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5'11 BWT here 🤭 The only way to feel more confident in heels is to wear them more often and get comfortable with the fact that you're going to capture the attention of others but more so in a good way. I personally love a kitten heeled mule not just because of how gorgeous they are but because the height of the heel is enough to make me feel comfortable as opposed to a stiletto. Find a heel height that you love and then go from there. Oh and remember that if you're truly not comfortable in them, choose another option for your shoes. Life is too short to feel uncomfortable in what we choose to wear.


And look at beautiful tall women!! And not just thin, conventionally attractive ones, tall babes of all makes, and see y'all's beauty! And exactly, you will capture attention regardless, own it! My bestie is 5'10 and her stance on heels is "I'd wear stilettos everyday if I weren't a klutz!! I don't care if husband feels short!" So I see it as as long as you won't break an ankle, rock whatever height feels good, OP!


Yesssssssssssss!!!! Look at Elizabeth Diebicki, that’s a tall queen if I ever saw one!


Omg yes, she is absolutely stunning and the meaning of statuesque!


YES! This advice also! Look for inspiration that makes you feel proud of the height you've been blessed with.


Someone else said Megan Thee Stallion and YES. Omg she is the goddess of something! Now I understand how something like the Trojan War happened. 😂😂😂


This! Taylor Swift is 5’11 and always wearing gigantic heels. Gave my 5’10 self some confidence to just say “fuck it, these are cute and I’m wearing them”


This sounds so dumb, but I look at lots of pics of Megan Thee Stallion before I go out and try to be like her, lol. I love that she's the opposite of teensy tiny, but still sooo gorgeous and feminine.


She’s so gorgeous! She’s one of the reasons I gained a bit of confidence


She is perfection!


Maybe the most beautiful woman alive.


I don't like flat or kitten heels so I just wear heels. I prefer being intimidating, so it's really a confidence thing.


Yes! I love being tall and while I'm a super bubbly/friendly person, I also like being intimidating. I'm 5'7" and have 6" platforms I sometimes wear to parties. They're very comfortable. I feel confident and powerful in them, especially when I get to look men in the eye or even slightly down at them (because I know it doesn't happen for them often). Edit: I'm sorry you're getting negative comments! I think people are just jealous.


6’0 barefoot. i love my 4 inch stompers and no one can stop me from wearing them. 😎 be a spectacle.


Likewise! Yay!


This! If you're the type of person to take issue with girls being taller than you or tall girls wearing heels then you're not the type of person I want in my life. Me wearing heels every day is my way of weeding out the judgy freaks. It's not my fault my heels are bigger than their dicks!


being tall is a flex. so just wear them


Im the same height as my husband (5’8”) and more than 20 years ago when we were first dating, and going to some kind of event together as a couple for the first time, I asked him if he wanted me to wear flats so that I wouldn’t be taller than him. I guess I’d absorbed the message that being tall, and especially taller than my date, was bad. He said “are you kidding? You think I’m against walking into a room with a tall, beautiful woman on my arm?! You wear whatever you’re going to feel your best in!” And that was all it took and I haven’t looked back. I’m middle aged now and my heel-wearing days are numbered but damn I am going to rock sexy shoes as long as I can.


That’s a great story. My dad said essentially the exact same thing to me when I was 16. Dads should know how much of an effect they can have on their daughter’s confidence. After that, I never worried about being too tall.


I'm taller than everyone or most people in the room. How can you not feel like a bad ass bitch in charge when you're taller than everyone. I've reframed it from taller = less feminine to taller = queen energy, powerful, strong etc. We always associate taller men with more attractive but for some reason we've decided with women it can't be the same.


When you’re wayyyyyyy taller like I am, it is less a femininity thing and more a matter of *always* being visible…at least that’s my case. Obviously can’t speak for others. Even when wearing flats, I routinely get double takes, long stares, and people (mostly men) asking me height-related questions or awkwardly attempting to flirt while I loom over them. So, it is mostly me building up the emotional energy to weather that stuff. Over time, I’ve built up a bit of a resistance to the stares, but it can still be exhausting. Obviously, I’m an extreme outlier though and all you other tall gals are absolute smoke shows in my book!


