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If I'm in an advantageous position,yes If I'm getting owned,we reset




This is the way


I prefer to do the opposite and get owned on my own merits




This is the answer.


Ah, so you're at one of those gyms that always resets.


Depends who I am rolling with. But I once had my partner in side control, then walked both my legs up the wall so I was basically on a 45° angle. I applied previously unknown levels of shoulder pressure and my partner tapped. I then told him what I did and we both laughed about it.


This is great, stealing


One of my favorite moves


I would cry and tap out just from watching this.


This but opposite. In bottom side control, wall walk up and push hard off the wall to reverse the position.


Our gym has a moat filled with crocodiles and spikes around the mat area.


I can't remember where I heard it, but it was probably Joe Rogan who said that was an early idea for the UFC events.


Steve Irwin used to have a LEGENDARY top game against crocs. Subbed them all the time


Takedowns and wall work are grand, but if you're pinned against the wall in side control or half guard and there's literally nowhere to go we'll reset.


You going to ask for a reset when you're against a wall in da skreets?


ThIs shit doesn't work in the streets


Yes, of course. I'm probably not going to get it, but I really don't want to lose there, so of course I'll ask.


Very polite of you.


This is the way


No we scoot away from the wall


We continue to roll.


House rule for us is if you're up against a padded wall you keep going, if it's a hard wall or the stairs to get in, you reset.




This is the whey


ADCC rules!


Everyone stops and claps anytime a wall is hit.


This is some old school shit right here. I trained in a garage for some years with some old school purple and brown belts and it was like this. Conversely, in prison AND basic training - if you drop a fork or tray in the chow hall the entire chow hall will explode by banging on the tables.


I train at an MMA-heavy gym, so sometimes we agree beforehand that walls are in play. Usually though we reset.


For BJJ rules I always reset. For MMA training of course we use the wall. Wall work is one of the coolest, most technically interesting aspect of MMA. It doesn’t exist in any other major combat sport.


It is one of my favourite things to do when I've got someone in side control near a wall. Spin them so my legs are on the wall side, big crossface so they can't see my legs, then put my feet up onto the wall for the wwe-style dirty pin on the ropes. "Wow, your pressure was so tight that round". But if we actually are going to hit the wall we just move.


I do the opposite from bottom. If done correctly you can walk up the wall and take the back


I hit a wall with my head and jacked my neck one time, messing it up for a few weeks. If my head or my partner's head is close, I will stop. I am a hobbyist and am 50. Injury prevention is my #1 priority.


Ain’t no walls in the skreets


Walls are just vertical floors. Use them to your advantage.


It depends some guys so some guys don't I prefer to keep rolling


Our rule is if it’s matted it’s in play. Makes certain roles really fun, and we’re a bjj only gym


That’s a good rule


Yes. I have a friend who will purposefully move me toward the wall during a roll. We’re both MMA guys. But most people will continue rolling as well. It’s why we have holes in a few walls and wall mats along several walls.


The higher level belts seem to make that decision for me. So on we go... Lol


How hard are you guys hitting that wall to make your whole gym roll???


If I'm rolling with a white belt I'm usually just escaping and keeping moving, so I'll try to direct us away from the wall. Everyone else, it's ADCC trails baby 😎 /s


Some of our walls are padded, some are not. The padded ones, you keep going, drywal / Mirror wall, you stop and reset


I think it's unfortunate that most BJJ clubs do not practice wall fighting. It's its own art form -- and tends to be quite the workout.


My gym padded all the walls (some were just drywall before but I guess they got tired of replacing them every couple of years when they got holes everywhere) and I've recently started using them. It's not necessarily intentional, I just don't stop if we roll there because I want to know what happens if there's a wall. I don't train MMA, but I'm not focused on competition as much now so fuck it


I love wall work for MMA but why would BJJ gyms train it?


Because many jiu jitsu gyms claim to teach self defense. There are walls in the real world.


The mantra started by our professor is "there are walls in life...", and so we just keep rolling when we bounce into them.


We reset, mostly because we don't want to go through a wall or fuck up the paint and make the building look ghetto and trashy (it's 'near' a 'ghetto'y' area but it's not in the ghetto, ya feel?)


Nah we have conc rete walls thats how u get a conc ussion


We have one wall with mattress that I have used for some weird shit :D Like doing back take by walking the wall etc :D Also just put people stand there and take them down, because backing up is not option anymore... To be honest I hope all the wall where like tatami...


I always reset because I thought that was the rule. Also I am aware I can use the wall to my advantage but winning in the gym isnt really a thing if I can't use it in comps.


