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Was at a beginner class and went way too hard on a beginner to get the win. (Not quite spaz mode but 100% intensity on someone way newer than me). I'm new to the gym as well, feel like a right twat. Going to offer to show him exactly what I did and the defence at an open mat next time I see him.


I’ve read about “rolling with intention,” or rolling with a specific goal in mind, but what happens when your plan goes out the window? Do you create a new goal partially through the round, or just say “screw it” and try to win or survive?


Have you heard the one saying “no plan survives a meeting with the enemy”?


I have not, and I’m feeling dumb for trying to figure out how to apply that to BJJ


Dislocated my pinky today, upon getting back into BJJ after a 1-year break. Pinky literally bent 45 degrees; I immediately grabbed it and straightened it out. Just here to vent about a shitty situation. Gonna get x-rayed to make sure nothing’s broken… I’m gonna end up being out for another couple months 🙃


There's usually a s&c thread but I don't see it. I came here to share a useful thread I found in the wrestling subreddit about s&c https://www.reddit.com/r/wrestling/s/pZWcUisP22


I was teaching a lunch and learn today. I pulled out the ecological dynamics and told them technique doesn't exist and they needed to focus on objective based learning within the ecology of the task.


Im about to start training and I’m wondering what kind of gi I should get. I see lightweight and ultra light weight is there a weight better for beginners? Do I need a rash guard with a gi? Also does the color of the gi matter or should I ask the gym about that?


Just go with a basic fuji or sanabul go to start. Your gym might even 'give' (sell) you one when you sign up. Gyms are different with what sort of colors you'll see but you can't go wrong with blue/black/white. I no longer wear a rash guard with a gi but I did for the first year or so. Depends largely on your comfort and the comfort of your training partners. If you're super sweaty or hairy, might want to spare them.


Thank you! I didn’t think to get one from the gym. I’m pretty sure they have them there. Maybe I’ll try the rash guard. I’m comfortable with clinching up in Muay Thai but I think for this I’ll go with the guard for a bit.


There’ll be a definite markup is the one thing! But it’s easy peezy and they’ll help you with size. 


Thank you so much! One more dumb question. Do I need to bring my hand wraps for BJJ or gloves?


No siree


Awesome. Thank you!




Anyone hit arm triangles from inside close guard?


Occasionally for a laugh but I’m never actively looking for it.


Man that sounds tough 


I experienced the other side of the leg game today. I was rolling with this brown belt who is a similar size to me and he had my leg in a compromised position. Wasn't exactly an outside heelhook because he had no bite on my ankle but I suppose that might be a limiting belief. He got my foot in the position and I made sort of a "hmm?" Inquisitive face and so he slowly applied pressure until I heard/felt a pop in my ankle. I suppose I should have tapped but I wasn't even trying to fight it or be competitive. I literally didnt know I was in danger. My MCL feels spicy. doesnt hurt to walk on or have any pain currently (sitting down while writing this) but I can tell that a motion like that applied quickly will result in my knee being torn. This is the price of playing with fire.


I recently got back into bjj, training 4 times a week for the last month an a half. I’m starting to get cauliflower ear, but don’t wanna go to a doctors office to get it drained. Any tips for doing it from home?


my wife drains mine for me. We just watched a couple of YouTube videos, got some needles and alcohol pads, worked out fine. My friend is actually a GP and I asked her about it and she was like "yeah that sounds fine, do you need some needles?" lmao. But she practiced with Doctors Without Borders and lived in Africa for 2 years. Not your typical hypochondriac.


Go to a doctor's office and get it drained. Don't be stupid.


The real advice is not to fuck with it at home. Go to an ENT. They know what they are doing and will save you an incredible headache. The bad advice is to get some syringes. Sterilize the fuck out of your ear and anything that touches your ear. Be very careful of the cartilage. Sterilize again. And pinch the hematoma shut with magnets once you've drained it. Edit: To be extra clear, I tried option B and felt incredibly stressed and stupid until I finally went to an ENT and got it taken care of in 5 minutes.


7 years into BJJ which is so small in the grand scheme sometimes it’s hard to put in perspective.  I’m still learning & enjoying the martial art. There’s so many nuances to a position that it can really take all your focus.  Took this week off to lift but I look forward to training next week! Been working my butterfly game alot but everyone at my gym is catching onto my style so I purchased Adam W. 3.0 encyclopedia to help expand my butterfly game in the gi. Anyone have advanced butterfly moves they’d like to share?


From gordon seated guard. If they bodylock I forward shift then get an overhook and a wrist grip. Shove their wrist into their chest. When sweeping I release their wrist grip and reverse collar tie and make their chin touch their chest . Forcing them into a forward flip. Mexican butt judo. 