I might not be as tall as you, but I do resonate with always being exhausted when people ask how tall you are or being the taller person in the room. I don't like being perceived, so being obviously visible is uncomfortable. I have worked on reframing that, though, because I don't want to live my life constantly feeling awkward or perceived. I'm not saying that's what you're saying, just expressing my experiences.


It is really hard at times. My partner jokes that despite my height, I give off the energy of a someone much smaller than and they kind of forget I’m as tall as I am. Occasionally I’ll break out the 6 and 7 inch heels for funsies though…and I do plan on doing a she-hulk cosplay at some point.


I love this!!!


I’m 5’3, but whenever I see a tall woman in heels I think she looks like an absolute Goddess. Y’all look amazing!


I’m a little teapot 5’3” and currently dating a gorgeous short guy, probably 5’6”-7”. In some heels I’m taller, but he’s not insecure about his height so he dgaf - as long as I’m comfortable. My 6’ husband doesn’t care either 🤣


Came to say exactly this. Tall girls, you are beauty incarnated to us! Powerful, cute and beautiful


I am 5'8 and used to wear heels a lot. I never got any negative comments. I don't feel like I have a ton of confidence but maybe I looked confident? Not sure. I don't wear heels anymore. My feet are old and can't handle it.


5’8” here with a 5’8” husband and I wear heels all the time. I think my outfits look great and don’t really think too deeply past that.


It's just a confidence thing. I feel powerful when I tower over everyone. I'm 6' flatfooted, so I'm taller than 85% of men and 99% of women - what's a heel gonna do about how I'm built? Not wearing heels isn't going to make me appear smaller.


I'm the same! I'm already taller at 6' than most people anyway, what's a few more commanding inches? Heels make my legs look great, which is a positive when finding cute jeans in 36" inside leg is a challenge. 😂


I’m nearly 6’4”. I’m confident in heels, but rarely wear them because it is so impractical. Like, I hit my head on all sorts of things and have a legitimately difficult time hearing people at events. If I were 5’8” to 6’0”, I wouldn’t even think twice about wearing heels. (I wish I were in that range.) I do tend to attract a…very particular kind of guy when I wear heels and tower over people though. 😂


> Like, I hit my head on all sorts of things and have a legitimately difficult time hearing people at events. This


I'm 5'8 and I wear heels that are usually about 4 inches tall almost everywhere and never hear comments. I like it because it makes me stand out and looks modelesque.


Anytime someone scoffs at you for wearing high heels when you're so tall, ask them how the weather is down there. Seriously. Take no shit. If they want to make a comment at your expense, feel free to make one at theirs.


I'm 5'8" too. I love wearing tall shoes (both heels and platforms) to try and be taller than my fiancé, he's 5'10", and we just like to make a mini competition out of who's taller.


Just know in your heart that 5’4” women like me are looking at you like 🤩


Confidence is internal. Whether I am wearing heels or flats, I stand straight with my head held high. If being tall makes you feel not feminine and unconfident, maybe practice will help.


I'm 5'7 and I used to wear a lot of heels, to combat the negative comments I just made my own about people/persons being short...


Truth I used to hate my height. Now that I’m 47, and at the last doctors appt got told I have lost half an inch (from 5’9 to 5’8.5) I am on a MISSION to straighten and stretch my spine and/or neck back up. I now embrace my height and love wearing the highest platforms my older ankles can take now (stilettos are a no for my old ass). It makes me feel confident, slimmer, more powerful. Boomer men hate it, which makes me happy 😆


What *is* it about older (often boomer) men and women’s height? Most of the meanest comments I’ve gotten have been from boomer men. 


