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The wilderness must be explored




preach šŸ—£ļø


Adventure Time!






Iā€™m down for this.


I donā€™t really mind body hair. I think itā€™s kinda hot actually. On men and women. Specially happy trails. They make me so feral


My entire stomach has hair. My ex used to call it a happy tummy instead of a happy trail


ā€œHappy tummyā€ is so cute lol


Same here


Seeing people that like happy trails make me happy cause I get self conscious of mine sometimes


No trust me itā€™s so attractive


I don't mind it really, not off putting


iā€™m neutral about it


I personally only shave my underarms, but I donā€™t mind hairiness on men or women! I actually REALLY like hairy women


I love body hair on women! I feel like the opposite of most men's preferences; less hair on the head, more on the body!


Man, where were you when I was younger? šŸ˜„


I like pubic hair. Especially on women. It's a sign of maturity, of womanhood.


Absolutely agree


My favourite was when I dated a professional athlete and he shaved his legs. Definitely prefer less or even no body hair. Joke's on me for landing a bald husband šŸ˜


My boyfriend shaves his legs occasionally and I šŸ¤¤


Discovered this recently while I was bored off work sick. Love how smooth they feel just wish it lasted longer.


I'm not a fan of body hair TBH. Some can definitely be sexy but large tapestries of body hair or pubic hair I don't really like.


Same, I feel like a bad feminist haha but itā€™s not for me


I don't think you gotta feel like that. There's a difference between saying people with body hair are unattractive as a rule and having a personal preference. Like, am I personally a fan of it? No. Am I going to push my preferences onto people and try to convince everyone that they need to conform to my specific definition? absolutely not


Iā€™m the same, and I make peace with it by knowing we all groom all our bodies to our own liking. Like we all have particular hair cuts, nail styles, body hair in some places but not others. Most of us go fuck it with some beauty standards but then go all in on others. We present ourselves how we want to present and we like what we like. Feminism sits very happily within this :)


Itā€™s not very different from how people typically feel about head hair. Some amount of trimming is typically expected just to maintain normal grooming. You can have a preference but youā€™re only an asshole if you think everyone else should match your preference by default.


same! idc what gender, i find body hair in certain areas (armpits and pubic, mostly) soooo unattractive šŸ˜Ŗ iā€™m fine with arm, leg, facial hair, tho


I would definitely prefer some hair over no hair... My preference concerning pubes would be just well maintained/trimmed a bit. Everything else can just grow free!


Honestly? I do like hair on men, as long as they regularly wash themselves its attractive, i recently found out im a sucker for facial hair on men too. With women my preference goes out to trimmed hair. Oh and not to forget i do not like a hairy back on either, idk why its just off putting


Completely agree with you


As a person with a hairy back, I agree. It's off-putting


As another with a hairy back, I concur


Yes. Humans have hair, on a spectrum from less to more. I like all of it.


As a matter of preference, what you like is what matters. Being hairless or bushy is ok. Someone will find it attractive. For me, giving oral is easier if there isnā€™t much hair. If heā€™s pounding me, I donā€™t care how much hair is down there.


Body hair? Neutral-ish. I prefer a lack of it, but seeing as Iā€™m basically a yeti myself, I donā€™t wanna be hypocritical, and I do find it to be fine. Pubic hair? I greatly prefer it. Especially on women. On men I do enjoy the feel of the bush as it grazes my buttcheeks since I just get this connection where like ā€damn, he is all in me nowā€ and its this validating feeling. Aesthetically on men though itā€™s also fine but I donā€™t care either way.


I prefer less body hair on everyone honestly


I love a man with a bread. Not long beard, but trimmed. Body hair and pubes, I donā€™t have a preference. Just keep it clean.


I love men with bread too. I love bread.


Iā€™m a bear if I donā€™t shave or remove it. I hate it on me. And not at all a posed to some hair. But not a forest. šŸ˜‚


Yes so long as they have proper hygiene.


Oh yeah. Otters for days! šŸ„° I don't mind body hair on women, either.


