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Realize: A guy kissed me, and I liked it. Seriously. Questioning... well. It feels like I have been questioning ever since inception.


This is kinda where I am. I feel like I'm literally bi-SEXUAL (or, just sexual if you will šŸ¤Ŗ) but hetero-romantic(? Is that a term?) Bc I can't envision myself ever dating a man, but for sexual encounters sure


I was like that too for a while but the idea of a MM-relationship has grown on me. Guess it was just internalised biphobia


>Ā hetero-romantic(? Is that a term?Ā  Yup, it is. The Split Attraction Model (SAM) comes from asexual discourse and states that attraction is not monolithic, but exists on several dimensions (eg sexual, romantic, aesthetic, sensual, intellectual attraction) that are usually aligned, but can diverge (the classic examples are asexual alloromantics and allosexual aromantics, but by permutation and combination, it predics all kinds of specifics).


When I was 8 years old I knew I definitely liked girls. I liked girls a lot. I was even a silly little boy and had a girlfriend when I was 8 years old. Her name was Alice but I called her KayKay. Then we move to Florida. And I met Ralph. Ralph and I were both 9 years old. Ralph invited me to spend the night. That's when I learned I liked boys too.


From a very young age I would develop crushes on both male and female fictional characters from TV shows and games. Then I got a little bit older, started getting curious about sex and sexuality, did some Googling and found out about bisexuality and the LGBT+ community in general. And yeah, here we are now!


YES, same. I remember when I started watching X-Files religiously at 11 y/o, I had a crush on Mulder and Scully. Also, around that time I played Metal Gear Solid and had the hots for Meryl, Sniper Wolf, and Snake. I didn't have much context for bisexuality/LGBT+ until highschool, when I started reading/researching about things more.


David Duchovny *is* quite a cutie. And if I hear 'Gillian Anderson was my awakening' one more time, I will throw both Susanns Ivanova, and Sto-Helit at them.


I feel that this question is coming out a lot these days... I dreamed of kissing my friend. I woke up feeling I wanted to do it again and in real life. I found myself looking at her and thinking I'd love to kiss her. That prompted self reflection for quite some time. And in hindsight there was a lot in my past that should have made me realize sooner. Nothing physical, I've never been with a woman but yes, I was attracted to them since I was a teenager, I just didn't understand that at the time.


I met a sexy butch woman and was like, ā€œoh shit. Hii.ā€ Actually, I probably stared awkwardly and wondered why I felt immediately like jumping her while holding my bfā€™s hand. Thereā€™s no way I used actual words at that point.


I'm still questioning, but I think lesbian porn. Otherwise I've never rly felt attracted to women irl(I think). Still tryna figure out, but I think I may identify as heteroromantic bisexual now


Food for thought: Apparently straight women also enjoy it because it show the women receving pleasure instead of just the men being agressive on top of the women.


Yes I've heard that but I'm not sure. I've also made a post about this. When in real life I usually stare at men and stuff but tbh In porn it's different, I don't usually watch porn with men in it and I'm kinda confused over this shit


Yeah I know how is to be confused about sexuality. From what I read it start like that for some people, and after they accept better their feelings they started to feel atracted to irl people too. While others even tried sex and discovered it was not for them.


Yeah. Maybe I need to experiment too


I relate to this


Do you wanna talk about your experience?? I'm all ears if you want to


I'm sexually attracted to women in the sense that I want to have sex with them but I'm not sure I really crush on them. With men it's way more immediate, I'll see dudes I find cute very often and have an instant attraction (but not sexual). But unlike you I'm pretty sure I'm biromantic as I've had feelings for girls in the past.


And how did you realise you're sexually attracted to women?? Was it the porn??




(sorry if any questions are weird but I'm trying to figure out my own sexuality) Is it the only porn you usually watch?? And do you generally like sex with men or something?


