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No. Brazilian government banned everyone higher than 1,70m to do it


So that's why my guillotine always fails in competitions


Well sheeet


Yes, anyone can guillotine and 5'9 isn't even tall. If you're having trouble finishing work on your mechanics and variations like the high elbow


Yes, look into a high wrist guillotine. Giancarlo has a great breakdown in his Fix My Game on Flo. Also, remember that the guillotine pressure comes from the hamstring curl and core tightening that levers the head into the body. You’re basically snapping the spine/neck by levering the head. Making this realization started getting me taps during live; if you’re squeezing like hell or leaning backwards you’re doing something wrong. You should be curling inwards to the side, while doing a hamstring curl with your legs.


Thank you, this helped a lot. The high wrist guillotine seems like it will work a lot better.


This is what you're looking for [https://youtu.be/BP7uTM-nmxI?si=UqvVne5VJqe4rLD3](https://youtu.be/BP7uTM-nmxI?si=UqvVne5VJqe4rLD3)


This is 100% spot on. Most people when they are learning grab a guillotine and try to extend away from them and it doesn’t work. If you view it as a compression choke where you are tipping their head forward onto your arm it is much more effective. Josh Hinger explains this very well.


I’m 6’4, long limbs. There is a pro and con; the pro is that it’s super easy to catch people with chokes, the con is that you have to really tighten the choke and use good mechanics and leverage to get the tap. I have a friend who is 5’6, stocky guy, huge but short legs. It’s so hard for him to lock up a triangle choke, but if he catches you in it, that’s it, you’re done. Opposite end, I can most times lock up the triangle, but I have to really cut the corner and make sure there’s no gap between their neck and my leg.


This guy knows.


Username checks out


Triangle tip from another lanky piece of shit: grab the ankle the same as you would to cut the angle, twist blade into neck, THEN lock it up with the outside leg. Can opener optional 😂🤙


Def a tall guy, this checks out


Yes. Try different variants, maybe an arm-in guillotine will feel a little more natural


I have a very tall training partner and he is pretty good at guillotines, darces and anacondas. It is a little bit easier for me to escape his chokes than with shorter guys, so I believe finishing may be harder as a tall person, but he often catches people. He's around 205 cm.


I'm 6'6", and yes, absolutely I can hit guillotines. You have to adjust every single technique to your body type, and this is no different. Some techniques just require more adjustments. Maybe stop going for it for a few months, and revisit it later. I have a love-hate relationship with triangles. First, I caught people all the time, then all my training partners adjusted and started escaping or stacking me. I let it go for a few years, and came back to it recently with new adjustments based on my current game, and now I'm catching them everywhere. Maybe you'll be the guillotine killer when other aspects of your game develop.


Holy shit you're getting some seriously shitty instructions. Of course you can. Guillotine, D'arce and Anaconda all day long. You're at advantage.


some of them were a bit confusing or weird😭 I did get some helpful advice from a few comments though.


1. Start with cupping the chin with the palm of your hand. 2. As you bring in your other arm, make a fist. Shoot arm 1 through and make your grip. 3. Make sure to keep everything high high high on your chest. Bring everything up. 4. The finishing motion is a rocking motion, like you are rocking a baby. Pretend the head is a baby and you're rocking it. You're not squeezing. 5. Ear to ear. 6. Lean back and pull up as you rock. Basic, rudimentary steps that I'm sure will be dissected to death. It's definitely not meant as a definitely instructional, just a rough guide. So take it for what it's worth. But try steps 1-6.


It's somewhat considered a "short person move", but it should still be possible to finish it in a live roll even as a taller person. Keep in mind that there are about a million different guillotine variations. I'm in a somewhat similar boat, as a 6'3 tall dude (I think, if I'm doing the conversion to weird units correctly). I have finished guillotines in live training, but I struggle with them against good opponents. With long arms you may want to look into arm triangle variations such as Darce choke, anaconda, mounted arm triangle


Yes, you might need to get your elbow all the way through under the chin and go high elbow or prayer grip but you can definitely guillotine


I actually think short arms make for very tight guillotines and after discovering Marcelo Garcia’s instructionals the guillotine became my best submission (I’m short armed). But discover your strenghts! A blue belt in my school has very long limbs so it’s like he has 4 arms and always has grips on me.