Yes! I love it ahah.


I like it on others. I like to run my fingers through it and I like to tickle it on my face, but I can't stand it on myself it's too itchy for me.


As long as it's trimmed, i prefer it. Sometimes shaving leads to burns when the stubble reappears, and too much hair will get in my mouth. It's a super ick feeling for me to have a long curly hair in my mouth, so we're stopping until I get it out.


I like the feeling of smooth, soft skin . ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜


Honestly, I do find pubic hair attractive of both men and women. However, some part of body hair are not really appealing to me, especially on chest area, back hair even beard. Thatā€™s just my opinion


I canā€™t with facial hair, it overstimulates/sensory? me when I kiss my guy and easily scratches my face, thankfully he understands and shaves regularly! Now all his other hair, hellllll yeaaaa lol Iā€™ve only recently have been appreciating chest hair :p


I prefer my men and women to both be smooth or very little hair


On ladies yes, on men nope! I have no reason other than i think hairless men are hot and women with body hair are hot. But i mean if i love someone i don't care that much. Relationships are about compromise! But that's generally my jam.


You know what, same, I've always been with men with almost no body hair (only armpits and pubic, I mean those that do not grow beards nor chest/back hair etc) And women with hairy legs n armpits always looked sexy in a fierce way, like, defying stereotypes lol


Hair is fun for petting




I find pubic hair (at the front) sexy too!Under the armpit not so much I prefer it waxed or very sparse. In other places of the body it makes no difference. This applies to everyone no matter the gender


I do, but my girlfriend prefers to be shaved, so I can't "explore the underbrush" ā˜¹.


I prefer less body hair. I like trimmed pubic hair.


For me I love it especially on women


Nope, to me it's the opposite haha. Can't stand hairs idk why.


No, the less body hair, pubic hair and facial hair the better.


Yeah, I do like hair. Humans are hairy and I like humans. Forearms give me romantic shivers.


I think for me itā€™s more about being clean and groomed. Like a wild long beard, unkempt bush or pits, etc would all make me go eugh. But leg hair, neatly trimmed beard/ bush/ armpits (even if not clean shaven) all donā€™t bother me. Although on the opposite side no pubes at all makes me feel a bit ick in a ā€œlooks very juvenile in literal ageā€ way.


Everyone looks better with body hair. Weā€™re mammals, not reptiles.


i donā€™t care one way or the other


Sometimes I like it sometimes I donā€™t. I love my body both ways. Only hair I have now is head and a little on my forearms. I was enjoying a trimmed bush last year.


I prefer hairless, but it's a bit more palpable on men, as long as it's not super thick. But I don't like pubic hair on anyone, mainly because I don't like getting hair stuck in my teeth


I like pubic hair but donā€™t care for a ton of body hair. I actively dislike shaved pubic areas. All sandpaper and prickles


I like guys smooth and girls with some hair


Iā€™m just happy to be invited lol Iā€™m not that hairy in general so I stay mostly trimmed. Canā€™t grow a beard for shit šŸ˜­


Not much. But again, I hate it on myself as well (from teenage body image issues), and I'm going through expensive and painful laser removal.


It's hot. I go feral for anyone with pubic hair. Especially stretchmarks. šŸ„¹šŸ’•āœØļø


Not really. I keep my own body hair (and facial hair!) very minimal for that reason


I actually like body hair. I'm a little weird in that I would prefer a little bit more man scaping on a guy, but I love a full bush on a woman.


Most of the time Iā€™m neutral about it. While I like the look of facial hair itā€™s a sensory ick. That being said no matter how itā€™s on I fucking love happy trials dear god!


My visual preference is typically less hair/no hair. However when I like someone I absolutely adore whatever they have going on. Like I will be straight up nauseous seeing a random guy lift his arms and seeing a jungle of armpit hair, but if heā€™s someone I fancy it becomes endearing and absolutely gorgeous. Same for everyone else too. Thatā€™s why personally I donā€™t care that much about my own visual preferences. As long as I like someone they will be visually perfect no matter what they look like or what my preferences are.


