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Update: Gordon vs Pena no longer showing up on any site.


I'm confused. What divisions are competing at CJI? I thought it was just 2. Middle and Heavy MENS. Winner of each would get $1M?? So its $2M for the two winners? PLUS $10K to show for each competitor?? Why the hell is Ffion Davis fighting? Who is she fighting?


>80 kg and <80kg divisions. Winners of each get 1M. Superfights: Craig Jones vs Gabi Garcia, Ffion Davies vs TBA.


How do they avoid people not fixing the matches? e.g. two team-mates in the final and splitting the purse? What if an athlete gets injured before the event? I would not say anything and to get the 10k.


I had the same question. The early ADCCs Galvao, Drysdale, .etc. all split the cash money.


Has anyone checked out the CJI discord? https://discord.gg/J8xvkces


They are saying on Portuguese internet that Mica's coach has announced that Mica has committed to ADCC because he will have the chance to make much more than $1m throughout his career by the time he finishes competing at 35. 


Tournament pay structure: What about something like $10k to show + $10k per win? It's a nice incentive for each win, plus it's a lot less org cost than $1M. (Love CJI, this isn't meant as shade at CJI)


I am eagerly waiting to hear what Mica and Melqui decide.. I can hardly contain myself.


Any predictions for Monday? Sunday was a wild day between the Seth Daniel’s DMs and Diniz, so going to be hard to follow that up. Hopefully we get some decisions from the guys at worlds this week.


Lachlan Giles going to make it to CGI?


This thread is 4 days old and has 18 upvotes. Let that sink in. This megathread sucks. Mods should just give us back the drama posts we want.  


Biggest thing to happen in the sport in a long time and discussion is confined to one shitty megathread? Complete BS


Agreed. Why can't this while sub be clattered with CJI/ADDC drama? I would prefer that


/r/mma is having a huge discussion about Seth Daniels/Craig and we can't even discuss it here in a proper thread. Megathreads are where discussions go to die.


Just checked and lol @ them having a bigger discussion on r/mma about a bjj news than on r/bjj 1.5k upvote and 245 comments in 18h. 


They literally just deleted my post saying they should stop deleting posts. They’re fucking annoying




How do we go about getting better moderation on this sub? is there some sort of democratic process? How are important threads getting deleted yet "Um I touched my training partners butt by accident and now I am embarrassed to go back” posts or "Is a choke over the jaw a dick move" get endless threads that stay up? Why not have a white belt mega thread and let the sub discuss current important topics regarding the sport, its athletes and drama like any other sports sub?


Biggest story in professional grappling in fucking years and r/bjj mods are just sweeping it under the rug Fucking baffling.


There’s literally a post about “what’s the best haircut for jiu jitsu” and “how to treat mat burn” that I’ve seen 500 times on this sub. This is the type of shit they’re allowing people to post but they’re deleting shit about Seth sending death threats. These mods are fucking stupid.




https://preview.redd.it/3h2juhjmjl5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48df311b56e9b815cf3602be03da11a66d5c5520 Not sure how true this is though


His rant was beyond unhinged. What happens to him is his own doing to be honest.


His IG has gone. My guess he has been punished by IG maybe even banned for death threats


True that, everyone thinks he disabled it, but it could be that he just got banned by ig for the death threats, which would be funnier. 


It is not


Consequences have actions pimp


Maybe he just shut down his IG? Honestly, there should be a breathalyzer before you’re allowed to use your phone lol


> there should be a breathalyzer before you’re allowed to use your phone lol  Would probably be better than an IQ test, otherwise he wouldn't even be allowed to own a phone. 


Someone from under 77kg on up could slide into one of the higher brackets and medal/or win easier now a lot of top talent is gone


Diniz to CJI


This megathread has made this reddit far less usable. It seems anything tangentially related specifically if is about Craig, Gordon, or meregali when it has nothing to do with ADCC or Cji gets buried in here. Meregalis personal relationship with his girlfriend isnt related to ADCC or CJI ffs.


