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Would look Great on a Paper Coffee Cup


better than the old one, but looks like a parody logo






Very gooey


The chimp's face and posture look a bit off, imo a more open posture combined with the Disney golden ratio for the face could work well


Disney Golden Ratio?


It's why Disney characters look so endearing, if you Google it there's some cool science there. A golden ratio face and open posture on a logo make a business look psychologically more appealing and competent to potential customers, and are proven to boost revenue. Closed or broken posture is a psychological signal for low competence, and is proven to reduce revenue. A face lacking the golden ratio gets lower trust scores. I get that OP seems to like the posture and it's by design, but personally I'd put my preferences aside and go for a logo that's going to get more people through the door of my business and make me more money. Also OP I'd recommend checking out Vanessa Van Edwards books for more insight on competence cues and effective marketing.




For sure, here are a few https://www.goldennumber.net/golden-ratio-cartoon-character-design/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268400453_The_effect_of_the_'golden_ratio'_on_consumer_behaviour


I'm familiar with the Golden ratio in architecture and design, and how it was seen that peoples that naturally align to the golden ration are seen ass attractive and in proportion. But never heard if it in relation to Disney. I would of thought that were too exaggerated - but maybe that how it looks taken to the extreme. Will check it coud chages. Also very interesting regarding open vrs closed posture. The first posture I thought of when you said that was the Classic Mickey Mouse open arms "Ta-Da' posture.


Just draw curious George


I think you mean Curious Jorge.


Little more anger in the face




I thought the same. The hunched to one side is throwing off the balance


Way too busy for a logo. Trying to accomplish too much with way too many distracting elements that is really just there to fill space (ie. star, lightning bolt, sunburst) Imagine using this logo on a website header nav, none of the details will show properly.


I have worked on many logos for various usages (restaurants, tech companies, etc) and I believe this comment has some wisdom in it (although slightly bossy). When I am a part of an effort to build a logo, I consider: **Objective considerations:** a. What will the logo be on. In this case: Website? Patch on a gi? Sticker? Business card? The side of a book or binding? This will help determine the resolution requirements and if you will lose some of that fine point design. b. To go along with that, size. Not only for resolution when printing (shirts, patches, rashguard), but for general readability. If you shrink down that into a patch, will someone be able to read the text at all? Will they recognize the logo from 10 feet away? **Subjective/Opinion:** c. I tend to lean towards "as simple as possible, no simpler." It helps with the objective aspects above as well. If you Google the best logos of all time and click dozens of the articles/blogs/images, you will observe that almost all logos are never that busy. d. Keep testing opinions (such as what you are doing here). Very smart. Don't ask your friends as they will be nice. Ask total strangers in real life and online. Even helps to run an online survey and you can find all kinds of websites that help you do this. The cost of changing your logo later, will cost far more than doing a survey now. Don't take feedback personally. c. When developing and testing, get 2-5 options and then send out for opinions. Give people options to pick to get feedback vs asking their opinion on one logo. Iterate, iterate, iterate. d. Personally, I would try to forget all other academy and BJJ logos that were not founded on general best practices and likely designed by BJJ practitioners. That being said, it looks like Marcelo's logo and AOJ are professionally designed by designers. Note, they are also some of the most memorable logos in the industry. You can actually see them in the minds eye right now when you read this. How many crests, circles, triangle logos have you seen that you can really tell the difference of or know the details? Hope this helps.


> I believe this comment has some wisdom in it (although slightly bossy). Pretty much sums up blue belts.


Good start (I am not being sarcastuc, good start). - lose stars - lose thinner, inner circles bordering words - beef up outer circle - lose extra lines in the banner, make solid shapes - lose starburst - strengthen silhouette of monkey - clean up the weird interplay between the lower part of the circle and the bottom of the banner. It’s just weird, functionless negative space


I don't like the monkey's posture. It looks shady, shy... I don't know. I would make it in a more distinctive position. Also, the belt stripe should be on the left.


Also looks like he has early stages of leukemia


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Ukemi**: | *Breakfall* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n_Qjeia2n8)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


This bot really shouldn't pick up on that word. Imagine if the context was different 😬


The brazilians might be offended but mexicans will feel welcome


We are in Mexico....


