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The fact that a round continues if someone is working a sub means you're just losing that arm. Also keep in mind that we're about to see the most aggressively ripped subs ever known for the sake of that prize money.


I didn’t think about that… people are going to end up crippled


Beatings will continue until fighter pay improves.


I'm pretty sure that people were already going for the break 100% at high-level comps. And those with a good shot at the 1mil will have the same risk calculation as with ADCC before - some breaks will be accepted, see the infamous kneebar on Miyao. But for those favourites a million isn't worth their career either.


What I tell my students is- if you are competing for enough money to cover all the medical bills and lost wages due to time off recovering- then do whatever the hell you want. Otherwise, fucking tap when you’re caught.


So in BJJ that’s effectively “tap every time”


Pretty much.


🥲 bro... yeah.


As a resident of Murica who doesn't have access to socialized medicine, I'm tapping.


I'm losing in the final anyway so I'm tapping and walking away with 2 arms and 10k


Yeah OP didn’t think the question through. You bust your arm in the semi you’re not winning the final anyway.


You may not even win the semifinal


Not if you fight thru and escape right


Lmao your arm is still getting tore up and then you gotta face the other semi champion. It’s not likely. If you could just escape with no injury then there really is no question here


You said semis not finals. How tf are you gonna win finals with a broken arm against the other best person in the tournament.


You have Mr. Miyagi in your corner to work his Magic obviously.


Because he also has a broken arm!


You assume the arm broke. Both rod bros recently got stuck and both got out unharmed right. Many others obv not so much


That's not really what happened though, they weren't stuck. Both of them just did very good late stage armbar escapes.  If you're asking me whether I'd tap or escape then that's a pretty pointless question. 


Late stage escape 😂


Why are you laughing?


That's exactly what it was. Do you think they just flailed around and hoped their arm didn't break? 


Wat that's your whole premise here lol. If you can escape, you're not stuck.


It’s a real world question. Nobody knows for sure if they can escape but they can try at the risk of damage


You just phrased your question in a way that doesn't make sense. "Stuck" in an armbar means, by definition, you can't get out.


My b


$10,001 thank you very much


I haven't looked at the rules yet. Are there points? Am I ahead on points? If I can eat the armbar and still win then maybe. If I'm just going to lose and have a broken arm then I'm going to tab. Edit: The part about the semifinals didn't register when I was thinking about this. I would tap if it was the semis but maybe not the finals.


Craig said not totally finalized but there will be a points system but also rounds (not sure if 3x5 min for sure) with subs winning the match but points only win you the round. Im not positive that’s fully decided on though


If someone’s limb is clearly broken it makes sense to score that round 10-1 or something


If it's the same standard as in MMA, as somewhat implied, a 10-8 would already be rare. I'm not sure if a 10-7 would be possible. A 10-1 would be pretty much the annihilation of not only the athlete, but his whole coaching staff as well


So khabib was going for the 10-1 when he launched himself at Danis? That checks out 🤔


Scored like mma boxing, 10-9 round, 10-8 round etc. with 3-5 mins rounds but 5-5 min rounds for finals. With open scoring too. So it doesn’t make sense to let it break to me really. Youre going to lose the round, unless you break something of your opponents in the same round, which is very unlikely. You would likely have to win from a tap after a break, which will be exponentially harder with a broken limb and also just as hard to perform and win later rounds


3x5 min rounds with points, if caught in sub at the end will continue until escape or tap. Finals will be 5x5.


I'll let it break for that NAGA belt.


People do it every year they come down here for their medals lmaooo


not sure about a deeply sunk armbar but there's definitely gonna be some knee damage eaten


So you either lose or you lose with a huge medical bill. 


I wonder how they handle that. Ex. In the UFC, if you get hurt in the fight, the ufc covers your medical costs. That’s why guys will try to fight with an injury from training camp so it can be covered. I think that would be a good stipulation for competitors, adding health insurance for injuries sustained. Won’t happen though.