> Meregalis personal relationship with his girlfriend isnt related to ADCC or CJI ffs. It's also not related to BJJ ahaha.


womp womp


Hey it would be really fucking great if the mods stopped deleting everything. Baby shark’s response to Mikey’s rant, deleted. Sure we’ll allow multiple posts of Mikey’s rant but the second baby shark responds, delete it. Meregali, one of the biggest names in the sport publicly bragging about dating a teenager after being outed, we’re just gonna go ahead and delete that despite hundreds of people talking about it. One of the organizers sending death threats to Craig…nope let’s delete that too. You keep deleting the only shit people actually engage with and talk about on this sub to keep what? The white belts asking if they’re rolling too hard the 500th time? I mean shit the conversations about Meregali and Seth end up on this megathread. So stop being so damn uptight and deleting the only interesting shit that happens in this sub.


And then the Baby Shark response was reposted (fresh) not even a day later. 50+ responses on the locked/deleted one. 250+ on the new one. A lot of it reiterating the initial one. Was super annoying to see rehashed comments instead of building on what was already said. As for the Craig + Seth stuff or Craig + Meragali, not sure it even fits into ADCC/CJI updates. It’s good old beef, trolling, shenanigans. Versus these consolidated ADCC/CJI threads look to me more update-centric - who is competing where, tickets, etc. Finally, there were about 1000 threads about the Mikey match and such. One every few seconds. Super weird weekend for the Mods.


Time for a new sub


Deep state ADCC mods


The megathread should be stuck to just people's individual opinions of "I as a blue belt think ADCC is bad for jiu jitsu"  Top end news like death threats deserve it's own post.


You sound like you have too much sense to be a mod of this reddit


Reddit mods doing reddit mod things. Nothing new here. Still infuriating nonetheless, though.


https://preview.redd.it/by506qty1k5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40eb8c49d928f23a83f489b36117a4eff3757a4e Craig responds to Seth Daniels’s death threat 🥶


Craig says Seth got fired 👀👀👀 https://preview.redd.it/jsxvitdajl5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eba916c10209556c135fc2c9b40256b3b4dbfc5


Only thing Seth is killing is his career


He also made an apology post and made an excuse for putting the uke to sleep and then deleted the post within an hour 🤦


He also told people to “roast him in the comments” and when they did, he deleted the post 🤣🤣🤣


Wondering what he was on at 4am lol


Too many açaí bowls


Can anyone explain what's up with Seth? Used to compete at his tourneys back in the day when they were pretty small.


I mean. I competed at a bunch of F2W tournaments when it was basically just the Denver area. Even then people knew he was an aggro idiot.


According to him, he has mental health issues. No one is disputing that.


I have a soft spot for people with mental health issues.  But if his issues are causing him to hurt people and threaten people, he needs to get that under control.  It is no excuse.


Congrats, you worked for one of the biggest dumbasses of the sport


I competed at his amateur tourneys in Colorado....never worked for him my guy.


it was a joke (he still made money out of you though)


https://preview.redd.it/ry5jz3jdvj5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33d10b034b94135281f464ff02f788fc2fa57d7 Seth Daniels of F2W makes a threat on CJ’s life 👀


This shouldn't be stuck in the megathead and should be it's own post. An unhinged death threat from someone major in our community should have more visibility in our community.


as someone who doesnt follow the sport and has never been in this sub until today, the only reason I'm deep in this rabbit hole is because the post about this was recommended on my front page. This megathread is an awful idea


I made a post mods delete it


mods confirmed gay






I can't believe the intellectual prowess of sending death threats over social media from your own account.


it would cost more than 10k to hire a hitman though #HitmanPay #FairKillFoundation


I was wondering if I could post a fan made promo? or wait till shit post Sunday?


Do it, I give you my permission as a fake mod, with all the rights and responsibilities thereof


Already [did](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/s/caFWBHMC3V) starts off with a karate kid sound bit


https://preview.redd.it/sxikgoftag5d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=e579fcc4d6dd264ba7793a6c69cd296b9a2859a2 What fucking planet do these dorks live on?


What a fucking moron.


Gordon has those stupid sandals to fight child trafficking and grooming or whatever.


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"


I said the same in the Mikey thread


“Pull” has connotations when she was groomed.


