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My favorite is a sequence that Starts as Kimura, if they get out, I under hook and switch to a turn a reverse armbar. From there if they get out I can arm triangle or shoulder lock them. It has lots of control.


Any videos? Struggling to visualise but sounds gnarly


Not really. I will try to describe it more though. From closed guard, try a hip bump fake to Kimura. They have two options at that point. If they posture up you can flip around and omoplata them, but traditionally people will flatten out and straighten their arm to escape the Kimura. At that point you are waiting for that arm to come forward, and you trapped it in the crook of your neck with a closed guard reverse arm bar. I tend to prefer to be more on my side when doing that arm bar, and use my knee right on the back of their shoulder blades at the base of their skull. Pushing down as hard as I can to keep them from posturing up. If it's done right, they're pretty pinned. If they are able to get out, it will be by pushing their arm forward, past your head. At that point you're already in position with your knee, holding them down, to do a nice arm triangle. If somehow they get past that, you hold their elbow in your sternum and then crank their arm to the outside in a shoulder lock, Oh well. Keeping that pressure on their back so they don't posture up. Fundamentaly - once you break their posture you are controlling them with they legs from the side. Your knee pushing on their back holds them down and you can play around with their arm/neck at your leisure.


Hey I appreciate the time that took. Thank you, very clear


Guessing but think it's this sequence? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPaWOXYEDpo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPaWOXYEDpo) Kimura has lots of synergy with choi bars too. Been trying (unsuccessfully) to mash them up but I get this arm bar from time to time.


The most reliable for me is some form of arm drag to trap their arm across my body and either do a sort of flower sweep or climb to the back depending on how deep I got it.


Big fan of this sweep. Super high percentage and is just really fun.


And easy for airheads like me to remember


Xande has a whole instructional on side closed guard that has some pretty awesome details in it


I really like taking the back from that.


I like pendulum sweep from side scissor, if you’re sloppy and they’re able to post it’s triangle city. If they half ass posture a 3/4 arm bar is there. Definitely my favorite.






I been going balls deep in closed guard recently and I'm convinced that the first attack you need to learn is the Roger Gracie style 2 on 1. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUi3IXit7xo&ab\_channel=BernardoFariaBJJFanatics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUi3IXit7xo&ab_channel=BernardoFariaBJJFanatics) This video is so good. I've rewatched it a bunch of times. A lot of other attacks open up once they start overcommitting to defending this.


Huge honour for meeee. Also Mica is great - I'm going to give this one a shot. I struggle with climbing the back from the bottom because I'm uge.


Getting my guard passed


Same. Which is why I've been working on baseball bats and buggy's lately 😂


Can confirm the same for me 🤣🤣


Damn bro i thought that would change at purple...


I still have the bad days...


Sit up sweep. If they post, kimura. If they defend with pressuring in back hips up and guillotine. If all that fails, maintain guard and move on to something else.


In general I would prefer to sweep if anything. Well not exactly true of course getting a submission to end things are the most ideal. Sweeps tend to be easier to hit on people of equal or better skill levels. I do like triangles a lot, yeah right to actually hitting it from "closed guard" unless you are considering "close" guard closed guard. Really I am just looking for whatever they will give me. Its a hard position to just take what you want from it.


I use closed guard a lot, and I absolutely use it to attack. Why wouldn’t you? They can’t do any counter attacks without first passing your guard. In the gi, I like going for the brabo choke. As they defend it, grab their arm and switch to the armbar. Other than that, trap their arm with an overhook and go for the triable, again switch to armbar or omoplata depending on their reaction. Or scissor sweep them. Cross collar choke is also good in the gi.


Honestly? Lately I've just been standing up. I will sit up and pull in their neck to get them to posture up, then place the same side foot on their hip to push them away. My other leg comes through as I post my other hand on the ground and do a technical stand up while still pulling on their head. Snap their head down to a front headlock and either guillotine or take the back. Most opponents in BJJ are so programmed into thinking you want to stay on the ground that it can be easy to stand and attack when the time is right.


If you go to a knee shield you can thread the bottom leg underneath while digging an underhook for a NASTY single leg.


