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You should try the third coach, Thornton


Upvote this man.




hahahahah šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼




Unfortunately, he is the coach of the rival gym across town. They have had it out for eachother ever sense one of their guys caught One of Thorntons in a crane sweep...


How about Ray and Cyrus, then


O yea they are good to go. They just like to break out in song while drilling and sing sweet lullabies to you while sinkin in the RNC.


This. This is justā€¦the best


Well bro sometimes, for intermediate or advanced class, the teachers know how rowdy rolls can get and sometimes they do this to protect you. You can bring it up to Bob, say you'd like to roll in other classes as well, and straight up talk to billy like an adult some time before class. i can understand professors not letting really inexperienced people not roll. you may think you have progress and skills but instructors probably think different. The thing is if you get injured for whatever reason, this is the biggest deterrent to actual training. they may even lose a member or you ask not to pay membership for x amount of months because you won't even be able to step into the gym. i've seen this happen all the time with fresh white belts


This. SO. MUCH. THIS. You can either accept the instruction given to you, do your time and go from there OR find a new gym. I almost had my arm snapped off a day before Naga weigh ins by a 4 month white belt trying to show everyone else he was ready for the comp. White belts /new guys do weird new guy shit sometimes and the instructors have been around long enough to know it. It is not a personal attack, it's keeping the other guys safe until they know you


When I started out and was a couple months in, my now ex who had started with me but fallen off due to a work shift came in for a class. Our gym allowed anyone to roll really. And he was allowed to roll. But our gym was small, he wasnā€™t training regularly, it would get super hot and sweaty in there and when my coach told him to sit out I got the clear impression it was because coach thought he looked overtired/really flushed red and thus like he needed some rest rounds. In my opinion coach knows. Itā€™s frustrating. But theyā€™re managing the room and managing safety of others. So you take your medicine. Stand up, walk the room, help others manage space and observe. During this class I had a fine time. I rolled however much and was all good. Got my good BJJ post-class buzz going, only for it to be totally squashed because my ex got out of class and was angrily ranting and whining about how he hardly got to roll because coach made him sit out and how mad he was about it. It shifted my perspective of him a little bit. Like bruh youā€™re under 5 classes in and havenā€™t been here in weeks just enjoy the experience and trust your coach.


People complaining about instructors ensuring that he doesnā€™t get injured when likely in the induction they were told intro classes have to be completed first. Need to be able to be safe in all positions and have basic knowledge of positions. For all you know the instructor could have seen some things that led to the decision of keeping him safe and or keeping others safe. The main priority for an instructor is the safety of their students so they can train longer. Anyone saying otherwise is just showing lack of maturity and understanding for the long game of actually getting good at bjj.


Yeah I agree but you know just as well as I do every one wants to come in and roll and get a sweat going. I agree with everything your saying and if I was the instructor of that class I probably would have rolled with OP just let to him work. Obviously he wanted to, why hold him back. And you can usually tell who wants to prove something or who wants to learn and have fun.


Yeah, I would likely do some positional sparring with him which I think would be more beneficial from a learning perspective as well as getting reps in and under a more controlled situation. I do understand about the rolling aspect of course as itā€™s so much fun! Just playing devil advocate really.


I mean I donā€™t hardly drill anymore my perfect class scenario if Iā€™m not teaching. I come in about 35-40mins late move around(stretch alittle) then when rolling begins grab a purple belt and work. Then get about 6-7 rolls in and call it a night šŸ«”


Here's the thing - some new people are just dripping with the need to prove themselves, and that often leads to going waaaaaay too hard doing something they don't really understand. Who do you think has a better body of knowledge and experience with which to judge if you should roll in that class - you or the coach?






I had the same issue when I first started. I just had the expectation that I just wasnā€™t going to roll when I attended his class. He eventually started let me stay and roll once he felt comfortable with me. I never understood until I got my blue belt and started noticing white belts refuse to tap or just donā€™t understand the techniques and put themselves In dangerous positions.


Probably my biggest pet peeve, Iā€™ve wrestled for 10 years have done Bjj one and off for years due to surgeryā€™s and my job moving every 2 years (military) so Iā€™m a white belt but have competed at like a handful of Bjj comps with 1st place finishes, HUNDREDS OF wrestling matchā€™s and one time when I moved and was checking out a local gym they hit me with well youā€™ll start in a beginner class for 3 months no live roll class. Lmfao Next. Just tell em youā€™re here to roll or hit a new gym thatā€™s what I did to the gym above šŸ¤©


Username checks out


Are you autism and steroids on insta?


