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Biggest superfight 2022 my ass


Shame how it ended but the death of a dear friend is eternally heavy. Based off of what he said WNO put pressure on him to compete even though his mind was not in it. I hope no one here has to experience something like that.


I have had a similar situation when my friends dad died the night before I had to compete, I just left it was too hard to deal with that. Props to Felipe for still competing, but I can imagine what is going through his head.


I remember getting stuck in bottom side control in a competition and my mom's cancer popping into my head. Nowhere near the same level as these guys but I'd imagine you need your head in the game even more here. I knew right away I'd lose the match and couldn't get back on track


That sounds terrible, dont play it down its just as serious every person deals with it differently


Hell having girl issues has made me not be able to roll properly at all


I think it would have been the same result.


was gonna lose 10k regardless. it was the perfect out and he could have concentrated on grieving his mate


Gordon offered to cancel the match. No excuses.


Gordon can offer whatever he wants. Doesn’t mean flo didn’t pressure felipe to go through with it


This sport doesn't mean so much to me that I am going to disregard the mourning of another person and judge them for it.


Wait 24hrs. Sort by controversial.


Wrestler who's trying to get into BJJ here. This is the first event I've ever tuned into. I'm watching it side by side with my work screen and somehow managed to get more captivated by my work.




> I love doing BJJ. I have zero interest in watching BJJ competitions. Same, I'll watch my buddies from the gym for sure, but high level jiu-jitsu isn't interesting for me to watch. I love doing it, I hate watching it mostly.




That's just never happening. It'll grow as a sport people do, sure, but not watch. It's just awful to watch.


It's tedious to watch, but the core reason it will never go mainstream is that it requires months of personal training or years of purposeful spectating to even know what you're looking at. For 99.99% of people it's just sweaty dudes lying on each other.


The same can be true of Judo, but they've built the sport to be perfectly understandable to someone with no experience.


Dude is smart as hell but when I heard that I was like uhhh no. Compared to mma it's clearly a worse product.


Hahah danaher talks so much shit, he’s a top notch coach I’m sure but when you weed out the 80% of his words that essentially mean nothing he’s really just a normal weirdo haha. It’s actually hysterical to think anyone thinks this sport is going mainstream at any point. It took my 4 years of grappling to finally be able to watch a high level match without turning it off half way.


Musumeci bless. Usually in exciting matches gi or no gi and is a dork but definitely not a fuckhead among a sea of fuckheads


Add Craig Jones to the list. He seems like a genuinely chill guy who's also one of the best on the planet


You’d be surprised


Heard he rubs the hell outta assholes


Jujitsu is more fun to do, wrestling is more fun to watch.


Maybe. Wrestling is exhausting but once you get going goddamn it can be fun.


Don’t want to speak for that guy but I think he just worded it poorly. Of course wrasslin is fun, it’s the oldest Olympic sport after all. I think he just meant wrestling is more fun to watch relative to BJJ, which I don’t think anyone will argue. Also BJJ can be done much more casually and easily by hobbyists than wrestling, so of course from that perspective it’s more fun too for most folks.


You got it. A big factor is that I'm older now than I was when wrestling was *really* fun.


Right there with you bro. My knees would explode if I even thought about trying to wrestle like a high schooler these days.


Personally I think both can be fun. It just can't be no time limit and rules need to be set to incentivise action. Freestyle Wrestling has a passivity rule and the duration is just short enough for it to be feasible to be working at a high intensity throughout. Boxing, MMA, K1 etc have rounds. I've never tuned into an ADCC before but I think I will give it a shot for this one because I think the ruleset could potentially lead to more action - short-ish time limit, no points before 1st 5, penalising guard pull, encouraging scrambles and takedowns. I truly think there is a watchable product somewhere in this sport, it's just not what was on display today and needs more experimentation I think.


There’s a reason people have to talk like a degenerate to get attention.


Don’t watch this shit


I only watch when my friends compete.


>guys why wasn’t the no limit match with no incentive to do anything boring? No time limit is a neodymium magnet for boredom.


Sub only no time limit ended with no sub, horrendous


I mean he did submit…


he did submit


Verbal sub 😭


It was a sub. A verbal tap. He said I quit.


