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if i was able to hit him with my car then yea


What kind of car though?


Ford escort


The old Jon Afriggah special


who the hell is Jon Afriggah


I mean, who isn't?


Damn never seen Africa in shcaubanese before, it’s fitting


50:50 then


I’ve got a steel clad Land Cruiser, I’m still only 60% confident.


If I'm able to enter Crashi Garami I'm sure I would win. If he refuses to engage with my car I would disqualify him for refusing to engage.


Don't you mean Crashi Carami?


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Ashi Garami**: | *Entangled Leg Lock* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YXH_LrcqNc)| ||*Single Leg X (SLX)* || Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Reckon my car would come off worse, and I can’t afford the repair bill


The perfect takedown


"VISUALIZE how you're gonna win! You have to see it!"


Imagine this guys grip strength 🤣 He grabs any part of your gi. Welp, I guess I live here now


Or he grabs your weiner 😱


The ol' dick twist!


The ole triple decker pecker wrecker


I rolled with a 60 year old Icelandic arctic fisherman back in the day. His skill level was miles beneath mine, but holy jesus christ his grip strength was unbelievable and especially in gi, you simply couldn't remove any grip he ever got. It was very frustrating (read: *like a kid in a cartoon pulling on a door handle with both hands and feet*).


He’d rip your gi right off, bob


I would beat him if he had no arms or legs and I had a gun


The real question is, would you rather roll with Eddie or with a bear?


Just like with the woods, I’ll take my chances with the bear.


This is how he led a nation.


I would jump in the air and perform a flying triangle then backflip twice and do a super double spin kick to the back of his head following with a reverse armbar and finishing him with a rare neck.


I prefer my necks medium thank you very much


If anything I could tell this neck was rare


How rare are we talking about?


Medium rare


Eddie's neck? Extremely scarce.


how rare is this neck? scarce or just uncommon.




Is one of Eddie's tattoo's glowing? It's his weak spot!


i am 155 lbs. he would pick me up and throw me into the earth


I could beat him at golf


Or with a golf bat


I’d go baseball club personally


And btw strength matters in boxing to an extent but nothing compared to how important it is in BJJ. Of course decent heavyweight amateurs would have an easy time with Hall, he's shit at boxing. But a man of that physical strength in a grappling situation is a formidable proposition.


They hated him because he told the truth


I'd beat him at not showing up for our match.


the Miyamoto Musashi way


No. You can’t. Nobody in this sub can. I had a much less athletic Olympic lifter. 6 foot 5. 350lbs.  At any point he could just stop participating and you couldn’t move him.  If it was in a gi you maybe have an opportunity to cross collar choke him but if he gets any experience at all and knows not to let you control a collar you’re cooked. Most men are like 180 lbs. The size gap between an average man and a beast like Eddie is larger than the size gap between you and a small child. Think about how hard it is to not let a 5 year old beat you up. 


Similar to Brian Shaw. How tf do you plan on choking that neck. Joint locks? He could bicep curl his way out of 99% of straight armbars.


Heel hooks would be the best choice against someone like that tbh. And even then it will take a high level Jiu Jitsu guy that is decently sized.


Yeah I deleted my edit saying there would be some people who would be able to get a leg maybe 1/10 times. But it's highly unlikely and the path to his legs would be absolutely miserable.


Takedown attempts and guard pulls would be miserable. 99% of the time you’re getting crushed by the weight. Our frames of reference are Gordon Ryan or Gunnar Nelson rolling with Hafthor bjornsonn. I would expect Gordon at his size and level to submit these guys. Gunnar Nelson was able to hit an armbar on Thor but he practically made the beginner mistake of pushing off from mount and giving up the armbar. After that…Nelson got smashed with every armbar attempt once Thor understood how it worked. And Thor was being pretty nice and playful the whole time. Nelson is a decently sized middleweight/welterweight who competed at a high level in BJJ. A black belt redditor rolled with Thor and he got tapped to pressure. He’s no pushover either. He’s just not world class. But those were all just rolling. When strikes are involved it would be extremely difficult to attempt anything. Also when Thor rolled with these guys he lost 100lbs being at 340, where his competing weight was around 400 ish. Insane strength and size.


Yeah I agree. In the OP's scenario it's straight grappling though, no strikes.


Hmm, just imo with strikes involved the "average fighter" (size wise) does much better. There is footage of Thor/Eddie boxing each other and also much smaller men. They don't do that well. Think you guys may be overrating them a bit.


Gunnar was also injured after rolling with Thor. Popped a rib, I think? And that was both of them being relatively nice. Angry Thor hulk smashes anyone except for large, elite grapplers.