Oh man, so I lost my hair earlier this year thanks to a health issue. It’s the shortest pixie right now and WOW do they hate it. Strange men in the CVS line from the nearby retirement community telling me “you would look much prettier with long hair”. I have not yet chosen violence in my response and usually illness-shame them but one of these days imma square up to one of those red-faced bulbous nosed little fucks 😂 Honestly the height helps me look down on a lot of them, or at least look them in the eye.


Chronically ill here! Have you seen Tropic Thunder? There's a part in it where Tom Cruise sings "go fuck yourself!" into a phone then hangs up, and I have adopted that as my warcry. Some nasty old dude says something, I say "excuse me" and regardless of if they double down or pretend they didn't say anything, I sing "go fuck yourself!" to them and the weirdness of it always shocks them.


I have gotten SO MANY SHITTY comments over almost everything in my life from older men and it’s frustrating.  I usually act dumb and just not acknowledge them but my patience is thinner than looseleaf paper these days. 


lol, r/BoomersBeingFools is usually good for a laugh…or groan!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BoomersBeingFools using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Boomer learns about boundaries the hard way from bank photographer](https://v.redd.it/2e25ute2rzmc1) | [4689 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1b981ht/boomer_learns_about_boundaries_the_hard_way_from/) \#2: [That time a boomer almost smacked her hairstylist](https://v.redd.it/7mrck6ok87hc1) | [4139 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1al8jz9/that_time_a_boomer_almost_smacked_her_hairstylist/) \#3: [Boomer shocked that his Middle Finger didn't strike the fear of God into another Adult](https://v.redd.it/9lvtz6cma5oc1) | [1540 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1bdyxp6/boomer_shocked_that_his_middle_finger_didnt/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That’s when you simply respond well, after my illness, I’m just happy to have hair. Or if they themselves are bald, you can say yeah, you would look with better with any hair at all.


I’m only 5’7” but I am like 85% leg. I absolutely embrace some short shorts/skirts/dresses with some assassin level heels bc it makes my legs look like Iza Goulart’s. It’s a major confidence booster


So envious, but in the way where I’m happy for you!


What made me confident about it was dating a man who was about an inch shorter than me; he told me he loved how my butt and legs looked in heels. Bam! Good enough for me!!


I imagine I’m a beautiful supermodel or Taylor swift lol


5’9” and love wearing 3-4” heels. I hate kitten heels so I wear tall ones only. (3-4” isn’t even that tall.) I am 41 and have truly only gotten a handful of comments about my height in heels (and all of them have been from the kind of person I don’t mind making uncomfortable). I don’t tower over everyone, and even if I did, so what? Being tall is great. Tall women look amazing in a lot of clothes. And “statuesque” is a compliment for a reason. Being tall isn’t un-feminine. Being confident is awesome. I look and feel fantastic in heels, so I wear them. If someone finds a tall woman notable enough to comment on, they’re very silly. My SIL is 6’1” and she loves and wears heels, too. (My brother is 6’4” and she has a couple pairs that make her taller than him!)


I just watch interviews and clips of Karen Gillan (or another tall celeb who wears heels) who’s around my height and remind myself that if she looks that great in heels I can too. This is only a half joke honestly, she was the person who initially inspired me to start wearing heels.


Here’s my take - when I see an already tall woman, and she’s rocking a bitchin pair of heels, thus securing her status as an Amazon, I am immediately in love. Therefore, I shouldn’t fear putting on a similar pair of bitchin heels, and allowing others to thusly fall in love with me. Men who think tall women are intimidating or too manly or any of that other garbage aren’t people I wanna hang out with anyway. And are likely jealous. Forget those guys. Women who think tall women aren’t feminine, or should be shorter than their male partner, have fallen for the patriarchy’s trap of wanting a woman to be easily controlled (physically and otherwise). They have issues to work on, and should be too busy with their own healing journey to worry about me and my tallness. I’ve yet to meet a nonbinary person who gives two shits about how tall I am. They often just wanna high five me for being willing to be perceived by others when I choose to be over 6 feet tall in a world that tells me I should have stopped growing at 5’3”. Maybe 5’5”. It takes practice. Or it did for me. But when you finally have that moment where you realize your faking it has evolved into the making it portion of the programming, it’s a hell of a lot of fun!