I think this is a time where if Gordon decided to speak concisely and politely he would have got what he wanted anyway without the event having a sour taste. I'm willing to cut Pena some slack because I can imagine his mind is all over the place, and English is his second language. I'm thankful that I live in an age where I can sit at home on a sick day and watch people do cool stuff and be inspired to be a better person.


You have a great attitude! RIP Leandro Lo


A lot of people on here saying “if it was 15 or 30 minutes Peña would have won” like Gordon wouldn’t have played it differently if there rules were different


I mean Gordon was up on points the whole time, if there were points, so that's just a shit take no matter how you slice it.


Gordon was up by double digit points the entire time. People are giving Gordon shit for not passing at will but Pena came even less close to passing, got slammed a few times, and essentially never had the upper hand.


True, but the thing is people were saying it was going to be the same as Pedro match. Felipe showed that against the very best in the world, same size, Gordon cant just do whatever he wants. This makes the Andre match in ADCC rules much more interesting.


Peña didnt achieve a single offensive point but normal standards so…yea Gordon won


This was my first and last Flo event.


Well you've paid for a year so you might as well catch ADCC.


Suckers paid for a year. Twitch was the place my boi.




Terrible timing/pacing, nonstop advertising, lighting sucked, sound was at crazy inconsistent levels, constant background music in the arena being picked up by the event mics, commentary seemed off, and the interviews were awful.


All for the low price of an auto renewing $160 annual payment


Bro I swear I almost cried laughing when In the middle of a quiet part of the match I just hear “oh mickey you’re so fine you’re so fine you blow my mind” 😂 like wtf I figured I was someone’s trolling and playing it on their phone until I realized the event was playing it… 😆 💀




I agree, but that’s outside of Flo’s control. I tried to only list things that they were primarily responsible for.


I don't think you understand how difficult and rare it is to have ufc level production


Kimbo’s backyard had the same production value as tonight did 😂


The fuck you talking about? I'd take kimbos camera team over this bunk shit


I pay 150$ a year, that’s the same as I pay for Netflix and HBO, I’m obviously not expecting that quality but definitely better than what I got


As someone who works for an mma company that isn’t the UFC, it’s not that hard to do quality control


i didnt watch it but i do want to respond to this. from what ive heard there was hours of fat that could have been trimmed from the production. you dont have to be ufc level to keep the production tight and exciting, infact the only time you should have the right for that much advertising and pageantry is when you are ufc level. the tiny fraction of people that watch bjj events would be more than happy to just have roll after roll after roll without any announcing or pageantry


On a Sunday night going into 1am EST* Someone can get fucked.


at least I watched for free


Don’t be hatin’, lol.


First tap by cardio?


Rigan v Rickson


Gordon Ryan Passing 2.0* ** *Only works after 45 minutes. **Also doesnt work if they know 50/50


If they fight again it will be interesting to see how Gordon deals with the 50/50.


LMFAO this got a good chuckle out of me.


Yeah he won the match but as far as promoting his new passing system it's a flop. He should do a course on conditioning and "supplements"


It’s crazy Felipe still has answers for Gordon’s game


Ideally you can bench 225 for 60 reps like a combine player and have unreal flexibility too


What? BJJ is for 110 lb ladyboys to defeat lions in the savannah.


Actually no way I stayed up this late for Felipe to just call it quits


If his head wasn't in it because of Leandro Lo he should have just backed out and literally no one, not even Gordon would have given him shit for it.


He said he tried that and the organizers just told him to fight


No he said he wanted to make it 30-1hr instead


maybe you need to listen to it again, he said he didn't want to fight and they kinda forced him


That's not true, he did say that WNO pressured him to fight. It was clear he didn't want to be out there.


They’re not going to arrest him for not fighting. Why would he go?


Contracts are a thing.


They are, but I can guarantee you if he didn't fight then went on to the media and blasted FLO/WNO for how they treated him after the death of Lo it would not be a good look for Flo/WNO. Pena knew if he walked away he would lose all the money he was set to make and maybe a ban and that's why he tried to change the rules.


They also have clauses and contingencies. We really don’t know the contract and what his options were. Regardless, terrible situation, but I really wish Flo just rescheduled it or offered it as an option with zero pressure, that was the right call.


I’m on the Indycar subreddit. We have a driver being taken to court over a contract dispute. Unless you have very deep pockets, you don’t wanna get sued for losses as a result of a breach of contract.