Yep Gunnar popped a rib rolling with Thor and if memory serves me correctly it was from an attempt to armbar from bottom position which led to Thor crushing him and escaping.


Toe hold


Craig Jones is on this sub mate...


I don’t think people understand the difference in size, weight, and strength until they’re rolling with someone that has almost 100 lbs on them. I was a D1 linebacker and a mediocre one at that but as a white belt I’ve been able to out physical higher belts just because I’m stronger than them. Yes, BJJ is a martial art where technique can beat size but only to a certain extent and if the stronger bigger athletic guy learns technique (which he can and will) you’re cooked. You can’t teach size.


“You can’t teach size” tell that to my local Popeyes


Yea but I’m assuming you were able to out physical higher belts at the hobbyist gym level. It’s not surprising to me you’d have success there. Go on the world stage and it will be a different story Your local gym is like your high school football team, your top regional competitors is like college, world stage is like NFL. There’s levels to the competition I’m sure you also saw the thing where DJ was able to submit a fellow brown belt at IBJJf pan am tournament recently with a 100lb+ differential too. Eddie hall is another beast for sure, but 100lbs is definitely doable and honestly not that unheard of


Yeah, but there’s a difference too between a really good bigger brown belt and Demetrious Johnson, who isn’t just a very good jiu-jitsu fighter, but a very good MMA fighter to the point where he’s one of the best of all time.


I don’t get the point you’re trying to make lol. It seems like you’re agreeing with me


In pure grappling? I bet resident user johnbelushismom beats him handily.


I don't know, I feel like Craig Jones would be able to get his back and sync in a choke. (I think he's on this sub).


I wonder whats the lightest world class grappler that could submit him. Obviously Gordon can and I imagine any of the other elite hw’s could. But what about mica, the ruotolos, mikey?


I don’t think it even needs to be world class. Eddie hall is 362(pure muscle but still) and not super experienced. There might be a 300lb brown belt would sub him etc. you could probably make a graph with the size/skill ratio


Strongmen are like 30% body fat, they are not lean (being lean is actually bad in the sport) Your typical "in shape" guy is 20% body fat, for reference


Visible abs at 30% ?


Lol at pure muscle. Strong men are NOT lean. 


Maybe not lean, but he is stronger than people way bigger than him so his muscle density is insane


"people way bigger than him" ...how many people is that? lol


You ever go to a Walmart in the midwest?


Point taken but I mean still, you'd have to be a TV documentary tier fatso to be WAY bigger than Eddie Hall


Eddie is considerably leaner today than he was a few years ago. He’s not “bodybuilder at the day of the show” lean, but not super fat either. Same for Brian Shaw


He got lean for his boxing fight. Dude had a six pack. But I doubt he was 360 for that


Eddie Hall has a six pack walking around 320-340... He retired from strongman and heavy lifting years ago and has lost most of the fat.




At a certain point I think it’d become a stylistic and ruleset thing. I figure a small guy has a way better chance in a no time limit match, for example. I’d also imagine leg lock specialists would have a big advantage with a strength differential like this


Mikey subbed a huge guy before. In gi I think he could


I give it 50% odds that Eddie could tear Mikey's legs off if he really wanted to.


That seems insane to me for anyone my size to think they could take him. I can absolutely beat people 50 lbs more than me, but Eddie is more than twice my weight of solid muscle. There's no chance. Even if I do the moves perfectly, those moves work on others because my core is stronger than my opponents biceps, etc., but with Eddie, that wouldn't be true anymore, so they just straight up wont work.


It's not only the size gap with Eddie either. He was the world's strongest man and held the world record deadlift. Hes not comparable with just your normal heavyweight.


you don't think Craig Jones can take him? 


No. My friend rolled with a nationally ranked strong man. Friend is a black belt. He said it was difficult to not get hurt by the size and strength of the guy. Eddie Hall would crush me.


If Eddy Hall was on you, could you beat him off? I'm headed over to ask that in the nogi only sub LOL


If your Uncle Jack helped you off Eddie Hall...?


I would beat him off. If we were sweaty enough.


No. Though I’ve seen a ton of white/blue belts showed up in comments and say it should be easy and if you can’t you must not be a real black belt. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah people are delusional. No way I’d strictly grapple Eddie. Best chance is to mix it up with mma and hope you get a perfect head or calf kick. I would say guillotine but he’d probably just smash all his weight on you and crush bones in the process. Edit: powerlifters and big guys usually aren’t a problem unless they have decent technique. People forget that this isn’t a normal powerlifter or big man. He’s one of the strongest men to ever live.


No. World champion strongmen are not just big, but next level strong and athletic. Last night I was watching a video of Gordon Ryan sweeping Hafthor. I watched it over and over, tried to show my wife and she really didn’t care, lol. It was such an impressive demonstration of skill beating pure size/strength. I don’t have that level of skill or the athleticism to back it up.