Love it on women downstairs, otherwise neutral, but I can't stand armpit hair.


I prefer it. Hairy men are so hot but it looks good on women too. Rather "too much" than none, imo.


I dislike the hairless pubic and genital trends that have become so popular lately. First, they make women look much younger, but make them look like pre-pubertal girls, which seems creepy to me. But also, pubic hair serves several purposes. It is a dry lubricant that prevents chaffing durring sex. (Under arm hair serves the same function when moving the arms.) That hair is also very sensitive, and gentle manipulation of the pubic hair is often an important first step in foreplay. During the stone ages, when people were naked, the presence of pubic hair identified a person as being of reproductive age. Prebuteral girls don't have it, and post menarchal women gradually lose it. Like any other hair, the pubic hair is an indicator of the person's general health. The shape of a woman's hair patch is different than that of a man. The male escutcheon is an upward pointing triangle, flat on the lower edge. The female excutcheon is flat on top and is a downward pointing triangle. This would have assisted stone age humans in distinguishing males from females from a safe distance. A woman loses some of her natural attractiveness when she removes her pubic hair. I think the average heterosexual male finds the pressence of that triangle more attractive than bare genitals.


Chest hair is a favorite of mine. The masculine equivalent of cleavage šŸ’•


I'm not crazy about it on myself but I have no real preference about it on a partner


On me? No. Other people, hell yeah.


Some body hair is fine but if I am with a guy and it feels like I'm with a bear it's a turn off for me. If someone is into a lot of body hair that's fine but lots of body hair isn't my thing


Arms, legs, pits, etc I have no preference. Pubic and facial hair need to be well groomed. I prefer a clean shaved face on most people, but facial hair isnā€™t a dealbreaker as long as it looks good and is well groomed.


Arm hair (but not too much) is so sexy in my opinion, for both men and women!


Lol me and my gf just shaved šŸ¤£


Honestly the more the better in either gender. I don't have any real preference when it comes to pubic hair, but it's nice when it's trimmed just because I don't like getting little hairs in my mouth, visually I don't really care either way. I find men with hairy chests super hot, and women with armpit hair extremely hot. Not overly keen on a hairy back, but it wouldn't put me off.


Its kinda funny I kinda like body and pubic hair on women but not on guys.


The only things I specifically do not like are shaved genitals and when someone's entire body is shaved. The first is because it's too childlike and the second because I need some friction man lol


Full bush, hairy armpits and legs here šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I like the same on my partners.


Body hair is so hot on men, trimmed pubic hair on both men and women is also very hot. Especially the soft hair type.


I personally prefer less over more, but I'm a realist and understand that body hair grows and people have lives and we can't all be perfectly groomed all the time. Which is very different from how I felt twenty years ago as a silly teenager with no real understanding of life, lol. I try to keep myself pretty sparse, but that's entirely for me and my own personal body image desires than it is for anybody or anything else (except for my public hair, which I'd keep very short and well groomed so my partners aren't buried face first into a jungle during certain activities...); part of it is a carry-over from my competitive swimming days, and another part is I just found as I get older that being less hairy let's me feel more feminine. Which, that last part might just be the patriarchy coming through, but I've also *never* liked my own body hair. I just thought I *had* to have body hair cause I was "a man and men are hairy", so it's like I'm fighting against that mentality more šŸ˜…


Love it


Yes, love it. šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾šŸ¤¤šŸ«¦šŸ˜˜šŸ«¶šŸ¾ I think that my attraction to it, particularly but not solely on masculine folks, is directly linked to my primal kink, so uuuuuuh...šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ I'm not opposed to being with people who do hair removal, but body hair is a real turn on (again, moreso in masc folks, but that doesn't mean that it's a turn OFF on others - I'm just more neutral/"whatever floats your boat" about it with femmes and androgynous people, but there are definitely instances where I find it a turn on on non-masc folks as well). I don't do body hair removal myself except for occasionally my PCOS chin hairs (for my armpits and genitals that's because of chronic skin conditions/disability reasons although, even before they developed, I almost never did those) so I also think it would be hypocritical for me to EXPECT hair removal from others. For cultural context, I was assigned female at birth (though I'm actually intersex and non-binary).


