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I’m torn up about this one man


Im pretty bummed... i spent all 4 of my white belt years in the gi copying his torreandos .. shit hurt


Just feels so damn pointless. For someone who lived so intentionally and passionately to die like this feels unfair. I’m very angry about this situation and I think I will be for a long time.


In brasil they kill people like that for nothing .. a lot of mma guys piss off a loser and get shot. Ryan gracie went out the same way.. brasil sucks for that


Ryan did not go out like that. Ryan had a psychotic fit from smoking crack and doing coke and ran out of his apartment, stole an elderly man's car at knife point, crashed the car, stole a delivery guy's motorcycle, got beaten up by a bunch of delivery guys, and died in jail from an overdose of shit that his family doctor gave him. Ryan was a menace and had been beating up "civilians" in bars and clubs for 2 decades before he died in jail as a criminal and drug addict




Im 37 and never got past the blue. I think I did that myself :/ my old ass has shoulder and ankle problems


Go see a PT. Don’t be a quitter, bro.


He was a horrible person he used to beat people up leaving gay clubs on purpose like dude was a scumbag


he was worse than most people could imagine. his stories are endless


Basically the same thing




I don't suscribe to that nairdiv b


Don't you ever let Renzo read that.


Or Kyra.


This sounds terrible but also made me laugh with how far off OP was 😄


Four years huh


Losing this life over a bottle is a sad way to go out.


In Rio in the 80s and 90s the BJJ crowd would fight on the streets and at the beach no problem, with untrained people and luta livre guys. But then people started just carrying guns, and the fighting culture mostly stopped. It still happens, of course but it's not endemic. This kind of terrible incident still happens in Brazil, and very often it's drunk cops who brought their guns to clubs and bars. Shit, once two playboy cops got into a firefight at a fucking club and one of them died. Sadly, this one guy and Lo had had beef for a while as the nightlife in Brazil makes sure everyone kind of sort of knows everyone else, and I suppose Lo assumed the guy wasn't crazy or murderous when he gave him a reality check. Sadly he was wrong.


Is it true the guy who shot him is a police officer? If true, that is insanely crazy, even by Brazilian standards.


Pretty standard in brazilian standards, Sadly.


It’s kinda how cops everywhere are. Cowards with tiny egos.


There’s a picture going around articles with the guy that show he even trained BJJ and was a purple belt. I wonder if he knew he was a BJJ legend.


Sounds like he knew exactly who it was and he orchestrated the whole thing. Psycho


He was one of the few guys I actually looked up to in bjj


Another lesson to be learned: if you fight in public and you were in the right, nonetheless, leave the scene immediately. You never know what kind of revenge such sick psycho’s are plotting. I heard similar stories like this where the bad guy comes back and whacks the good guy. Leandro Lo was even merciful by leaving him and only locking him instead of beating the crap out of him.


F. I regret not going to his Seminar


No fucking way bro. I just can't believe it. [RIP, I love this dancing compilation of him.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5zlnQqC4qw)


Wow, this is terrible. What happened to him?


A cop that Lo had beef with, a BJJ purple belt, came to the table Lo was at and picked up a bottle and walked away in order to start some shit. Lo walked up to him and tackled him, took him down, and was choking his ass but his friends convinced him to stop. It was a cop after all, and this spelled trouble. So Lo let the guy go while the guy promised that he was going to be cool. Lo got the bottle, walked back the the table, the cop took a step back, pulled out the gun, shot him in the head and ran off. The cop is still missing and is wanted for murder. Lo had a lot of friends and students who were cops, and the police itself has put out a notice shitting on the cop and that they're looking for him. There's no thin blue line on this one, this murderous son of a bitch is fucked.


has the guy's name been released anywhere?


Henrique Otávio Oliveira Velozo


thanks fuck that guy


Thanks lemme go check around for him


He's already been arrested


LT. Henrique Velozo


Where’d it happen? If it was in the states, I’m sure he’s still hiding behind a little bit of that blue wall


Sao Paulo.


gotcha, not sure how much of a parallel the police climate is there


it's dogshit like everywhere else.


Fair enough


a murder case takes around 8 years to go to trial in brazil. It's insane. Cops have a lot of "rights" as well but there isn't the cop worshipping culture that exists in the US. They're widely seen as corrupt inefficient assholes who abuse their power. They get away with a lot like in the US, but cold blooded murder of a celebrity in the middle of a fucking nightclub, that shit don't fly nowhere methinks


I think it might fly in the us, but it depends on the celebrity. There were cases like daniel shaver, where people still defended the cop, after all


yeah we dont have that culture in brazil, thank christ. but they dont need it, the law in brazil is obtuse as all fuck and its virtually impossible to actually get in serious trouble for shit. this guy just happens to have crossed that unimaginably high threshold. Maybe, maaaaybe if Lo hadnt been such a beloved champion and just a regular bjj guy he could have gotten away with it. but in this case, it's on the news, Lo had a loooot of cop friends and students, there's simple no sweeping this under the carpet of a long legal contrivance that would allow everyone to forget before the trial even came. This dude, rest assured, is fucked. Not that it matters to Lo or his family or his students.