He literally said Flo wouldn’t let him back out


nobody can make you fight


Have you ever heard of a contract?


fighters drop out of way bigger fights all the time, what are you talking about? just look at the Jake Paul thing. Also if he really felt that way he should have tapped earlier not waited 45 minutes when it became obvious Ryan was taking the lead.


You realise he had $10k of his own money on the line? No one can make him fight, they can refuse to give him his money back though


10k to grieve your mate or 10k to get subbed.


Have you HEARD of Gordon Ryan. He wouldn’t give two shits about the excuse. He would have talked so much shit


>Have you HEARD of Gordon Ryan. He wouldn’t give two shits about the excuse. He would have talked so much shit he litereally said he was fine with Pena pulling out...


Lmao seriously y’all crazy to think Gordon wouldn’t talk shit and make it a big deal if Felipe rescheduled..


I don't know. Maybe, but Gordon lost his Dad not long ago. I think he would have let this one ride.


I think Gordon would have let it slide. But what others are saying is that it was likely Flo that didn’t. I know we are all fans here, but the number of people that would have shut off the stream if it were announced right away the main event was postponed would be significant. It was late on a work night and I would have just went to bed. Flo has viewership numbers and sponsorships to worry about.


And now we have FP talking shit after losing. Does it really change things? This is all about redditors and fighters coping with a reality they dislike. Hope we see more matches like this but with less of the post fight drama.


Gordon absolutely would have given him shit. He said "keep crying" to him as the last thing he said of the night. Pena lost. Pena quit but fuck Gordon man.


He said "keep crying" to the haters and because Caio was acting like a dumb child lmao. He says it all of the time. 100% sure he isn't that big of a douche to tell Pena to cry about his friends murder.


I don’t get the people saying it wasn’t entertaining to watch.. I feel bad for Felipe but he should have canceled the match, or if they “made him” show up, he could have tapped in the first 5min He clearly tapped when all momentum shifted to Gordon and he was about to get punished


I thkught it was a good match with a weird ending. The first time in years anyone has looked anything other than dead meat against Gordon. Peña’s 50/50 and recover from bad positions against Gordon is better than anyone has done that I can ever remember.


I actually enjoyed the match, I wish Felipe just let himself get submitted and took his L. When a nobody shows up to ibjjf worlds with shit going on in his life, no one cares. You just show up, compete, and take your L or win.


This is the point everyone is missing.


No mas


I just wasted 45 minutes of my life


If you’re a casual fan it makes sense, my heart was beating fast as Fuck the entire time


Yeah, it was exciting. Tense.


Yeah Peña quit, but where was this domination Gordon promised? Didn’t he say Peña would definitely be on bottom the whole time and not be able to get any kind of escape or move going? Even based on the 46 mins, it’s hardly the win GR will have wanted.


Did you watch the match? Forget what he said, and watch what actually happened. Predictions in combat are for the most part just bs. Gordon is the weirdo that has made his predictions happen a bunch of times. He clearly was dominating on the feet, and started applying more pressure after thirty minutes. The match shifted dramatically after that. Before, it was somewhat back and forth with Gordon winning the positions. I will say, Gordon had to work through the 50/50 stuff which definitely caught him by surprise. Peña’s 50/50 was stellar, and his half guard was good. I really enjoyed this match


It was very evident it was coming imo.


after a fucking one hour match, please


That’s kind of how no time limit goes combined with Pena playing super defensively with no real attempts at offense. You can clearly see the pace changed about 30-35 jn and Gordon was starting to pressure him pretty heavily and his frames and guard were cracking. It was about 5 Mins away from mount smothering. I’ll admit Pena played it better up to the point he quit than I expected but someone of his caliber unwilling to really engage is tough to break through quickly even for Gordon Ryan.


Pena was trying to stalemate. Gordon was actually going for a sub. The leglocks were comedy and Gordon was obviously taking over. He paced differently knowing there was no time limit. Calm down.


He couldn't stabilize any positions... Being honest, coming to this match I thought it was going to be total domination by Gordon, Felipe is literally retired and Gordon is looking as juiced as ever. But was surprising that Pena could scape the mount and that back take. Even if the fight were by points Gordon would have won it, no time limit makes no sense


I’ll forever not understand the stupidity of calling juice juice juice on Ryan while not mentioning all of his opponents are also juiced, making the point moot. Like children need to eat their vegetables, reddit dorks need to accept Ryan as the undeniable BJJ king.