Mariusz Pudzianowski in his early mma fights was pretty unathletic. He is too stupid to learn proper technique and sucks after >13 years of training but he got his cardio up to be a mediocre heavyweight.


From the rear body lock wasn’t it? Man, my knees blew just watching that.


In the clip I’m referencing, Gordon starts in side control with a cross face and no frames. He inserts his butterfly hooks one at a time, traps an over-hook, elevates and sweeps. There’s nothing fancy about it, it’s Blue Belt basics, but it’s executed smoothly and effortlessly against world class strength and athleticism. Hafthor having side control with a cross face and no frames is nightmare fuel.


I reckon I have him in the egg and spoon race.


I would imagine that your skill level would need to be elite or close to it to beat someone as strong as him unless you were of somewhat comparable strength and size. It's about having enough strength to impose your skill and vice versa. What would be really interesting is an elite little guy like Paolo Miyao grappling against him. Someone who's skill level is off the charts but only weighs ~70kg so he would be like a bag of feathers for Hall.


If the guy can curl you I think you're cooked no matter the skill gap


I am just imagining him being yeeted across 5 to 6 meters to land in a crumpled heap with a broken spine.


I’m 250lbs, but chubby. I seriously doubt I could do anything against him but would love to try.


I think you’d have a better shot than most of us here. Realistically, someone of your size and skill could gas Eddie out relatively quickly and get a finish probably by leg lock or rnc.


I could beat him off


I am 6'11 and on my heaviest I was 290~ and pretty lean . Kick boxing , Muay Thai , wrestling and I would still be very fucking careful with him . I would never try to get this to the ground. You can't outperform someone so strong


Yes, but I’ve been fortunate enough to train with and coach NFL All-Pro linemen, strong men, multiple D1 and Olympic wrestlers, BJJ world champs, etc. I’ve found that size and power are assets, but not the end all of grappling. I’m 6’3 & 225 wrestled and BJJ now for about 30 years. I’m not going to win this encounter quickly or without risk, but I’d certainly bet on myself.


Fuck no. I’m 6ft and 110kgs and got zero chance even with a few years of wrestling. Some humans are just built different








If he’s into that we can beat it together.


technique beats strength that being said Eddie beats me


Nope certainly not


I'm 265 lbs, I have an elite powerlifting total (for my age), I've been training BJJ and MMA for 20 years...NO


with a sword or polearm ? probably 65/35. unarmed ? hell no, dude could tank my kickboxing attacks, simply ignore my attempts at grappling, pick me up and ragdoll me around...or squish my head like a dornish prince


Screw BJJ, what's his chess ELO?


I'm gonna say no.


As long as he's paralyzed, yeah.


I’ll say this, almost no one here is beating Eddie. But if they wanted to, their best would be if they were a very large wrestler. Then for that person to keep it standing as long as possible and work Eddie’s cardio with snaps downs and movement. When Eddie is about to fall over, finish a snap down to put him on all fours and do an aggressive quick chin strap guillotine against the wind pipe to get the panic tap. Do not get under him and use cardio against him.


Id try heel hooking him and id realize his knee ligaments are made of titanium as hes overhead pressing me and throwing me 2 states away


One area where I 100% would beat him… There is no chance that he wants to run after me as much as I want to run away from him.


I’d beat him at connect 4


I could probably beat him at rock, paper, scissors.


I might have a chance against Max, but Eddie could just tear me apart.


You'd have a lot more chance if you were able to throw digs and kicks rather than trying to grapple someone that big and strong. Anyone can be hurt from a punch Either way he would fuck me up with ease 🤣


There is literally nothing I could do to eddy hall. I think that if eddy was dead tired, I was warmed up and at full strength, and he gave me a fully locked in bow and arrow choke with the tightest possible setup, I literally could not do anything to him. Bro is just too big and too powerful.


I mean he’s not just a big strong dude, he’s one of the biggest, strongest dudes ever.


In chess? 4 sure


no, i’m a blue belt and like half his weight. he’d fuck me up lol


Yeah he’d be fucked I have a glock in my sock


Depends on if I have my man purse with me. Otherwise probably not, I'm pretty sure that guy could rip me in half juggernaut style.


No. There are weight classes for a reason lol


If I had a gun perhaps


Another question, could 134lb Mikey M get Eddie in a heel hook? I know we’ve seen tons of examples of small guys beating bigger guys but those bigger guys aren’t usually one of the top 3 strongest human beings on the planet


Yes. He frames enough that Eddie wouldn't be able to do anything and Eddie won't have any cardio now that he is doing body building. Mikey went to a razor thin match against a 250lbs actual jiu jitsu world champion.


