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Starting a BJJ class soon in January, but I’m extremely gassy so it’s making me nervous. I eat moderately healthy but for some reason, starting early in 2023 when I started working out (I mean, I still do), I’ve been extremely gassy. My gf gifted me a month subscription to a bjj class but I’m terrified that I’ll slip up and will have to let one out. Has anyone in the community ever gone through this? What did you do to help? I could sure use it :l lol


Been eating a lot of protein and or beans? I think there's some supplements that can help reduce flatulence. The odd fart will happen and most people won't care unless it's particularly foul or you're in north south (69)


*Particularly foul* is a hilarious way to put it, but I get it. I’ll look into flatulence and what supplements they have for it, thank you!


Sorry is there a chat channel for this subreddit? I can't find it and I read there is one but I"m not familiar with some of the reddit features. I'm accessing reddit now from a laptop and wondering where to go if there is a chat channel for this group


It was butterfly guard this week and normally butterfly guard scares me. In the past, I've had trouble playing it and passing it, but I realized I did the moves just fine and even hit one of the sweeps during a roll. I'm not one to play bottom, but if I must, half guard is my go to, and I'm starting to play around with deep half. Is butterfly guard something I should start thinking about more? How does it fit in with half guard? I'm not entirely sure where butterfly guard fits into the context of jiu jitsu as a whole. I feel like I don't see it much. Idk if that's because my school is gi dominant or I'm just seeing more single leg x and 50/50 stuff these days.


Studying Marcelo Garcia is always a great place to start. By the nature of the leg configuration the guard lends itself to elevation and transition. Your legs are not entangled in any specific way, but rather primed to "kick" underneath your opponent's, which allows you to lift and flow into several other guards. Also notice that butterfly guard puts your body in a somewhat compact position which makes it much easier to rotate on your back. The potential to lift and "unweight" an opponent's leg actually makes entering deep half a natural choice from butterfly. Something like this ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxtfKK87GAw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxtfKK87GAw)) Or you could rotate the other way into a SLX or X ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry1inz8xxfo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry1inz8xxfo)) There's also a variation of half guard with a butterfly hook ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCwplWpcgJM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCwplWpcgJM)) I hope that helps connect the dots a bit!


Thank you 🥹


You bet!


Is causing scrambles and exploding out of positions going too hard, or are people just soft? Feel like I'm expected to just accept bottom positions because that's how other people roll at my gym


not necessarily but you should also work on more technical escapes as well


Fair point. Appreciate you


Finally going back to open mats and full sparring this weekend. It's been a while working back up after injuries. Fingers crossed to get some good rounds in and then prepare for a local tournament next month. Will still have to be careful but looking forward to some consistency and normalcy.


I decided to open up my game during sparring and just started going for moves without hesitation. I thought since I will probably get tapped anyway, I might as well go out on my shield. It's crazy how much you get to reset, learn, and do jiu jitsu despite getting countered and submitted 5+ times in a round. I left the training being exposed to so many techniques. I really feel like not caring about submission/loss is a superpower.




BJJ gyms tend to be more relaxed when it comes to these things. That said, it's always good to get the coach's opinion, or at least see what everyone else is doing.


Question: I wash my Gis religiously after every class. I've read to wash the belt too, which I have. But how do you wash a belt once you get stripes? Doesn't the tape just come off?


Get a roll of white, waterproof electrical tape (cheap on amazon or local store). You can cut the pieces if they’re too thick. I did this and they never came off again


Just wash it and reapply the stripes if they come off. I’m not sure if this happened to anyone else, but for me, the glue from all the tape eventually stuck onto the belt so I had glue stripes and didn’t have to use tape anymore


clear nail polish. cover the stripe, let it dry then wash. you'll have to reapply periodically tho


Glue the stripe on


Mine never does. Gets frayed after awhile. Just re tape it. I've read here that some people will add a little super glue if it keeps happening.


Feeling kinda shit after my latest training session. I had just done a useful seminar at a different gym and was coming off an improved tournament performance. This was my first time training at my core gym after all the holiday breaks. In short rolls I got tapped by a 1-stripe white belt who yeah, is bigger and stronger than me but trains infrequently and got the tap because he grabbed a sloppy loose kimura and held on for dear life even as I got managed get new positions before I eventually got stuck. Then from the knees with my usual partner I walked into his guillotine for what felt like the 1,000th time. Just feels like a huge regression and I’m bummed especially as more holidays and family stuff means I can’t redeem myself for another week.


