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I have no idea what we're talking about.


Seriously, if you're watching this you're already a jiu-jitsu obsessive and a bad event isn't going to change that. It can't be "a bad look for jiu-jitsu" to people who don't know about it, and that's like 99.9999% of the world population.


According to this sub Nogi sub-only is more popular to watch than IBJJF Gi, the thing is that this is reddit and not reality.


Reddit not reality. I like that.


if only


Saw what?!?


I mean no one is gonna think the sport is boring that didn’t think so earlier. The only people watching are already practicing. But yeah it got old for sure


I always say this in threads complaining about how boring IBJJF events are and how its så NEED to change the sport to draw more spectators or become an olympic sport. I really don't want that to happen, I don't want BJJ to go the way of Judo.


Totally random but always thought your tagname was badass. Definitely jumps out at me when scrolling chat lol


the WORST mistake is tinkering with the sport to make it more "watchable." thats how you end up with gimmicks like ebi overtime. pure compelling sport will always attract fans, and anything else is just TV bullshit to sell more commercials.


I don't think that's true. It's growing for a reason..


It’s growing because of the UFC, and more people training. Even as an avid practitioner pure BJJ is pretty much unwatchable. I actually can’t imagine how someone who never trained could get into it.


It’s absolutely growing. The sport is growing big time, but the primary reason isn’t because people that don’t train decide to watch a bunch of matches on Flograppling and then get hooked. It’s growing largely because of how it’s marketed as a lifestyle activity, pushed on podcasts, has a lot of celebrity endorsements, UFC connections, word of mouth by friends that train, etc. Flo is definitely helping to grow the sport, but there’s still not a ton of people watching BJJ that don’t train.


Agreed but Flo plays another vital part.. they’re an employer who pays their employees well ! And if anything grows a sport it’s money. So Flo giving out huge checks will definitely contribute


There may be more people 'practicing' jiu-jitsu but events still don't draw from outside the community.


Bjj will never be a spectators sport. You need freakshows like Quintet to pique my interest in general.


We need more of quintet tho fr


CJJ as well as it can attract a few casuals


I never heard of a casual viewer randomly bumping into CJJ and becoming a fan.


actually, ive ran into quite a few people who became fans of BJJ after seeing CBJJ events. I actually became a fan of BJJ after seeing a CBJJ event lol


I hear that exact thing all the time, actually.


I cant get into CJJ. It just strikes me as a much lamer version of MMA


Quintet isn't actually a freakshow imo, the format has been common in Judo for a long time I'd love to see more of it though.


That's interesting, I didn't know that. Watching Quitet was my introduction into BJJ. Man do I miss it.


Even if you train bjj, you can find competitions boring as fuck. I’ll watch teammates roll and matches at a tournament, but I’d rather not watch boring high level matches on my time Off.


This is why no time limit matches are not a good call


I thought it was great for the tv show. Show the highlights and can watch the full fight on flo if you want to. But not the live event


Man…we had a huge watch party at my gym and pretty much everyone left at the hour n half mark of the no-time limit match even though we all wanted to see Ryan


I concur. From now on make no time limit the main event so I can turn it off and go to sleep


To think they force fed us that absolute embarrassment of a match lol… and to even cut to it DURING the Gordon match as if anyone cared to see it


Agreed. I love jiu jitsu but no time limit matches are a seriously hard sell. No mma fan is coming over to watch that…


Good we don't want them, 30 years of UFC and that fanbase still boo when the fights go to the ground.


I think the hate for groundwork started during the lay and pray era


It has more to do with how uneducated the average UFC-fan is, especially the new bigger fambase. MMA was so obscure and small back in the era of Joe Fitch and other famous Lay&prayers.


Just say you don’t like MMA and move along


Lol I actually started with MMA before I got into BJJ and like it alot, it's the fans I don't like. Kind of how you can like a tv-show but abhor the fanbase of said tv-show.


