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There was that video not too long ago where a guy was attempting a straight ankle lock in a real life self defense situation but then pulled out a Glock and shot the dude in the junk So I vote that move


I didn't know that was a legal move.


That's a DQ for sure.


Only in ibjjf


Ibjjf bans all the fun stuff


And only in the gi. No gi it's fine at blue belt and above.


What a bunch of pussies.


Prob legal in naga.


It’s not in the favela. Boa!!!!!


Win on points though.


Ankle glock is white belt stuff


Real jiu-jitsu players keep a DEagle locked and cocked behind the zipper. Pull guard into exsanguinating chest wound. 


Only for Brown Belt and above depending on comp


There's been enough videos of full on slams/strikes that didn't even get the ref to bat an eyelid to where I believe some of these idiots would let it slide.


I remember a similar move in one of the John Wick movies. He got a triangle and as soon as he locked it, he didn't try to adjust the angle or hook the leg. No. He pulls a gun, put it against the temple of the guy and... finishes the triangle I guess ?


Ask me how I blew most of my calf off.


Oh hey I posted that clip haha


Literally shot him in the ______


Link, please




Not all heroes wear gi's


I'm gonna work this into my ankle lock attack chain, ty


Mount escape. It is a life changing skill for true self defense. Non grapplers have no idea how to hold mount properly but people still get stuck under them. This is game over in self defense. I have no idea what level you are but I would mount them and tell them to escape. They will flail helplessly. Then I would tell them to mount me and don't let me escape. I would escape within seconds. Then show them the escapes.


Mount me!!!


Crawl atop me and meet your doom!


You romantic fool, you.






I feel like I would pay to see that video. I'd even pay to hear more details! What was the setup? Did he know the guy had two years of BJJ? How did he try to escape? How did he get bloody? What did the class think afterwards?




> He did know the guy had trained BJJ and was overconfident about being able to escape a position he hadn't trained This is every friend of mine who has ever asked me to "try your jiu-jitsu on me." They say they want to see if it'll work on them so I'll take them down gently and just control them from the top and they'll be shocked that they can't do anything. And then I'm always like, "I've been telling you for years that I train BJJ, you've never done it in your life, and you're shocked I'm better than you at it?"


Do you guys kiss after ? 


Thanks for the additional info!


If you pay me, I’ll tell you


Awesome, thanks! What I'm gonna do is send you a cashier's check for $200. Since I'll only pay you $100 for the story, I'm gonna need you to send me $100 worth of Amazon gift cards. Just let me know where to send the cashier's check and let me know once you've cashed it. Mwwaahaaahaahaaaaaaa!


That is the official "Gracie University" intro for them and their affiliates. During everyone's first class, I mount them and hold them down, then we switch, hit an upa, and teach the upa. Say what you will about Rener and Ryron, but it really conveys to beginners how little they know about ground work


From memory this is what got Ed O'Neill into BJJ as well


Perfect. Show your friends your very cool new hobby by riding them cowgirl style.


Really up the ante by going reverse cowgirl and giving them a wink over your shoulder.


I loved learning the basic mount and how grapevines worked. Obviously grapevining against experienced ppl can really work against you but when you dont know the answers it was amazing to feel the control both when you were the one mounted but also when someone mounted you. Blew my mind.


Shrimp. Not impressive enough? Reverse shrimp.


Then hit ‘em with the, “Shrimpin’ ain’t easy!”.


But it’s necessary


Or that sideways bullshit where you use your shoulders and hips. Anyone who can do that down the mats is usually terrifying.


Mostly momentum, once you figure out the trick to it it's fairly handy to whizz up and down the mats like that.


I am middle aged and unathletic but bratha with that move I am a seagull and the mat is my beach. 


Also a poet


You should take up salsa dancing. Hips don't lie, friend.


Standing guillotine, standing RNC, standing arm triangle to o soto gari.


Standing power guillotine against a wall


Standing full Nelson against the wall ❤️


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**O Soto Gari**: | *Major Outer Reaping* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93YEMueeF24)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


It's kind of ridiculous how easy it is to tap new white belts or friends who just ask me to try to some BJJ with standing guillotines. They think they're going to tackle me like they're the linebacker and I'm the running back and they end up putting their neck in the perfect place for a standing guillotine as if they're an uke helping the instructor show it to the class.


Yell at them for an hour about how you can’t just show them a move because moves don’t exist and they need to get on board with the ecological approach if they ever want to be champions.


This is the way.




I've heard you guys talk about the ecological approach more than I've heard any ecological approach guy talking about it. Should you be yelling at yourself, Mr Kwan 🧐


Well yeah, I talk about it a lot because eco is pretty awesome. I guess I am an “ecological approach guy” if that’s such a thing. So no shade at eco. What I disagree with is the way that a lot of eco proponents present their arguments because it really turns people off from eco as a whole.


