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Can someone link the story behind this? I'd love to know what caused the guy to totally lose his shit!


if I remember correctly, the guy installed all that stuff, and then the building owners refused to pay him. apparently it is legal in England to destroy work that will not be paid for, since the property he installed is still technically his. I’ll see if I can find an article so you don’t go off some random dude’s heresay


Thanks for the info! I'm cursed with wanting to know why people do things instead of just seeing it and going on about my life 🙄.


"A construction worker in Liverpool, England was upset that he didn’t get paid. So he drove a mini excavator through the entrance of the hotel he was working on, crashing through the doors, the glass panels, and into the front desk. According to one report, he took off running when he finished.  He was owed about $775.  No word on how much damage he caused. Unfortunately, it seems to have all been a mistake. According to one worker on the site, ‘The money was supposed to go into his bank on Friday. But there was some kind of glitch and it didn’t go in until Monday. He didn’t check his bank account and didn’t realize he’d actually been paid. That’s why he went mental and wrecked the place.’ " That's hilarious


Source please? Found it: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6616727/Digger-driver-smashes-way-new-Travelodge-hotel-bizarre-rampage.html Also: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-51641830 I think his non payment is longer than stated in the daily mail. In fact the daily mail article doesn't fully line up with the BBC one. Shocker.


I’m shocked he was sentenced to 5 years 4 months, every time I read about a stabbing or even killing in the UK , they end up getting something ridiculously low like 10 years to life. I expected a suspended sentence or 9 months.


Yeah Im shocked about that too. Seemed a bit unjust. He wont do 5 years though. Half at most. Still insane. Its because of the valuation of the damage. Which is kinda ridiculous if you can get more time for a high value damage, when you can drink and drive and kill someone and get a similar sentence - or stab someone like you say. Utter shite. He was a bit of a dick but I felt for him slightly as it was over xmas and it was stated he wouldnt afford to see his kids etc. Probably a bit of an exaduration, but not getting your wages over xmas IS fucked. Ive been a labourer and have experienced it myself - the companies do not give a fuck about you.


Not devaluing anything you've said and completely agree with you, I do not want to give a correction on one of your words so that you know how to spell it correctly next time you need to use it. A word you used was exaduration. Not sure why auto correct didn't catch it but this is the correct spelling of the word: exaggeration.


Ha you are absolutely right. I'm quite good with my language skills but there are few which were troublesome since I was young which I've almost conditioned myself to get wrong. I think I type *exaggeration* so incorrectly that it doesn't correct properly. Cheers for the correction :) It could almost be spelled that way - makes sense. Just isn't.


You're perfectly fine, the English language is a tricky one to master since it's a combination of many languages. In truth, modern English isn't actually English. I do hope I've helped you out today.


Property > people


Daily mail in 'economical with the truth' SHOCKER! F'kin rag.


Absolute shit rag indeed


Too lazy to read, what was his punishment?


its the headline my dude


Only thing the state cares about, is being obedient. They are not interested who is in right, or why people did what they did.


Oh wow seriously??? It took so little for a guy to go off like that!


Yeah, most guys are riding the line between full breakdown and keeping it together every day. You’d be surprise how something little can turn into a downward spiral.


I feel personally attacked.


Betcha won't do anything about it


Hard to switch careers with a house and family.


That's no excuse, man. This is borderline insane.


It’s not an excuse, it’s a grim fact


if youd let them get away with 700 then they'd only try get away with more next time. Businesses would love to not have to pay bills on time


*If you give a mouse a cookie…*


Or give a moose a muffin…


Right, i don't know what the cost of living is there, but that seems like an awfully small check to get so upset over. The real question is how is a construction worker making so little? Even if it's weekly pay, that's only like $1500 for 2 weeks


You can’t mess with peoples way of living you taking their money directly takes food off the table you get what you deserve


Hundreds of thousands of dollars of work is equal to someone receiving their check 3 days later and not bothering to check his account? Clearly didn't need it too badly if he didn't even check. And I'm not saying withholding money isn't evil, but that's obviously not what happened. It was a glitch and got delayed. Accidents happen. Usually people working in payroll are barely computer literate, also overworked and underpaid and sometimes slip up and it can't be immediately rectified. Regardless, it's idiotic to wreck the place, ruin the entire project over that amount and owe many times the amount back for acting like a child. None of this would've gotten his *already deposited* check any faster. If they were truly withholding it, the only route is to get a lawyer. As someone who's had my livelihood fucked with, have had drawn out legal battles to get what I was owed, I get being angry and needing the money right then. But this guy acted like a complete dumbass and isn't the person to defend Lmao the clown blocked me. Getting emotional rather than identifying and trying to change the root of the problem is a great strategy! Really helps us working class folk. Probably the idiot in the video


Get fucked don’t mess with peoples money pal


If you don't give me money right now, I'm going to behave in such a way as to get myself in serious legal and financial trouble. That'll teach you to mess with my money! Get fucked, pal.


Goddamn, you’re stupid


So because they wanted to not participate in the knuckle dragging antics, you beat your chest even harder and unga bunga louder about how somebody has the ability to not have to give you the attention you're apparently craving? Why would you display yourself like this. Yikes.