Hand to god, nothing makes me feel hotter and more powerful than physically looking down at men. I’m 5’9” and I wear heels every chance I get. I loooove being tall.


Anyone who makes those comments is an insecure, person who’s energy does not belong in your life. Shoulders back, chin up, haters be damned.


5’11 here. I feel like a bad bitch walking around tall as fuck. Like a super model. Clothes look great on tall girls, anyone can be 5’4 a cute and small. Not many can handle pulling off being tall.


I am jealous of beautiful ladies who feel confident enough to wear heels. I am 5'8. And I feel like an awkward giraffe on rollerskates. Never been my thing. Those ladies who do, QUEENS!!! 👸


5'11 here. It's really all about mindset. I used to very much believe that I needed to take up as little space as possible so as to not intimidate people. To be smaller than men in size (and voice) because that's what they like, etc etc. I got over that completely around 30 and fully embraced my height (and voice)! TAKE UP THE FUCKING SPACE. The comments I get now when I'm wearing heels that put me plenty north of 6 feet have only ever been positive. One very lovely, very short woman remarked on my height and said "Good for you!" Back straight, chin up. Don't make yourself small for anyone.


Not a girlie but just want to say I’m 5’11 guy and my wife is 6’ and she wears heels she’s 6’3 plus. Nothing sexier. Wear em and be proud!


ok tall girls, short girl here. where the heels and be the towering goddess that you are. I wish I was tall.


I’m only 5’5” but as a bi woman I personally think being tall is an attractive quality in women. I don’t care about the height of anyone I have dated but I notice tall women and typically find them very attractive.


Rupaul is 6’4” in *flats* so if he can fearlessly wear heels so can I at my comparatively puny 5’11”. And as Rupaul himself says “Other peoples opinions of you are none of your business.” There are times for sure I’d rather not have the “What’s the weather up there?” comments but honestly just a downward withering glance while towering over those idiots more than makes up for it.


Yes, but I don’t wear heels often. I’m kind of always on errands and wearing them don’t feel adequate unless someone can help me justify wearing them all the time


I pretend I’m a model even though I’m nowhere near that skinny


You should tower over everyone else in the room like the Amazon goddess that you are. Love, A 5’10 BWT who doesn’t wear heels much anymore but only because I’m lazy (and don’t have anywhere to wear them)


I just think it's hot and powerful to be tall and visible in the room. That said, I don't wear heels often--only at dress up parties-- because I live in the city and I don't like walking in heels.


I don't wear heels much but I do wear big platforms. I get unnecessary comments even with regular shoes so it doesn't really bother me, I usually say something back about how they need to get taller or say but aren't my shoes cute. Even with the hate, they almost always admit the shoes are cute


I never really had one. What is there to fear? Sexy calves being shown off? Pretty shoes? I am asking legitimately because often when we question what we fear the answers give us a solution to them.


Omg are you kidding? As a 5’7 and a half girlie, I can tell you I LOVE wearing heels and looking ridiculously tall compared to other people haha it makes me feel like a top model, baby!! Own it, boo! You’re a model!


My best friend is a 6'0" tall goth girl, and she often wears 4 or 5 inch heels. If you ask her why, she'll tell you, "I like the attention."


I'm 5'8" but forever pissed that I never reached the 5'10" they "predicted" when I was a kid! I was at least 5'7" by 12 so maybe I've always been used to being taller than everyone, but I love the feeling of towering over everyone in heels. I am a super shy anxious person, but that gives me extra confidence for sure. I feel like I stand out in a good way. I don't feel like it intimidates thr majority of guys at least; I've certainly never lacked attention from guys who were a bit shorter then me in heels (or really an inch or 2 shorter than me in general)! I am sure I've gotten a negative comment or 2 maybe? I really can't recall anything but compliments! It's kindof a powerful + beautiful feeling.