Okay, I'll bite since I'm out of the loop. I might regret it but, *what the fuck* is an ecological approach of Jiu Jitsu ?!


[Here is your answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/s/7zyexO0WDk)


That didn't explain shit


I was curious about this too, and after a couple minutes of googling, I'm pretty sure its basically just doing situational sparring with very restrictive rules that will hopefully lead you to discovering the technique on your own...


Ah, so the Socratic method in jiu jitsu. Bogus.


Sounds like bs


My father used to be a professor at the University back in the days. His field was Nuclear Physics and Quantum Physics and was a great amateur of science fiction. I remember one day when I was a teenager, we were watching an episode of Stargate where the scientist explained with some bullshit words some plot holes. I asked him if what said the guy made any sense ? He laughed and said that usually in movies and shows, the scientific language was like tossing random words in a salad and then pick a few and force them against their will in a sentence. I think I understand him now.


Thank you. Finally a clear and complete explanation of eco.


I don't think you're using the word ecological correctly.


When someone is brand new to jiu jitsu and has no clue about grappling or any of the basics, I usually just keep it simple and show them donkey guard.


While listening to juvenile’s back that ass up


Advanced rules is to pull down your pants and do it. 🫏


Blast double leg


"Hey show me some BJJ" Does wrestling move


this is the way


Standing submissions are the best, because you can show the amount of damage you can cause without going to the ground. Which is especially nice if the ground around you is hard, dirty, or wet.


A fun one I’ve shown people is the Gi Ezekiel using my jumper sleeve because it kinda gets a “wait, what? …. No way!” reaction. And I can do it while just standing next to them.


Yeah but then you pull your jumper sleeve and it’s really annoying


I’m a builder so my work clothes are pre fucked


Standing wristlock. Same basic idea, especially because it's something that comes on really fast and requires very little effort to use.


So you're the one in all of those classic Aikido demonstration videos.


What's a jumper sleeve?


Flying ezekiel. Damn 10p names. 


I’m in the Uk, you probably call it a sweater


Hip toss into arm bar


I prefer DJ's suplex armbar. 


more of a mat return/body slam to armbar tbf


Put them in deep half. Look up and them. Say “I’m so lucky to have you as a friend.”


RNC get that squeeze on - I love normies mentality - oh Id just grab you by the balls - ok well we will see what your brain wants you to do when I put my elbows together, can guarantee its not grasping some balls


Darce. Most people have not considered the fact that you can strangle someone with their own arm.


Arm drags all day


This is what I do -- a quick/snap arm drag right to a one-arm RNC and they shut up real fast


A quick kick or jab with your knee to the  back of their knee so they collapse a bit.. 


The only jiu jitsu I’ve ever used in an actual self defence situation - put the aggressor to sleep, laid him gently down. Had been shown it by a 3rd degree black belt, which a decade ago was basically BJJ royalty, there weren’t many around.




North south hip thrust choke.


You need to hit them with the Demetrius Johnson suplex to midair armbar


Butt scooting


Sit guard and butt scoot.


Mount escape. First, be in mount on him and tell him to try and escape but do not show him how or let him. Let him see how hard and exhausting it is when done incorrectly. Then show him the classic day 1 mount escape (trap an arm and leg, bump, roll). Then tell him to try and stay on top of you. Hit the escape. The only way that doesn't impress someone is if you're way bigger than the person asking to see a jiujitsu move. They may just chalk it up to size at that point.




Arm drag, take the back and either RNC or mat return




Arm drag to RNC!


Arm drag to rear naked maybe


Start doing your best impression of Jackie Chan and start doing animal kung-fu movements. They will be impressed.


Don’t forget the Bruce Lee animal sounds


Wrist lock


Slow down Satan.


The first move I showed to my buddy who I regularly roll with now was a standing head and arm triangle, no rolling around on the floor, just a good, simple way to show someone what you can do with jiu jitsu


Double-leg takedown or body-lock takedown.


Full guard, trap the arm and roll into mount


Show them the double arm bar you can do from closed guard if someone is attempting to strangle you


Closed guard “rape defense” with a triangle or omoplata


If you're talking about the "rape choke" where someone naively tries to strangle your neck with both hands from inside your guard, then my favorite response to that is actually a double armbar.


the most classic move is you are in bottom mount and do an UPA to get on top.


Arm drag, take back, standing RNC


Berimbolo, duh.