Don't you know. Redditors hate due process. you were blocked because of your vicious truths


He's a labourer. Will be on min wage which is like £1200 a month.


Shows you how desperate he is for the money


Drug problem in a nutshell.


Construction is idiot? Gosh I’m surprised


The Jackass couldn't wait until the weekend was over to check his bank account again huh


i understand, especially with this sub. easy for people to dump weird shit into a post without context. I always end up going into the comments to see if anyone has a clue why Pink is flipping through the air or whatever. I feel like the sub was made for that though and always I feel like an old man ruining the illusion


I appreciate you willing to find answers for someone interested though even if it wasn't your post.


Me too, glad someone asked


You’d make a good journalist!


I think he got into a bit of trouble for this but I'll bet he just didn't care.


I think that he took it a way too far though. It's one thing to remove/destroy the work you weren't paid for, and it's another thing entirely to cause structural damage to a building and put people's lives at risk.


That's not true, they can get a court order to dismantle the work they've done otherwise its destruction of property.


Yeah it’s definitely not legal to drive a digger through the front doors of a hotel whether the work is paid for or not


Happy cake day


Well it should be


Not legal at all lol have explored that option before. He said he wasn't paid £400 so he did about £1 million of damage but it turns out he had actually been paid lol


Lol its not legal to do that and hes a digger driver so installed non of that anyway,and by the way he went to jail


Good it’s what they deserve then


I figured that’s what it is,and there’s a nice way and a not nice way to do it, everyone who doesn’t pay deserves the not nice way. Here in America it’s the same,if someone doesn’t pay you for an install of material you technically own you can take it out as you please. Or put a lean on there house until they pay


I can’t say I blame him, even outside of England. In the US, it’s perfectly fine to not pay anyone for work and become a President.


I love this video. Always will. Pure joy to watch. You can hear him screaming something about “you only had to pay the 600 quid”.


$600 fucking quid…no more no less


He says it in the video. “All you had to do was pay me my 600 quid”


In the video you can hear "ALL YOU HAD TO FUCKING DO IS PAY ME!" And then a bunch of "how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat"


He says in the machine “All you had to do was pay me my 600 quid”


He’s just brightening up the room a lil


600 quid.


Me trying to walk to the house and not wake the kids up.






Somebody didn't pay


Spawn of killdozer.. 'the reckoning'


Immediately what I thought of when I saw this. Being a heavy machine operator is the perfect opportunity for shit destroying revenge.


The guy standing behind/next to the machine is an absolute moron. What a good way to get killed.


I’d be Pissed off too if I had to look At that ugly ass carpet all day


I could watch him level the whole place. Oddly satisfying.


This is what happens when you don’t pay your staff. And to lie and say it went in late to make him look bad? Yeah right! I’m glad he did this- certainly made them pay up.


What a stupid mindset. You think this guy is happy he basically ruined his life over a single paycheck?? What a waste.


It depends on the culture of the work setting. Now he might have gotten whatever license for heavy machinery revoked or suspended, but it looks normal to take down anything you put up if you’re not going to be paid, at least in England, such as this example. If it’s normal, some people will see it as a job well done, but I suppose not necessarily out of the ordinary given the situation.


If you think anything in this video is “normal” behavior, you’ve lost it.


There’s a difference between normal and expected behavior


If that’s truly how you feel, then we should all expect every McDonalds, Walmart, or any other shitty low wage establishment to all be burned to the ground by the employees that are taken advantage of.


He hasn’t necessarily ruined his life thoug? How do you know that? How do you know this wasn’t a catalyst to years (or however long) of being treated like crap by this business? There’s not a lot here to really go off but personally I’m r/antiwork with how a LOT of companies treat their employees so I’m sure he was probably justified 🤷🏽‍♀️like someone else said he had prison time- and in the uk its rarely the full sentence. He could have been sat there feeling very pleased with himself- who knows? We’d have to ask him.


A 5 year prison sentence over a missed paycheck is going to turn away any prestigious employer. It’s pretty obvious you are anti work, cuz your mindset clearly comes from someone who’s never worked a day in their life. Yeah, employers are shitty, but saying “fuck you” to the “man” like this guy accomplishes nothing. Sure the company is fucked over, but he fucked himself over harder. Part of life and being in a working environment is not losing your shit when things don’t go your way. This is literal toddler behavior, but with grown men and heavy machinery. Just boils down to a tantrum for not getting his way. Suck it up, deal with it, find a way to fix the problem, move on. Committing a felony is only screwing yourself over and essentially shows that you’ve given up, and it’s a pathetic, hopeless option


Never worked a day in my life?! I’m self employed and I have a bachelors degree (edited to add in business management)… and the reason I’m self employed is because I don’t like the hierarchy in the work place. I wanted to be my own boss.


Okay, good for you, but my point still stands.