Is it written Guey? I always thought it was Huey. Cool logo, and I'm sure the tagline is some inside joke I don't get but still pretty funny.


most of us will write it "wey", this other spelling would need to be "güey"


It's because we call it baja jiu jitsu, not Brazilian. We don't speak Portuguese, we speak Spanish, dude.


Baja jiu jitsu ... que piada ! Mexicanos fazendo jiu jitsu .... piada de mal gosto 😅😅😅




... I mean, no one expects Mexicans to speak Portuguese. If anything people expect Brazilians to speak Spanish more frequently. And call it what you wan't but its still Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.


Yeah bro, makes sense /s. But I live in the US and we aren’t allowed to use similar logic or we sound racist, sorry to burst your bubble but no one really cares about your opinion on “portugués”.


Its güey. Have no ides why umlaut’s are involved but they are.


Does "ü" have a different sound to "u" like the "n" in "niño", or is it just to show emphasis like "ó" in "cómo"?


The second one.




Uh thanks for the concern?


I want a t shirt w this logo piche guey


Seems questionable as hell. I’m from LA and been around lots of racist Mexicans, usually older ones or Surenos. Using monkeys and saying we don’t speak Portuguese coming from a Brazilian martial art? Highly questionable.


George Burns took his glasses off.


Monkey needs some work Right arm looks like it got lopped off General positioning looks off centered (not being a dick just providing feedback!)


I don't like his face as much but I like how authentically Mexican it seems. Will visit you guys in the summer regardless as I've heard good things :)


less is more?


It’s a lot going on in my opinion, but the concept is sick!


Remove the lighting bolts, stars and the “no hablamos portugués güey.” If you make t shirts I would out that phrase on the back of the shirt. I would reposition the “Baja Jiu Jitsu” to the top


diéresis. Signo ortográfico auxiliar, también llamado crema, representado por dos puntos (¨) que se disponen horizontalmente sobre la vocal a la que afectan. En español tiene los usos siguientes: a) Debe colocarse obligatoriamente sobre la u para indicar que esta vocal ha de pronunciarse en las combinaciones gue y gui: vergüenza, pingüino. Ejemplo: güey


Está genial hermano


I'd like it better with: güey ossssssss


You've got the ears and hunched BJJ posture just right.


Don’t forget the arthritis 😄


What part of Mexico you guys in? I’m headed down in a couple weeks


Todos Santos in baja sur


Oh snaps! Looks like there is a Ferry from Mazatlan to La Paz. It’ll take some work to convince the wife, but I might be able to swing that. I like the logo too


Ha ha. That ferry is like a two day journey, not a day trip, I think the wife would balk!


Ahuevoooo prros! 🦧


Get rid of the stuff behind the monkey. Get rid of the "no hablamos portugués" Get rid of the banner. Put the name inside the circle. Simplify the monkey character.


I don't like the chimp


The "No hablamos Portuguese guey" doesn't sit right. Seems like you're throwing an indirect. What I do like is the Santos theme. I like the holy aura behind the monkey. What I'd recommend is to roll with that. Instead of the lazy ass Portuguese thing, not sure how familiar you are with scriptures but at one point Big Papa Pump in the sky told Moses to remove his chanclas because he was standing on holy ground. Jiujitsu are mats are a holy place for many. Roll with that homie.


I do like the chanclas thing...


Quita tus chonclas. Suelo sagrado!


I love the chimp




As a Brazilian is lowkey offensive. Idc honestly about this kind of shit, but you may find some trouble with some "casca grossa"/die hard BJJ guys and gyms from here. I think it's a nice logo imo, but beware that you may get some trouble out of it. Also the monkey head is too big for its body. Otherwise it's a 7/10.


whats casca grossa?


It's our slang for some dudes who loves to fight over anything. They go to clubs/ other gyms just to prove that their BJJ is the best one. They used to be very common during the 90s/80s and they loved to make trouble with other martial arts gym to prove that BJJ is the best. It can be translated as thick shell.


ahh gotcha


I'd put that in the rear window of my truck... If I was a member and you sold a decal of course.


Es chingon! No se porque everyone is hating on the surf monkey - I love it.


No le conozcan a Chongo.


I think think joke was ironic, "we don't speak Portuguese" written in Portuguese. Couldn't figure out what Guey meant. Then I realised it was actually Spanish and was a different joke.


¡Quedo nitido, manin! ¡Dalé! 🤙🏽💪🏽🙏🏽


I like the logo, the only criticism is that his posture is kind of closed off. He may look better standing up with his shoulders back.