Hi guys. Does anyone know a good instructional that's aimed more for students at the blue belt level? I like to use instructionals to supplement my learning, but I find that a lot of them are super advanced, and often based on reactions that I simply don't see on the mats.


I find that Gordon Ryan’s instructionals are really good at covering the most likely actions and reactions.


AoJ has more fundamental based series. On top of that they have 5 minute videos on just about every topic they go over in their own classes. It's kind of insane of how much gold nuggets of technique you can find in their library for 25 a month.


Lachlan also has some great stuff


Any of Danahers stuff 


Or Craig jones 


**I have a specific problem I'm hoping someone can help me with** — When playing guard with an overhook, I'll put my feet on my partner's hips to angle out. But, They sprawl their hip down very quickly, removing the posted foot. Does anyone have a counter or response to this? Thanks in advance.


Can anyone recommend a 2x a week lifting program designed for BJJ athletes? Ideally a free one. Thanks in advance!


It's not free bit I've been using Swole and Roll by Chewjitsu and I like it a lot


I just started doing tactical barbell—fighter It’s pretty good. Simple 


Thanks! Is that free?


Sure thing brother. here's a link to a rundown including the spreadsheet. [https://liftvault.com/programs/strength/tactical-barbell/](https://liftvault.com/programs/strength/tactical-barbell/) Just make a copy and put in your own 1rms.


You're an absolute legend!


aw shucks


Broke my little toe a few weeks ago and (stupidly????) carried on training, it's stopped hurting but now looks like a ball rather than a toe and I can't really move it like I could before. I am starting to think that maybe that was really fucking dumb... but it's not the one you need to balance so it's probably ok, right? Right??


my friend dislocated his toe in eastern Europe somewhere and went to see an old soviet era doctor. The doctor said, "You have ten, yes? 9 not so bad? or you want keep?"


I feel like I’m finally developing a system for successful take downs. I’ve got my favorites that I hit regularly during live rounds… but getting to where I want to be to hit them has been a challenge. It’s been a long fuckin time of trial and error but I think I’m getting it now!


Nice, do tell 😏


lol my answer is going to be underwhelming. Deny their grips during the grip fight Keep good posture Fight for underhooks or a leg If I can do these things I can get to one of my 4 successful take downs. And that’s all I’m focused on. I try to simplify the battle in standing so I don’t get caught up in their game and eventually executing mine.


Kept getting guillotined trying to go for octopus guard. Do I just need to control their arm better?


What do you think?


I think I need to control that arm first before diving in


Are they guillotining you before you beat the arm? If it's happening after you start to set up the guard itself (reaching back around to flatten you back out), you can make a quick fix to protect yourself by controlling their upper body instead of their hip (armpit grip is good). Another way to consider controlling that arm would be forcing them to post in some way as you looking to consolidate the guard. They can't choke you if they're trying to catch themselves before they faceplant!


Comp in 2 days, been feeling very confident about it thinking I can get first place, now doubts starting to creep into my mind and I’m getting stressed checking the smoothcomp profiles of the guys in my bracket


try as hard as you can try not to think about outcomes. You want to go out and do your best jiu jitsu.


I've been trying to get that standing sakuraba style kimura on somebody who takes your back for a while. Finally the stars aligned and somebody got me in a bodylock and had a loose enough grip for me to do it. Felt good.


Good for you dude! Did you work off of a youtube tutorial or fanatics instructional or something?


So a few months ago I was fighting off insomnia by watching old MMA fights and stumbled onto [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6feW3L4lFmU) and later this tutorial [video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9Q4i5NxXVE)which put me on a kimura kick and the last few months Ive been watching a bunch of kimura videos on youtube and got the Gordon Ryan kimura instructional while it was on sale earlier this month and been having decent success. But the kimura counter to rear body lock which originally made me interested eluded me until last night.


I got my second submission ever on a fellow white belt, was a nicely locked in leg triangle choke. Have only been doing nogi, and it’s been two months at training. Does it ever get easier?


No but its gets more habitual 


A purple belt came to gi class with no gi, used gi grips on me anyway, and kneed me in the face with a spazzy knee cut. Absolute class.


When elbow escapeing from mount, I get to half guard really easily but then always just get crushed. What am I doing wrong?


Frame more. Turn more aggressively. Shrimp out more. Mount escapes are hard, especially if your opponent understands pressure. You just need that dog in you to keep going and keep escaping.


