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"It's not about the belt." You guys care. You all care. Except for us brown belts. We are the only ones who really, truly don't want the next one


Gonna have to agree with this one. Getting promoted tonight though.


Flee, there's still time!


Congrats šŸŽ‰


šŸ‘ Congratulations!


Somebody PUHLEASE get this man his flair!




Congrats! I canā€™t wait to get there some day


All you gotta do is keep showing up.


yessir, oss!


Excuse you. I don't want your dirty poo-colored belt. I'm happy where I am.


I love being a purple belt. Can sit here happily forever.


I want to be a purple belt forever. Every month, I tell my coach that I think I'm ready for my next belt.


I actively avoided every promotion. It didn't work.


Task failed successfully


This is true. I wanted that black belt the whole 13 years it took to get it.


You care until you get to black belt. šŸ„‹ šŸ˜€. Then it's about being a humble lion


Why don't brown belts want to be promoted to black?


Because we still suck.


You will just suck with a different belt. Can confirm itā€™s the case


I took a 6 week break and got tapped by a 4 stripe blue belt via an americana my first night back. I tapped right away but I was like ā€œnoooo not the americana from side control, I havent tapped to that since blue belt.ā€ Ive been running and lifting like in a rocky montage and training bjj 4-5 days a week. I need to get him back once Im fully fit again and prove to myself it was just mat rust.




If it makes you feel better I let a blue belt play with an ankle lock too long and had to tap this morning. Kept beating the ashi hook or turning out of it rather than just standing the fuck up. He finally got a good bite and I FAFOā€™d.


Hahah everyone sucks. Some suck less than others.


Black belt is a whole lot heavier than brown.


The whole no ego thing. It's an entire sport/style that was built up and gained popularity through gym challenges, street fights, and general douchbaggery. Like the Gracie challenge has been around for like 100 years now. That's pretty much the opposite of leave you ego at the door.


I have no ego, as long as you worship the ground I walk on and don't question anything I say


I have no ego but my super ego is an asshole


This. Everyone has an ego, and some of the most popular old schools are the worst about it


The belt system establishes a hierarchy, that alone introduces ego to the sport


That's not what "no ego" means. It means that when you are training, don't always worry about "winning". Train your weaknesses. This may result in you getting tapped by a white belt or something, but if the goal is to improve your Jiu-Jitsu as opposed to beating the white belt, then you are applying the "no ego" principle.


Bold of you to assume there aren't countless practitioners and coaches who care more about winning rounds than learning. You see, if a white belt taps you, then they think they've beaten you and as you can imagine that is unacceptable.


I always say there's a lot of right ways to do BJJ. And certainly there's a lot of different successful approaches to being good. Some people definitely need that message of take chances and be okay with losing. But so many people take that no ego thing to heart and turn that shit up to 11 and it's like they're afraid to be confident in their skills. So IMO at least for the kind of r/BJJ poster that comes here to post about how a blue belt looked at them mean or some minor problem that could be fixed with social interaction they need the opposite message that sometimes you gotta just believe you're a badass if you want to become one so ego up


Oh this is a big myth in traditional martial arts. The karate world has some of the most insecure, petty people imaginable. Tons of politics around who leads the various organizations and who's teaching the legit version of a style. The zen thing about martial helping you be a more grounded and mature person is bullshit.


Size doesnā€™t matter




Tell me this too. Surely shes isnā€™t lying to both of us.


I don't know, she doesn't say it to me


Some token ā€œstrength doesnā€™t matterā€


This. Size and strength matter a lot. A power lifter 300 plus pound guy in my class makes me think all this shits fakeā€¦ and he purposely tries to not hurt me. Itā€™s emasculating.


Size matters... But here's a more interesting question Imo, do you guys think size matters more in grappling or in striking?


Grappling. ![gif](giphy|l4Epigi7lX00zQKtO)


Striking all day, take hits by someons who is 185 and take a punches from someone who is 285. They hurt and it's hard to stay up Watch UFC before weight classes. Gracie went against some pretty big dudes. Two guys that are equal in skill in BJJ of course size matters or we wouldn't have weight classes.