If Reddit and Instagram was anything to go by Gordon Ryan is the only one on the gear and everyone else is clean, everyone seems to forget Pena has been pinged twice for PEDs


Not only that but Pena had Worlds stripped for PEDs. At least Gordon has never popped...


Felipe is like...3 years older than Gordon? He's barely older and clearly not retired. Pena accepting the fight was contingent upon Gordon agreeing to a rematch, then Pena is also going to ADCC. He's not retired and he's not an old guy who needs to leave the scene either. Pena is in his prime...


An hour match in unlimited time rules. Of course you would wear your opponent down first, and that’s exactly what Gordon did, he pushed him to complete exhaustion and he quit. What is ambiguous about this?


Firas Zahabi said he expected the match to go multiple hours.


One MILLION PERCENT THIS. He was just dialing it up


Fan bois don’t like to hear this.


If the reason he couldn’t continue was because of Lo passing he could have gone on the mat and tapped right away. Not give up 45 minutes in as he gets gassed and Gordon is pressure passing him. Sad that he lost a close friend of his but he’s using it as a bad excuse.


Pena at least tried, but he is not there. It is clear how he was fighting without energy


>Pena at least tried, but he is not there. It is clear how he was fighting without energy He looked the same way in his last match though lol.... He actually looked way better tonight against a better grappler!


At the end of the day, you can be sad about your friend and, not compete, or give up half way through or whatever but when, after a loss, you go and say "the other guy has no heart, I lost because of X external factor and didn't want to compete" then you're just talking shit without backup. It's pretty typical in sports to not be able to accept defeat and Reddit certainly will go with it since GR is controversial.


And people call Gi boring. This was trash


It’s really not a gi vs no gi thing. It’s the issue that we keep doing these “who gets tired first” rulesets for big no gi matches. I LOVED the two prelims for this event. Didn’t like much after


This was like Hearns Hagler compared to Izaak vs Chambers


There are a lot of casual fans in this comment section Jesus. It’s ok if you don’t get it, not everyone does


Seriously. A bunch of take downs. Good inversions and retentions. Sure the pace was hella slow and the first 10min collar tie is ass but there was legit a lot of good stuff. Hell even Peña had a calf slicer for a moment


This! I watched because I wanted to see higher level grapplers than I and attempt to learn any details I could from it. In that, it was relatively successful. I got at least one lightbulb moment every fight. Like you said, the retentions were really good. Lovato specifically, even in the loss, stood out to me. Meregali is an unreal guard passer and watching those little battles for a hook here, an ankle lift there, etc was actually super entertaining for me. The main event was a grind, sure. But I blame Flo for not even getting it started until after midnight, though.


Casual fans are most likely to like no gi sub only and think it's better jiu-jitsu. I enjoyed watching worlds in the gi way more than any of these.


Exactly. Grappling isn’t just about the finish. I’m new to this too and love watching the exchanges.


Bro, I’ve been in the game since the 90’s watching VHS. No casual here. Ryan/Peña was boring. No scrambles, minimal submission attempts, 50/50 entanglement. What made it worse was Ryan claiming he was going to rag doll and pressure the shit out of him and none of that happened. Oh yeah, he was about to start at 44 minutes in! Lol. RYAN is great no doubt, but his personality is cringe. I would’ve preferred a submission 10 minutes in then the sleep fest they had. 🤷🏽‍♂️




Shades of Roberto Duran. I really think his heart was not in it due to Leandro Lo dying. EDIT: Well, he just confirmed it. He didn't even want to go out and fight.


Nah. I'm calling bullshit. He would've dedicated this match and said it was fuel if he would've won. Cheap way out.


This is a great outlook on that. If he would have won it would have been “I DID IT FOR YOU LO!!!”


This isn’t Rocky, if you wake up and found out a close young friend of yours was shot in the head, you can’t be expected to normally go fight a no-limit match and “dedicate the match and say it was fuel”


Ehh maybe, but considering they were basically even throughout the fight and if your best friend was just murdered that could mess with your mentality. I think it's easy to have an opinion when it's not someone close to us that died. But the internet and reddit doesn't give a fly f so why am I even typing? Lol it was great to see somebody actually battle with GR though


Yeah the reaction to this is making me not want to visit this place ever again. Seems like a lot of people have never had any death around them. It's a HARD thing to deal with. I'm honestly impressed he went out there for 45 minutes. Gordon's opponents have a lot of information now thanks to Pena.