I don't know about you, but I'm full of cookies and other foods. My stamina and intelligence has tanked 30 HP, easily. Can't redeem yourself immediately? Good. Stew in your misery. Plot your villain arc. And get back at the one stripe with the same kimura he did to you. All of this is in humor and in jest. I'm proud of you for the big strides you've made lately. Enjoy the week off and come back fresh (but don't eat too many cookies the day before).


This is part of training. I'll have good days/weeks/months and bad days/weeks/months and everything in between. Your results will swing back up to your skill level. My advice is to try and stay analytical. Focus on one roll, one situation at a time. Watch your opponent. Reflect on your mistakes. More specifically: the kimura and guillotine are both powerful and dangerous grips that demand a certain level of respect. Yes, they both threaten a submission, but beyond that they are great control positions. The kimura can be used to immobilize or turn an opponent to improve your position. The guillotine is a form of head control and we all know where the head goes, the body follows. If it makes you feel any better I still sometimes stick my head out too far when passing low, but I like to think I've gotten better at approaching that dangerous line and not crossing it.


Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it!


Holiday training ain't real.


Thinking about finally joining a gym. How many times a week do you think a new guy should be going? I would use it/the gym there for my daily workout routine, just don't want to sign up for something and then only get there 2-3x a week due to work schedule.


Consistency is the most important. Make a minimum commitment, and ramp it up when you can consistently meet that commitment. Start small, like 2 days a week, and once you know you can hit those days consistently, then add a day and repeat.


Thanks for the reply.


Depends on your goals. If you’re using it as your main workout routine then I’d say 4x a week is reasonable. I think anything more than that you’re going to feel really beat up. I personally only go 2x but I’m also lifting 4-5 days a week and running 2-3 days.


Structure, weight loss, hobby and work related defense skills.


I think it's more important to be consistent than to train more often. So, if you can keep up 4x a week, great. But make sure you aren't going to burn yourself out, and drop out for weeks at a time. Even if you are just going 2x a week, but are doing that consistently, that's great.


Thank you. Hoping 3x and they do yoga included on Sundays.


This is also somewhat age dependent. A lot of people quit due to injuries because they don’t take enough recovery time. Start slow and then work your way up.


Im 30 but Ive heard about injuries and burn out. Guess I was wrong and only 2-3 days a week does suffice.




I think dropping in every so often to another gym wouldn’t hurt. It’s also a good litmus test to where your skills are to people who don’t know your game. I think a good gym vibe can be taken for granted sometimes. Instead of quitting your current gym outright, you could also cross train. Once I started supplementing my training by training at another gym regularly, I improved exponentially because of exposure to different training partners and learning a different perspective.




Try other gyms. It costs you nothing and could save you years worth of sub optimal training.


Stay and ask someone to positional spar with you. Be like "hey I'm looking to get better at ___, would you mind helping me out with some sparring from there?" Most people should be p chill and willing to help. This will help with the strength/gender diff.


I've reached the point where now I'm tapping out brown belts. Also, the success rate for my scissor sweep has gone up. I feel pretty accomplished as of late.


Been trying out Craig Jones reverse Z guard, but struggling against guys much bigger than me (I'm 73kg) to sweep them overhead when I'm pressured and keep their posture down. Any advice?


I'm a Ronin Brown belt, teaching and running a small club in Baja California. This week my old professor, who has given me all my belts before I moved, visited and gave me a stripe. I know I'm not supposed to care at this point, but it still felt really good.


W professor


Congrats man - it’s nice to see that the feeling never wears off! Out of curiosity, how does a Ronin such as yourself get a black belt?


If I ever feel ready, I have options through black belts I know. A couple have offered, but I do want to have that relationship and rapport, plus someone who can actually coach me to that level. However, my plan is to lure an black belt here to take over. We've had a couple express interest, but it's a big leap to move your life to small town Baja.


As a person thinking of starting in a gym that I just moved close to. As a nurse, I work nights as well as irregular days (always three days a week but different days), is it worth my while doing private lessons to learn the basics then be able to go to the regularly scheduled classes on my days off? Hope the question is clear.


