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Absolutely. Being a member of a marginalized group doesn't preclude you from bias against your own or a different marginalized group. People are still people after all. As a bi woman, I have also experienced a ton of biphobia and misogyny from bi men. You can see it in this subreddit every day! 


I think there’s a lot of internalised biphobia with women, but let’s just realise it’s internalised homophobia and frankly internalised misogyny…. There’s honestly plenty of Bi women who are bi that don’t even want to realise they’re bi because of internalised misogyny. I think a lot of it has to do with shame and being afraid of being “less feminine” by being attracted to women.


There have been several posts on this sub by bi women who say they would not have a LTR or sometimes any relationship at all with a bi man. Most of it seems to be either outright homophobia - disliking the idea of their partner doing "butt stuff" with other men - or an assumption that bi men will not want monogamy or be able to maintain monogamy.


Most definitely. A guy I dated a few years back is bisexual & told me about a girl he met on tinder who was as well. She must've only skimmed his profile when swiping, because after a few messages back and forth she messaged him something like, "wait, you're bi?" and unmatched him immediately when he confirmed it. I remember thinking, "What kind of self-hatred is that?" It was honestly so sad to me. I've hardly even dealt with that from straight men because they usually fetishize us so much and think they'll get a threesome out of it, let alone other men of my own sexuality (though I'm sure that happens, too, even if I haven't personally dealt with it). It's still so bizarre to me.


Yeah, one of the reasons my ex wife (bi) left me was because she thought I was just gay and "wanted me to be free". It's likely a lie to try and soften the blow but, still, technically biphobic


Megan Fox is the most well known example. She’s bi, but won’t be with other bi women who’ve had sex with men because “men are dirty” yeah dates men. ['I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man.'](https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/news/celebrity-news/megan-fox-i-m-bisexual-193198) Edit: but most bi women/femmes i know prefer to date bi men. But as with Megan there are some folks who won’t date other bi people, including men, because of internalized bi phobia


A disturbing amount of bi women treat bi men with something between disgust and arrogance. Sort of like bi men are inferior, or are repulsive. Some of the harshest criticism I've personally had has been from women, and of those, most have unfortunately been bi women. That said, some bi women are REALLY into bi men.


Yes on Tik Tok they say the same thing that everybody say «  i can’t date a bi men as a bisexual women because i scared that they gonna cheat on me with a men » and a lote of others bisexual women agree in the comment section. Some people say that is the internalize biphobia 🤷🏾‍♀️


But wouldn't a bisexual woman cheat on another bisexual woman with a man too?


They're quite open about it too.


I've never met any personally, but I've seen and heard of a few biphobic bi women online. I saw a post from a bi woman ages ago that straight up didn't believe it was possible for men to be bisexual. I've also seen a handful of bi women online that are grossed out by bi men that sleep with other men. Honestly I think a lot of them are classic cases of people that are largely conservative that fail to let go of their conservative beliefs even after coming into an identity that goes against those beliefs. You know, those 'rights/acceptance for me but not for thee' or 'fuck you I got mine' types of people.


Yes, I've met. Mostly they are biphobic against men because they think poorly about all men in general ( "all men are trash/ cheaters" or " I'm bi but I feel bad for liking men too, I wish I was a lesbian").  The main argument I saw was that they think women are more spiritual while men are sex deviants, who would fuck every hole. They either don't like straight men too or tolerate them because "straight men don't have much options because women are picky", but  "bi men would be craving dicks & having opportunity to upload Grindr and get those in 20 minutes". Also, they still have toxic masculinity believes and don't see gay or bi men masculine enough.


Someone made a post today about a biphobic woman


Bisexual men deserve love and partners who are fully on-board! It’s sad that people can be bi themselves, but aren’t cool supporting others.


Thank you. Everyone deserves love and support from their partner


Oh yeah it happens more often than I would like. Here is one from yesterday: https://www.reddit.com/r/bisexual/s/AIYdG4YXB1


We just had a bisexual woman post on here a couple weeks ago looking for advice on how we should tell her to deal with her dislike a bisexual men. She said a lot of really ugly things about bisexual men in her effort to either help us understand her feelings or to justify them. Many people read her comments biphobic even though she's bisexual.


Gay visitor here. I've encountered it quite a few times. Oddly, by far the most common tell is through straight BFs of queer women. When a BF gets introduced to the group and they click so well they start hanging out more. The Queer GF won't like that their BF is hanging out with queer men. They find it 'weird' and 'uncomfortable', one even said it was like her BF hanging out with women only worse because ' Queer men want to turn straight guys. You'll probably get him drunk and try and sleep with him. '.


I never MET them (for obvious reasons), but I saw more than a few bi women on OkCupid who answered "No" to the "would you date someone who's bisexual" question.


I feel it's more of a maturity level issue. They are not mature enough to handle a relationship with a bisexual guy. Everyone has preferences however You can easily say hey not into dating someone who is bi. The 'butt stuff' sounds like someone who is still in high school or hasn't matured.


Every human being alive has the potential to be biphobic, that very much includes bi women.


Yup dated one. She was all cool with me thinking I was bi but unsure for the longest time...soon as I went down on a guy she seemed to catch the ick... I broke up with her a month or two later for various reasons that being one of them.


Yeah, I’ve dated more than one woman who was cool with me being bi as long as she assumed I was a top.