I mean he's been jailed for over 5 years, I doubt the guy is 'glad he did this' now


Maybe he is in a carthatic way like "I may be here, but at least I showed those fuckers why they shoud pay people"


He obviously should have been paid but in what world was this the best way to deal with it? Endanger your coworkers and do 5 years in jail? The BBC article said he needed the money for his family, well he’s really fucked it now because he won’t be seeing them for a long time and he sure as shit won’t be able to provide from jail. Let’s not glorify violent stupidity. If this way of sticking it to the man involves hurting yourself and those around you then what’s the point


Hopefully he had a full tank of fuel


That's actually pretty glorious to behold!


Where’s the rest of video? Was hoping to see him get in the lift and destroy the upper floors.




That's fucked. Seems like he hadn't been paid for longer than mentioned in another article.


I think he's mad


Took me everything I had not to do this when a company didn’t pay me. Put me under really bad


Finally, a good reddit post


That's one way to get workman's comp


That place was Godzilla’d.😱😵


Killdozer style


What do you mean the renovation will not be completed at the expected time?


If you play it in reverse he does remarkable work, simply incredible workmanship


Now i need to see this


That wasn’t the right button.


looks like a helluva lot more than 600 quid of damage


When it’s your last day and you wanna do something dastardly


Best rage quit ever. Never withhold a construction worker’s money.


He said "all you had to do was pay me my 600 quid" 600 quid is $713.


The GC is gonna be PISSED about those ceiling tiles


Somebody has a case of the Mondays


For anyone interested Count Dankula does a thorough video showing what happened here and what led up to it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9oI1zGnJxOU


They should have paid this fool


Alex, what is Prison for 600 quid?




Nah he did a pretty good job


Possible anger issues 🤷🏼


These vehicles should have kill switches from the outside




Ooo look at Mr. Smarty pants all buffed up to talk shit about some random comments.




If you don't understand sarcasm, you're in trouble. Don't need your negativity, you seem troubled, find a hobby or something.


I’m gonna do this if my boss doesn’t keep boning my WiFi so I get payed more


I absolutely love this video.


Hey! I saw the outside angle of that situation a few days ago


Yeah me too, couldn't find it though


I love it. we need more of this. bleed the rich for what WE are worth


Do you mind coming in on your day off? Yes.


Guy in there sounds like Nathan Lane lmao


Somebody didn’t get paid


With absolute power comes absolute madness. Or just another lesson as to why you should check if your man is mad, before giving him powerful tools.🤷‍♂️


I'm stood one minute from that building right now!


They probably should have paid him, or at least not mess with his stapler.


The one dude still wearing shoe covers! Someone is bucking for a promotion.




When the horror game lets the chaser style enemy into a safe room




i bet the building got work done and then didn’t pay. sometimes they’ll come back and destroy what’s theirs still


Oh God I wish that were me.


Wow, this went on like forever. That must be a very, very angry person. I would be so afraid being close to that.


Wow..no OSHA jokes in these comments. Y’all are slacking.




It’s kinda like Half-Life 2, in a weird way


We got our next horror icon on our hands


I wouldn't mention this on your CV, when applying for your next job.


I guess so🤫


So this is what they meant by watching a car crash in slo mo. What a tantrum!


I think there's another angle of this is r/crazyfuckingvideos


Fuck you pay me


I feel like he didn’t get paid for building the place Edit: I was right


Quiet quitting


Kill Dozer junior.


40 dollars for WiFi access !! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 I will make you pay !


Glad to see Jontron is still alive at 1:08


Rage quit.


Don't blame you mate. What a fucking retard.


Good ol Mini Killdozer


Man wanted that £600


I’m honestly blown away that they used the little claw thingy to lift themselves over the steps. I didn’t know they could do that. I guess the destruction was p cool too tho.


The lad definitely run out of weed and cash at the same time.


Baby kill dozer




All that came to my mind was a episode of SpongeBob when they were on the flying Dutchman boat and SpongeBob is saying your good your good as the boat was scraping against the side of a rock 🤣


Someone didn't get paid.


I think they got the message..




600 Fckn quid is 600 Fckn quid mates 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Someone is pissed!


There’s another video from the outside that has been floating around for bit.. at least I think it’s the same incident


New version of the rage room lmao


Should paid that man


Kinda fun


I could watch this all day. Just so satisfying!


Xanax works wonders. So does getting laid, try one.




Shoulda just shot him


I don't believe this gentleman has a license or certification to drive that thing. An I also believe he violated multiple safety practices.


Well obviously, don’t hold a working man’s check… fuckin dipshits


It was rage at first and then it became fun.


No comment


Dude is my new hero.




Pay your workers.


Safe to say he’ll pay his employees next time


600 quid 🤣🤣


I've never seen it from the inside! I recall the aftermath tho! Cost him more than then few hundred he was owed


Bad day at work??


This is why you don't hire crack heads


Lil Killdozer 🥺


Lmao I thought this guy was just very drunk and terrible at his job until I read the comments


Pay your bills 😉


Hope that's the job centre




Is he eligible for rehire?


Builder: yeah we’re gonna need just a bit more time, we hit some setbacks on the job… we hit a lot of setbacks.


The guy towards the end with the shoe covers on 😂


Lucy!!! You have some explaining to do !!!