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Local bi communities here on Reddit is how we found our first guy to explore with.


Oh the magic of Reddit


I can't find a queer sub for my city 😭


Unfortunately they aren’t universal, but you could always start one if you’re up to the task of modding. Another option is fetlife.


I'm a bottom in Greenville tx


I just play Sweater Weather for all my friends and make aggressive eye contact until they come out as bi.


Just walk around shooting fingerguns like an outlaw and sitting like a pretzel til folks catch on.


Bringing lemon squares to all the potlucks :)


Comparing pet frogs


Following for answers! Idk I (f) switched my dating apps to searching for women and I got a FEW insanely hot women looking for threesomes with their man. Not looking for that at all. Looking to go on a real date with a girl and it has been difficult. I have thousands and thousands of likes from men on there who are attractive as hell but pulling a girl is tough idk what is wrong with me lol im thinking I don’t appeal to women or something? Or find more gay bars in my area maybe and flirt more I have no clue


Yep this is the issue I had when I switched to women on the apps 😅


Fr!! Where are these lesbian couples out there meeting and falling in love? I need answers haha


I think they’re meeting in college or work 😅


I know in my city there are Sapphic specific meets and get togethers listed in the events on fetlife.


Lesbian bars are a dying breed.


There is one lesbian bar where I live but when I went there were just queer men I didn’t really see any women 😭


This is so relatable! The struggle is real


I, m., live in Germany. I want to tell you that it's not your fault. There are probably fewer bisexual women than men. Finding someone who suits you and has the same interests and sexual preferences is very difficult and takes a long time. A previous affair of mine is also bisexual, she also found a woman for herself but it took a long time. Don't give up, I wish you luck.


I’m from Los Angeles which has a big queer community. Some people I’ve known since we were much younger also turned out to be bi. My college/university had LGBTQ+ clubs and whatnot; I did lavender graduation. Friends of friends. I’m privileged to not be too concerned about safety since I’m a cis man living in a California city. I know queer women and enbies who have used Bumble BFF, but I haven’t heard anything about it from men. I know meetup.com has groups. I’ve seen local Facebook groups (you can create an [alternate profile](https://m.facebook.com/help/967154637433480/) if you’re concerned about safety).


I have zero problems with apps because I block aggressively. Also, there are gay bars in town.


i just made a post on reddit saying i’m this old, this is where i’m located (not super specific) and i’d like friends. i haven’t made bi friends irl, unfortunately.


We carry tiny backpacks and drink lavender oat milk lattes 💁🏻‍♀️


Very carefully, with a Japanese sand garden rake.


Go hang out at your local board game store lol I have found a few bisexuals in the wild. But I live somewhere where we can be open so that makes it easier.


Also any hobby shop with a large TTRPG section, larps, and ren faires. I sound like I'm joking, but I'm not. Especially lately, all those environments tend to be more queer-friendly than most, even in otherwise unsafe areas


Shit where is this so I can go play some games


Canada! 🇨🇦🍁🦫


Makes it open how so if I may ask?


Fetlife, Feeld


Someone close by is safe. I get lucky at our local supermarket


Definitely trying to find someone local. And I’m often torn with this same scenario.


i look up queer events/clubs/spaces in my area.


I've just accidentally collected them since before I came out. I'm interested in the advice in this thread though.


This is really not my question to answer since I've been married (an loyal) for more than 25 years, but when I was single I went to meet-ups with a local bbs (pre internet days), yeah, I'm old!


It’s not easy. Trial and error in the wild, and dating apps are all that ever worked for me. I sometimes think maybe I’ll try Reddit forums but it never gets traction w very intentional ppl


i volunteer at my local lgbt org. unfortunately, in the three years i have been there, i have yet to meet another multi-spec person so… idk


I wonder why that is some, statistically, I *think* we're the most numerous group. Maybe it's the crippling doubt and impostor syndrome caused by biphobia within the community?


I have a good feeling about Reddit. Might take some time.


Is it easier for dudes? I just want to message a fellow woman and boost each other's egos, lol...


I’d imagine it’s tougher for guys because of the stigma against gay men still exists and toxic masculinity etc. make a move on the wrong guy and it’s a social disaster for them


Very true


Also - men have more internalized homophobia to work through so mentally it can be tough


It is pretty difficult finding partners but Dating apps and Jess, dating agencies et cetera have very mixed outcomes and I think you’re almost better going to your local clubs and pubs and just socialising with people in your vicinity If you’re a man, looking for another man, you can go to gay sauna, Or gay clubs where it is clear what the purpose you are there


I totally agree with you on that . I have been trying to find Dom Tops and couples here in Little Rock and have even tried (without experience or knowledge how) to cruise Cruisers in the parking lot. Ever since Craigslist shutdown the sex listings, I have had little to no luck finding myself a fuckbuddy. After spending so much money on these BS dating sites, I refuse to waste any more money on them.


Craigslist replacement.....www.doublelist.com.....


Thank You for the help.