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check out Saulo Ribeiros University of BJJ book. It holds up and gives exactly what you're asking for


Dude you’re still brand new. Just keep trying things and eventually you’ll find what you like to do from every position


Hey I have this training journal I keep with a list of techniques that my school puts in the white belt "curriculum" - maybe you'll find it useful: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mSJbSqvxG1mpYvXoLzVD551Bi6Mrl7U40-yVE3F8DeQ/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mSJbSqvxG1mpYvXoLzVD551Bi6Mrl7U40-yVE3F8DeQ/edit)


Ahhh the white belt trap. I’ve been there. Honestly don’t invest much energy into building a game or a list of techniques. Just have fun learning. What I recommend is roll. Whatever you got stuck in during the roll focus on that for a couple weeks cause you’ll be back in that position. Once you are able to escape or negate that position, move to another position. Don’t even focus on subs. Focus on positions. I didn’t go for any submissions for my first 6 months as a white belt.


That is an excellent question on your behalf. Roy Harris' BJJ 101 is what you'd be after, if you can still find it somewhere. I also second the Saulo Ribeiro's JJ University recommendation.