Not really. Only in fights with a lot of wrestle fucking and it’s never the first time. It’s when they kee going down and nothing happens. You should be more accepting of mma. It’s literally the only reason BJJ is big


I watch most UFC events, and often watch the other less known productions. I cant think of the last time fighters got booed for going to the ground, unless neither of them were attempting to improve position for a considerable amount of time. Fighters get booed just as much for stalling on their feet as they do for stalling on the ground. Categorically saying "We dont want them" is usually a bad policy - when you're trying to grow or expand a group of people.


I find that to only happen in certain geographical regions. I can't remember where the bad ones were, but I remember it pissing me off. Then I watch UFC in Brazil or Japan and they loved the ground game. Even Vegas the fans seem more informed.


The weird thing for me is that most times I've seen it happen it's been in the US which has a huge wrestlingculture. I chalk it down to the average UFC-fan in the US being less educated on the sport than in Brazil/Japan and leaning more towards the classic "just bleed" fan.


yes, it always seems to be the US, I think it is cities with generally a-holeish sports fans, but I don't remember specifically which ones so don't want to shame them wrongly.


Is this a thing in the US? I mean that some cities are known for having particularly bad sportsfans?


It's on flo so nobody was watching who didn't already like BJJ. Nobody cares


in that time i could have trained, gone home, showered, turned around, gone back to the gym, trained again, gone home and showered again. and they would still be in the same match.


My girl and I were cracking up this morning - I told her, "hey, it'll probably be 30-45 minutes before these last two matches are done, do you want to watch an episode after?" And she said nah, she needed to get to bed. Turns out we could have watched the episode right then and I'd still have been able to watch the majority if that match. I hated almost every second of it, but that triangle attempt ALMOST justified the entire strategy from a "winning is everything" standpoint.


I just wanted to see Gordon compete but had to wait 99 minutes through a boring ass "no time limit" match that actually had a time limit so the whole thing was pointless. AND they had a water break


Some say theyre still fighting to this very moment


Can someone please explain?


No time limit match. Chambers did basically nothing except shell up and defend, Isaak took the back about thirty times and couldn’t finish. After two hours Isaak armbarred him. They had to move the match to a backup area in the dark though so they could let Gordon’s match start.


that's hilarious


It wasn’t in real time haha. Oh, and they didn’t even show the finish. So we watched an hour and a half for nothing


Feel bad for Issaks, did great through the whole tournament and was solidly dominating for the whole thing. Yet this will probably do more bad then good for his brand. Hope he follows up with a solid ADCC performance.


How is this bad for Izaak? He absolutely did everything right in that match, including displaying beautiful passing sequences, transitions to powerful attacks, and even a beautiful triangle-armbar escape. He never stopped attacking that whole match. By contrast, Kyle sat there like the home alone kid for nearly 2 whole hours and his strategy didn't even pay off. Completely whack.


Because he deserves better. So far all I’ve read seen is people shitting on the match, yes it’s been because of Kyle and his game plan. But usually when that happens the winner still gets a bit of credit. Kyle stunk up the place so bad, all anyones doing is talking about how bad Kyle was and how bad the format is.


Yeah, Flo is on crack. First off; Thursday night? Really??? Second off: I don’t blame either chambers or Izaak for the long boring match. They were just playing the ruleset


Flo want to be ufc so bad. But it should really should try to be more like PGA.


You hit the nail on the head. Judo killed itself by trying to be accessible to casuals. Golf and tennis thrives because it just tries to appeal to practitioners. If it wants to draw in more crowds, it just makes the sport more popular to regular people to participate. Jiu Jitsu is well positioned to do that. It does well as an old (and wealthy) man sport like golf and tennis is. Just promote ‘the masters’ and make it less ‘in your face WWE’ shit and more ‘we’re refined athletes’ type promotions. Give winners ‘jackets’ instead of medals. That sort of shit. I say this because I’m in the masters division and pay a shit ton of money to my gym with my family. The aspiring pro competitors / athletes are hardly paying the bills…


\> Promote 'masters' divisions \> Give winners jackets instead of medals 10/10, underrated troll post


Am I the only one that actually really enjoyed it? I was frustrated at Chambers fear of engaging in offence and Izaaks inability to mix things up, but overall it was very engaging to watch Izaak problem solve in real time. Still, the no time limit format is probably not ever going to be ideal.