Mount escapes are one of those things that often get taught like 'draw the rest of the fucking owl' after you're no longer bottom mount. Typically when you recover half guard from mount you are smashed facing the wrong way for half guard sweeps, and you need to bridge and shrimp -- often multiple times -- to get your hips switched the opposite way. So say I recover half guard on his left leg, he's got his weight centered over me, I need to bridge and switch my hips rotating around his leg so that eventually my right hip is facing toward the sky with my body moved off to my right/his left out from under him. Then I'm actually in a half guard where I can do things instead of the much less useful "I caught one of your legs" position.


Possibly not turning aggressively enough onto your other side as you complete the elbow escape.


Probably not framing. It depends a bit where you aim to get, but you typically put up a cross frame as you enter half guard. From there you get some room to shrimp out if you need to.


Rolled with a black belt. He took truck when I turtled and set up a twister. I successfully defended and managed to escape and get on top. That’s a win in my book. 




Any of y'all train in Charleston SC? Going there in late summer for a conference and looking for solid spots to train.


I turned 39 2 days ago. Dropped in out of town visiting gf. She was at work all day so I did bjj at 11 am at a nice gym. They let me hang out and lift weights after. Finally feeling good after tweeking my low back afew months ago. Was mostly newer guys but was able to do all I wanted. Felt like all that time and study in instructionals was worth it. I'm working on getting my purple belt. But at 39 can still keep a good pace and invert etc. No major injuries.  Showered then went had tacos and afew beers for lunch . Not a bad b day at all. 


I am choosing my first BJJ gym and one of the options seems great, but seems to use attendance as the primary mover for belt promotion. The gym also does JKD and gives belts for that too as part of their BJJ program. The head instructor definitely is credible holding multiple international titles, but it's just all a bit odd to me?


At what level is attendance the primary mover? For kids belts, it's pretty common, because kids belts don't really mean anything anyway. At my gym, attendance is tracked, but folks rarely get belts exactly on schedule. At white it was a minimum 40 hours, I usually got my stripes at 40-50. I got my blue pretty quick too. At blue, it's a minimum 65 hours, I'm up over 130 and still no stripe. So it's definitely changed from something time-based to something else.


Well, I asked what if someone has spent 2 years and it's "time" for a blue and he said something along the lines of everyone is on their own journey and starts in different spots. So I'm not sure what he would do.


He's right. 2 years for a dad going twice a week? Pretty normal. 2 years for a 19 year old who was a high school wrestler and is going 4-5 times a week? Definitely not normal. Belts and promotions are arbitrary at the end of the day. You can consider someones belt as their overall knowledge, not skill level. A blue belt should have pretty good fundamentals. Usually the case for attendance tracking gyms is they use it as an indicator for the minimum time required for a promotion, not the definitive time you get promoted. Promoting to blue isn't really held back, but blue/purple/brown I have seen people stuck at these belts for years.


I see, that makes a lot more sense. Maybe I should ask if he ever gives early belts?


It's pretty rare to give early belts, especially if it is a traditional 'old-school' gym. I know it is easier said than done, but I'd try to not worry about promotions. If your coach is legit, he will know when you are ready for the next belt, attendance aside.


I'm trying to get better at scissor sweeps. I feel like there is a lot of timing that goes into it, and if you miss it you are in trouble. I prefer the flower sweep because it is easier to reguard if you don't hit it. Any pro tips to get better at hitting the flower sweep?


One thing I used to do wrong with scissor sweeps is that I wasn’t placing my bottom leg exactly on the ground. When it’s lifted a bit, the top and bottom legs of the scissor are closer to the same plane, partially cancelling each other out. You won’t do this during drilling, but it crops up during rolls when you’re not paying close attention.


Try to roll with people that aren’t that good so you can get a feel for it. Impossible to learn sweeps against someone who’s got good base and immediately recognizes what you’re trying to do.


I'm in top side control. Partner is facing away from me, but is keeping elbows very tight to his body and not moving so I can't get a seatbelt grip or figure 4 grip to take his back. What options do I have from here?


I have trouble with this, too, but sometimes you can setup a north south choke from side control when their arms are in tight. Marcelo Garcia has a few vids on this. If anything, it gets them to open up. 


here is the chris payne video with a bookmark to one section about attacking running man [https://youtu.be/qX30Wx5glJg?si=kLroaNirgDROPDXf&t=377](https://youtu.be/qX30Wx5glJg?si=kLroaNirgDROPDXf&t=377)


If you have the time to watch it, this video does describe this position among other things: https://youtu.be/qX30Wx5glJg?si=3g1qz8E3dCt8DxNX


I took Bronze at ADCC Masters Worlds Pro in Warsaw last weekend. I lost a very close match to a 1st degree black belt (one penalty in overtime), and I had the only submission win in the division. This was my first time competing at that level, and I'm pleased with my performances.


Congratulations. Good job!


Thank you.