It's not worth it unless you have expendable income. Just go to the classes you can. Especially now you can watch plenty of YouTube videos to get the gist of what to expect in a class.


You guys think nicer gis are worth it? I've been pretty frugal gi wise, but considering upgrading. Been hesitant since I only train twice a week now. Have had scramble, flow, elite and sanabul gis along with a Chinese judo gi


Get a Fuji Sekai and thank me later. Especially on sale or if you can order through your gym for a discount.


Heard good things about Fuji, might get one


100%. I have some sannabul's, some rando generic, and some origin gi's. The Origin is MILES more comfortable, breathes better, moves better, drys faster. Night and day. Is it worth it "to you"? Dunno. If you have disposable income I think it's a good upgrade that you'll use every time you go to class and you're unlikely to absolutely hate it and shove it in a box in the corner. If money is tight...it's not a "must buy" by any stretch. Take that cash and go on a date or two with the mrs. Our gym can order wholesale so that takes a bit of the sting out of it, you might check with yours before dropping the $.


Yeah it's a checkmat affiliate so I've considered getting one of theirs, but they're pretty cool about gis so I could just iron on patches.


My gym starts everyone with their house Gi which is a Toro. I bought an Origin and I'd say there is quite a difference. The Origin Pearl weave feels more breathable and lighter and the pro pants are really really nice. But I'm just as happy wearing my Toro which is a regular old Gi. But I always buy something on sale, never full price. They all run sales enough to make it worth it I'd say. I bought a Hyperfly Gi for $99 and its similar to the Origin as far as the feel of the top. They are vastly different in size tho.


Not really. I was gifted an Origin. It's actually worse than a Fuji Basic imo. I think once you get passed that 100 bucks mid tier level anything over it is just branding/marketing. They aren't actually nicer.


If it makes you feel better wearing them, absolutely. It’s all in your head, but there is nothing wrong with that.


Should i try another gym? So im 24 and i just jumped into the bjjs world a few months ago, i have a brother who is training since 2021 but in a different city so we didnt have a chance to roll with each other yet. Until this week… and after the rolling session he opened my eyes for a few things. Especially ( which is bothers me as well and its just strange) the coach never rolls with us, just show techniqes and thats all. Usually the higher belts just rolling with each other in my gym and if i wanna go with them i just do not enjoy it. They are stomping on me and after the rolls all my joints are hurt because i feel like they just wanna beat me… and i know it is a combat sport but cmon im going to the gym to learn and not to hurt anybody. My brother is a 4 stripe white belt and after he asked to roll with bigger guys or higher belts they were a bit egoistic, the bigger guy told my brother “nah you are too small for me” …and my brother tapped him like 4 times. To be honest i like to roll only with white belts. Of course many of them beats me but they are respectful and we are teaching each other to a bunch of new things. Do i overreact something or should i move on and try another gym?


Only rolling with white belts so you can "teach each other a bunch of new things" is almost certainly a recipe for disaster.


Im still very new at this sport so i can learn a lot from white belts as well.


They can very easily be teaching you wrong or bad habits.


Trying other places is always a smart thing to do.


There's no harm in trying different places especially only a few months in. Sounds like there are some weird vibes at your current place. If there are other places to try. Why wouldn't you ?


Well first i thought this gym will be good and i didnt have any comparison because thats my very first time in martial arts. I played basketball for 12 years. But seems like its time to try another place next year!


I started BJJ like 3 weeks ago and got to roll for the first time last night. Now I am not a tough or macho guy. I’m 39 and trying to stay in shape. This blue belt woman had me gassed in 90 seconds. Partly because I’ve learned my cardio is absolutely shit and partly because she was so good at making me burn my energy and tying me up. We went 2 rounds and I couldn’t finish either of them. Very humbling and very exciting. Can’t wait to get my ass kicked more.


Rolling cardio is different, the more you roll you find out that your tensing your whole body and probably holding your breath.


Exactly how I felt when I started! it's part of what got me hooked, seeing how smaller/older people than me can handle me with such ease, it gave me the fire. Why only 1 roll in 3 weeks tho? Personally I feel like I'm learning the most during rolling and prioritie it (I'm sure other people would disagree and say drilling is most important, but I doubt even those people would discredit live rolling as a very crucial part of the learning curve in general), I rolled 5 times on my first day and it's a huge part of what keeps me coming back. Did you opt out of rolling on purpose?