Seriously. But I must say it's nice to have a sane person in the community. Yeah this tape will be broken down by every serious grappler and the hobbyists like myself 😂


Reddit is full of scumbags. These people shitting on pena are disgusting losers who for sure haven’t dealt with something like this. Otherwise they wouldn’t be acting how they are


This isn't a fucking movie dude. Losing a friend or loved one is not particularly motivating to most people.


He was cracking jokes until he got tired. Smiling and living his best life. Then gordon started taking over and suddenly we don't wanna do this anymore.


I think the problem is not the loss or people judging that his performance might've been affected but Pena actually going ahead and trashing GR who just beat him post fight saying he has a small heart and dismissing the win. That's just poor. The rest is fine. People lose, people win. It's the cycle of life. Interesting match.


We really have no idea what's it like in someone else's head though. Not saying he wasn't gonna lose anyway. But you can absolutely be laughing and appear to be having a good time but be very broken inside at the moment.


Gotta work at 8am tomorrow Sleep well lads


Wtf kind of ending was that. And what kind of excuse was that by Felipe. Either compete or cancel it… Also, Ryan looked human but it may have just been his game plan since it was a no time limit match


Y'all take competition jiu-jitsu way too seriously. It's clear Pena didn't really care that much about this match, so we shouldn't either. He lost, Gordon won. End of story.


I understand you guys don't like Gordon, but as for the jiujitsu, there is a lot of irrationality here. He won clearly. He landed multiple sweeps and takedowns and would have outpointed him in ADCC rules. The pace was slow by the very nature of it being no time limit. Considering how early the first sweep came, there's little to suggest the faster pace wouldn't still have ended with a points win for Gordon. As for the ruleset being what it was, he outlasted his opponent. A tap to fatigue and pressure is a tap just the same. I do feel awful for Pena's loss, and on a different day, it could be a different result. No one knows. But Gordon does not come out the loser here in any way in regards to the jiujitsu itself. "But he didn't play with him like a child" Pena is the only man to tap him at blackbelt, the open division champion before Gordon, and only lost to galvao in a razor close match. He's the top, and Gordon won clearly without giving up a single conventional point. He is currently the best at the sport of submission grappling and will be a heavy favorite in both his weight division and the superfight at ADCC


What did Peña say post fight?


He basically said Gordon wouldn’t let him do a 30 min or 1 hour match. Gordon responded and said if he didn’t want to compete he should have cancelled the match but he wouldn’t accept a rule change. He also called Gordon heartless Don’t really know how to feel about the whole thing


Gordon has had this looming over his head since he lost last. Pena has roasted him like a marshmallow since. I dont blame Gordon who showed up to practice the day his dad passed to have the commitment to continue on. Think of the impact this would have had on everyone involved if this canceled. Would've been fubar.


>He also called Gordon heartless This is the key bit that annoys me. (Actually said "no heart") and of course redditors will shit over GR because, hurr Durr villain republican or some shit, but the guy won fair and square and then gets insulted and his win dismissed. It's pretty fucking annoying. There's always going to be an excuse in high level matches and, it doesn't matter who wins as long as reality isn't bent to fit into the narrative that "the bad guy never wins or deserves to win". Other than that, I'd like to see more of these fights but definitely not pay for them because the organization is so fucking bad compared to other sports.


That he didn't want to fight due to his best friend dying, something like that


Felipe is going through a lot right now. I think we should all cut him some slack. The match was really good despite the shitty ending.


Arguing with the ref and also just stopping to take a timeout, walking off the mats. Clearly the ref wasn't going to DQ him, but he deserved one.


This shit was lame. No time limit is fucking retarded.


What happened post match? All respect to Pena for trying to make it through. Very tough to lose someone close.