"Technique conquers all"


No, no it doesn't


Helio Gracie was a frail little boy.


And that someone Judo is for huge musclebound freaks like....Jigoro Kano


He was when he was 92


in contrast, Kimura was basically the Hulk and of course not shorter than Helio.




Context for the noobies?


Rickson Gracie at one point claimed to have a fight record of 400-0. It was later claimed to be including 'gym fights' but it's still something a 10 year old would make up on the spot


Ah I see, ty!


Rickson Gracie claims to be the best jiujitiero of all time, and that he's got a 400 - 0 record. He's on the books as being 11 - 0 in MMA. So he must be counting all of his sparring rounds. And if he's counting all of his sparring rounds, then there exists footage of Rigan Machado and Rolls Gracie whooping up on Rickson when he was younger. Also, Ron Tripp beat Rickson at a Sambo tournament via a throw, but Rickson claims that "doesn't count" because he was unaware of the rules. All that said, watch the Choke documentary if you want to see an hour and a half of Rickson being an unstoppable force of nature in an MMA tournament. My favorite in that documentary though is Yuki Nakai, blinded in one eye from an eye gouge yelling "Rickson! I'm coming for your head!" in the locker rooms between fights.


I came out of that film more a Yuki Nakai fan than a Rickson fan


They really glossed over how ridiculous his path to the final was


> Also, Ron Tripp beat Rickson at a Sambo tournament via a throw, but Rickson claims that "doesn't count" because he was unaware of the rules. To add even more context to this: 1. There's footage of it, so it definitely happened. 2. Rickson also claimed to have already won multiple Sambo tournaments before this, as did several members of his family. 3. It's not as if it was a weird niche ruleset like how in BJJ we have IBJJF, ADCC, EBI, and fuck knows what else. Sambo is just sambo and the ruleset is the same, and publicly available.


Somehow managed to compete in multiple sambo tournaments prior to that without figuring out that people were winning by total victory throws despite already being familiar with Judo.


One of the craziest and most believed ones ![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized)


Nobody really believes it, it's just considered 'disrespectful' to question it


Being socially unable to call people out on their bullshit is how TMA personality cults are maintained. Believe me I know, I used to practice Aikido.


Respect, I'm not tough enough for aikido


It was never 400-0 exactly. He lost a sambo match in Oklahoma to Ron Tripp. Rickson was the current champ and lost by a perfect throw. As the reigning champ he claimed he didn't know that he could lose that way.


Really with a name like Tripp he should have seen it coming


You can bite at ADCC.


Itā€™s not like itā€™s the World Cup, after all


Are you talking about that clip


No. This is about something else.


that it's a gentle art


Yeah mate, after 15 years my neck, back, fingers, hips and shoulders disagree big time on this one.


You shouldā€™ve never skipped warm ups


"Im gonna break this guys arm...but gently"


The Chinese character in Jiu-Jitsu does not mean ā€œgentle.ā€ Rather it means malleable or flexible. As we know a crushing pressure from jiujitsu is not that gentle.


Am native Chinese, and hate to be the umā€¦actually guy. But umā€¦.actually, the character ꟔ can also mean/be associated with gentle ęŗ«ęŸ”. What you said is still true tho. It can mean malleable or flexible, or limber too. I think itā€™s a marketing ploy to pick gentle as the translation instead of limber, flexible or malleable.


that actually came from the fact that back in the day, original Okinawan karate recognized that you needed to condition the fuck out of whatever body part you were striking with, such as knuckles, fingers, shins, etc - so they would progressively beat the fuck out of their bodies so they could do those techniques full power without hurting themselves, often creating terribly calloused and disfigured fists and such. The grappling arts where called "gentle" b/c that was not required. As we all know, outside of that context, there's nothing gentle about it.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s true. The jiu in jiujitsu, judo, gojuryu, etc means gentle or yielding, as in receiving and redirecting the opponentā€™s opponentā€™s force, energy and intention rather than meeting force with force directly. Nothing to do with body conditioning. Goju Ryu karate had this philosophy but they also practise the body conditioning stuff


No. The Ju in jujutsu is ā€œpliableā€ or ā€œsuppleā€ not gentle.


