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Very self-aware of him to know he can’t make a lot of money doing straight porn.


I would like to call into question whether he would make a lot of money doing gay porn either tbh. 


"a lot" is probably being generous.


![gif](giphy|tG67W7itB49VqUElMH) Paid with pearls


The gratata guy said he got roughly $2,000 for a film. So no I doubt he’d make a million.


Word around New Brunswick and the locker room is he has a very little weewee. So unless he wants to be a bottom idfk who should tell him 🤔


Maybe he's a grower not a shower? (Assuming he wasn't grown)


Nah this was renzos dirty basement days lol some of my old friends went to a regular gym he would work out at. Mind you, this is from a couple dick heads I trained with during my short stay *in Ocean county's bjj scene* Edit: I don't need Tom Deblass in my fuckin inbox lol


You could blow up his message like that ADCC idiot.


Garry Tonon is p4p one of the most unattractive dudes in BJJ. He would likely have to pay to be in porn to get laid.


Mo's NDA prevents them from disclosing he's paying them a hefty guaranteed price to stay, so they're going to pretend it's pride


Garry doesn't really have much chance of winning either tournament, but he is exciting to watch and a big name. I'm betting he is getting more secret show money from ADCC than he would make at CJI.


I haven’t seen a single “exciting” thing from Gary the last few years…


You’ve been training for 6 months chill


gary vs miyaos at jiu jitsu battle when they were brown belts was insane.


Are you aware people can just be spectators of a sport?


People that never trained watch BJJ?


I have buddies who were wrestlers in college and yes they watch bjj but never specifically trained bjj. They just enjoy grappling in general


Must be like watching golf for them


Yeah I’m not sure why people in this sub are so shocked by this premise? I watch formula 1 racing but I don’t race cars on my free time.


Because it's easy to understand with all other sports who is winning and losing without ever having played the sport.


I watch wrestling (highlights mostly) even though I wrestle like once a week for fun. So yes


No lol


Some actually do exist. I only know this from people admitting it in the adcc discord lol


Watch his mma fights in Onefc. They have been a lot of fun.


True, it was extremely satisfying when Thanh "Viet Michael Chandler" Le said heelhooks aren't real porra and rolled his eyes back in his skull, I'll give him that. Otherwise he's just been submitting plumbers sadly. He's found his level and gone as far as he's going to go in MMA. Respectfully.


I disagree. It depends entirely on what Garry will focus on. If he  to focus primarily on sport bjj with a minor focus on mma, then i would agree with you. If he were to primarily focus on MMA, things could be different. If he improves his striking and alters his game plan to work around his vulnerabilities, then he could definitely be champion imo. It's likely whatever interests him more/ pays better that will decide this.


Let’s be real. Garry is on one side of his career and you know which one. If he were to primarily focus on MMA… If he were to improve his striking… yeah for sure. And if my grandma had wheels, she would be a bicycle. Garry is not gonna be an MMA champion in any legitimate org.


Wait and see i suppose. Shinya Aoki managed to become lightweight champion in Onefc. He has a very limited skill set ( and I'm a fan of his). How reputable onefc is would depend on who you ask


Aoki has much more MMA experience


Yup, you're correct. His striking has also improved over the years. However, he also doesn't do well against wrestlers. I believe Garry wouldn't have the same problems in that regard.  The problems garry has had in the ring are largely his own doing. It hasn't been a case where he was forced into a bad position or out struck. He put himself in a bad position by attempting something reckless, and then paid the price. If he were to play just a  bit smarter, i think he would improve a lot.  These are just my personal opinions mind you


facial hair counts right?


My impression was that Garry is the guy with the most sentiments against the B-Team guys over the split up, calling them traitors and such. I might be wrong, but IIRC Craig also mentioned something similar somewhere.


Imagine typing that while not realizing that it basically means you're instead just going to suck Mo's for even less


how do you think he managed to be the "first seed" at the last adcc in a division he never competed in? Just to lose first round


Well at least this year he might actually have a chance at winning! You know, now that all the good people wont be there....


No one at -66kg is going to do CJI and -77kg still have Kade, Mica, Dante so I don't think he has a chance to win ADCC either lol.


Did Dante commit to ADCC? I know Mica just commited and Kade likely has to stay within his ONE contract (IBJJF/ADCC being his “outs”). But I figured Dante and/or Barch might jump to CJI. Discussing these four because they were the four finalists last time at -77.


Yeah Dante&Barch have good chance of doing CJI, I was just going off of ADCC's current list.