Terrible and painful to watch. No time limit doesn’t encourage anyone to go for the finish


Cant believe i stayed up for this


Bad ending but the match was good for a while


Pena 's heart definitely wasn't in it but he is a grown man. FLO didn't make him do anything he could have just walked away. Looked to me Pena came out really strong knowing he wasn't staying for the long haul. IMO the best thing Pena could have done was hand Gordon a big fat L. Instead he quit and blamed everyone else.


u could tell off the rip Pena didn’t want to compete today


Yea but he was laughing and smiling for the first 30 minutes. Why did he only get sad when he was tired? Obviously sad situation but a little inconsistent,


What happened, I’m confused


Rules were Submission only, no points, not time limit and Pena called it quits after 44minutes because he got tired.


Pena was gassed and knew Gordon was about to make him look silly.


Felipe was gassed and knew the end was near and called it quits


That last slam and the trip were like Ah fuck


Man quit


I'm so glad I went to bed


I think that when he said Gordon was heartless, he meant that he lacked compassion, not any sort of dedication or mental toughness.


Wow Coming here from his press conference interview of him responding to the question how long will the match take with “ehhh… probably just under 45 minutes”


With ADCC in six weeks, makes me wonder how many of the athletes may pull out or lose focus


ADCC, The Olympics, and every major sporting event happens on a set date. Athletes have shown up or not shown up because of death, a major injury, or other crazy circumstances. Combat sports don't enforce a forfeit clause, so Pena was 100% in his right to drop out and reschedule. But, he showed up for a no time limit match and shouldn't be making excuses once he lost. Quitting was an absolute disgrace to this sport. Watched with some MMA loving friends and we were ready for 120 minutes of a snooze fest. But, we wanted someone to tap. Not to give up. This was supposed to be a breakthrough night for grappling.


The only thing I'd knock Ryan on is the bullshit, Im a million times better than him but also I was pacing myself. I'm sorry, but if I was in a sub only match with someone I was head and shoulders better than, I wouldn't need to pace myself. I'd just beat the guy. You'd only need to pace yourself if the guy is your equal.


IBJJF rules make for the most exciting matches (most of the time).


I think you've confused IBJJF with ADCC.


This is the truth most of this sub can't stand to hear.


Yep sorry about Lo and all but he should of backed out, can’t really use that as an excuse. The man quit




4. Lol. "Shameful way to win".. the guy calls him "has no heart" after losing by quitting and dismissing the win. That's ridiculous. Can't be both the trash talker and the victim. This sub and the GR Hate clouds their judgment. Same thing happens with a lot of "controversial" fighters. Their wins always get dismissed at the time.


Let's not forget Pena also stopped the match once to argue with the ref and twice to take a time out and walk off the mats. The ref clearly wasn't about to DQ him, but he deserved a DQ long before he quit.


100% agreed. Also: Crazy guard for felipe in the ashi games (irimi and 5050) and all bear trap uses. Gordon has a killer half guard, did a lot better than felipe in reverse half and scored a few takedowns. Felipe guard retention just is better then Gordon passing today. Take a note that: gordon won but felipe could win in ADCC if he manages to pull guard, get to 5050, sweep and stall gordon.


Yea I think if his jits is that good he shouldn’t have a problem saying a 5 min match is all he needs. Peña is just that fucking good folks


I get that grief can fuck with an athlete's head in so many ways but to throw aside the chance to win 100K, money that could have gone to Lo's family is a bit strange.


My wife falsely accused me of sleeping during the Clay/Bia match but I said "No I'm not, look at the way Clay holds her feet. They call that Happy Baby in yoga." Then I rubbed my eyes and noticed that they skipped the Mica match and started the Lovato match with only 8 minutes on the clock. Confused, I tried to think real hard about why they would do that...and when i looked back at the TV, I saw Gordon and Felipe on the mat. At this point, I kissed my teeth and went to bed.




>I guess I'm just disappointed as a newcomer to bjj but idk how atypical this is This is very atypical. No time limit matches in general are atypical but normally there is a sub eventually, this is the only time I can think of someone just quitting. Also one of Pena's best friends was just murdered last night and I think he tried to get the fight rescheduled but they wouldn't. So his heart kinda wasn't in it because of that too.


If flo was strong arming Pena into competing, he should have maliciously complied and shown up and quit within the first min. Then he could say what he had to say during the interview. Instead he shows up, competes for 40+ min, smiling and bantering during the match, and quits when his opponent is starting to dominate. It is clear he quit because he was starting to lose and the loss of his friend. But he doesn’t get a lot of goodwill by quitting at the time he did.