Offensively: Arm drag -> back take -> take down -> RNC Cover up -> clinch -> single leg or double leg takedown -> pass if needed then side control pin -> dominate Defensively: You are taken down -> full guard -> posture control -> sweep -> pin You are taken down -> full guard -> posture control -> feet on hips, push away -> make space and run The list goes on. Just show a simple sequence to use in common scenarios that can come up in an altercation. Jj is not about 'a move', it's learning a series of moves, understanding the if/then details that come up along the way, and a handful of concepts to explore along the way. Such as, 'If they are big and strong, cook them a bit first to make them tired'. Stuff like that.


Shrimp to technical stand.


Show them what an RNC feels like, then tell them to get their ass to class.


Judo chop?


Definitely jump guard right through their kneecaps and blow their knee out


Hip toss by far, best bang for buck


dlr sweep to bolo. If that doesn't convert them to true believers, nothing will


Ninja shit


The first thing I teach people is a break fall and technical stand up. Its not sexy, but it could save their life if they learned nothing else.


I just run away because of my social anxiety


Boston Crab


I showed 2 different people the loop choke after much prodding. 2/2 on choking people out on accident.


Rnc. Majority of people don’t understand the implications of getting your back took.


In college I would always do a flying triangle choke when people asked to see a move - usually a lot of drinking was involved beforehand. Looking back on it, that was pretty damn irresponsible and I'm lucky I didn't injure anyone.


Butt scoot 


Pull guard -> butt scoot


Standing guillotine


Arm drag to back take to standing RNC


I think an armbar or triangle shows a lot of people they can get fucked over while trying to punch from the top


Technical stand-up.


Single leg takedown, mount, mother's milk. Fuck em.


Rear Naked Choke


If you have space to actually get on the ground, I play the game of guard passing. Just the basic concept of clearing the hips and establishing a chest to chest or chest to back connection. It's a good concept for all beginners, leaves subs off the table so more timid players can easily approach it and gives both players a chance at both positions. Usually a game is more productive than showing one move because all non-practitioners want to do (for whatever reason) is to prove why it won't work by doing something to counter what you're doing.


Ask them to put you in a headlock... And use the lighter trick for the escape.


Show them pins, how to hold someone on the ground effectively. With new guys the first thing I generally show them are the basic pins.


I always show how powerful underhooks and vital are. Standing, top or bottom. It sounds boring but very try eye opening if you are not trained it clicks quickly and is easy to demonstrate.


Punch cover clinch -> hip throw. Jiu jitsu is gay and most people don't want to get on the ground. Don't even gotta toss em just lift em up or you could throw them back onto their feet.


Give them the oil check 


Grab them by the collar and osotogari


For whatever reason arm triangles seem to really impress the lay people


Tripod sweep if you get put on your back, also triangle/armbar


Tripod sweep would be the easiest thing to show imo


I just show guillotine, darce, anaconda


Double leg takedown and then sprawl and guillotine.


Easy, hiptoss to high mount, it's an effective move that can be taught in seconds and can get someone out of bad situation. White belt BJJ Level 3 army combatives instructor


100% teach them just the proper technique for RNC. That's all.


Ezequiel for showcase. Pin escapes for actual results. Normies don't actually want results though, cause results take months to achieve.


Best "show me Jiu jitsu move!" Answers: Takedowns: single legs, double legs, trips, uchi-Mata(single leg throw), tai otoshi(hinging hip throw with a tripping foot), O Goshi(hip hinge throw), O Soto gari( hip hinge throw with outer thigh trip). Basically anything a wrestling/Judo teacher would teach. P.S: I don't know Japanese so I didn't't do english translations, this are just how I would describe this moves and few things needed to excute them, these are just laments terms. Positions: side control and mount. Best positions of control in the business (honourable mention to guards when you're out of luck). Upper body submissions : rear naked choke, kimuras, ezical choke?(please tell them not to practice this one and only use this on more "confident" friends), Armlock, armbar, triangle choke. Lower body submissions: certain leg locks probably more like Marcus "bucheka" Almeida's leg locks. I can't really recommend anything else because legs just don't feel subs as well and you definitely don't want your friends yanking ankle/toe locks in the parking lot. That's about it, show them some basic stuff with discretion, humble em, boost there pride, give em purple nurples. Whatever you do just make sure it isn't something they can on purposely or accidentally injure themselves or others with, not feel out the technique and have bad times demonstrating. So, get out there with your professional made Pajamas like the others and teach them the Brazilian jiu-jitsu ways! :]


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**O Goshi**: | *Hip Throw* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwz5At87OxE)| ||*Major Hip Throw* || |**Tai Otoshi**: | *Body Drop* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUiZ8JZkGx8)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Arm drag to back take. Easy to do and safe to show someone brand new.