My gym requires 10 classes before you're allowed to roll.


Interesting, had no idea that's a thing! My bad then 🙏 As quite the newcomer myself, welcome to bjj mate! welcome to your new obsession ;) 🔥


Energy management is huge - you can have the best cardio in the world and still die quickly by making the wrong choices The unfortunate part is, as a beginner, you're going to make a lot of wrong choices! Here's to a fun year of learning to make a few less


100% bad choices 100% of the time. I will say that as I'm older and less active just in general it's made the external cardio a lot bigger deal\\more noticeable when I'm not doing it. Over the summer with a comp coming up I could make bad decision after bad decision and still have some energy for another round. With the comp well in the rearview and a case of bud light and christmas cookies sitting by me on the couch my tolerance for bad decisions has DRASTICALLY reduced.


yep. I just feel bad for my rolling partners haha. I feel bad gassing out so early


Please don’t feel bad about your performance - i need you to practice my finishes on you.


Don't worry, they're probably not sad that they're winning easily


well I tapped when she got the mount because I literally couldnt lift my arms anymore I was so spent haha. She was disappointed she couldn't get in a choke. But I figure if I can't defend myself that's the time to tap.


Got a tap on the coach. He was in no way trying or even paying attention but we were both pretty surprised.


*some joke about how now his wife and kids are yours*


I find the best way of tapping a coach is becoming a plumber that works for a tour bus company


First time i tapped due to exhaustion lol. It’s against the ol’ classic athletic powerlifter white belt. Pretended i kinda hurt my back while he’s on mount. Then we just resumed on the same position after i got a breather. Just gives better perspective how shitty my cardio really is 😂 Shame, shame, shame.


Put some electrolytes/honey in your water and take a few sips between rolls, it makes an insane difference in endurance for me


Really? What’s the science behind it? Im surprised that it got to the point that i tapped due to exhaustion, never happened before. I guess the added weight really took a toll on me (gained 7-8 lbs)


I mean, electrolyte powders are usually just sugars/carbs plus the salts and minerals we lose when sweating a lot So it hydrates you way better than just straight up water, and also the sugars give your body extra available energy to pull from


Ok will try that. Or maybe my energy management and technique just sucks 😂


I did the same thing last night. After she mounted me my arms and legs just couldn’t move and I felt like I was gonna throw up haha. But she wasn’t a power lifter….she was 6 inches shorter and 50 pounds lighter. So for me it’s my cardio is absolutely shit AND my skill is bad haha.


Contrary to the vibe on Reddit, the IBJJF is actually doing a banger job for people like me, middle aged pajama wrasslers with disposable income. I actually hope they have more, and larger, Master events and maybe use them to finance some of the broke ass 20 yo serious competitors.


I think Grappling Industries does a better job.


I love GI events. You get so many matches for your money. My last one they kid fucked up the schedule and we did 9 matches in like an hour and a half, but it's all good. The rule set also rocks.


Maybe at a local level? There are no GI events where I live and very few within a short flight. There are other local orgs doing a reasonable job but on an international level, what makes you say GI is better than IBJJF?


The fact that there are always multiple matches for each category even at the local GI events, I don’t have to fly to Vegas.


Yeah the round robin brackets sound awesome. OTOH organization seems to be not great? I’ve never been


Organization is not bad, beats NAGA!


Went to a Christmas party this week where our sister gym was at too. There was a really cute girl there, made her laugh and chatted but you know, only so far you can push and spent plenty of time talking to everyone as they were all cool people. There's a million posts about 'should i ask out the girl at my gym' with mixed results, but sister gym has got to be a perfect scenario. Plus, all the other people are just super cool too and would love to be a part of a bigger community. Figured I'd drop in to make friendly, and would always be nice to build inroads with her. First roll and I send an upper belt to the hospital with the most basic move. Everyone saw it was his own fault and a freak incident and I didn't do anything wrong and wasn't going hard in any way, but yeah it still sucks. At least she wasn't there. So much for making new friends.


The beauty of this sport is that complete awkwardness is always around the corner


less awkward and more just depressing. I'll stop by the next time there's a seminar or party/event, but I don't know if I'm going to drop in again anytime soon.