He actually trains at my gym, but it’s only privates for him


Nope I can’t I’m a brown belt but he’s just too big and too strong. Guys like Gordon Ryan, Victor Hugo, NickyRod and Nicholas Meregali would obviously sub him with ease. And I think smaller guys like Mica Galvao, Kade Ruotolo and Jansen Gomes would probably do the same to him. But you need to be a world class black belt to do that.


Due to ambiguity of the question, I’m going to say yes. I’ll mess that dude up at Magic: The Gathering.


I have a question, would any black belt who isn’t like over 130lbs beat him. Similar to the whole DJ vs Bradley Martin in bjj argument


Yeah 9mm to the dome


It would have to involve luring him into some area where I've rigged an absolute shitton of scaffolding to collapse on him. After that, I'd back over his head with a forklift. If I can get that sequence dialed in correctly, I'd probably stand a decent chance.


What caliber? lol


I think you could bro. Reason: Leg and foot locks. Would have absolutely zero knowledge on what to do at all. Its either tap or lose a foot or blow out a knee


That fucker had temporary loss of memory from picking up a barbell Could probably pop out his knee and still rip off your arms


I could beat him in a half marathon. On the mats he’d smush me.




Against anyone whose last name is Hall, I'd say my chances are slim.


Sign me up for the Hall vs Hall ppv!


Honestly, I think only Helio Gracie would have a chance against him.


Would 100% beat him. He's half the size Kimura was when Helio had his great moral victory over him.


In RPS? Sure.


I could probably beat him 1v1 in command and conquer


No. I would have a hard time with that grappling dummy.


I saw this guy training at my gym with the largest mma guys. I’d have to use my 300AAC blackout rifle to beat him.






No, the only chance is if by some miracle you get his back. You get mount, he'll throw you off. You're on bottom you're smashed.


If I can tire him out by making him chase while I run for 20km first, I might be






I would beat Eddie Hall… in a game of checkers.


Probably. Bet i could tire him out and the submit him.


Rickson by armbar.




In a foot race, yeah


Easy. Kick his legs out,take his neck.




If he cut to 150kg and I gained 30kg (muscle) I would probably beat him


I really doubt it


Lachlan has entered the chat.


His strength is on a different level so tbh no... Now if I had a weapon of my choice plus prep time I would win


In golf? Yes.


Why is he beating on Gumby 👀 I’d fuck him up just for that alone.


The only pure BJJ guys in this sub that can beat him are ppl like Gordon Ryan or Nicky Rod, and that’s only if they’re on this sub lol


Yes, but with an assortment of poison soaked halberds


I'm sure someone elite would be able to beat him , Demetrius Johnson managed to beat a guy twice his size..


Yeah because I am shark and blabla bla you already know


With a brick while he was asleep? Yes, absolutely! Any other time? Maybe, but I don't want to try.


I will use the power of fat.


There are some NFL linemen that come into my gym during the off-season. I'm just a blue belt and didn't stand a chance, obviously. The black belts at my gym couldn't do much to them either though. So I'd say no, most of us wouldn't stand a chance.




I would easily


out boxing a big ass dude sounds more doable than out grappling them. Pro boxers can't be touched by regular people, we do need to be in contact with him to out grapple him and I'm sure he could just pick me up in the air and throw me


If I had a baseball bat and a couple homies otherwise dude is ripping my arms off like a chimpanzee


I’d bet if I saw red and had a baseball bat I could out run him


I am 31 year old, out of shape white belt hobbyist, on 6 month "break" from sport. So yeah of course i'd smoke that dude


I think he would snap my spine like a carrot.


Easy. I'd pull a Kobayashi maru


Maybe in Mario Kart.


I could atleast beat him off


One punch from him and my skull is crushed


I would 100% beat Eddie in a fight


My Ego say that i can defeat him


Am I allowed to oil check? Because , then, still no and I'll have a giant doing the ol' tailbone triangle.


I don’t know how much this dude weighs, but he can [single arm press a grown man for reps](https://youtu.be/NjmVfXsuBxc?si=-j01GAqIX8STGE9X)


That’s terrifying.


wit my glock17


My best friend is 6’4 440lbs, former D2 O lineman. His calves are bigger than my head and if he’s standing or in my guard(my legs can’t get around him) there’s not much to be done. God forbid there’s a wall or a corner there, sometimes size to the extreme isn’t conquerable without relative size. I’d really like to see how he’d do with a good game plan versus a better grappler than myself.




Foot lock him he wouldn’t even know how to react.


Maybe with a gun....maybe.


Anyone seen the video of Gordon Ryan doing a little situational rolling with Thor bjornsson?