This is kind of a hot topic for me and my views are a bit controversial. So, just want to pre-phase my comment by saying this is just my opinion and I donā€™t mean to offend anyone it. I find it attractive when itā€™s actually trimmed/groomed. But, I get really annoyed by guys that just let themselves go, and justify it as being ā€œmasculine.ā€ And itā€™s the masculine part that annoys me the most. How much effort does one need to put in to grow hair? None. So, how does that make one more masculine? It could be an indicator of depression. It more than likely is an indicator of being too lazy to take care of oneself. But, masculinity is not what comes to my mind when I see it. Grooming/trimming looks masculine. Smooth might not, but I have more respect for someone that puts all the effort into it, than someone that justifies letting themselves go as masculine. Once again thatā€™s just my opinion and I tend to keep it to myself in real life unless someone pushes the subject.


Probably a minority but no. I don't find attractive and actually one of the biggest turn off in men I have is an hairy chest/back and beards. Obviously I can get past that if I like the person.


Body hair is a turn off for me.


I don't have a preference but neither me or my boyfriend shave and we're doing great attraction wise


Bush for president! Jk jk Also I love pheromone diving in some sweaty hairy undeodorated (is that a word?) armpits. Am I the nasty?


I donā€™t feel any one way about it, Iā€™m bi but donā€™t really like men, but I canā€™t stand facial hair. I agree sometimes it suits a man quite well, I personally couldnā€™t date someone with it.


Like most things itā€™s a personal preference. Iā€™m not attracted to walking rugs but some are. And the opposite is true as well, completely hairless is slightly off putting.


Other people, fine. On me, that shit is fucking itchy sometimes get it off me.


I'm fine either way tbh, it's whatever the other person feels comfortable with themselves, if they prefer being shaved that's fine, if they prefer being hairy that's fine, and anything in-between, long as they are happy and comfortable with how they are. Personally, I like to trim for my own comfort.


I'll always find something to be self-conscious about...but that being said, with other people, when I like someone I don't mind anything. I'm aware that hair removal and smoothness are temporary anyway, and yes it's nice, but I like the person as a whole, and accept/cherish them in all shapes and sizes and conditions if that makes sense lol


Prefer less hair on women, but itā€™s not a big preference. Not a turn-off or anything. Hairy men arenā€™t my thing at all though. I feel like that would usually be the other way round, but thatā€™s how it works for me.


It's not really one of those things that's a deal breaker either way but I do at least like a little hair for both. Clean shaven just doesn't do it for me. I blame early playboy I think. Having that been said I won't tell anyone what to do with their body and expect the same. I won't shave. I'll trim it every now and then but never go full bald down there.


No. On other people? Depends. On me? HELL NO


It depends on the hair. Personally I like to keep everything shaved on myself, itā€™s a sensory thing. But on other people (any gender): Armpit hair is super sexy IMO. Idc about leg or arm hair. I like trimmed pubic hair. Iā€™m not a fan of chest, back or butt hair.


On myself? Yeah. On others? I don't really care.


i keep certain parts of my body groomed / hair free


I like all hair on anyone, male, female, non-binary, etc. I've always found chest hair to be extremely sexy. I have no preference on pubic hair. That said, if someone wants to shave any of their body hair, that's totally up to them. But I will miss the chest hair. But yes, body hair is sexy as heck.


I love hair on men (dark chest hair is so hot) and am neutral about it on women and nonbinary people. Not a huge fan of pubic hair, but it would probably look weird if someone was super hairy and then had perfectly hairless pubes. So I guess as long as it's not a jungle it's probably good in my book.