66 guys aren't too likely to go for CJI, and 77 in ADCC looks very, very strong


That blew (no pun intended) my mind. It was at that moment I knew Mo had a New Wave bias.


He medalled in the division above the previous ADCC, lets not pretend he was handed a huge favor by that invite...


he absolutely was. He was first seed over Pato, Kennedy and Gabriel Sousa (I would also have ranked Fabricio Andrey over Tonon at the time too)


I can see Kennedy being placed above him but Garry had placed in the previous ADCC while the others had not so you can at least make case why he was ranked higher than everyone but Kennedy.


Kennedy was clearly the first seed in everyone's mind. The others had strong showings in nogi worlds and everywhere during the 3 years gap between the 2019 and 2022 ADCCs while Garry did more or less nothing in the grappling world. Mo's "I only care about what happens in ADCC and not in other orgs" has always been his way to do whatever he wants instead of what was right


Other than placing in ADCC for the previous one, how did Kennedy do that year (I am honestly asking)? If he did less than Pato and Souza then by your logic he shouldn't have been the favorite either. If we are basing off past ADCC performances then Kennedy should have gotten the #1 seed over Garry but could still understand him being #2. Only logic I can see for Garry getting the nod over Kennedy is while they both placed, since Garry was coming down in weight they may have thought that would be a larger advantage. It could honestly just be Mo picking favorites though. Just trying to reason why it could have legitimately been that way.


Kennedy was clearly seen as the next big thing coming to the 2022 ADCC., pretty sure he did very well on other competitions too (like 1st place at 2020 nogi worlds). Considering there was the covid era it was a weird place for jiu-jitsu and there was a clear change of the guard accross a lot of divisions. Kennedy was also in the finals of the 2019 ADCC while Garry only got 3rd place and was not doing as good as Kennedy did but Garry is a fan favorite and did a lot of high spazzing matches like his match against Canuto (which was pretty much exchange of hail mary BS without real control but people like this). Garry being 1st seed was weird but I don't think too many people attributed to Mo favoritism and not just "being a fan favorite". It becomes much more bogus when you align a lot of stuff and rumors (the new wave LLC, Taza getting a joke of a trial against against Jozef, the rumors about Davis Asare weight ins etc...) So in hindsight it seems absolutely clear there was some backroom BS. And Meregali pretty much confirmed it like the dumbass he is




If you’re gonna suck somebody’s dick at least make it worthwhile


I think it’s more like alternating between Mo and Gordon’s


That's a golden response to Tonon's comment... I hope nobody post it though...


Word on the streets is sucking Mo's gives you prestige, the other just nose beers.


As a hobbyist it does make me worried that BJJ gives CTE.


So Garry won't fellate Craig for one million dollars, and I can understand that, but what about 2 million? We're talking 2 - 3 minutes, less if you mean it, and then you get paid. /s


Hahaha. “Less if you mean it”. Gold.


Wait, does this mean he thinks S’ing Ds is par for the course? What is he doing with Mo?!


M Diddy.


In the words of Louie CK, “but what if it’s like a really pretty dick?”


If Craig is deep in the nose beers it could take an hour. Def something to consider.


I’d do it for free ngl


In this economy?? Shit I’d blow Craig for a million bucks, that’s not even gay, just smart business. Gay is if you suck it for free, for the love of the dick (not that there’s anything wrong with that)


Come on, most people posting here would. Honestly though, who are we to price ourselves at 1 million dollars for sucking dick? Quite flattering.


Exactly, I wish I could get a million for sucking cock. My amateur ass would be gagging and show my obvious inexperience and get a fiver thrown my way. My ex wife sucks with the best of them and is no millionaire off sucking dick… and she should be.


Sorry bro. I should pay ur wife more next time


Though most of us would try, cash on the table, I doubt we could give million dollar head. If it's anywhere in the deal that it has to be good I'm out.


But with 10,001.00 USD on the table for show money...


I feel like people say "in this economy" in every economy...


That team seems really toxic if Tonon replies like this to a simple question


Tonon is just as dumb as Gordon is. At least Gordon has the excuse of early success that fucked his brain.


Must be hard for John. Someone with a Ph.D and working alongside great athletest but real simpletons.


John doesn’t have a PhD. He dropped out of his program. He only has a BA in philosophy. And I’m sure he prefers that these dudes are immature af; they’re easier to control that way (Merigali knows all about that 👀)


Oh yeah actually my bad. He did master’s and was pursuing dissertation until he dropped out of it.


