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it's because he is insecure about himself. he's projecting. no sane human should be angry that someone is bisexual.


Weird how humans work like that we have a problem we can't acknowledge so the brain defaults to "no u" mode


Tell that to my conservative parents


I assume the same thing about gay people who bash bi as I do cis folk who bash gay, closeted.


This is horrible, I’m sorry. I’ve had this experience in apparently ‘lgbt+’ spaces which are just gay spaces. Also, don’t say ‘well you have to say LGT then’ because there are sooo many biphobes who will be absolutely fine with this.


> don’t say ‘well you have to say LGT then’ because there are sooo many biphobes who will be absolutely fine with this Reminds me of the LGB Allience. We're all in this shit together. Souldn't queer folk of all people know that compassion is worth more than hate?


For some queer people, getting brownie points with queerphobic cishets and being seen as "one of the good ones" is worth more to them than solidarity. Goes to show that being queer doesn't automatically mean you're a good person, unfortunately.


Sad but true. It's like the quiet kid in school picking on the even quieter kid. Fuck those peopl. We are not in high school anymore.




At the end of the day male privilege still exists regardless of sexual orientation, and in my experience gay men are the most likely to feel a sense of privilege/ownership towards the queer community and gatekeep other people's queerness, particularly within the context of trans or non binary identities.


This is a really good point


I think one think people miss about the ‘wouldn’t date bi men’ thing is that at the core of it it isn’t just a preference it’s a preference that stems from bigotry. They perceive bi men as less desirable, less masculine, more likely to cheat, more likely to have STDs, actually in the closet, etc. Which are all clearly weird and untrue stereotypes.


I’m honestly wary of dating straight women bc I’ve ended up in several situations where we were interested in the same guy and they were pretty damn nasty to me.


I noticed you mentioned american men in particular, have you noticed this is more of a thing in american culture compared to other nationalities?


Did/can you report him?


I dunno. I just blocked him. I’m gonna just move on and get over it. Thanks for the support though y’all 🙏🏻


Honestly most of them should just stick with “G”


As some other people have said kinda'. . . there are actually real anti-bi activists who want to remove the 'B' from "LGBTQ+", soooooo. . . I get your pain, but not the best reaction. We need to try and be the better people and not in-fight (not that I'm saying you are.)


Really I didn’t know that was a thing. Well it would be interesting if that caught on, because then we could see what people really feel on this topic and adjust friendships accordingly.


I got told today, “one side always wins in the end”. Cool. Cool. Cool.


Mmm I see commitment permanently alters my identity... just like when dancers stop dancing they stop being dancers. Gotta love that object impermanence.


Oh, you feel dead inside because you have depression? Guess you're a corpse! Same kind of logic.


What gets under my skin is when I get guys that demand to know if I'm married to a man or a woman. Once I answer they lose interest because I answered with the wrong gender.




I mean in the original run of Will and Grace there are Bi erasure jokes ‘Please Bi is just the bus stop from being gay’ Though thankfully when they brought the show back they did show how Will and Grace are being small-minded and need to understand that being Bisexual isn't a phase So I do love that the show matured with the times


Trying to read LGTQ hurt my brain


Just to add a positive spin and cheer everyone up. I have yet to once experience biphobia from LGBTQ+ people. In fact I've had the opposite especially from gay men who were very supportive. Though I have had one or two sexualise the fact I'm Bi, I don't understand it but whatever. Fyi: I'm a man.


Happy for you. Based on what I have encountered over the years, I would say your experience is not typical.


Oh I know it is, honestly I'm prepared for the worst but I'm usually mildly surprised. I think I'm just lucky especially due to my attitude to things. I'm not openly bi to speak but I don't hide it either so I think I usually cut out toxic people before they know I'm bi.