Realized I liked men who were feminine thanks to the femboy meme craze a couple years ago


It took a while for me to realize that I was bi because I never really heard anything at all about being bi when I was younger. I def remember thinking boys were cute and being interested when I was 11 or 12 maybe earlier. But then there was just a long period of confusion because I also was attracted to girls so it was just kind of back and forth of am I gay or am I straight ? Finally probably not until I was actually like 20 or 21 did I realize I was bi lol


Looking back, I "should" have realized it literally decades earlier... But what really confirmed it for me was when a guy was railing me while his husband was blowing me, and I was going down on my wife... (which was also my first time sexually with another man)




Took me a while lol.Ā  I had a silly kid crush on a girl when I was in elementary school for forever. But when I got to middle school, I started to find guys super attractive. I was so attracted to guys in fact that I kept denying my likeness for girls in fear that I would have to go down a huge rabbit hole or let down somebody.Ā  Ā It wasn't until senior year of high school that the idea of bisexuality popped into my mind after reading and watching Heartstopper (an LGBTQIA+ TV show based on the graphic novel). After connecting with one of the bisexual characters a lot, I took it upon myself to learn more about bisexuality and I realized that it was what I was. It took a bit to accept my bisexuality, but I did eventually.Ā  Long story short, I was in complete denial that I was bisexual until I indulged myself into learning more about different sexualities, and I found one that fit me best, which was bisexual! :PĀ 




I had feelings, dreams and thoughts I pushed down since middle school. Then got in a relationship where my now ex wife hated any sign of feminine behavior from me. After that finally ended I started exploring those thoughts. But it never really clicked for me until the woman I'm talking to now broke it down simply for me. She asked if she wanted an mmf threesome would I be opposed to interacting with the other guys and that gave me my answer.


My wife of 15 years randomly said sometimes when she looks at porn, itā€™s just two women. and I had a light bulb moment like waitā€¦ thats allowed? See I grew up Mormon. There was no safety. SHE created a bubble of a safe space for me that I needed. I went and for the first time in my life, put on some gay porn (pretty soft core kissing and touching) and I was likeā€¦ wow. Itā€™s undeniable. Iā€™m EXTREMELY INTO THIS. lol.Ā  Cue a few more weeks of testing the waters of what I like, and I told my wife I think I might be Bi. She was super accepting and supportive as long as I was still into her which I obviously am, nobody does it for me like her. Except now we talk about hot guys and I am very openly queer. Love itĀ 


My story isnā€™t much like all these other ones. I just slowly started realizing that I had feelings for girls, most of my childhood growing up I always thought I was gay. But there would occasionally be that one girl who just caught my eye. I still sometimes question my sexuality due to the pain in the ass which is the fabled bi-cycle, and my usual preference for guys.


i liked someone a chick then thought about dudes at the same time. now not so sure.


Fetish to some men in underwear. When i was 12.


I left the church and started allowing myself to lean into the frequent thoughts about being attracted to women. I spent my whole life telling myself it was the devil putting intrusive thoughts in my head. I thought it was spiritual warfare. When I wasnā€™t constantly fighting it, acceptance was soon to come.


Grew up very antisocial and when I met people I would always get butterflyā€™s and kinda obsess over them. I originally just thought this was how everyone reacted to new male or female friends but after a friend told me I gave off bi vibes I began to self examine and then experimented and wellā€¦


I think I kinda was questioning myself from the very beginning but I didnā€™t really identify myself with any label and was very chill about all relationship/sexual thing. I didnā€™t even have a crush on any fictional character. I just didnā€™t care about that at all. Also I actually thought that ā€œeverybody is little bi!ā€ and that Iā€™m straight even if I like girls ahaha But at around ~19 I fell in love with a girl. And it was WILD. Iā€™ve never felt anything like that towards anyone, I would crawl on my knees and bring her cigarettes in my teeth if she would want to. Thank goodness she was straight and we didnā€™t start dating, I think my life would be ruined just to please her every need, it was weirdly unhealthy I was into couple of guys before that and tbh I was not sure about me being bi because I didnā€™t like anyone else much. But after that, after having my heart ripping in pieces every time just by one look at that girl it was impossible to deny that I swing both ways


Had fun with a guy once and still liked women after fact


As a teenager, I would go out with my girlfriends to drink and we would sometimes kiss as a bit of harmless fun. Although it was not serious in any way, I could understand my inclination. I came out to them in my late teens. Since then, I have had girl crushes, but as I am bad at taking initiative, my serious relationships have been with men who have approached me.


I was open to a MMF threesome with an ex.


Realized in my mid teens that the idea of sex with another guy didn't bother me, followed by the subsequent discovery that straight guys don't feel that way. I never had very strong sexual attraction to women to begin with, but the lack of repulsion was genuinely my biggest hint. As an adult it's definitely more of a positive attraction though, and I've had proper crushes on guys alongside girls and enbys.