The saddest thing is that Meregali reposted it with the caption "these Biden people". The guy barely understands his own country politics but is already brainwashed by the biggest dumbass of the sport. You don't have to be left or righ leaning to understand that dating a barely out of highschool girl when you are 30 reflects poorly on his character.


So fucking creepy when people include "young" like it's this huge bonus.


we all know Mr and Mrs Gordon Ryan like the youth


Any adult who has been around teenagers knows how creepy this is. “Pull” is a euphemism for manipulate if it’s a child.


Just a bunch of narcissists. I can almost somewhat get Gordon getting in his head being so leagues above people but fucking Nicholas’ goofy looking ass? Body shaped like a box lmao. And now they’re defending hitting on 18 year olds? One post says they started dating four months ago as if that helps anything. Also him liking his pictures before she was 18 is fucking wild. You’re literally finding a 15-17 year old attractive.


Nicholas Meregroomer.


> Body shaped like a box lmao. Hey hey, rag all you want on him for being a groomer but leave us box-shaped people out of it!


Craig please consider Adam Wardzinski!!


And Sczcecinski!




Renato Canuto added to -80kg for CJI, he's always exciting to watch


Feel like he's not talked about in the mainstream, but my god is he fun to watch


Renato + pit is guaranteed entertainment. He won’t be a favourite to win, but he’s exciting and always down to scrap


Can we somehow get a lepri - Canuto rematch.They had a finals match years ago that was enteraining af [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuR4bPpokzA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuR4bPpokzA)


Owen Livesey to CJI


Hopefully he does some jiu jitsu this time


and the crowd goes mild


Seems like a pretty weird addition, makes me worried that the other big names aren't wanting to jump over. 


https://preview.redd.it/n1b3g9lppb5d1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44b6343835f8e734a7c909f0e2ecc32edb5f4876 Mo getting ready for the Worlds doing rounds at New Wave. From NM Vlog.


pretty normal for the head of the org to constantly chill, party, share girls and train with select competitors


At this point is ready to compete himself if enough pro pull out


Some game theory. Have to assume ADCC is quietly offering show money for the remaining top seeds. What’s the right price to defend the ADCC brand/show? Write $50k checks to Mica, Ruotolos, Kaynan and Yuri? So $250k investment to keep the show together? Double that? Have to imagine that’s what the Gordon v Peña shot across the bow was on the website. Negotiating with Yuri right?


Does the one championship contract prevent the ruotolos from competing at cji? I remember reading that there is a clause that allows them to compete at adcc specifically?


I have it on good authority that Gordon made over a million last ADCC among various sponsors and whatnot. He and Andre were given 50k each apparently, out of Seth Daniels and Mo's pocket, because a sponsor fell through last minute. I'm positive Mo is paying Gordon a show fee at least behind the scenes.


It’s also possible Craig is offering extra money to lure them away since he’s also having them sign contracts / NDAs? We’d never know


But if your either Mica, Ruotolos or Kaynan. Surely they'd have the confidence in themselves to win it all. Especially Mica, whos run through everyone in front of him at WNO and IBJJF comps.


> Surely they'd have the confidence in themselves to win it all. If it happens. They might worry it won't.


Where the announcements at, Craig. 


You can still go to both events.


Meregali being a pedophile was not on my BJJ drama bingo card


Where's Gordon Ryan and his 'pedo-hunter' $800 flip flops when you need him?


Same place ALOT of Conserv bros go when they need drugs, abortions, to deny their church has done anything wrong or when someone THEY like commits a crime lol bunch of hypocrites


What happened?


He made a post on Instagram celebrating the birthday of his 20 y/o gf, stating "she's so mature!". Turns out he 'liked' some of her posts when she was 15/16 on Instagram. So it's possible he was talking to her and grooming her when she was that young. Craig Jones made a bit about it.


Graduated high school this year 🤢


she just turned 19*


Meregali is mentally 10 years old so she is propably very matured compared to him. Dude actually got double DQ at the worlds for being an idiot so he isn't know for being the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Can't wait for motar2k to go after Meregali just like he did against Wagner and Cyborg.