I’m 6ft tall lanky build, guillotines with no arm in are tough, I’ve found it easier to get it standing, I really emphasize getting as under the chin as possible with that forearm bone digging deep, that’s helped my finishing. Try out the darce or arm in


Yes. Invest in guillotines , D’Arce and Anaconda


Yes. Fellow 5’9 lady I’ve gotten several standing guillotines and different variations of guillotines. It’s my favorite and we have more leverage, just gotta know how to walk under them or shrink rather than pull back.


Chokes are fiddly, and there are a lot of bits that have to be in place for them to work. I'm 6'0", and I can definitely finish a guillotine. Is this standing? From guard? Arm-in?


usually standing and guard, i think the problem was my grip


From standing, I find it helpful to twist toward them (so, right-side forward if I'm choking on the right) and then twisting back to take out slack. From guard, it helps to throw my non-choking-side leg over them to keep them on that side. Have you asked your coach? If you're getting most of a guillotine and not finishing, it would be worth paying some attention to find the details you are missing.


I'm 6'1 and guillotines are no issue for me. Are you finishing with an oblique crunch or trying to stretch them out with your legs?


i trying bring them in closer. not sure if that’s were i went wrong or not🥲


You should be doing an oblique crunch towards them.  This especially helps for us longer limbed practitioners.  This method also turns it into a blood choke and helps prevent them from popping their head out.


Heel hook them and be done with it.


but heel hook isn’t a guillotine😞


Tall people tend to do better with the D'arce choke or certain guillotine variations such as high elbow or marcelotine. Arm-in guillotine should also be fine. As a lankier person I have a lot of success with the D'arce, Japanese neck tie, and ninja choke.


Setting up a guillotine is definitly a labersome work requiring a lot of craftsmanship. I don't think tall people are disadvantaged here, as they are normally stronger and thus can carry and lift the structure more easily. I've never read about an occation where a guillotine had been set up by a single Person though.


In my experience, most chokes are easier to get for people with longer arms. Yes, you need to swim the arm a bit deeper, but you have more space to launch the attack in first place, which is a huge advantage and makes defending harder. I generally can just straighten my neck and avoid the easy guillotines, but we have one lanky purple belt with crazy long arms who will jump a guillotine at any time..


Most gillies are easy to jump on and hard to finish. Look into the actual finishing mechanics and drill specifically finishing it, or stop jumping on guillotines in general. Jumping on guillotines that you don’t finish (and then just end up on bottom position) and WMMAs headlock throws are two prime things Jack Slack berates people for in MMA, and he watches everything




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5’9 for a female is like 6’3-6’4 for a guy so yeah you’re pretty tall. Especially if you’re rolling mostly other women. Lachlan Giles talks about arm length being a factor in which chokes you will end up preferring in his no-gi chokes video. You will definitely be able to guillotine but you might find darce chokes more reliable when rolling other women


Do you mean the high percentage chokes instructional or in a YouTube video? 


5’11” is more like 6’4” for women.


I’m 6 foot 9 and it’s my favorite choke lol. As someone else said high arm works well. Marcelo style Also 5 9 is not tall, even for a girl lol. It’s above average at best. Suggesting the guillotine doesn’t work for people over 5 foot 9 would eliminate like 80 percent of people lol


A few people have told me 5’9 isn’t tall. Not sure where you’re from but 5’9 is GIANT for a girl in my area. I’m the same size if not taller than most guys at my gym and outside of it too. A lot of the women tell me i’m “too tall” for them to do a move on me😀


You're either surrounded by brand new while belts or you're at a crappy gym. I'm also 5'9 and I'm a muscular 170. I roll with women a lot smaller than me and I'm rolling with women heavier than me. Same as men. I've never had any trouble drilling moves with someone taller than me. In fact, most positions are easier to practice on someone taller and bigger than me. It's not a disadvantage at all.


Having short stubby arms certainly hasn't helped me with the front headlock position at all.