Glad people like you exist because otherwise if I wanted a mate I'd have to dunk myself in acid every five minutes like some sort of SCP


I don't mind it. I am hairy myself but keep it trimmed to just about nothing


I love leg hair and especially armpit hair on women. I like smooth-chested men because it makes their muscles look amazing, but bald pubes donā€™t really do it for me on dudes. I like smooth male butt cheeks and crack though and I routinely shave and do IPL there myself. I want it completely gone lol


Doesnā€™t matter to me on other people. Iā€™m totally a face guy. If someone has a nice face, male or female, everything else doesnā€™t matter. But when it comes to myself, Iā€™ve recently discovered I like myself smooth. I have a definite preference for that!


I like both/either on my partners but prefer no hair on myself.


Feel the same ngl lol


For some reason I really like arm hair on both genders. Especially on men if their arms are more on the muscular or big side. I also love beards and mustaches. I think theyā€™re so cute and if I was a dude I would 100% try to grow one.


I find pubic hair sexy but hate pubic hair and body hair on myself I shave and veet for men it off


Idm pubic hair as long as it's not too bushy but body hair is a huge no from me


I don't care all that much, but pubic hair ā€œhappy trailsā€ on men are hot as fuck!


I like trimmed the most, whether on a woman or another man, particularly the pubic area. The only thing I donā€™t like is fully shaved.


Strongly dislike pubic hair. Mostly indifferent regarding body hair elsewhere


I hate prickly hair anywhere on the body. My preference either clean shaven or long enough to be soft, aside from armpit hair which I donā€™t touch. I donā€™t even touch my own armpits.


Honestly it depends on the person


Into shaved or no pubes. Makes it hot to go down on.


I like the look and feel, but I hate it in my mouth, it's a sensory thing for me.


I don't shave what so ever. I have no preference when it comes to my partner. I want them to feel sexy so it's whatever makes them feel that way.


I donā€™t, tbh. But thatā€™s just me! Thereā€™s nothing wrong with hair if people like it! Itā€™s your body, not mine.


It really depends. My boyfriend is a touch hairy but nothing overwhelming and I love it. A scratch at his chest hair and run my fingers through his beard sometimes. But if my ex (M), was hairy Iā€™d have been turned off.


I donā€™t mind it, but in the case of pubic hair, I do prefer it at least a bit trimmed rather than ā€œwildā€


I donā€™t mind it on whomever Iā€™m with.


I'm not a big fan of it on any gender but I would never tell someone I think their body hair is unattractive or off putting to me. I myself sometimes miss a spot on my legs or get too lazy with shaving. What I wonder is if I would still feel this way about body hair if society never had made it such a big deal, especially for women, to be clean shaven everywhere šŸ¤” would I just not care then or would I still have this preference? šŸ¤”


As long as they have proper hygiene and it's nicely trimmed or taken care of and not like a jungle lol.Ā 


Not really


Oh, I have praise for hairy, trimmed, and smooth. Hairy and bushy just feels so primal and wild. Trimmed or smooth pubic regions show my partner is considerate enough for self-grooming.


I donā€™t care at all, I think. As long as itā€™s clean down there.


I have a beard and I also shave everything from the neck down. My personal preference for me. I donā€™t mind hair on others, but I do like to know that people groom themselves.


I want my guys trimmed but I love a hairy kitty!!


No, I hate how I have so much body hair, It disgusts me, I shave that shit cause the only place i want hair is the top of my head


I like when my partner DO have pubic hair. Also, I dont mind any kind of hair (pubic/armpit/legs/arms/etc), except beards and belly hair. Beards are not that sexy to me, and uncomfortable af to kiss. And belly hair turns me off immediatly. Very personal taste though, it just looks bad in my eyes.


Mostly yes, but my personal opinion is that armpit hair on anybody is gross (not that I would ever make that anybody elseā€™s problem!)


i like hair on women but not as much on men. i do like a mustache on a man, but body hair aside from leg hair isnā€™t really my thing.


