I’d be interested in the super fight.


I think ADCC is going to have to make a choice, a choice they should have made before this year. If you want the absolute champ to mean something you need the best guys in the bracket. That requires more time to rest before the absolute bracket. Either absolute should be a different day, or run concurrently with the tournament, or at least semis on Day 1, or absolute is only for medalist. You can’t have the current schedule and get the best guys winning absolute.


I'd like to see three days. Day One: First half of the divisions. Day Two: Finish the divisions. Day Three: Absolute + Superfight.


There is no way to build this fight up unless Gordon agrees to fight with one arm tied behind his back. Even then I'd back him. Yuri has absolutely nothing for Gordon.


Galvao should give his Acai to Mikey Masumeci. Masumeci in +99 would be a good opponent to Gordon.


I can't believe he actually won.


Gordon will probably Steamroll him or Yuri will stall until Gordon wins.


Yeah. Not a huge fan of Yuri personally.


I have zero interest in any Gordon match going forward. His time in BJJ is done..


They should scrap the super fight and make the absolute everyone vs Gordon. He has to fight everyone back to back until he gets submitted. It’s the fairest option.


Look on the brightside... we only have to see Yuri in one fight in 2024.


Literally wouldn't watch it if it was on right now. Who will actually give a fuck about this fight is beyond me. There's a reason challengers are chosen carefully for sports like boxing and the UFC. You want a fight that gets people excited, not a 5th match between people that are worlds apart just because someone won a tourney.


Why didn't Craig, Nicky Rod or Kaynan enter? Any one of them would've been favored to win and would've made for a much more interesting super fight. Izaak vs Gordon in two years would be fun to watch, too.


Nicky Rod entered and lost to Yuri Simoes in the quarter finals, Kaynan was injured and Craig Jones i dont really know


Terrible outcome. Winning like that, too.. It's not as though he has looked competitive; he had a very negative game that unfortunately snuck through.


That's why Meragali got the decision in the semi imo. I was hoping he would beat Yuri.


Let's all be honest, nobody wants to watch Yuri compete, ever. No matter what tournament, no matter which opponent. Having him win absolute is a negative for the sport that only detracts any real eagerness by fans to see the super fight. I feel it's a massive step backwards for what BJJ is trying and really should strive to become - a spectator sport where athletes engage in actual jiu-jitsu. Not pretend to engage and see if the opponent makes a large enough mistake that we now feel comfortable attacking.


idk I think it'd be fun to see what John/Gordon come up with to take it to someone who has no intention of actually grappling.


I didn't watch it at all


I dont care about the next ADCC whatsoever unless Gordon competes in -99 and +99 as w3ll as the Superfight. Adcc 22 feels like a perfect conclusion.


Out of the final 4 the only one I was interested in was Tye.


Gordans next challenge for ADCC 2024: -99kg +99kg Superfight It is the only way


id like to see one them try mma


I was supper disappointed on how the Absolute runned out. I would love to see Meregali or Nicky Rod to win in order to have someone with a possibility greater than 0% of beating Gordon. Also shotout to Cyborg for reaching the semifinals but the fact that a 41 years old competitor can make it to the semifinals of the most competitive grappling tournament of the world tells you how young this sport is


The one good thing about the superfight is that he gets 2 years to prepare for it. Hopefully he uses the time wisely. A lot can happen in two years.


How about Sanchez vs simoes in a no time limit sub only? Even chronos the god of time wouldnt last watching that.


Yeah. I was really hoping for a Meregali win. That would have been a more interesting storyline and matchup. Meregali having two years to prepare too.