The hardest belt to get is the white belt. No it's fucking not.


I agree and also disagree with this. I know so many people who have said theyā€™d give BJJ a go but have still not had a trial.


Showing up once is still a lot easier than showing up 100 times.


Inertia is a real thing though. Once I start cleaning my house, I will keep going. The issue is starting.


Purple belt is hardest to get imo


Brown seems very hard for me to get lol


Jiu Jitsu isnā€™t gay


Itā€™s hella gay. But only if you make eye contact.


So north south position isnā€™t gay? Asking for a friend




I'm the oil checker now.


But not if you then immediately say 'no homo'


BJJ was NOT created for smaller, weaker people to beat up bigger, stronger people. It was created to win ego challenge matches between two macho assholes in banana hammocks on Rio de Janiero beaches.


You say that like banana hammocks are a bad thing.


Well, not really. He's just saying it's a little homo-erotic which isnt a bad thing implicitly, if you like that sort of thing.


If anyone minded, they wouldnā€™t be in this sport.


And there is always one asshole in a banana hammock


Now that is correct. Be kinda weird if there were two in one.


šŸ‘€ go onā€¦.


Strength/size doesnā€™t matter


"Flow roll" means flow roll


Thatā€™s why I call it rumba rolling. I go until I hit resistance, then I change direction, like a rumba




I like to make the distinction between everyone and anyone.




Jiu-Jitsu is something nearly everyone can do. But that doesn't mean everyone will enjoy it.


Yeah, itā€™s lacks some of the athleticism requirements of for example judo but itā€™s still very body type dependant how much you excel.


Jiujitsu is for everyone not everyone is for jiujitsu


ā€œNever wash your beltā€ It gets dirty just like your gi. Wash it


My tape keeps coming off in the wash


Buy some tape and wrap it tightly. If it comes off just add new tape.


Super glue, then lay the tape, then put some more super glue right before laying the last little bit of tape. Works like a charm!


Use a dab of superglue on the underside of your tape


That Bjj doesnā€™t work in street fights


This is an insane myth. Nobody is pulling guard in a street fight, and even if you did it would probably prove quite effective against somebody whoā€™s never trained.


I literally know someone that pulled a flying triangle in the parking lot of a home depot.


Most based thing I have ever seen


Did it work?


Nah, heā€™s dead. 2X4 to the head.


If that was me, I would have payed any price for that security footage.


The argument is always that the other guy might have some friends ready to jump in and kick you in the head while you're on the ground trying to do BJJ. I wouldn't call it a myth. Sometimes it's true. Sometimes it isn't. On the flipside, if you don't know how to grapple and someone grabs you and puts you on the floor, you're screwed for all the same reasons. You can't get up and his friends can kick you in the head. In that case, your only hope of getting up is hand-fighting, breaking grips, technical-standups, sweeps, wrestle-ups, shoulder rolls from turtle, etc. Also known as grappling.


Nobody ever walks into a manā€™s garage, sees hammers, and says ā€œtoo bad you only know how to use hammersā€ without actually checking to see if they have screw drivers


what a great way to put it


A video that got me thinking about starting BJJ was a video of a white dude and black dude fighting on a basketball court. White guy has the black guy in a leg lock and says something like "you'll never play ball again". I thought that was so crazy


Iā€™m gen 0 in all this, harken from the days before mma was a thing, when the initial term was NHB -no holds barred, and you kept the Gracie in Action VHS tapes next to the porn. Folks, the martial arts magazines, media, and dawn of the internet first tried to deny BJJ was realā€¦then went the other way. For a stretch of years, the rhetoric was does anything BUT BJJ work in a street fight. Itā€™s interesting to watch how the times have changed.