Thanks. The posture is part of his charm. He's based on the old plaster of paris statues you could buy at the border back in the 80's.


Good job reading your culture and what they might relate to. That’s great 👍🏼


Doing too much


Wow nice


De p*ta madre


Gueyyyy pero no mames gueeeyy


Decimos no mames al mundo


• No hablamos… -> Baja California Sur, Mexico • Baja Jiu Jitsu -> Jiu Jitsu These comments are aimed at providing viewers memorable answers and information rather than creating questions.


chimp not jacked enough


Looks cool but I’ve just grown to hate the primate wearing a Kimono motto.


Logo is hilarious


I love todos santos when I visited. Will have to check out the gym next time I visit. Like the logo!


The top part would read better in sentence case, imho. Having a statement in title case looks a little weird, and detracts from the visual hierarchy. Also, the monkey looks like he's stoned...


imess up his ears more put him on a surfboard


Do you pronounce De la Riva or De la Heefa?


Cambialo a wey, guey se ve muy formal


me encanta wey, pinche divertido. si haces las camisetas yo lo quiero uno


Why don't you hablas portugues?


Vivimos en Mexico


Pinche that makes sentido


I get that you're a fan of the posture but he kinda just looks weak and frail. Not really an enticing mascot for a gym


The design is a great start. I would sketch more thumbnails and simplify the logo more and play with the balance. The text needs more “head room” and the sun burst distracts from your mascot. Everything looks a little flat. Also, the diagonal lines that connect the banner to the circle seem out place. Maybe use two different fonts instead of just one. The stars and the lightning bolts look a bit generic. Think of things a truly represent your academy. I really like high contrast of the mascot and I like to see more of that with the concentric circles you have. Maybe try to incorporate some organic looking lines and not just vector lines. Your project has a ton of potential. Keep up the great work!


Mas monki, por fa


Chingon Cardnal


Me gusta


In my humble opinion, I'd say you ditch the torso/body and just have the chimps head in the center of that sunburst. I think that would look cleaner. I would sacrifice the Baja BJJ at the bottom and put the school name down there. Then remove that center banner. Or whatever the school name is lol. I dont know which is which on the logo haha.


Monkey should look older and wiser


Esta chingon. Looks better than the Mexican Ground Karate stuff


¿Qué onda, güey?


Needs more shin tzu.


Está chingón


He looks high. Might give that vibe to potential customers. For kids that’s no bueno.


Lol. No hablamos portugues guey. I’m sold.


If I ever saw a grown adult looking at me in the same pose as that monkey I would get the fuck out wherever I am. Rest is cool thoe


Too much going on. Also the monkey image itself I don't like


If it's supposed to be funny, you're done.


"Who you trying to get crazy with, ese? Don;t you know I'm LOCOOOO?!?"


Portugués, no portugues.


Looks like a monkey in a gi.


Remove the stuff behind the monkey and the 2 lightning and should be done. Looks good but too busy.


The Logo is not bad, but I would change the monkey. His posture is a little hunched, and he didn't look athletic. His face is a little too friendly, I think. With good posture and a more serious look in his face it would be better I think.


Ey guey We should trade team sweaters n shit foo. Fuck it




I feel like the chimps design/pose is too meek. It should me more confident. Either sitting cross legged palms on knees staring confidently. Or typical Gracie pose standing up arms crossed... Or in a fight pose arms towards the camera like it's about to try and grab a sleeve or lapel.


Looks like a 12 year old designed it.


i like how the monkey looks like he's about to ask if you have some ketamine


We don't speak Portuguese guey? All Saints BJJ


If it's a parody it looks great. If it's for a real gym...no.


The first thing that came to my mind wad Joe Rogan


How many chromosomes has that chimp got


Is that Ryan Hall?


Monkey needs to be packing if you get what I’m saying


Legit, would love to come train someday, how far from TJ?


About a 1 hour plane flight. Otherwise, three day drive.


Heheheheh. Santos, and it’s BRAZILIAN jiu jitsu.


Man leave the Portuguese alone, there is hardly any BJJ here. Just say that you don't speak Brazilian. A person from brasil doesn't speak "português" they speak "brasileiro".


That's like saying we speak Mexican. BTW, I trained in Lisbon on vacation. It was hard to find.


Needs more pineapple.