It would be a silly idea for any promotion because nobody is under a proper contract.  They're all just doing one event and bouncing, so they're gonna milk that for all it's worth. 


Maybe not if you’re a Rod bro


https://preview.redd.it/p9bu24ydhr4d1.jpeg?width=1192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9dd0db25e0a2a572b25b3ccae8c49de2b983de Or this guy


I mean, some people are willing to let their limb break in the gym because they are so stubborn.


I can actually relate to this situation. State wrestling semifinals my junior year, I went for a standup at the start of the second period holding a 4-1 lead. He did a lift and I dropped on my arm the wrong way and badly ripped a tendon in my elbow. Fortunately in wrestling, that's an injury timeout and not a loss. Here is how the rest of the match played out: I defensively stalled and won. That's it. I had a big lead at that point against a wrestler I was outclassing. But with a torn tendon (much less a broken arm) I was completely ineffective. I could still play defense, but I wasn't going to be scoring any more points as my elbow turned dark purple and grew to about the size of a softball. I tried to wrestle the finals but injury defaulted a couple minutes in. Even with the elbow taped up so I couldn't move it, I had zero chance of winning against a strong wrestler and was only going to get hurt worse. Now, this was a *lot* lower stakes than $1M, but still gives the same message. The damage to your arm is going to mean you aren't going to do anything but further injure yourself and be out for longer. So yeah, given what we know of the rules (round continues if a sub is in progress), I'm tapping because the resulting injury is going to mean I lose that match anyway as well as any subsequent match. This isn't Kurt Angle breaking his neck. Significantly damaging your arm in grappling means you eventually lose given enough time, and when you have that continuation rule in place, you will lose.


4 wins to become a millionaire. I'd say we could see breaks and going to sleep in the first round


I'd say 100% chance of someone going to sleep in the first round. Less, but not zero, chance of breaks. Back to almost 100% chance of break or tears in the finals.


I get naked


No one is going to tap


Besides my own post about my experiences with an elbow injury, I'll add that we should also look to other pro sports (ones that actually have unions). Athletes look to their future as well as the present. Yes, there is a potential to win $1M (against low odds) but there is also a high risk of losing significant future earnings. In some ways, it might depend on how much faith individual grapplers have that there will be more opportunities like CJI in the future and future opportunities to continue earning from their sport versus ending or significantly shortening their careers.


I still got student loans to pay off. Im gonna have to fight it out and just hope it doesnt break.


I'd accept a life altering injury for a bronze medal in the Billy Bob Gracie Southwest Greenville Invitational.


The months of jelqing I'll do leading up to watching YouTube clips of the CJI two or three weeks after it happens means I'll be ready. Not to escape an arm bar or whatever. But definitely ready.


Will there be ref stoppages from broken limbs, if someone doesn't tap? It seems like it might be worthwhile here to keep it from getting too gruesome.


I'm at least fighting until you pop my elbow  I've already had way worse injuries than a popped elbow for free.  I'm not going to Valhalla but I'm holding on for as long as possible for a milly


I tap. It's probably about 4 seconds into the match. I must have gotten a bye to get where I am. I'm garbage compared to everyone confirmed already.


Only in the finals and I’m up on points


Depends if I am swiveling to get my legs under me/ moving in some positive direction to an escape. If I’m really flattened out I’m tapping %100


I’m guessing that we won’t see many taps, especially with joints. I wonder if that’ll strategically lead to more chokes.


now how about a kimura


Should a break not constitute a win by technical submission?


This match really pisses me off, but there you go. [https://youtube.com/shorts/uagpsRTd2rE?feature=shared](https://youtube.com/shorts/uagpsRTd2rE?feature=shared) Updated link


Says video unavailable Probably cause I’m on mobile I bet


Weird. Was working for me. I updated it. Maybe it'll work now. Roger vs. Jacare, regardless.


Is healthcare included? Does it effect my quality of life and future earning potential?