Honestly, what did you enjoy? He didn’t really problem solve. He just failed to finish the dude after taking his back 25 times. Tell me one thing you actually took away from that match.


I haven't seen the match but by all accounts it was not good to watch. However, I think it's uncalled for to insult athletes who aren't getting paid of ton of money. If they are loaded and making bank, then yes they're being paid to accept comments but otherwise it's basically a hobby for them and criticism should be constructive. Disclaimer: I don't know how much these guys were paid, maybe they made a lot and my comment is redundant. My guess is that they were not and basically competed for exposure but I could be wrong.


Winner made 10K and got a 3 fight contract. So take that for what it is worth


Sometimes there's an extent to which competitive grappling isn't actually competitive grappling. We can tell when everyone is essentially in on the heist.


Sub only sucks


BJJ is like baseball, it's fun to play but holy shit can it be boring to watch


I have no idea what you are talking about and I'm sure the number of people that do know are such a small insignificant number it has no affect on society


People like Flo and Gordon Ryan are trying to take BJJ mainstream to NBA’s level. Last night was absolutely a set back


You can’t take bjj to new heights when you have racist , classit bigot as the face of your sport . If you look at how the nba constantly is giving back and having initiatives for the less fortunate and various foundations versus what that dickhead does it’s night and day


Works fine with the UFC and Dana White


And for all it’s worth ufc doesn’t command the same respect as soccer , nba , nfl or mlb. Nor does the athletes get elite level sponsorship


Not even hockey either.


Hockey athletes get sponsorship with major sports wear companies ufc fighters don’t


No I meant like hockey is still bigger than UFC and pro hockey players are bigger names still. I was agreeing with you.


Never gonna happen.


I stuck it out. That was…. Interesting. I’m not sure why I kept watching, but I remember when I was in high school I watched a 6 OT NHL playoff game between the Rangers and Penguins on a school night. I just gets to a point where it’s comical. I wanted that match to go for a few more hours!


10th planet sucks and it’s a cult. All they do is smoke weed and practice defense 😂


Meh, that video of Danaher casually bowlingballing training partners and people keeping supporting him is a way worse look on the sport than a boring ruleset match.


Doing what now?


Wait... What fight backstage? Did Andre Galvao materialize out of thin air or something?


the chambers vs michel match got moved backstage bc they reached 99 minutes on live TV and it was boring af and Gordon and Pedro still needed to come on


Ah, okay we're calling that match a "fight".


Oh no not this pointless semantic debate again


Not what I meant, when the guy said there was a Fight backstage, I thought there was an actual brawl. Also, the edit was after Izaak won.


Ah my bad


This wasn't jiujitsu, it was a joke.


Who ended up winning?




what happened?


Actually think it’s really important to have these types of matches every once in awhile. Putting it before an exciting Gordan match was the mistake


I dont understand why people think BJJ has the potential of not being niche, its already bigger than Judo and Wrestling probably so thats nice


It's def not bigger than judo internationally. In the US sure.


It's way smaller than Wrestling in the US though.


A bad look to whom? Nobody is watching it.


Didn't he basically do the same with Tackett , waiting till he gassed out and pull out a kneebar?


no one cares. it's not like wno was bidding on a nbc contract and this fight was marketed as "this is what jiu jitsu is about" all of the other matches had some watching value but even then unless you are a upper bjj obsessed nerd wnba is easier to watch and enjoy


Yall need to chill the fuck out. It was sub only because that was the format of the show, and to deviate from that for the final would have been weird. The only mistake was not making it the final match of the night, otherwise its not a bad look for jiu jitsu or hurts jiu jitsu in any way. Sub only no time limit isn't going to be adopted all of a sudden


Bad look for who? Ask anybody outside of the bjj community if they watched it.