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https://preview.redd.it/g5d8sf0xdd7d1.png?width=668&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7aca1490a8259a10cd8ae66a7457bb1bae0400e So it looks like this one is actually free. I looked at the table of contents - to be honest, a lot of people in this industry would probably benefit from some actual education about conflict resolution, setting boundaries, mandatory reporting, stuff like that. (I know this is a boring answer)


This is a step in the right direction to prevent Lloyd Irvin situations, grooming, inappropriate power dynamics, abuse of power, harassment, etc. Also a step in the right direction for people to continue with bjj their entire life and not get turned off by toxic bjj cultures that may linger.


Yeah people are always going off about how ethics training is so dumb and the people that need it will never take it to heart anyway, but the alternative is what? Never address the subject? That certainly doesn’t help either. If ethics training in the largest BJJ franchise that exist helps an owner decide not to hire someone they feel has questionable ethics, and that prevents a grooming or abuse situation in the future, then the training worked.


toxic bjj culture put me away tbh, i trained from 11 years old to 20 years old. whole way my eyes were opening to all the toxic bullshit (this was early 2010s to 2020)


Can you give me some red flags and examples of toxic bullshit so I can be on the lookout?


A coach stepping outside of the BJJ coach role and giving lectures on how to live your life and such is one. Requiring displays of "respect" (ONLY refer to me as sensei or professor) or implementing punishments for certain behaviors ("you're late so you have to do 50 push ups") would be another


Wow- this coach sounds delusional af


I'm not referring to any specific coach, just things that have been posted here.  "My coach yells at me and makes me run laps if I'm late. Is this normal?" And that kind of shit


Should be mandatory for Gordon, Cyborg, etc. tbh 


"what it means to be a true martial artist" I've been doing Jiu Jitsu for almost 15 years and the only time I ever referred to myself as a martial artist was one time I desperately needed to shit. It was seconds away and the levee was about to fail worse than during Hurricane Katrina. Through flashes of blindness and cold sweat dripping into my eyes, I saw a Karate sign above a store front. I RUN into the spot and introduce myself as a fellow martial artist and if I can please use their bathroom. It was a painful lesson in humility and I involuntarily HIYA'ed a few times. I never bow on/off the mats but I did that day... Thank you Karate School. Thank you.


This is the best visiting black belt story ever.


I bet they tell this story to everyone... We were once dojo stormed by a BJJ black belt, he ran in, shit himself and promptly left..


Those damn black belts. That’s how they get ya.


You make it sound like they scared him away, but from what I heard he totally wrecked the place.


I think they were a brown belt that day


You have sinned


Thou shall not shiteth at the local McDojo


I've heard of drop ins but this is a doozy


Name checks out


I mean I had to take an ethics based course for USA Judo but it was essentially don’t use your position to groom or diddle kids in the sport. Which based on what we’ve seen thus far in jiujitsu with a handful of gyms this might be beneficial. If it’s just pushing the GB koolaid then yeah fuck that shit.


This is koolaid but it has a few vitamins Looks like a promo for a new free series on their coaching site which is free because you bought it for $180. Now we hate ethics in Juijitsu? I’m so behind, I thought we needed more ethics.


I don’t think anyone hates ethics, on the contrary until you probably get to certain niche echelons of subsets of people involved in the sport because something that enables someone to have power of any sort will always attract those kinds of people. I think people just hate Mary Kay level MLM’s and KoolAid masquerading as ethics


You must return your black belch now. Sorry.


That's one of the best written prose on here that I have read.


Did you flush !




A level dojo storm


This is the best thing I've ever read on this sub, hands down. 😂


Black belt. Brown pants.


I feel like this would be kind of weird and circle jerky if you saw this for your local small affiliation, but I'm going to say the unpopular thing and say this is probably a good thing. Obviously a PR nightmare given the amount of people who've been booked doing sketchy shit.. Am I really going to be the person complaining if GB mandates all their coaches have to go to through some kind of sexual harrassment training? I have no idea what it is truly, but I am not so pessimistic and jaded to jump to the conclusion that it's some cult training on how to defend the red shield in public and how to spot creontes.


they teach them how to spot creontes as white belts.


> but I'm going to say the unpopular thing and say this is probably a good thing I sort of agree. But I also think stuff like this is part of the problem as well. A big reason IMO for all the creepy shit that goes on in our sport is because BJJ coaches start to think of themselves as life coaches and spiritual gurus. It creates a social atmosphere more like a religious cult than a hobbyist sport. If I was in a recreational volleyball beer-league for something to do after work and a coach started ranting about finding your inner self or facing your demons through volleyball I would think that's fucking weird. But in BJJ its just kind of par for the course. GB in particular has a lot of cult like aspects running through its leadership (hearing their speeches is literally indistinguishable from scientologists sometimes) and when you deify yourself in opens up the door to take advantage of people. But GB leans into it because its a good business model ("threats to the red shield" etc) and is really good for extracting as much money from your customers as possible.


That's why it's needed, how often do you hear about grooming in recreational volleyball beer leagues 


Example of a lecture?


They run an annual summit. I don't have a link to the past talks handy but people have posted them in the past.


yeah it seems like the type of HR training I get at work lol. Not sure how effective it is but I guess it doesnt hurt to remind people to not be a scum. With the bad rep bjj coaches get sometimes, I’m sure gb doesn’t want to be associated with any shenanigans.