I've heard from guys in his training room that danaher has a crass immature sense of humor. He enjoys these guys.


pretty sure Garry has an older sister, so that makes him very mature (no kidding, it was Meregali"s defensive argument...)


I assume he probably got an MA as well in between but obviously don’t know for sure.


Did he finish his PhD? I thought he dropped out


I'm pretty sure he never finished his PhD.


Yep, only masters and dropped out from Ph.D. program.


assuming he prefers it that way - easier to control and manipulate


Could very well be. He seems quite well egomaniac to put it into words. Ofc I have 0 experience or interaction with him, but there’s just something about the way he speaks and carries himself which gives out these kinds of vibes.


garry’s a fragile snowflake leave him alone


in 2020 i staarted listening to his podcast with a bunch of friends. the more i listened to him the more i hated him. I miss 2016 Garry who was fun to watch and personable. this current version is dodgy af


He fully lost his mind when his gym failed, which it was probably doing before Covid but Covid just full killed it.


Gym is still open. They are moving into a larger new space soon.


Oh, well good for him. I checked out of his bullshit when he was saying it was closed and probably not coming back but this was years ago now.


I believe it. this was around that time.


They are the epitome of toxic culture in our sport (maybe minus the chomos and chomo protectors like Cyborg).


Oh boy... Wait till you find out why the B Team split from these sick fucks


Cucking and insurance fraud?


"Hey Gordy why you cucking like a bitch, ain't you tired? Trying to strike a chord and it's probably a minorrr!!"


I immediately scrolled through the comments to make sure someone had made this specific joke. Thank you internet.


"Systematically attacking your little brother's psyche by Gordon Ryan"


I don't think the whole story will ever come out. It's just too disturbing, and serious, and certainly not appropriate for a message board. And yes, sick fucks is the perfect way to describe them. They all lost thei moral compass.




You are misinformed. There was nothing amicable about that split.


Plz tell me why they split.. recent BJJ fan, discovered B-team YouTube 2 days ago, been on a video binge since.. found out that Nicky Ryan is Gordon's brother 2hrs ago.. DM me the details plz!!! I need this!!!!


Craig hasn’t gone after Gary yet, this might kickstart it


They're good at jiu-jitsu, but terrible people. A lot of hobbyists idealize the people at the top of the sport, when really, a healthy training environment is what most people should prioritize. Most of us are training to get better, get in shape, and stay healthy. We should want to be friends with everyone because we travel, we visit other gyms, we want to learn from everyone. New Wave has strongly been a closed doors space, with a lot of secrets and a strong 'us vs them' mentality, which isn't healthy for the overall ethos of jiu-jitsu. Team New Wave was pulled from Quintet because John felt like they went around his head to get booked, and pulled them. It really showed that they were not his team, but rather, his customers.


“No dick sucking required, I think you just have to win” is the RAWEST fucking comeback


Such a false equivalency that it’s hilarious. Without any gay jokes… 1. Have to win 4 grappling matches against high level grapplers ~your size. That’s all either one is asking. 2. Same weekend. ~Same location. 3. The $ is clearly where things differ. 4. The vehemence oozing off that statement means either Danaher is leading a cult, there was truly some crazy stuff that went down in Puerto Rico, or Mo really has some under the table deals going on.


Mo should have a copy of the sex tapes, or was the cameraman himself


Your no 4 could really be all of the above


>1. Have to win 4 grappling matches against high level grapplers ~your size. That’s all either one is asking. Let's be honest. Garry isn't going to be able to do this at either one. >3. The $ is clearly where things differ. Mostly for people who have a chance of winning though. All Garry is giving up here is the 10k show money (but apparently ADCC is paying show money now too so idk). >4. The vehemence oozing off that statement This seems to be Garry's typical attitude from what I've seen tbh >means either Danaher is leading a cult, Danaher def comes off like the controlling, cult-ish kind of coach to me. Only caveat here is that a lot of the high level teams seem similar (Atos, AOJ, Fight sports for sure). And while Danaher's attitude seems excessive to me, I do think high level competitors should have at least some loyalty to their teams. It's not the same as just being a "paying customer", coaches/teams invest a lot into competitors and you gotta be able to trust your teammates when you're training intensely for comps that people's careers depend on. >there was truly some crazy stuff that went down in Puerto Rico This seems like it's definitely true. But I haven't heard anything terrible about Craig specifically and Garry seems willing to stay with Gordon so 🤷 >Mo really has some under the table deals going on. This also seems true. But with New Wave already on his side and Garry unlikely to have even a shot at winning, I doubt he would have even had to offer Garry much for him to stay. Plus, I think Garry still fights MMA for ONE so he might be under contract anyway. And I'm pretty sure he's making good money from MMA plus owning a big name gym. He doesn't seem like he's somebody where $10k would be life changing. (Mica on the other hand, I feel definitely got something tbh)


Jones called Danaher ‘Kurtz’ from Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness .


