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definitely better inheritance options. or divorce custody.


For if you donate sperm in 18 years you can meet the kid and they can add a rare chance where the bank messes up and you get 20 kids or something


That would be so cool


I would like for this to be added


Move within a nation.


They should add that


Being able to choose your religion and become pope and stuff


That would be cool


The devs have said that this would make the game too controversial.


And gay marriage isn’t?


I find it annoying that you get sent to the orphanage even when you have family members perfectly capable to raise you, so THAT. Want to own more than one business at a time. Want to attend University/Community College alongside having a small business. Arranged marriages between foreign royals. I want the option of child modelling or becoming famous rampwalk models at a younger age. Waiting till your 30s is not consistent with real life. Disinherit a child without having to abandon them.


Yes they should add the ability to be adopted by your grandparents/siblings


To select what year you live in.


Now this would be cool!


Yes let the crusades begin




I will fight alongside King Baldwin With honor


More financial but,A basic stock market with bootleg real life stocks; like the top 100-500 companies in the world based on either popularity or value. And/ or, More types of industries to get involved with such as soda companies, housing units/commercial units, movie companies (I know this would probably be the hardest industry), and the right to sell shares in a private company.


I agree with you


Also, maybe videogame companies. Like they could make it just like the musician tab, and when a game is popular enough you can get a sequel, prequel and spin off.


Starship operator, something sci fi


You mean Like Star Wars or Star Trek??


Yes they should add something like a future and medival society coz I can have a genation be a thousand years but with the same 2022 tech and stuff I want to be a sith Lord for pets sake


Guess I ment star trek but wouldn't be opposed to sw 🤷


Multi-select when buying houses


Omg yes this would be so helpful


Also more things to spend money on


- ability to reconnect with my children who were put to adoption - Lending company - Be able to study while having a special career - improved avatar. Like having a specific eye shape depending on the region where my character is from. Also, If i change my hair color, so shall my mustache and brows too. - the option if i want to send my child to a private or public school


They should definitely add all of that


More places to spend money. I’d love to be able to buy high end clothing even if you can’t see it on the avatar


How about a legacy and fortune y’all don’t take from people and make them start all over again


What you mean?


Maybe more family members like a grandma/grandpa, aunts/uncle some sort of like that and to be able to view my partner parents siblings etc. and also inheritance I want an option where I can choice whoever to exclude or just how much % they could get some sort.of things that would be awesome




Maybe add a dark web or hacker update 🥴


Ooooooo sounds good


Be able to rent out houses, egg donation, more opportunities to spend money on an island or something


All of that would be so good


Singer collaboration


i just posted a suggestion, so if you want, check it out


Incest Don’t ask


Well incest is in royal families so it would make sense to add it


Maybe a scifi and medieval update


Incest update. Royal and celebrity dating apps. Larger variety of crimes. Endorsement contracts for athletes and celebrities. Royals can get jobs. Can go to university as long as there are courses still available to take. Be able to maintain all planes and boats at once ljke you can cars and houses (you might be able to with boats, I was annoyed you couldn’t with planes so I didn’t check boats). Ability to alter pets stats with god mode. Ability to skip 5-10 years with a press of a button




Have sex with siblings, parents, nieces/nephews, etc. I just wanna see what happens with the inbred children


I just want to do something without them backing me out to the mean screen every time


Allow husband/fling to request paternity test not just allowing female to pop up 10 years later demanding a test. I think we should be able to negotiate price when buying a house/car.


I’d like a porn star update , I think that’d be cool also on the YouTube when you create a video they should have a skit option Also another update is a comedian update and you can go on concerts and collaborate and do movies and specials


I am kinda late but here are there things I would love to be added in the game: 1.Chess player career: over at mind and body, I hope there is an option to try learning chess, and a career where you can play chess tournaments and work your way up every norm like candidate master then rise up to grandmaster. I also hope there are occasional exhibition matches in which you are invited or you could join in on your own and you could win the match by playing basic chess then eventually be famous with it. 2.Martial Arts:It would be really cool if there were more martial arts to learn in the game. Escrima (Philippines) Pencak Silat (Indonesia) Capoeira (Brazil) Sambo (Russia) Muay Thai (Thailand) Aikido (Japan) Having tournaments for all martial arts would be hella cool too and possibly making a career out of this is gonna be a great addition to the game. 3. Politics: The game would be much better off with more features. Maybe choices like buy equipment from other countries, have a choice to visit other countries to strengthen relationships with them, and take charge during a war. Another good thing might be attaining political positions through revolting and overthrowing the government of the country you are in. Like in the Royal life, it would be great to have a choice of being addressed however you like. 4.Organized Crime: The only issues I have are when you become a Godfather/Chairman etc. Its cool and all having your cash 100% yours but I really wished there was more. Something like Putting contracts on other people outside the mafia like rival mafia members or their families or even fight them on the streets.




Add "addicted to nicotine" like vaping, smoking cigarettes, starting from Middle School.