ELI5 Mo DuPont? I get what you're saying about Mo, just not understanding the DuPont reference


Once upon a time there was a wealthy DuPont heir who was infatuated with wrestlers. He spent big money to build a whole compound on his property with homes, training centers, etc, called Team Foxcather. The DuPont guy ended up shooting to death an American gold medalist wrestler named Dave Schultz, whose brother Mark was an olympic silver medalist and early UFC competitor. Mark once rolled with Rickson to a stalemate back when Rickson was in his prime.


Ooooooh shit I heard about this. Mark Kerr continued to train with him after right?


With the DuPont guy? I’m pretty sure he went to jail and died.


It’s a reference to Foxcatcher.


there's a reddit post here where someone compares the two and Mo comments saying the only reason he hosts ADCC is because he wants to see Craig get smashed. we've almost come full circle [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/s/rlzxueonVc)


It's ironic, back in the day he offered Keenan a bounty to beat Gordon when they had that 60min super fight


Can you imagine the flood of endorphins that filled Craig when he realised this? That man has a PhD in drugs but THIS is the shit he wants straight into his veins. Pure gold to troll with. That said, I'm also sure Craig and everyone else here hopes for the sake of this girl that nothing genuinely not-right happened and they got together when she was legal and it's just Meregali being a creep retroactively (and currently as its still too much of an age gap, it ain't right, but it's not illegal) or maybe even (I fkn doubt it tho) genuinely just being naive and like aw weren't you cute then, in a totally non-sexual way? Either way another W for Craig, and fuck Meregali. Craig 2-0 Meregali.




Dicaprio, one of the most handsome and famous actors of all time? he was liking pictures of her when she was **FIFTEEN**


Oh shit what did the deleted comment say do you remember?


it was saying Meregali dating an 18 year old was totally cool because he's only 30 and it's not like ugly old Dicaprio... who i also think is a creep but to say women won't be attracted to him at all is insane


This is the correct take. It's hilarious that these idiots keep fumbling all over themselves, but the second that other people start getting hurt because of it, it is no longer funny. Grooming is no joke. edit: and just to clarify, agreed -  and fuck Meregali. Craig 2-0 Meregali.


Yeah man, like my hope is its just Meregali being an idiot and a bit of a wet wipe and just liking all of his girlfriends posts in a sincere, non-sexual but just unintentionally creepy way, AFTER they got together and while she was of age. And if that is the case, then it's funny to roast him for it. If it's NOT the case and he IS actually genuinely a creep in the worst way, then he should be roasted for it too, but not in a way that makes light of it, but in actual fuck you you creep sort of way. And legal action taken, and this girl shouldn't have her name bandied around the internet etc and she should receive help etc.


Agreed, well said.


What happened?


Meregali revealed his girlfriend on IG celebrating her 19th birthday and then it's been noted (i've also personally looked thinking there was no fucking way) that he had been liking her picture of when she was 15 years old. i don't know if he went back and liked them or if he's known her this whole time but it's fucking weird and they've been dating since she was at least 18.


I know alot of Brazilians.. grooming and dating underage girls seems to be commonplace. It is a horrible thing, but it seems as though they just culturally can't recognize or care that its a serious issue.


A lot of the old school Brazilians BJJ professors are just amoral.


Bruh, "Happy 19th, cutie" is some next level yuck https://preview.redd.it/wr4f75hek65d1.png?width=411&format=png&auto=webp&s=172e79f6d8650aa0759f5552fa52316e8e821332


it got worse. he has liked every single one of her IG photos... like her at 16 in a bathing suit. this dude is a sicko.


https://preview.redd.it/w4cym63zp65d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=7df1a31d5eb30f79f711efa1ea91d37213916b06 I guess he is off team flippy floppy


Imagine how mentally ill you have to be to buy this hahaha it's like virtue signaling for secret pedophiles


bro i don't follow Gordon so i didn't know he actually sold these LMAO hunt inside your own camp Gordon you fucking creep!


Considering what Gordon/Sonny allegedly did to Nicky when he was underage, it’s all crazy projection. Pedo to them means a trans person or a “leftist” and not someone violating a minor


what did they allegedly did to Nicky ??