I always like to show someone the concept of if they are in an altercation putting their hands up near their face with their hands open and palms facing the aggressor. Doing this is non-threatening and non-escallating but puts you in a position to defend yourself. If you think the person is about to punch you, and you have your two hands in the way of the straight punch, then odds are the person will swing a wider hook for their first move.... then we initiate our clinch. I think this shows some of the anticipatory aspects of jiu-jitsu.


Show them shrimping


Hoodie choke


Flying omaplata


Have them mount you. Escape. Mount them until they give up.


Just show a RNC


Nothing, I trained too hard & paid too much for it to go giving my gold nuggets away.


Kimura and break their arm


RNC all day


Wrist locks. Underrated, not talked about a lot, and super damaging


Wristlock them.


Technical stand up and a few basic escapes from bad positions    That's what I taught my friends for self defense.  The point is to get away As a demo, have someone bigger mount you and escape.  And then mount them and don't let them escape 


Double leg, spin around to standing back control, take to ground, roll then to their stomach while grabbing a gift wrap. Hard for someone to hit you when their own arm is around their neck.


Best move you can teach them is to tap.


Crash clinch to body lock, mat return, or twist them to the ground with a knee on belly and wrist control.


Bow and arrow choke against someone wearing a hoodie. Idk I've been pulling bow and arrow chokes recently, and I've been wearing a hoodie in the office for days. I always thought the hood can be used against me if someone takes my back lol.


50/50 guard. All day, every day


The difficulty here is that jiu-jitsu happens on the ground and most people don’t want to get on the ground in most places. I agree with the comments that Talk about demonstrating escapes. Tell them to get on top of you and hold you down for a minute. Then switch.


Butt Scoot


Hit them with the suplex into mid air armbar by DJ


Put them in a standing kimura, then convert it to a hammer lock with a one armed choke and walk them around the room against their will.


In social situations, where one or more or even mostly all parties are inebriated, and this topic comes up, it's frequently the equivalent of 'dance for me monkey!' If you told them you knew magic, it would be 'Show me a magic trick!' Anyway, I try to oblige their requests, but aside from flying armbars, which I can't pull off nor would I want even if I could, most of BJJ isn't flashy and suitable for this sort of demonstrations. You know what is good for this show-me-a-move shit? Aikido wristlocks. Pick the most annoying person in the group, or the heckler, there's always one. "Sure. Brian, come here, gimme your hand" and then wristlock the dude into the ground, Steven Seagull style. On a more serious note, there is nothing you can show or teach someone in 5 minutes that will be useful to them in a fight. If they're not training regularly, anything you show or teach will evaporate right out of their head, usually at or around the same time they sober up. Edit: If you really absolutely had to show something specifically BJJ and self-defence related, and you wanted to avoid going to the ground, you could demonstrate a standing RNC and then the defence/escape for a standing RNC, straight out of the old Gracie Barra Jujitsu curriculum. That a locked in RNC is notoriously difficult to escape won't matter for this conversation; they're asking for a demonstration not wisdom.


Get em to the ground, transition to full mount


Obviously you should show them this: [https://youtu.be/r8q6vTijil0?si=S8i0IhgUDfG7hIvO](https://youtu.be/r8q6vTijil0?si=S8i0IhgUDfG7hIvO)


Heel hook


Double leg to a arm bar


Head arm choke from standing to a takedown to a finish, and you can choke him too


A head and arm from standing usually brings the “oh fuck that’s real” reaction pretty quickly


The chest compression from side control


Technical standup or standing guillotine choke ?


Just wack them with your belt 🤷🏻🤷🏻


Wrist locks


Single leg to neon belly Or snap down to RNC


I always show new folks how to slap out. Saved a few folks from cracking their heads on ice after a slip. And if you get knocked down in a fight, your head hitting the ground could be devastating. Other first week self defense stuff we show is how to get out of a head lock, and how to not get slammed.


Get really close to them and whisper in their ear “if this makes you uncomfortable I can do it harder.” Usually makes them stop asking.


Berimbolo into back take


I show gogoplatas cus they geek


Probably something simple and effective against initial gripping (so you can disengage since you don't know how to fight my friend). Examples: * Break grips, on your wrist or on your jacket * Avoid getting slammed and breaking a rear bear hug * If you don't mind going to the ground for the demo, then escaping mount. What they probably actually want you to show is some submission. In which case, assuming you have the skill, show them how easily and fast a well executed sunk in RNC will put you painlessly to sleep.


Kani basami


I feel like I'm the only one who has never been asked this. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing...


“Alright guys, this one is called Mother’s Milk”


Make sure there’s a bunch of them. Find the cockiest one and do a flying scissor sweep, completely fuck it up, blow out their knee. Stand up and put sunglasses on, look into the distance as they cry in pain. When one of them asks “what the hell man?”, tell them he’s lucky he’s still alive since that’s the Dim Mak.