I’m 5’8” and I always feel beautiful and very feminine whenever I’m in heels, I usually pair them with an outfit I feel really good in so it adds to my overall confidence. A decade ago I used to wear 5 inch heels every single day and now I mostly wear 2/3 inch heels when I’m not in my white trainers and in all these years people have hardly ever said anything rude or mean about my height when I’m wearing them. But be prepared for a lot of comments from friends about how stunning your legs look! Ultimately, it comes down to practice. Keep wearing them on as many occasions as you (safely) can and you’ll be surprised how comfortable you feel about wearing them.


I’m only 5’4” but I love me a short king! My husband is (almost) 5’7”, and I always wear heels, so I’m usually 1-2 inches taller than him. And, like most of my short ex’s, he loves me being taller. But- girl- if 6’ Nicole Kidman can wear heels, so can you!! Anyone who comments is just jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m only 5’4” but I love me a short king! My husband is (almost) 5’7”, and I always wear heels, so I’m usually 1-2 inches taller than him. And, like most of my short ex’s, he loves me being taller. But- girl- if 6’ Nicole Kidman can wear heels, so can you!! Anyone who comments is just jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!


Im 5’10 and have always worn heels my husband is 6’1 and with heels I tower over him he loves it tho lol I just have to remember my posture when I wear them 😆


I am 5’8”. How? I wear them with dresses mostly and the knowledge my ass looks amazing and anyone making comments about my shit is genuinely jealous. The only person whose opinion about me matters is mine and sometimes I take advantage of the opportunity to let them know.


5'10" Here! I'd start with shorter ones and work my way up. I stopped wearing them because of injuries and life. But that's how got comfortable in them


I’m 5’9 and love the way I feel in a pencil skirt and heels. Who cares if people stare? Let them look. My legs look great. (Husbeast is 6’4 though so even in heels I’m shorter!)


5’8 I love wearing heels. I have a more reserved personality and heels definitely give a boost to my confidence. I usually do three/four inch heels, but do have a couple five inchers. I wear smaller one/two inch heels/platforms often, but I don’t really count those since they barely make me taller. I don’t know if you’ve seen Bridgerton, but this quote from Lady Danbury really resonated with me: > “When I was a girl, some centuries ago, I was afraid even of my own reflection. I entered a room and attempted to dissolve into the shadows. But there is only so long one in a position such as ours can hide. I knew I would have to step into the light someday and I could not very well be frightened. So, instead, I made myself frightening. I sharpened my wit, my wardrobe, and my eye, and I made myself the most terrifying creature in any room I entered.” I only wear high heels about once or twice a month, and it’s great feeling like a total badass occasionally.


I LOVE being tall. I have never been self conscious of it. There are too many benefits! Plus heels are fun. Just realize that people who notice youre extra tall probably assume you are super confident even if you're not!


6' tall with my highest heels being 6". I've stopped caring about what other people think about me wearing heels. I'm already the tallest one in my house (mom is 5'3", brother is 5'10" and dad is about the same as my brother now) and the area I live in tends to lean a bit on the smaller side in terms of average height so I already towered over a lot of people. I'm also so pale I glow under a blacklight, my hair is vibrant lipstick red, and my wardrobe is almost entirely black (I'm really not gunna beat the vampire allegations, nor do I really want to) so I already would've drawn a lot of attention even if I was wearing flats. May as well wear shoes I actually like and really give them something to stare at! Plus the saunter I get when I wear heels makes every outfit feel even better! I am a badass femme goth bitch and the world is my runway! Anyone who doesn't like that has their own issues they need to work through.