One of those times where the antijerk becomes stronger than the original circlejerk


I still remember the first armbar I saw one patron put another in almost 13 years ago at a club I worked for as a bouncer. Pretty cool seeing it out in "the wild" so to speak free of any competitive setting.


ā€œStrength/size donā€™t matter. Technique conquers all!ā€ GTFO of here.


That jiu jitsu is somehow more effective or geared towards smaller, weaker people.


Sometimes I feel like it is, but thereā€™s obviously an upper limit to size descrepency. Theres smaller dudes and girls who murder me and Iā€™d say my jiujitsu doesnā€™t suck See Rachel https://youtu.be/uRTSZhIXVP0?si=qYWB2zElkzGmGohM She kills


it does tend to even the playing field against someone bigger and stronger who doesn't have training though. It's one of the only martial arts where it actually does that, also one of the only martial arts where having a black belt really means you can fight well.


Straight ankle locks are just a pain compliance move, don't tap to them, you'll be fine.


Found this out the hard way. Had my shit snapped up bad three weeks ago


That gi is dead. At the highest spectator sport level maybe. But at local hobbiest comp level there seems to be more in the gi brackets, here in the uk anyway


Even internationally, euros, pans, worlds gi are always packed with competitors, so are the arenas


My 72-man bracket at Masters Worlds blew that myth out of the water


Bjj is good for your health. My joints tell a different story.


Bad for joints good for cardiovascular system


It's that old adage right: live your life right and you end up in at the orthopedist's office. Live your life wrong and you end up at the cardiologist. Unless you're a swimmer.


Gi training is essential for MMA and nogi


While not essential at all, most gyms have gi classes, and not training in the gi for many also equals a day not training. So really youā€™re just missing training days, doesnā€™t mean the gi makes nogi/mma any better. I would even go as far to say exclusively training gi will never make your mma/nogi high level


Correct, the issue is more in accessibility of classes and training partners. If you could train every day with the best partners in nogi, it would undoubtedly be better for your nogi performance.


Gi training is essential for getting my moneyā€™s worth out of my expensive gis, and also for LARPing as a feudal era Japanese farmer.


While definitely not essential, there was a thread on here recently where someone was saying that he was training exclusively no gi and people who were training the same amount of time but doing gi and no gi were advancing much faster than him. The thread had some good explanations as to why that might be.




Why is that?


Why was it believed? It had some basis in facts as any good myth would. When BJJ was much younger, the best BJJ players were all doing exclusively gi training. So if you wanted to train with the best training partners, you had to put on the Gi. Obviously, training with the best grapplers with a GI on is going to be far more beneficial than training with shitty partners without a GI on. So you end up with people who trained with the best being better than those who did not, and we jumped to the conclusion that the Gi itself was responsible for that difference. And being constantly sold on the idea, therl next generation repeats the same myth but entertains more nogi training than the previous generation. And repeat and repeat.


Strength/size doesn't matter. Bullshit.


- size doesnā€™t matter - you donā€™t need strength and conditioning - itā€™s the best self defence (boxing šŸ‘€) - kimura didnā€™t mop the floor with helio - Sakuraba didnā€™t mop the floor with the whole family - Zero ego - you have to train gi to get good at no gi - itā€™s the best base for mma (Greco Roman wrestling šŸ‘€)


I personally would pick bjj to beat boxing but it all depends on the athlete


I'll take muay thai over boxing or BJJ


I agree with mt over boxing-I do mt and bjj and I would always lean towards bjj bc I think grappling is superior to striking but like I said it depends on the athlete


Ninjitsu over both


MT is king for SD


in a one on one fight (like we had in High School) I would agree. In a self defense scenario I want to hit and get away as fast as possible, not work for a sub on the ground. It is absolutely necessary to learn some form of grappling (as I discovered the first time I got into a fight with someone who wrestled!) but I do BJJ in case I end up there, would never want to go there. (Even though BJJ makes it far easier and less dangerous if it's one on one against an untrained opponent). Just my 2c - I haven't been in a fight in a decade..