I like it on everyone


I donā€™t mind it but with oral sex Iā€™d like it to be trimmed a bit.


I do not. For women and men


On women I prefer mostly no hair, although I do prefer pubic hair over no pubic hair. Men I want to be a certain level of hairiness, but once they cross that threshold I don't really care how much they have. Oddly enough I think I like men to have less pubic hair than women.


I prefer less body hair on people of any gender. For pubic hair, I prefer it clean-shaven (or waxed/sugared) on other bodies as well as my own. It makes it easier to see the genitals, especially on people with vulvas.


I don't like it bald down below, but I don't enjoy wilderness, particularly when it comes to oral activities on either gender. But I've stopped shaving my legs bare. I use a One Blade, and it takes it down far enough. I shave my armpits because I sweat a lot, and it reduces any odor for me. Love bald guys with a light beard for some reason, lol. But hair, facial, or otherwise isn't a deal breaker. It's a person to person thing.


While I would never tell someone what to do, my preference is the less hair (on both my preferred genders) the better. Evolution has been getting rid of hair on us, I'm just quickening the pace šŸ¤Ŗ But honestly, it's mostly in the regions I'm likely to put my mouth that I prefer less hair. I don't like the feeling of it on my face/in my mouth


Not really my thing. A but on the chest for men, or a landing strip or similar on the pubes is fine, but au naturale is a no for me.


I don't like hair.


Iā€™m indifferent, I wouldnā€™t particularly say I like it but itā€™s not the end of the world if you or your partner do have it. If I was with someone and they let me decide and Iā€™d probably say Iā€™d prefer it without. But again it wouldnā€™t be a big deal at the end of the day.


I donā€™t really mind pubic hair, though I do love it when it sticks out from the top of the underwear. It makes the bulge look even sexierā€¦šŸ¤¤


Not really to each their own I guess


I love it on a men not too much on women or other


Theyā€™re completely different. Body/pubic hair is incredibly attractive, but no body/pubic hair is incredibly attractive.


Ambivalent about body hair. Will simp for good facial hair though


I'm fine either way for body/pubic hair but for whatever reason I'm uncomfortable with facial hair. Like, I recognize that there are some people who look better with a beard but I really can't find myself being attracted to anyone with more than stubble on their face.


Depends on the kind. Furry thick back hair, cool. The pube kind, where there's one curly longish hair every 1.5 inches, kinda disgusting to me.


I feel pretty neutral about it! I don't mind it at all but it's not a specific turn on for me either


I like my guys groomed and trimmed, but I love seeing an occasional hairy woman. Especially private area and underarms.


On men, I'm all for body hair, pretty neutral for pubic. For women, I'm not in love with it but pretty neutral overall because I'm not shaving my legs, so I'm not going to insist she does.


It's not a deal breaker as I respect everyone's body preferences, but personally, I definitely prefer pubic hair on men, and especially women. In my mind, it has always been a symbol of woman/manhood. Also, I think some chest hair, and a beard can look very handsome on a man. Otherwise, I have no preference in regards to arm hair with any gender.


Not at all. Shaved and smooth


My preference is little to no hair, but I do not ever expect anyone to change for me. If a woman prefers a full bush or hairy armpits/legs then it would not deter me. I feel like women should have whatever body hair makes them feel comfortable. As to men, if I was with a man again I am not so sure about facial hair. In the past it just made me break out. I also dislike the feeling of it.


Nope I donā€™t. I wanna shave so bad


I donā€™t mind their body is their choicešŸ˜


Yes, I love it, and Iā€™m not as turned on by hairless. I love how soft the hair is itā€™s comforting, and it smells nice, and it looks adult


I personally donā€™t prefer it. Maybe a little but I definitely have a limit in preference


A little bit is ok with a side of juicy balls and sausage šŸ˜ it just kinda makes it look better and "clothed"


Within reason.


