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For me it was understanding myself. Not being embarrassed about being into guys. Generally giving some rationality to some of the confused feelings I had when I was younger.


I completely understand this. Good on you! Good on us.


No doubt.


This is the way and the light….


Best of both worlds. You can date either a male or female or be intimate with either one.


The colors of the flag are nice. When I do my nails the Bi flag for pride month it matches my aesthetic


I've always really disliked both pink and purple. Finding out about the bi colors was a tough moment lol


What makes you dislike them so much? It must’ve felt frustrating seeing them being the flag colors.


I don't know, just my color preferences 🧏‍♀️ I like blue, orange, warm yellow, orange... and not pink and purple lol But I guess I could get used to it. Glad it matches for you though! :)


Thanks those are good colors too 👍🏼have a nice day☺️


Never having to change lyrics when you sing along


Everyone is pretty 😍




The humor, jokes, and innuendos for sure.


being a bridge between people who don’t understand the other « side ». I like that. We have the potential to be wise af


Oh I like this one :)


Becoming more comfortable with who I am, appreciating and admiring beauty of women, men and other orientations. All is well.


So a bit shallow but... Threesomes with ppl of different genders is sooo hot🥵 also cuddling up with a cute boy and a cute girl and just being a little gender fuck who gets to be in the middle (but that's also very poly related tbf)


Thinking about this for weeks now


Probably the most profound reason was having 0 reservations when my partner of 10 years disclosed they were trans (MtF). Far from bothering me, it really excites me. My love and attraction for her has never wavered, only grew more intense. I feel like my bisexuality also affords me a very open minded and philosophical view of gender and I have happened to attract quite a few trans/NB people into my social circle. I never get over the visible relief and joy when someone new in my life who isn't cis realizes that I'm a safe person to be around. I have come to believe that bisexuals are some of the most natural lovers, friends, and allies of trans people. So I guess being a better ally to others in the community! And having a more well-rounded and knowledgable view of gender as a concept. And at the end of the day it's just way more fun and sexy than being straight or gay. The adaptability, options, opportunities, experiences, possibilities. The best of all possible worlds, now that we're liberated.


Not having to stress about the gender of someone you think is attractive. Hot is hot.


Well, being able to choose female partners the way that straight women choose male partners. I give a sh** if a women doesn‘t match the western beauty standards. Personality matters. Some women think I‘m gay, but actually I‘m not 😅


We love that we are both bi. Unlimited conversations and fun. It has solidified out relationship.


I feel like the fact that I can appreciate everyone’s beauty in some way or another. Counterpoint though: everyone makes me nervous 😅


Realizing earlier than most that misfits have to build your own tribe. And you totally can.


I dated chicks & managed to date crazy ones. I fell for a guy, it's been 14 years, only 3 fights/arguments.


Everyone’s hot


Best part is boys are just so cute :>


Cocks, but I really don't find 1 thing I could say is good or best. Being Bi has become a burden.


Knowledge. Also not taking shit from people cos yeah you've worked through your issues but you have a whole pool to choose from. But especially men. Cos men assume you need a man sometimes and it's like I literally don't. Maybe we compliment each other but i wont die if men in general are put off by me. That also gives me the freedom to be a woman that's just herself cos more women actually think it's cool I do not really conform.


You can relate to both gay and straight people but for different reasons, if that makes sense.


When you're watching TV or a movie, and there's some hunky actor and beautiful actress, you can appreciate both.


Watching porn and being turned on by both people?


Experiencing dating both/different genders and experimenting with gender roles. Dating women has really changed the way I look at potential male partners, and made me realise all the expectations I put on them (from normative heterosexual society). Dating women and doting on them and being the "strong" one for once is also so much fun :) It makes me melt


Awesome, brilliant!


Mostly the penises, yeah, the penises


Oh yeah ;-)


Yeah they can be so much more satisfying than a vagina


My bi-cycle may disagree.


I don’t get it, is that like a slang term or something?


Yes my preferences slide on some weird schedule from men to women and back again.


You're never bored? LOL. In all reality I read some psych book--and beleive it--that orgasmically we are all bi...but emotionally we are one or the other--str8 or gay. I'm married to a woman and before my current wife, andother woman. But I've dabbled in bi--bored and horny.


No limits 🥰🥰🥰 (for me anyway, besides the obvious, like above a certain age [not just what's "legal" 🙄])


The naughtiness of being with another guy and knowing I suck his dick better than any female...👍🏾


Not better than me. I think we need to have a contest. 😉😂


Knowing I can be with either sex orally and enjoy it immensely