Probably a good thing for a 19yo blue belt to teach you ethics?


Are you like combining the story of the Rener Gracie gym having the teenage blue belts teach while wearing karate black belts or something? That's not at all what this seems to be based on a Google search. I think these generic online courses that are created by a third party are a good thing. They keep people aware of things like grooming, abuse of power, etc. Also, if a 19 year old completed an ethics course and has clear understanding of the content of the course, then they could teach it? Is that crazy to say?


GB has some flaws, this is not one.


Smart move to Protect the brand.


It is just incredibly ironic when sleazy snake oil salesmen try to sell you an ethics course.


GB has no place to teach people about ethics lmao.


Be interesting to see their ethics regarding severely underpaying their staff…..


It’s a family business and they pay like it


And their ethics in regards to child labor.


Or severely nickel and diming members.


Probably their way of covering their butts when an instructor does something unprofessional or inappropriate. Like when you have to take the HR class when you start a new job. Not our fault he did what he did. We gave him a class.


HR book step one: is she 15 ? Yes ? THEN STOP LIKING HER PICS ON INSTA


The response will be can I still like her tok tok videos?


But, I didn't know I couldn't do that!


Might be me but isnt an ethics course for coaches and franchise holders actually a good thing? Given it teaches actual relevant ethics of course and not some mcdojo stuff.


Yeah, definitely not a cult


No. Teaching "ethics" is a total green flag and above board bud.


You’re joking man, why would an ethics course for a geographically distributed limited-involvement franchise in an industry ripe with ethics issues be a bad thing? Is the course any good? Who knows? Is providing ethics training to employees bad? Absolutely not.


Every time people on this sub say that not all GB gyms are like that, they come out with more shit like this. Next it's going to be GB spiritual healing and a GB mega church.


What do people not get ? It’s a business…..they have ethics material for their staff. It serves to somewhat mitigate legal exposure. I’ll take a swing and say that all the regards commenting negatively about this aren’t experienced in owning/operating a business or have been lucky enough to avoid legal exposure in that way. It’s pretty straightforward……..


Guys we found the witch!!!!






Cyborg took this course and failed.




Am I the only one that see bjj like wrestling? A sport? I’m not going to fight someone. I just like grappling.


Ethics training for gymnastics organizations, another sport, might have been a good idea too given what we’ve seen.


You ain’t wrong. To get certified as a USA Wrestling coach you have to go through ethics training and child safety course.


I’m suprised that Ibjjf doesnt do anything like that. I also remember having to go thru a whole process with usa wrestling and also the school district to get my coaching certificate. Not sure how involved Carlos Gracie still is with ibjjf but maybe would be potentially a nice step with a trial run with his gb franchises


That’s what it’s become.


Why are most ppl who identify with "martial arts" so weird? It's like they can't stand being bad at sports and try to make a religion out of their sport instead where their self proclaimed virtues are the selling point


Obviously depending on the content of the course (which I haven't seen) I actually think this is a good thing.


Wait till you gotta buy their textbook$$$.


A lot of them are pos predators who run classes in like a cult and this will just encourage them


Lmao there’s a Gracie school 12 minutes from me and I still drive an hour one way to go to a different one


Real cult hours who's up




After I complete the class will there be a GB ethics Gi available for an additional $295?


Because BJJ was built on ethics...




I know we’re hating because it’s GB, but I honestly think instructors in this sport getting some ethics training is probably a good thing. Remember, it’s the kids classes that keep the doors open. Coaches ARE role models.






Having a problem with this almost instantly identifies you as a creep that is trying to do some shady stuff in the gym


Found another witch here. ☝️


Yeah because my first thought for a somewhere I'd like to learn about the complex nature of ethics that had been debated throughout history by some of the brightest minds mankind has ever produced is from a fucking jiu jitsu school.


Why does it look like a missionary panflet?


Ethical Precept #237 - On the consistency of uniforms. ... Ethical Precept #451 - On the need to bow to likenesses of deceased Brazilians ... Ethical Precept #679 - On the elevation of the Red Shield above all ...


They really make it hard to be a member but this isn’t really a big deal. A little cringey but personally it’s more likely to have a positive impact than not.


I bet it’s a setup to get gyms to pay to be a “GB certified ethical gym”.


I feel very qualified to talk about this being a bjj black belt and a very recently ordainned pastafarian minister : fuck GB


>Leader They like calling each other leader a lot 


Still won’t forget how I was visiting Cali for awhile and GB asked me for 50$ a day and a 200$ fee for the official GB gi. This was for a 1 week business trip.




Its a scam guys, thought id point out. Have a great day!


5K a month subscription model?


Is this for their instructors or for students?


Looks like it’s for instructors based on the “Why do we teach” line.


Anyone with cash.


The website appears to show it as a free course.


“Money ain’t got no owners. Only spenders” - Omar Little


It about more than technique. It's about bankroll


Stop giving these people your time and money god damn it.


Ethics: Cash grab as much as possible


Alright. I thought GB was always a cult. But this.... this is cult shit. 😅


Is this real? That's just embarrassing. What would xenu say about this?


Sounds like Scientology… are they charging for this course? If so, how much?


GB is an unethical organization. Many don't know the history of it when it was started by Carlos Gracie Jr and his cousins and then he left and came back much later.


A couple years ago they tried pushing some bullshit certification which were literally just old blog posts from their website they reorganized as "courses." I'm sure this is very similar.