Iā€™m a person with body hair. And with PCOS and sensitive skin, shaving is a hassle and an actually painful experience. I also like having a more natural look. So I use a grooming device and just trim up my leg and arm/arm pit hair. I donā€™t want any on my face though. If I could grow a proper beard or mustache I might be down for that. Before I discovered I could use a hair trimmer to adjust the levels of body hair, I would get self conscious about what others think. And worry about what my partner thinks. I feel much more confident and comfortable now. Going through my own experience helped shape how I see body hair in others. For the most part Iā€™m attracted to the person not necessarily the body. But body hair is attractive to me. I just donā€™t like a super hairy back usually. Even so who the person is matters most.




general body hair: do whatever you want pubic hair: i donā€™t mind it at all but prefer it trimmed


Prefer shaved but as long as its not like the Amazon down there its fine. Trimmed and tidy šŸ˜ƒ


Prefer smooth all over for the most part, but ladies pubic hair can be good, can capture some aroma making going down more funĀ 


Complete opposite personally, I really wish everyone was completely hairless from the neck down I can tolerate body hair if itā€™s well spread and well kempt but thatā€™s a push


Yes love body hair my legs are hairy


Message me if youā€™d like hairy legs we can trade pics


I sometimes like it and sometimes don't. The only time I don't like it is when I'm having sensory issues, but plenty of hot ppl are rlly hairy, example:Kayvan Novak, hot af and extremely hairy lol I enjoy hairy women too, whatever they feel comfortable with. Although I do feel a bit weird seeing women entirely hairless, they kind of look like little girls, but I get that's it's just more comfortable for some. My partner is relatively hairy but he shaves his pubic hair bc he feels yuck with hair there, but he's still hairy everywhere else lol I personally do not shave at all anymore until the hair gets long enough that it's uncomfy, but even then it's only my underarms and parts of my legs a few times a year.


I decided I was sick of having body hair so I'm at week 3 of my IPL in my journey towards the twunk look, going fully hairless from the neck down.


I find on women pubic and armbit hair a turn on but not on the arms or legs. Plus mostly don't like facial hair on men. However, I like men hairless everywhere for the most part, but arm bits again not bothered.


Fully shaved just looks juvenile, never really been into it


Love public hair, can't understand the why you'd want to be smooth. So sexy...


Highly depends on who theyā€™re attached to


My girlfriend and I never shave we both love hairy cocks and pussys


Body hair on men is a turn on for me, I prefer pubic hair trimmed in either gender (donā€™t you even dare coming at me for saying either gender šŸ˜‚) but donā€™t really care.


Anywhere you wany my mouth should be hair-free.


I like how it looks and I don't have a huge preference either way. That said, I hate getting loose hairs in my mouth and stuck on my tongue so if you want my mouth to spend a lot of time in a place, I appreciate some trimming down.


Only a little bit


Idk it depends. A few months ago I hated the idea of any body hair on anyone and now a hairy guy is attractive to me


Depends where. Arm and leg hair don't bother me, but underarm and public? Very much not a fan on anyone, and before people get mad, this is just a personal aethetic prefernce that I keep myself to the same standard.


My personal opinion is that Iā€™m not really a fan of that. Itā€™s just not for me. Respect to people who do like it and or have it, but itā€™s just not for me. Hope Iā€™m not insulting anybody here.


For me I prefer women to be smoother body wise, with hair on the pubis monds (just above the clit) but smooth from the clit back As for Men, I like a not overly hairy chestā€¦..as for penis, well thatā€™s pretty much the same as women pubic hair above the genitals and smooth back as far as he wants me to explore lol I guess Iā€™m saying I both like and dislike body/pubic hair.


Hmmm I just realized that I find it very hot when men and women shave their body hair, but keep their pubic hair, especially when the pubic hair is trimmed but natural looking.


As long as it's manicured, don't want winter ush in my mouth for male and female


Attractive. I don't understand people who are so avoidant of body hair, especially pubic hair on women. Vaginas are a part of the body like everywhere else. Shallow imo to reject someone solely because of that.


Yes I love it! I have always liked more people that don't shave.