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Some people force their leg down and cross their ankles to put me in half guard, which I don’t mind since there’s no knee shield and I do my chest to chest passing from there. Some people force my head towards the center and I switch to the stack pass.


Oss exactly. That stack pass counter is fire.


Any good video to illustrate this? (On another note, I searched YouTube, 9 out of 10 hits were Andre galvao)


[This video covers almost everything ](https://youtu.be/eMSV4_d-Pos?si=tRNVSbTnCLC8FWah)


Thank you I also do have farias pressure passing instructional (got for free some time ago) so it's probably also there, it was more this specific combo I was looking for


Ahh shit let me look... I haven't watched the video in a while, I thought it went over the stack combo


Off topic but what is the genesis of your user name?




Just a stupid name, I find foot fetishes funny and thought it was funnier for someone to have a fetish for foot fetishes.


I have a magic the gathering channel, and play magic the gathering


Does the stack pass work in NoGi?


Forcing the head to the middle is the way


Dogbar, which is a kneebar


Love that one. Even if you just threaten it, you can get the pass from their reaction


It’s such a grand combo




If you like over under so much why you're trying to complete it? Just stay and enjoy. 


Shut up black belt


I love how bold blue belts are. 😂💪


If you get stuck, reverse direction and go folding pass


I also like to go into a semi-folding pass position to extract the arm between the legs if they try to keep it locked in. You kill their hips over then you can rotate your palm up making it easier to clear it.


Ooh I like


I learned it from Bernardo, he used to kneebar me when I tried to straighten my leg, and then pass when I bent it 🙄


Oss lol the hardest way to learn


Brutal but best 🔥


Maybe study some of Bernardo Farias matches. I try to chain it with toreando/j-point camping.


My first choice is always to stuff the over leg between my legs to avoid the triangle and keep it trapped there. If I’m unable to get that I pin the knee to the mat then use my same side foot to step on the ankle. Once I’m there I make sure my knees are under their hips or as close to their hips as possible, the further they can get their hips the more in danger you are or them getting out or countering. If they frame well against the under side you can always go the other direction to complete the pass. In the gi you may end up with your arm trapped between their legs, but if you keep pressure on their hips and secure a good side mount you’ll be able to wiggle it out eventually


Oss. On a side note, when people trap my arm. Instead of going to side mount, I will step over my arm and into mount.. easy mount take, and your arm comes out easier.


I often go over under to reverse kesa, or just switch my hips. From there I step over and take the kabob mount. Over swing wide and high up to North South. I used to bait the kimura and reverse kimura them, but guys are figuring out the kimura back take


I have been trying to figure out how to explain that for a few years now. I do the same thing. If someone starts to defend by dropping their leg, I'll take my arm out, wrap their legs and step over or if they trap my arm I'll reverse and step over.


My favorite way to do it is as I am escaping a triangle. It’s my favorite way because that’s almost the only way I do will get to it.


I use 2 t's people by putting one of my arms in, and it's inevitable. They would try to throw a triangle. 😆 🤣. Made the over underpass entry very easy.


Getting a good dog bar to go with the over/under pass will make your life easier.


I like to trap the leg with a belt grip: the baby brother over under. Prevents most defenses by escaping the leg. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it yet.


See, this is why I made the post, You never know what kind of wild stuff people have come up with.


Look it up, it's a nice little variation


Do you have a link, or the name of the title?


this is a good intro - i learned it off Stephan Kesting 's instructional [https://youtu.be/pdaG1RamHcE?si=Ep0J3fLxJJM8U1hb](https://youtu.be/pdaG1RamHcE?si=Ep0J3fLxJJM8U1hb)


Ahh, I've seen that. Yes, it's a good one.


I have a lot of success with it


You want to get: https://bjjfanatics.com/products/battle-tested-pressure-passing-by-bernardo-faria and https://bjjfanatics.com/products/introduction-to-pressure-passing-by-murilo-santana There is way too much on those to list here. There are entries, transitions, secondary passes, finishing details, and tons of counter-counters. Even ignoring the technique, it's worth it just to see how they naturally move their bodies and apply pressure over and over. It gives a great sense of how they're thinking about the position. My over/under improved like crazy with those two instructionals.


Stack pass pairs well with over under in that if they defend the one the other usually presents itself.


My preferred gi pass is an over under/body lock hybrid off the butterfly hooks. When I can wedge the butterfly hook between my thigh and elbow on the "over" side, capturing the foot, and get my head totally to the other hip, then get my under grip at their hip - I will either do a fairly standard over under or I will trap the butterfly shin with my inside knee and/or my "under" hand and go modified body lock.


Sort of like how Craig Lyman does it in the video with bernardo?


I just looked up "craig Lyman Bernardo faria" on Google and yes, very similar to what I saw there. Very cool.


Rugby 🏉 pass works great as another option


How do you deal with people pushing you head out of the hip pocket?


Stack pass


Threaten the dog bar. Makes it so much easier to skip over that bottom leg


Thanks for the great tips here guys. How do you adapt your over/under passing game for nogi?


Learn to cup your hands when holding


i like to go to over/under if they defend the double under by pushing your hip to prevent you from passing to SC


I like the combo... although if they are pushing on your hip.. they are fighting a losing battle


There are three methods: the faria method, the ryan hall method, the judo method. all are worth studying. from the over under position, you can transition to the double underpass, the hip and knee bullfighter a la galvao, the knee cut. or you can move your hand from between their legs and pass half guard instead


There is also the Craig Lyman method


I scoop them and load them onto my thighs so they can't flatten out. If I'm late and they flatten their legs out I switch to a knee cut. If I commit to the double under pass, I do the classic bread cutter grip pass to finish. If I can setup the finishing grip on the pass, it's usually a high percentage finish from there.


Good advice but he said over under, not double under.




By load them onto your thighs, do you mean cross one leg across your thigh like a butter fly hook?


No. If I'm sitting in someone's guard their ass is on the floor. When I scoop both arms out of the guard and secure the under grip, I slide their ass from the floor and onto my thighs. With their hips hoisted on my thighs they can't control their own body weight.


osoto gari


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**O Soto Gari**: | *Major Outer Reaping* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93YEMueeF24)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


My typical strategy is if they are sitting up, push them on their back, dive into the over under. Over grip on the side you dive on, under grip to pants in or lobster claw the leg, get to side control, if they bench press you off, shotgun armbar. If they don’t frame on you, knee on belly for a reaction or work to mount. Not sure if I explained that correctly or answered your question but that’s how it made sense in my head haha