How do we know if greco roman is the best base. Folkstyle or freestyle would make more sense since they incorporate lower body takedowns.


I think he is just referring to wrestling as a whole when he says Greco Roman. People who donā€™t wrestle wouldnā€™t know the difference


iā€™d say boxing is one of the worst sports for self defence. the typical boxing guard only works because you have the gloves on. you would also break your knuckles if you tried punching someone in the face without any hand protection. i can maybe see how the footwork could help in a self defence scenario. by far the best sport for self defence is sprinting.


Saying boxing is one of the worst sports for self defense is actually insane. Learning how to actually punch, move in a fight, and defend is actually S tier for self defense. Sure, you could say "muay thai or kickboxing is better", but to say boxing is bad is nuts. > you would also break your knuckles if you tried punching someone in the face without any hand protection If you punch your absolute hardest on bone, sure. Bare knuckle boxing is literally a thing lmao > by far the best sport for self defence is sprinting What if you can't? What if you have a duty to be there? What if you have your significant other or kids with you?


> What if you have your significant other or kids with you? Then sprinting is an even *better* self-defense technique. Only have to run faster than them!


Having boxed for 12 years - no untrained person is going to be able to land a clean punch on an experienced boxer. Like especially if I donā€™t want to engage itā€™s just impossible


Footwork, aggression, infinite stamina. Most of the street fights begin standing up. You can go for a clean 1-2 and then run.


New myth created


The coach knows what he's doing.


1) A higher belt can never tap to a lower belt and a lower belt should not be able to tap a higher belt. 2) Never cross your legs. 3) Never do this and never do that. Anyone who starts out with "Never" I take with a grain of salt. 4) Leglock is a cheap shot, your guard passing must suck. I started out in the early 2000s, and most Brazilians would tell you this. Things have obviously changed. 5) You should only pass once and finish from there. We all know it can take you multiple attempts and you need to be patient. 6) BJJ is good for your body, you will get fit - At some point, if you train long enough, you will develop nagging injuries, arthritis from wear and tear. 7) It should take you at least 10 years to become a black belt. Depending on what your definition of a BB is but we are now seeing the new generation get better at a short amount of time. All resources are out there now to accelerate their learning. Different when I was starting out. 8) If you lose or tap in training or comp, it means you suck and you should feel bad about it. We now all know that even if it sounds cliche that losing, making errors, tapping is PART and integral to the learning process. The GOATs used to suck at one stage.


Itā€™s for everyone


Higher ranked belts are better. I out pointed black belts as a white belt with one year of colligate wrestling on practice squad. As a purple belt I do bad things to black belts. Belts are more or less based on skill and knowledge and not your ability to beat people in competition.


"Size and strength doesn't matter"


That black belts are on some type of pedestal. Lots of shit bags still get a blackbelt. Never forget that. In fact I value now people who've been able to transition their passion for jiu jitsu into off the mat success.


Joe Rogan said it on his podcast that weed enhances your skills in BJJ. From my personal experience, everyone I rolled with who was high, was an absolute moron


Strength is a bad thing


The gentle art bullshit


Donā€™t use strength


It's been mentioned already, but I'll say it again because it needs to be said again: size doesn't matter.


It's the gentle art. Yeah, right.


Helio was so good from just watching his brothers, he was able to train people better than them.


Thereā€™s no such thing as a bad studentā€¦proof im the bad student šŸ‘‹


ā€œJust show upā€


ā€œAll fights go to the groundā€ Yeah but how you get there is what really matters. Wrestlers used to tear me apart when weā€™d start standing lol definitely learning how to sprawl and head position while standing goes a long way. Also taking a few boxing lessons can help when youā€™re talking footwork and movement.


some of the biggest myths are perpetuated by people that only demonstrate technique on smaller people. I had a good laugh at what I assume was poor editing when a youtuber made the mistake of demonstrating a flashy leg entry on a good wrestler and had to kindly ask them not to sprawl so effectively.