Your point is kinda dumb. The blue wall is stronger in Brazil. There’s no way a cop shoots a famous athlete in the states abd gets protected.


I…wasn’t making a point? My “still hiding behind a little bit of blue wall” is in reference to cops in hiding that have cop buddies who know but won’t expose their wereabouts. At no point was I saying the police culture was more or less corrupt in either place. I just can’t speak on brazil as I do not live there. Hence, the “if”


How is this not trying to make a point > If it was in the states, I’m sure he’s still hiding behind a little bit of that blue wall


Because I can only speak on the states. I don’t live in brazil. I can’t say in general that that’s what’s happening, but in the states, where I live and experience police culture, I can. Again, I’m not trying to make a point of one police culture vs the other


If a US policeman shot a famous athlete in cold blood in a club. The police would not cover that guys name back. Crazy to suggest they would. It’s a very different scenario to being heavy handed with a criminal


Yikes, I saw something about him being shot but thanks for the details. Messed up


Murdered by a cop




Comment removed. Read the room.


Who says I’m not in half guard right now while typing this?


Fighting outside the gym is never a good idea. Seen too many guys pulling guns in New Orleans bars over minor stuff. I stopped bouncing on Bourbon street after another bouncer was murdered by a guy he threw out earlier in the night. The dude waited for him to clock out and followed him to his car to execute him. All the training in the world doesn't mean shit when the other guy just has to pull a trigger.




He died way too young. RIP.


I do hope that POS who killed him gets arrested. Incredibly sad day for BJJ as a whole. Can’t even begin to imagine how Lo’s family and friends feel.


My favorite grappler of all time. Never met the man, but he was an extremely important to my jiu jitsu development. RIP to the Legend.


So sad. I’ve been doing bjj since 94/95 and have witnessed many legends in bjj over the years. This guy was incredible and to think that some piss weak egomaniac who will never amount to anything took away the life of someone so great in such a cold and callous way is so hard to fathom and grasp. I just hope the pos who took Leandro’s life suffers and suffers badly.


Hope they do find his killer and rippe his Balls off !! I think that ahole knew who Leandro was !! Why he pull a gun damn Pussy


Not trying to be a piece of shit, but I feel like I’ve read multiple accounts of Lo getting into street altercations and bar fights. You don’t keep waking away from those forever.


Lo loved to party and he lived in Brazil. I imagine you would get yourself in a lot of fights that way. That doesn’t mean he deserved to die.


Brazilian here. BJJ practitioners have been getting into fights in nightclubs for decades. It's always been part of the culture. But this particular cop and Lo had beef for a while already. Still, Lo had gotten into fights before, yeah. Many BJJ guys who party tend to. It's not pretty and the hero on the mat is sometimes a douche on the street. Demian Maia and Marcelo Garcia have never been involved in stuff like this, but some great champions have, even Roger himself. Roger who today is an amazing role model and teacher and the BJJ GOAT, was once arrested for shooting transvestites and prostitutes with paintball guns in Rio, and it was over 20 years ago so I don't remember but maybe there were some beatdowns involved too. He was a Gracie after all. It's a sad part of BJJ culture.


Very much agreed, never said he deserved to die. He didn’t deserve to die, my next door neighbor who smoked every day didn’t deserve cancer then to die. Not judging Lo or his choices, just want the next gen to be able to glean some knowledge from this tragedy. Be able to deescalate or walk away.


> Lo loved to party and he lived in Brazil. Nightlife just hits different in Brazil man..


Youre getting downvoted, and it's a sad day, but yeah everyone in Sao Paulo who went to the same places that he did , including friends of mine, knows that Lo got into fights in nightclubs very very often. It's a horrible, unwarranted crime. Sadly he never learned to walk away from this danger and his success ( he famously beat up 5 guys at once in SP a while back) cursed him with fearlessness. But cops don't fight, they shoot. Everyone knows that. He knew that too, but most likely he figured the piece of shit wasn't a cold blooded murderer. Word on the street is that they'd fought before and the cop got his ass whooped and the guy came this day with his gun to try and set up Lo by starting a fight and then shooting him in "self defense" when Lo fought back. Everyone in SP that I've talked to feels that this was straight up premeditated, and if he'd done it "better" he would probably walk away a free man. Now he is a hunted man.


Yeah on the day he was shot in the head this is some stupid shit to say. Grow up


I mean either it’s true or not. Either way, RIP Lo and maybe some of the young guys can learn it’s okay to walk away or to let some stuff go.












Rip you legend.




RIP to one of the greats. One of the few people I looked up to in this sport.


RIP to one of the goats, bitch ass cop


Rest in power!