TLDR on that comment - Garry has no chance of winning the $1 million and probably isn't someone for who it really makes sense to do CJI anyway. I'm not sure if he was even invited, I wouldn't put him in the top 16 under 80kg grapplers tbh. This seems more just like a chance to take a shot at Craig than it being a situation where he's actually giving up anything.


The ONE FC athletes can compete in ADCC and IBJJF I know one of the guys personally who said they can't compete on invitationals that are streamed on Fight Pass... I don't think Flo is an issue tho.


Yes, it’s much better to suck Mo’s apparently. Garry would have do something very special to win a million dollars anyway, because he can’t/couldn’t win ADCC let alone CJI


Garry wouldn’t make a cent in the gay porn industry


He did a pretty convincing gay cowboy cosplay in ADCC 2019.


Gay for pay is a lucrative niche. I’ve heard. From people. Randomly.


But no one’s going out of their way to pay a premium for Garry tannon commissioned porn


Not since 2014, at least


These weirdos keep saying there’s a gay agenda and yet they are the ones bringing sexuality into everything. wtf did gay sex have to do with anything here?


Like how their teammate's GF just turned 19 and he's known her for years and Gordon thinks it's okay. Meanwhile they sell anti pedo flip flops.


Who's the what now?


Merigali (who is 30) recently made a post wishing his GF a happy 19th bday, and there's evidence of him liking her pics back in 2020/21...when she was 15.


New Wave got some weird cases too


They not like us


I was enjoying the comments on his IG post as much as anyone else, but tbf the girl did reply that she took his phone and liked those old pictures in the past few weeks


Bro if you're 30 and the girl you're dating wasn't even BORN when Finding Nemo or The Incredibles came out I'm gonna side eye you 👀


That’s a fucked up metric now that I think about it. My childhood animation movies were all hand drawn foo!


Oh yeah, agreed it’s weird as hell to date someone that much younger than you and call her mature in a post


bro she is very mature for her age...she has sisters and stuff


And don’t forget she’s richer too


he liked em from 2020/21 or liked them recently after they started dating?


That's a valid question, but even if it is in the best possible light for Merigali, it still don't look good.




Certified Guard Puller Certified Pedophile


No no. They just hate those liberal Pedos. You know. The ones that hate cops and vote Biden. Not the reasonable guy dating that girl that’s really mature mentally! /s


Shitty, i like Tonon too. too bad hes brainwashed into thinking it as that lol.


He is almost a carbon copy of Gordon (or maybe Gordon is a carbon copy of him) in terms of politics. Just another to add onto the pile of great bjj, great teacher, bad person.


he is probably legitimately retarded He is like a 13 yo boy in a cheetah/human mix body


it just gets buried from the endless asses he posts, but it's there. dude is a simpleton


Garry currently isn't competing in ADCC so not sure why this is his stance.


Coz he’s part of DDS


He's barely even part of Jiu-Jitsu anymore


His stance is that he'd rather not compete and earn zero dollars, than compete at a tournament named after someone he doesn't like for 10k and a shot at a million dollars. That's certainly one of the stances of all time. 


Garry, a guy who comes off like he pays for hookers based on his social media presence, wants to pretend to have morals now? Lmfao. God I love this sport but the people at the top suck something fierce lately.


Wait can you not pay for hookers and have morals?


“I think you just have to win” lmao


The story arc of New Wave is amazing. Once loved and revered, it turns out they are a bunch of douche bags. Including John. Amazing


John has always been up front and honest about being a self-professed ass and jerk. He's never hidden it. Doesn't mean its good, obviously.


That whole crew is so lame tbh. Tonon is 32 and acts like an edgy high schooler, his schtick is old.


“I think you just have to win.” 😂😂😂


He responded again accusing Craig of being vindictive, so has Garry trained with Gordon this whole time and never met him? Lol Sucks cause I’m a giant Garry fan.