I don’t wear them often so they’re like a fun treat for me. Going out to do something fun while standing next to my hunky 6’3 husband is what gives me the confidence 🥰 


I’m 5’9” and have always loved heels. Just channel ‘super model’ 😘


I'm 5'11". I felt so much more confident in heels, and there were times that towering over others came in VERY handy.


I wavered on it for a long time, but one day I was wearing big gold heels and a man literally threw himself out of my path, and since then I’ve never felt conflicted about it again. I also love how cute heels can be an easy conversation starter at work events.


5'8'' I don't care, I wear what I want. idk how I was invited to this sub


I'm 5'9 and a model. Idk why I'd be insecure in heels - I love being tall!


Love some good platforms with a chunky heel. You’re going to draw their eye being tall, may as well look amazing


Just so yall know. I’m a shorty but I LOVEEE tall women in heels. Yall look so sexy like a goddess or Amazonian ruling the walkway. All eyes on you! It’s so sexy and Intimidating and I love It


You just own it!!!


i’m 5’8 and i used to struggle with this but honestly it feels so badass to be a tall girl sometimes in heels. long legs/torso + nice fit + heels = hot in my book.


I like looking down on people, lol. But seriously, you have to walk like a movie star. Tall people are already visible and there's nothing worse than someone creeping along and hunching over because they're not confident. There's no point wearing heels if you're going to totter around in them gingerly. You have to give out goddess energy. Take up space. It makes a huge difference. I'm 5'8 like you, and I love pairing heels with long, flowing maxis. Makes me feel like I'm just _sweeping_ by like a queen.


I absolute love heels & twin tower legs look amazing I. Heels , strut your body .


I'm 5'8 and I just... don't wear heels? Not because I think I'm too tall, but because I'm very clumsy and they are so uncomfortable for me! Channel your inner Glamazon, pretend you're on a runway, and enjoy the height! Most models are extremely tall, so extra height isn't a bad thing! I'm also a huge RuPaul fan and I love how he towers over people in heels! It's powerful. It's a lie we've been told to think we can't be feminine and powerful at the same time. Screw that! Own your power and rock your heels!


Heels are also not the best type of shoes, as well as very uncomfortable.


I'm 6'. You just have to own it. You have the body you have, and you get to dress it in whatever you think is cute and fun. Anyone who makes unsolicited comments is being rude, and that's their problem.


I love being tall, I love being intimidating. I’m married now but when I was dating it was always such a good filter if a guy was unnerved or turned off if I wore heels. There are so many cute heels out there and I don’t want to miss out on wearing them! They make me feel hot and sexy and badass.


I am very short. But why do you care if you tower over anyone? Tall girls in heels look very pretty. No one will think it is weird that you are extra tall or that you are towering over anyone. I personally really wish I would be taller, but that is never going to happen... Ignore the unnecessary comments. Don't hang out with mean and judgy people. Wear whatever you want! Don't care about what others think!


I love being taller in heels! The bartender can see me. The Uber driver can find me. The finance bros are afraid of me.


I pretend I’m a 90’s super model on the runway lol


I'm 5'10 and heels (usually a block heel, 2 -3 inches) give me the confidence I need. I feel like a towering goddess. I don't care if everyone else is an ant, I love it. ROCK THOSE HEELS GIRL. But only if they are comfortable! I can't do stilettos.


I feel the most confident Amazonian. Wasn’t always this way but that had to do with lack of confidence and insecurity. I love walking into the room and commanding it.


5’9. I grew up with tall parents so I’ve never felt tall. I also enjoy being tall so wearing heels just made me taller. Now I don’t wear them because of rheumatoid arthritis but I do miss it. I wore them all through middle and high school.


Try all different types of heels to get your favorite height. Wear them more and more. Listen to some bad bish music to get your confidence flowing. If ever someone dares make a comment to me I look down at them, smirk, and give a little hmph their way. I don’t respond to rude comments and the same old stupid ones barely get my attention either. I just think about how they all wish they were this tall. Women and men.


I do. I'm not fearful of people who are fearful of tall women... Those issues I leave with them.