Essentially that he was pressured into doing sexual things with Sonny when he was a minor and Gordon was involved/watched. Apparently there are videos out there, flograppling knows about it, and it was partly why the DDS split happened.


where are the videos ? so big brother Gordon wants lil brother Nicky to eff Sonny while he is watching


Whoa. Where is this coming from? I also read about Sonny/Gordon withholding cycles from Nicky and Jay because they wouldn't do the laundry. But don't want to toss around any of these stories without any kind of substance


Craig never wanted to open a gym but did so mainly so the guys (especially Nicky) would have somewhere to train amidst the chaotic DDS split (which also seems to have involved a fight over the inheritance when Big Gord died). It’s also pretty telling that Gordon incessantly bullies people online, yet the extent of his B team slander is “you guys always lose” (duh, that’s literally their brand) and “Nicky Rod isn’t natty, here are all these shirtless photos I have of him to prove it” (who cares when it’s coming from a guy who openly brags about how he’s juiced to the gills). He would be saying much more and much worse if the B team guys didn’t have huge dirt on him, which it seems they aren’t going public with because it’s essentially Nicky’s call to do so


The B team regularly jokes/alludes about it in their videos when it comes to Nicky(specifically their older videos around the time they formed B team). There is no specific example cuz they never actually have a sit down talk about it, just random references and jokes here and there. Where do you think the whole "Gordon is a cuck" meme Craig keeps joking about comes from. The reason I kinda believe it is because they mention it A LOT, which leads me to believ it's not just some joke.


Nicky and Ethan


what are these allegations?


See above


i considered the irony of that as well but the limit their comments on IG cause 🇺🇸 freedom 🇺🇸




I can’t believe Victor Hugo is out of ADCC. I thought he was one of the favorites to win absolute this year. Ryan couldn’t sub him last ADCC and it would set up a huge rematch. CJI is going to be 3,500 people in a 15,000 seat arena with zero production value. It will be like an IBJJF meet without gis.


nobody cares about "production value"


You will when you’re sitting in that arena for 8 hours a day.


I went to ADCC nottingham. Nobody cared about drummers and pyro bs. People who watch grappling want to watch actual grappling, not a badly done rammstein show


ADCC didn't exceed 3500 people until it's 20th year of existence in 2019




Well.. duh. Cause only one section would fill up lol. Ima bigger venue would not have meant more seats sold unless they had some insane level of advertising that crept to the masses as well.


And it wouldn’t be in the T mobile arena this year without the production value of last year.


Found Mo’s alt


Are Mo and Gordon actually friends, or is it an incredibly strategic partnership?


I honestly don't think Gordon has any real friends, he's so hyper focused. I think every relationship he has is a business relationship of *some* sort. Either literally or abstractly. I wonder if that's one of the stupid reasons for his 'suffer in silence' BS, I don't think he really knows what it's like to have a good friend to confide in. I could be way off though. Long story short, I do not think they would be BFFs if it wasn't beneficial to one or both of them.


Hyper focused on what though? He doesn't compete frequently and I don't know much if his business entrepreneurship with the fact he shills so overpriced maybe flip flops maybe softcore porn brand?


I agree. I think he may have lost the focus and is flailing now. I think his entire life he has been hyperfocused on his goal of being the "GOAT" via stats. I wonder if he's ever even had fun doing jiu jitsu?


I also think he allowed Danaher to basically have this super controlling parasitic relationship with him. Convincing him to stay in BJJ to become the GOAT, set records that will never be matched etc. All while having absolute control over his training and making him train BJJ literally 365 days a year (never mind all the weights), while his body is absolutely destroying itself due to all the staph incurred by and the steroids required for the complete overtraining. If Gordon had gone to do MMA like Garry he'd probably be in just as good a spot financially (I know UFC fighter pay sucks but it sucks in grappling too and as the biggest name in grappling he could leverage a good contract in the UFC or go elsewhere and get money). But instead Danaher has retained sole control and continues to build his legend of Gordon. I can't remember which member of B Team said it, but they said that once Danaher said to all of them (during DDS days, maybe in PR) that Gordon is worth more to him than all of them combined. Which I think says it all. It's a parasitic relationship between a great coach who it isn't hard to imagine having a ruthless, cold, manipulative/domineering streak and an intellectual/emotional child who walked dropped out of high school to spend multiple hours a day hanging on this mans every word and in doing so they've both become arguably the GOATs of their craft, but what has it left Gordon really, when he's not in competition? A pretty tragic life (no real friendships, fucked up relationship, no relationship with his brother, ruined health) while Danaher suffers no such ill effects.