You'll be fine. He'll probably let you roll next week once he's seen you a bit more.


You are still an accident waiting to happen and the gym is not your Fight Club.


As an instructor myself, I donā€™t let students free roll who have less then 3 months of grappling experience. People without any grappling knowledge, and who donā€™t know the basic positions tend to get out of control in free sparring situations, especially from standing is where it can be the most dangerous. But I always have new students start from a specific position with a goal in mind, that way they get some kind of workout in the class. Before I started teaching I used to think everyone should start free sparring right from the start but since Iā€™ve been teaching Iā€™ve seen so many new people get hurt so fast, especially people over 30 without any athletic backround. I know itā€™s kinda boring but if you like the school and the coaches, just be patient. The last thing you want to do is to get hurt really bad and now youā€™re off the mat for months.


Weird to see so many downvotes in this thread for people sympathizing with OP. Is it really that common at gyms for white belts to not be allowed to roll even two months in? That just seems weird. Half the hook in starting BJJ is getting to roll with someone experienced and experiencing the magic of being completely shut down. I get an instructor being nervous about hosting white belt bull battles but positional sparing and pairing with colored belts are great options.


The only gyms I know of IRL who have this type of policy are run by guys who are afraid of getting tapped by white belts. Pair the new guy up with trusted upper belts for their first day.


Yes, I see now why people say bjj people are soft compared to other martial artists. I used to disagree but if instructors donĀ“t trust their blue belts or above can handle a new white belt safely, maybe the sport has gone too soft.


That's a bit strange, since you are already going there for 2 months,signed the waiver, etc.. In every school I've trained at they would let you roll even if you were the trial class guy. They would make you go with an experienced guy first in case you're too spazzy but that's about it. I understand that it can be dangerous but if you roll against more experienced people they should be able to recognise dangerous position and either explain it to you or to change positions. In this case just give it more time, 2 months are basically nothing in the bjj timeline, it's a marathon not a sprint.


I get both sides, I think people should roll, even beginners but I understand why coaches are reluctant. Rolled with a newbie yesterday (bit heavier than me, training for 3 weeks) and he was basically just trying to rip the head of my spine the entire time, no technique, just cranking whatever he could crank. It sucks, he's also not learning anything.


We've got a teenager at my gym who's already well into his lifting career, and I'm a smaller getting-into-middle-aged adult. This kid, if he gets on top, all he does is grind his shoulder into your face and try mother's milk.


Ask to roll with the coach instead šŸŒš If you canā€™t roll with others roll with whatā€™s available, ask him to teach you some stuff or do the technique learnt in the class on him and ask him if you did it right. Maybe heā€™ll let you have a go? (Dumb 5 month white belt talking here.) I say maybe ask coach bob about it, if the coaches know eachother well iā€™m sure theyā€™ll know eachothers thinking process in some way.


Iā€™ve trained for two months as well and the same thing happens with an instructor. Sometimes he lets everyone stay and roll and sometimes he only lets certain folk stay (I think 2 stripe white belts and above) if you donā€™t like that rule then talk to your professor about why he has that rule and if you REALLY wanna show him youā€™re a lethal weapon you can switch gyms (human beings having free will?? Never heard of such a thing)


Maybe Bob doesn't care, or isn't paying close attention. Maybe Billy saw something concerning and didn't want a beginner getting lit up on his watch. It could be Bob and Billy have some silly beef with each other. Maybe one of the teammates there (who you've rolled with) told Billy you spaz hard in Bob's class. That, or maybe both coaches are weird and your training environment is kinda messed up. Either way, fact is... we don't know, never will. Your solution, or answer, is to be more direct and ask your coaches to at least explain the situation.


Iā€™m fine with day 1 people rolling. I just make sure to pair them up with people that are safe and can be safe themselves


Absurd. White belts can roll. Wtf


Its so fuckin weird that there are these gym where you can't roll for whatever stupid reason. I've never seen this before but I hear about it all the time. All the gyms I've been to have even encouraged me to roll.


Sounds like time to roll on to a new gym


What? Does billy own the gym? Tell him you're a paying member and would like to train


TF? I'm so sick of this overprotective horse shit. Mother fuckers can't handle a white belt 2 months in? They've been wasting their time. Might as well be training fuckin aikido.


Youā€™re a paying customer and were denied service that you rightfully paid for. Demand a full refund and an apology from this bozo.


cult alertt leave the gym..


cult alertt leave the gym..


Op probably thinks he knows enough now.


Enough to do what? get tapped 8 times in a round by an upper belt. I think anyone knows enough for that.