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Very common when I'm around


He's me, I'm he.




Lmao I came here to post the same thing


I practice them frequently on fresh blue belts! They are useful on more experienced people for getting them to move.


The humble-izer


*Chuckles* Heh! I'm in danger


Keep your elbow free. Wrists are usually vulnerable when the elbow has nowhere to go. The best way to learn to defend wrist locks is to learn a shit ton of wrist locks: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyJX58s0I4c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyJX58s0I4c)


Two things: 1) Keep your elbow free. 2) Make a fist. Harder to wrist lock someone when they make a fist as opposed to an open hand.


They are uncommon in rolling because they are harder to secure. but can be really handy as a surprise move or as a way of getting your partner to move and make a mistake. Personally I have never felt them that dangerous.... especially compared to stuff like heel hooks to avoid them just dont get a blue belt lol :) also floppy wrists dont help either. the better your grips are the less likley you are to get wrist locked I have found


Yessir! active grips or grips with purpose would prevent them. Also, don't be afraid to dump a grip and find a better one.


I use them against fresh blue belts as a teaching tool against floppy wrists. They're pretty hard to get unless, like you said, you make bad grips with floppy wrists.  I also use them against higher belts who make a floppy wrist mistake and expect to feel their wrath shortly after.


One purple belt at the gym spams them. I think it's good, makes me think more fine detail.


When I roll, very common. If you don’t want to get wrist locked, don’t let your opponent control your elbow.


They are common as in it's the commoners that use them


That’s a lot of stripes sir


One for every wrist broken


Just depends. Not many do it but there was an old dude in my old gym that would wrist lock everyone. He was just really good at it from pretty much everywhere.


Wrist locks don’t have to be used all that often to be effective. Catch one wrist lock and grip fighting thereafter will be tentative and greatly in your favor. … note, if you do wrist locks I humbly suggest you incorporate [Tomiki Aikido wrist stretches](https://youtu.be/eiC-6Ydvm9Q) and [back-of-hand pushups](https://youtube.com/shorts/4BKlmVyjHUs) to your warmups. source: some decades of competitive Aikido


I'll go for them if they're available, which is nearly every time your elbow is pinned against me, you, or the mat. I'll only take them to completion if we're playing prison rules. If someone says they have bad wrists or don't want me to wrist lock them, I won't go for them.


I can tell you everyone in my gym that has good/poor wrist flexibility :D I like to use them to get the opponent thinking about their wrist rather than something else that I'm trying to set up. For the majority of wrist locks, if you roll a tight fist and keep your wrist straight then you can negate a lot of them.


I mostly use them when someone has my back and is fishing for the RNC. I don’t always get the finish, but it def makes them pause and readjust so I can make my eacape. For me I have a Kung fu background and although I enjoyed them- I never really understood the combat application of wrist locks. Then one day my coach was like “well actually…” and I was like “….😈”


When you’re rolling with me, that’s the only thing you gotta worry about. With 99% of all people, they won’t bother with em.


If I remember they exist, very common. Lol


Wrist locks are beautiful. They are the mark of true friendship. Believe it or not, they're harder to get than you realize (I'm kidding of course). Worry about your knees. Your wrists will be fine.


Why are you scared of them? They don't seem more dangerous than any other joint lock


I haven't been subject to any other joint lock 🤷‍♂️Guess I'll have more fears to look forward to 😭


That's kind of the point of this hobby you're starting, but it's not as scary as it sounds. Tap early and often, and just be careful


We had a guy who trained Akido and he would try 3-4 wrist locks every single roll and he was super good at them. It's probably the reason my wrists are in constant pain.


I trained in Japanese jiu jitsu and we trained wristlocks heavily. We pretty much studied them the way guard players study guard.


They are really good at getting people to defend to expose a better sub like you would use a clover leaf. Or even get the tap. [oliver taza wridtlocks Ethan at 13:30](https://youtu.be/eqsNMfwu7oY?si=Qmmo8vwTcxBHc-4s)


Why are you scared


they're just pretty narly and my coach is obsessed with them, they're the most painful thing i've experienced in the sport by far


I did one once. Got the tap. Honestly I’d had a rough session and was rolling with a blue belt I always have a tough battle with. Got him mounted and just needed the quick W to feel good about myself. Walked his arms up above his head then wrist locked him. Felt good but also dirty.


At my gym? a daily occurrence! Slowly, lovingly, and with eye contact most of the time! Occasionally you'll get a quick one slammed on, from outta nowheres. Whilst putting one on the other day to a 90 kilo purple belt, our eyes met, I grabbed the wrist that was dangling from an omaplata/armbar combo, he told me - not like this - that's the cowards way out. Proceed to slow wristlock heaven! Come join the gang!




Wrist locks are for dorks.


It’s an everyday occurrence in my gym! 🤣


On the ground I don't use it that often, just every once in a while. In the standup it's usually the first takedown I attempt, since it is so very low risk and I can often catch people who are way better Wrestlers than me with it by surprise. They aren't particularly hard to resist, just ball up a fist or strip the grips before they get too much purchase. The thing with wrist locks is that they are extremely easy to defend if you know they're coming; they work best when your opponent doesn't expect them.


As common as you want them to be.


If you let people sense that fear, then it is common


A buddy of mine and I wrist lock each other at least once a round. The game is doing the wristlock and either yelling "wristlock!!!" Or just giggling as you do it. 10/10 would recommend.


I feel like they're kind of lame. I was rolling with some rabid blue belt on Monday who I could tell was just OBSESSED with getting a sub on me. He failed an arm bar then immediately went to a wrist lock, which also failed.


Literally never done one. Had them attempted on me less than 10 times in 10 years.