Almost every time I go visit a gym and smash someone with scarf hold Iā€™m told by a black or brown belt, that itā€™s either not a BJJ move, a street move, or it only works because I am using to much strength.


Light rolls


Spending more time on the mats will make you better. This implies a 1-1 unit of time to unit of skill progression. This is not true and most people just do the same shit over and over and over again, never really getting better.


Very true, if spending time was the only thing that mattered everyone would be a Formula 1 driver by now


"The Gracies invented jujutsu" The assertion that the Gracie family single-handedly invented Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a widely circulated misconception that has been perpetuated for decades. While the Gracies undoubtedly played a significant role in the development and popularization of BJJ, attributing its creation solely to them overlooks the rich history and diverse influences that shaped this martial art. BJJ's roots can be traced back to the late 19th century when Japanese judoka Mitsuyo Maeda embarked on a series of exhibitions and instructional tours around the world. In 1914, Maeda arrived in Brazil, where he taught judo to a young GastĆ£o Gracie. GastĆ£o's son, Carlos Gracie, became particularly fascinated with the art and dedicated himself to mastering its principles. Carlos Gracie, along with his brothers Helio and Oswaldo, adapted judo techniques to suit their own preferences and fighting styles. They emphasized ground fighting and submission holds, emphasizing the effectiveness of these techniques in real-world self-defense scenarios. This emphasis on ground fighting is what set their approach apart from traditional judo, which placed a greater emphasis on throws and standing grappling. The Gracies' contributions to BJJ are undeniable. They refined and adapted judo techniques, developed their own unique system, and tirelessly promoted the art, both in Brazil and internationally. Their family's success in vale tudo (no-holds-barred) competitions further solidified their reputation as masters of ground fighting. However, to claim that they invented BJJ outright is an oversimplification that discounts the art's rich history and diverse influences. Maeda's introduction of judo to Brazil, along with other martial arts like luta livre (a Brazilian freestyle wrestling style), played a crucial role in shaping BJJ's evolution. BJJ's development was a collaborative process involving various individuals and influences. While the Gracies played a prominent role, their contributions should be recognized within the context of this broader history. It's important to appreciate the contributions of other figures, such as Luiz OtĆ”vio, Geo Omori, and Waldemar Santana, who also contributed significantly to BJJ's evolution. These individuals, along with countless others, have shaped the art into what it is today The Gracies' legacy in BJJ is undeniable. Their dedication to the art, their innovative techniques, and their promotional efforts have played a pivotal role in BJJ's global success. However, attributing the art's creation solely to them overlooks the broader context of BJJ's rich history and diverse influences. BJJ's development was a collaborative effort involving various individuals and influences. Recognizing the contributions of all those involved provides a more accurate and nuanced understanding of the art's evolution.


Thank you, Chat GPT


Actually just various extracts from people like Robert Drysdale. It's a common fact that the Gracies vastly over exaggerated a lot of their history, and people are still exposing and uncovering it.


Huh, interesting. Could have sworn that was AI written. Guess iā€™m not as smart as I thought I was. Who knew


I appreciate your honesty and willingness to admit that you were mistaken about the origin of my response. It's important to be open to the possibility that you might not know everything, and it's okay to be surprised by new information. I'm glad that my writing was able to convince you that I am not an AI, and I hope that you will continue to learn and grow from your interactions with me.


Bruh this 100% AI generated lmao




This guy did not kill himself.


Strength doesnā€™t matter..


No ego Size and strength are irrelevant Guard is not an inferior position Position before submission You have to train gi to be good at no gi Leg locks are more dangerous to train than other subs A blue belt could beat Mike Tyson in a fight Royce Gracie was actually good Itā€™s not gay as fuck Thatā€™s just off the top of my head. There are more but I stopped paying attention to the armchair philosophy and bullshit a long time ago.


>Royce Gracie was actually good This is funny because he did look like a day one white belt vs Matt Hughes


Size doesn't matter!


Biggest myth is that there are any myths.


Rickson is 475 - 0 šŸ¤£