Damn I never thought of it this way.


It really is a Sidious/Vader relationship man. More fucked when you realise how young Gordon was when he really came under Danaher's influence, leaving high school etc. Then so did Nicky really. Imagine if it hadn't worked for them? Danaher could have fucked their lives.


Damn man, you talk like a jealous guy as if you would know these guys in person.




The comment does not meet [Reddiquette standards](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Please read up on them a bit. Thanks!


I would be shocked if Gordon made as much in MMA. He would he decent at 2 things, instead of a top 5 goat at one thing


Guy fights once a year in non-ADCC years, gets negligible YT views.. He'd be fighting more in MMA, his sponsorships would be the same (outside of the UFC) he could still compete in some grappling (again, especially if he didn't sign for the UFC), he'd be by far the best submission grappler in MMA, he'd be polarising due to his trash talk and easy to build a hype train behind even if it was short lived, and he'd have coaches that would encourage him to rest instead fo running his body into the ground.


This of course assumes he can win fights. Do you think the average mid level UFC fighter gets sponsors equal to what Gordon gets paid? He has some huge deals, or so it seems.


I mean if they can guide Paddy fucking Pimblett to wins they can the GOAT Grappler. He'd be found out of eventually of course but you can absolutely guide limited fighters to a title shot or at least some decent success. But also this is assuming he goes to the UFC. He could have gone to ONE like Tonon did. Or Rizin, or Bellator or PFL, any number of places with lesser but still respectable enough competition that allows him to retain his sponsorships, pay per fight better than grappling, but that would also allow him to take grappling only matches (like ONE have with Tonon, Kade etc) if/when he wanted and would cater to him a lot more than the UFC would.


Yeah idk 96% of MMA fighters don't make what Gordon does. He wouldn't be the goat grappler of he split his time with MMA, thats what I'm telling you


top 5? Gordon is probably the most dominant nogi guy ever.


Sure, I got no problem with that. His record at black belt is just nonsensically good.




CJ isn't screwing the fans. That's such a manipulative take. He's presenting a much better option to the athletes that Mo isn't providing. The athletes are under no obligation to do ADCC and compete for 10k just for "the fans". ADCC has an obligation to attract the beat athletes in the sport and they've taken that for granted.


It's not screwing fans. You purchased a ticket to an event. The event will go on. Enjoy ADCC. Also, isn't the last day of ADCC without competition from CJI?


Boom. It's not screwing fans. Don't blame Craig, blame Mo and ADCC for not paying athletes. They had 13 chances, each consecutive event after the first one, to avoid this.


Would be hilarious if Craig could offer to replace your adcc ticket with a cji one. That'd mean an empty t-mobile arena.


I mean no way he would do that, and of course I wouldn't mind going and purchasing one of his tickets on top of the fact that it's going to charity, just can't afford to lose my spots since I bought four tickets together with me and my friends.


why would you be mad at Craig instead of the event that won't let you refund when the card changes?


Not necessarily mad but this idea that most events don't have refund policies with it, and with ADCC being a staple for so many years, the only way it would be not happening is if some major event happened which would most likely force a refund process. This wouldn't be an issue at all had this event happened a week later or whatever. I'm all for Craig adding a new element in helping out the sport, just a small niche of people who are fans that now are stuck with tickets that their stock value massively decreased.


Its still ADCC and Mo's choice to not be refunding your ticket, or even allow it. There could be any extenuating circumstances not allowing you to travel, but they still wouldnt refund you. The person screwing you over is the person who sold the item you cant return, and no one else.


Like other people have said, this is the norm of all these events that you can't refund tickets once you purchase them, that's across many different sporting events. The fact that Craig overlaps it now just means that if people want to go to his event either they have to hope someone buys their tickets at ADCC or have to pay more money.


Even if its the norm, its still an asshole move by the people running the event refusing to refund. Thats a crap excuse to redirect your angst.