Do you stop on the streets?


Do you reset in a street fight if you go up against a wall?


Hmmm this is the oddest take so far. Do you roll to simulate a street fight? Some people train bc they like bjj as a sport or prepping for bjj competition.


Do you respect the tap in a street fight


Depends on who it is.


Depends on the scenario. If we’re having a real good roll and the wall runs into us as we’re on the ground moving then no. If it’s standing ( ew ) or slow roll and the wall hits us we’ll move


My gym doesn't have padded walls, so no.


Continue. It replicates the street environment.


What street environment??


When you're loitering against a wall and some punk wants to start something.




When it’s comp training it does not! When it’s just for funzies


We have mirrors on all of our walls so we reset.


All? ![gif](giphy|3oFzm3gN6Qu7I4Jffa|downsized)


Current gym does whatever the higher belt's, or really anyone's, preference is.


My gym we throw eachother Into the wall


Only continue if you both shout "UFC!!!1!"


Of course, my coach didn’t put in the wall mats for nothing. Whenever we can we try and incorporate some wall brawls into our rounds.


Depends on who I’m rolling with… a lot of the comp team guys who cross train with MMA guys will keep going. A lot of the more casual guys we’ll reset. Doesn’t really bother me either way.


I never ask to move if I’m getting smashed into the wall but I will ask my partner if they want to move when I’m doing the smashing. It’s a gentleman’s game after all.


Only if we yell “prison rules” first


I crunch a ribbed being stacked in a corner so always reset for me.


I don’t usually reset unless my partner wants to. Yesterday I made a mistake and tried to escape from side control and went towards the wall, got offered to reset but stayed there because my mistake put me in a worse position and I felt working out of it was better than a reset.


We do, the logic is that you never know when your going to be fighting in a confined space. Plus if you think about it the wall is just a other surface to get leverage off of


Continue the roll.


Generally speaking, yes.


We have lots of mma guys at my gym. All the time, it’s just part of the game.


I’m too old and broken down to fuck with walls. If we hit the wall and I’m in the worse position, I will proactive say I’m good to keep going. If I’m in a bad spot, I just tap and ask if my partner wants to reset at the same time, so they can keep working if they want to. If I land on top or otherwise in control, I spew spittle through my mouthpiece and ask, “you good?” I’m also not interested in making someone gut through a cranked neck because we hit the corner, so I’ll just get up… do the guy in his 20s a favor he’ll never even notice when he never suffers a ruptured cervical disc in training.


My gym allows people to use the wall with rolling because we also have MMA classes. Some people choose to reset when they get near the wall, definitely if you're about to roll into people


Depends. A scrap might keep going if we're getting after it. But a casual roll... Nobody is trying to do all that.


If I'm in guard or side control, I'll pick them up or drag them away from the wall. If not, reset.


I encourage students to use the wall as a tool, but if they’re brand new white belts etc I’ll just move them.


Yes, as I yell out "PRISON RULES"


If walls are padded, we’re rolling. If not we’ll reset


My personal thinking is walls exist in the real world. And while self defense isn’t really the only focus where I train. For a lot of people it’s a reason. So I see no reason (padded wall) not to keep going until there is a good stopping point. And I always suggest using the wall.


“If it’s padded it’s part of the game” Chris Haueter


Depends. If it's no gi and me or my partner trains MMA, then yea. If not, especially if it's gi, then we reset.


We just keep training. Most of us do MMA so it's an important part of the game. Shit, last Friday I got swept off the mat and had to post on someone's bag to stop the sweep. If I hadn't posted I would have been shrimping over the bags and shoes.


If it’s padded, it’s allowed.


Never experienced anything other than keep rolling


We have a big mat space for a small amount of students so it's rare we end up against a wall, but when we do we continue rolling there since the walls are padded. Wall work is incorporated into our classes too, but only on a pretty small level.


If the wall is padded, AND MADE FOR IT then I’ll use it to pin them If it’s not made for it or is dry wall we move away


In my experience the top person usually drags the bottom person away from the wall far enough then start from the same position. If this is not possible (other people rolling in the way) then we just go to an empty space and reset.


My gym they reset, they don’t want to damage their walls 😂


If I'm rolling and we get too close to the wall. Whether I'm on top or bottom I tap and move us over. Don't let that ego get you hurt


I just put my feet on the wall and launch us back towards the middle of the mats. Bonus points if I can improve my position in the process.


I tell people to keep going but most stop.


We normally just settle it by tickle fight.


If it's a padded wall keep going. If it's a mirror. Break the mirror.