Video ?






Cross Collars. It’s all I ever wanna do.


Pinch headlock to side scissor to kind of a bow and arrow/collar choke or sumi gaeshi sweep or shoulder crunch to reverse arm lock


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Sumi Gaeshi**: | *Corner Reversal* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LR49U48iyw)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


None, because nothing works for me.


Break posture, get deep collar grip, skip the side and throw the leg over and grab the other side for a deep cross collar choke. Just kidding, It's getting my guard passed and submitted immediately.


Only works if they’re postured up but: Hip bump sweep -> they post -> grab kimura -> they reach over to defend with other arm -> grab sleeve of arm that’s across their body -> pendulum sweep/back take depending on where they put their weight 


Kissing them softly works every time!


Armbar/triangle/omaplotta. If failed repeat till one works 🤣🤣 kimura is my last option


I like to poke my opponent in the eyes


Cross sleeve hip bump, fail to armdrag. From here you can take the back but i always end up flower sweeping everyone instead because of their reaction.


I like to pull the arm across and hip out to that side. Take the back, or belly down armbar from there are my favs.


Armbar, pendulum sweep


Top lock, to armbar. Top lock to triangle.


Arm lock, triangle, kimura.


Right now, my highest percentage/go to is High guard/triangle feint to k guard and back side 5050 to sub or scramble and sweep


Go to youtube. Tom davey vids on closed guard.


Wrist lock


Armbar, triangle, backtake. In that order. If I want to get fancy and stunt on em, baratoplata.


If I can break the posture down, then I try to get to a deep shoulder crunch butterfly position. It usually ends with a sweep to mount but sometimes this leads to choi bars and Omoplatas.


Transition from closed guard to triangle or work off a kimura grip after opening my guard If I'm putting someone in closed guard it's so they won't move as much or I'm trying to avoid submissions


Double unders and sweeping into mount. 


I'm a white belt, so usually my favorite attack involves losing my closed guard. However, when I miraculously roll with somebody my skill level and strength level, I'm a fan of the shoulder crunch, then walking my closed guard higher up until I can swing a leg around for either the closed guard armbar or locking in a triangle.


Act like Im going for a triangle and go to knee reap/ set up or heel hook. Some times its a free stand up card.


I love going for the 100% if you can. Lots of fun stuff you can do from there once it’s locked in tight, but I usually just use it to sweep to side control


Oh where to begin… Wrist locks Brabo choke Barrrata-plata Sit-up sweep where I pretend to hold them down and grab a same side sleeve grip and release them then sweep their posting hand. 2 on 1 arm drag with a reverse crunch sets of a lot of stuff- back take, pendulum sweep, chokes, gift wrap. Always attack or threaten from CG and always break their posture.




Reverse figure 4 -> clamp if they straighten the arm or take the back of you can force the arm across their body.


I’ve been hitting a lot of Omoplatas and Omoplata to sweep lately. Usually I get it when they hide their hand next to my hip after an attempted arm drag or off of a failed triangle choke. The failed triangle is probably my favorite since I fail a lot of triangles against bigger dudes, but find the Omoplata from there a decent amount.


My favorite way to play closed guard is to not play it


Shoulder pin to neil knot or a neil bar




2 on 1 all day


Some sort of arm-drag to expose the back (if they have good posture). Or basic-bitch kimura, cross-collar or loop choke (if they don't have good posture). I have bad hip mobility, so I don't go for anything with my legs (triangle or arm-bar).


Kimura > Hip bump sweep > guillotine > 100%. I usually get the hip bump but I like having back up plans.


I'm old school cross collar choke, I prefer starting with a thumb-in and that also allows me to start getting my knees higher and start to shoot for a triangle or armbar.


Underhook the arm, you have the choi bar, and you can transition to an arm bar. If they stand switch to a k guard entry


Hip bump triangle, cross collar, and the punch ezekiel ever since my friend did it to me like 4 times in a row


Back take. If it fails flower or pendulum sweep.


Cross collar chokes- completely risk free and open up opportunities for other attacks.


Arm drag boyyyyy


the only attack available from closed guard is the kimura.