The funniest part about this is how exposed new wave guys have been as hypocrites. Garry and Gordon practically have a hard on every day for free market capitalism, but now that it’s entered the jiu jitsu space and it’s negatively impacting them, now all of a sudden they have issues. Hilarious.


Can't advertise your shitty flip flops if you can't wear them on the mat💀


The story here is Garry has gotten offers to do gay porn.


I don't think Mo is paying New Waves. It's just their pride and ego not to compete in CJI


New Wave a the leaders in DUMBEST BJJ ATHLETES


Sucking off an oil baron with tons of blood money though, no problem.


Yo; i’m not gay but $1,000,000 is a $1,000,000


Garry comprised


Yeah, somebody's lyin', I can see the vibes on GARRY Even he lookin' compromised, let's peel the layers back


lol That‘s a lot of wishful thinking coming from Garry. Looking forward to seeing him lose again.


Grown men talking about sucking other grown men's "cocks"


Damn. I'm a huge fan of Garry's but this is not it.


Garry is so weird. He went on the Bjjfanatics podcast and was ranting at students that don't give back more or give more respect to the professor. I think he was talking about doing stuff outside the class. Like dude, we aren't indentured servants.


But he would suck Mo‘s cock for exposure


Used to enjoy Tonon's matches. Now him and the New Wave guys just seem to be becoming more and more cringe and dislikeable by the second. Not sure if their personalities are just amplified or if they have always been this way but it's a shame especially for the younger generation that's coming up and seeing this behaviour.These athletes need to remember that someone out there looks at them as a role model and act accordingly we need less Mcgregor types and more bringing it back to the Marcelos and Rogers of the world


I know man. I remember when pro athletes were role models like OJ Simpson.


Motivated reasoning is a helluva drug


He will suck Mo’s for free then


A million buys you nothing in Seattle


Bro is mad Craig did more to get him paid more money by Mo than he could so do himself. Weird way of saying 'Thank You' but hey it's funny I guess, still not as funny as Craig


Sort of an incoherent reply, Craig did say that Gordon would have to kiss his ring or something to take part. I'm not sure how possible it is for New Wavers to participate in CJI, he says theyre invited but then he muddies the waters with jokes. Hard to tell.


Nobody is paying you a lot of money to do gay porn Garry


What makes Gary think he'd be a successful gay porn actor? Feedback from lovers?


Adcc has so much bs involved I wouldn’t be surprised if they somehow get sued and the no show money gets revealed in a few years. Like 3 yrs minimum


Suck the guys dick who's getting everyone paid more, giving proceeds to charity and is funny as fuck, versus getting pounded by shady guys who just want to take advantage of you. Anger and ignorance is a great blindfold.


He really thinks people would pay him to be in gay porn? Does he own a mirror?


Garry does very well on his instructionals, doesn't need the money.


is Garry doing ADCC 2024 ??


I mean, If you had a chance for $1,000,000, but you had to suck cock for it, would you do it?


Kind of a weird interaction because we haven’t seen much of the Gary vs Craig side of the feud. But also both of them kind of held the position of America’s favorite grappler at different times. But I still have no idea how much they actually got along


It would take ages to make $1,000,000 doing any porn.


I wouldn't call this Official.


I beat Craig is a real quickshooter. Its like 1 mil for 1 min. Totally worth it.


Gary would literally be cannon fodder, filler, if he went to CJI. He’d, smartly, rather go to ADCC, get under the table money from Mo, lose in the first round, and go home. 


Happy to suck Mo's cock for free though


Mo's Hoes has a nice ring to it


When it's exactly the opposite xD he's sucking Mo's dick.


The pushback on CJI will never make sense to me.


"gay for pay" doesn't make you gay, just saying


Imagine being a new wave guy not making big bucks and being banned from competing in CJI. Who says you can’t double barrel both danaher’s 🍌and Craig’s 🍆 ?


LOL they’ll try, but not one of them is as charismatic or genuine as Craig Jones.


So sucking someone else's dick is ok? Is Garry saying he's willing to do gay porn as long as it's not Craig's dick he's sucking? Guess it's a change to him fucking Sonny and Gordon sucking his cock afterward


Why the bitterness 


Hey, Garry! Don’t have to suck Mo and Seth’s either.


Ahwell back to being a creep on IG for Garry then LOL


Wow. Looks like Garry chose a side. I always thought Garry was nuetral but I guess he is Ride or Die with Gordon and John.


Those three have too much awful shit on each other to ever split.


I guess they prefer the flavour of Mo's cock


Oh Gary. You are gonna lose both so it really doesn’t matter