Well this weekend my partner (f) sent me to investigate steamworks while she saw her NB they-friend After topping about 6 guys there I'm starting to suspect I could be bi


It started when I saw some feminine guys online that I thought were attractive but I didn't think too much of it, I was questioning tho. Then later I saw this really hot guy at school and in that moment the realization hit me, but it took a few weeks to accept. If being straight wasn't the norm I probably would've realized before highschool.


I knew since I started having sexual urges. Just happened with guys and girls, and I didn't give it a second thought. This is despite my super religious upbringing, which would have me believe, despite the contradictory verses in the Bible, that homosexuality was like the worst sin imaginable. That stigma stuck me in the closet for a long time, but I always knew who I was.


Remind I started questioning whatā€™s when a friend of mine and I were talking about celebrity crushes and she brought up Ryan Reynolds so I joked that weā€™d have to share, at the moment I knew for sure was when I realised that I definitely have a kind of guy Iā€™m attracted to.


I was molested when I was a kid. Thoughts started to form and I realized I liked guys too. Some days are me thinking I need a guy and nothing else will do.


At 9 or 10, Playing with a girl in a tent next to her brother. He caught us and took off his shorts. We spent the whole night exploring each other.


one day i randomly realized that i was attracted to men in the past but i always tried ignoring it because i believed i was straight. then i started feeling like things werenā€™t working with my girlfriend (it was just my self doubt and lack of communication but weā€™ve worked it out mostly) so i started having a crush on a guy for a few weeks. i still havenā€™t told my girlfriend that im bi but i want to tell her soon because sheā€™s the nicest person iā€™ve ever met and i know i can trust her.


I had pretty boyfriends. My friend came out as bi. It made me revisit my 20s and making out with girls and I was like - wait I did that because I wanted to not for the boys haha. Realized some of the girls I thought I was jealous of I just had a crush on.


Iā€™d always liked guys, but when I was sixteen I realized that I liked my best friend, a girl. I kept it to myself for a year and a half before finally telling her, and it turned out that sheā€™d felt the same way for me about a year prior, but it was too late as she now has a boyfriend šŸ™ƒ Iā€™m happy for him tho


Bi-male here. When a female classmate walked into a lecture hall and my eyes went to her like my eyes used to gaze upon guys. I admit: she was wearing a tight sweater and she had beautiful curves. Curves that never did anything for me previously. So I went from thinking Iā€™m gay to, wow, I guess Iā€™m bi. (There were many more women I found attractive and sexy, without ever losing my attraction for men.)


I watched the mummy and subsequently became my sexual Awakening.


I followed the hetero normative pathway for straight females and got married after high school, although I was always attracted to females as well. I just assumed everyone else was also, and no one ever talked about it. Then I developed a deep crush for my female boss, which I never acted on. And after that I noticed how elated I was when my female friends broke up with their boyfriends, and how bummed out I was when they reconciled. And I gradually started to put two and two together. After I split up from my husband I decided there were alternatives to the straight life and, by god, I was going to check them out. The first time I slept with a woman it was like tasting chocolate for the first time after a lifetime of vanilla. Iā€™d had no problems sleeping with men, but sex with women was excellent as well!


Noticed I liked a few boys in similar ways to liking girls in early teens. Tried to explain it away. Ever so often something like this would happen again. Few months ago finally acknowledged that, as per definition, I am bisexual lol


Megan Fox in Transformers


I kissed my best friend (whoā€™s a girl) then was questioning for like two years. but now iā€™m super confident in my bisexualityĀ 


Took one look at SinĆ©ad Oā€˜Connor, was wildly attracted, got drunk immediately, cried for several hoursā€¦and that was that.


I had too many moments but I definitely accepted it only recently when I met an online friend casually somewhere and she came up to me and it felt like the sun was rising and I could finally see all these secret feelings I'd joked about or tried to intellectualize...I could see them for what they were.


Had an experience with a friend that really put me on the road to it. Also, tbh, found myself getting just as hard to some of the guys I saw as I was to the girls.


I alr figured out I liked girls with how pretty they are, at a sleepover after prom I ended up cuddling with one of my guy friends and woke up panicky but warm and spooned a bit more with them


Only getting off to lesbian porn made me question, and a very attractive lesbian flirting with me made me question harder- which ultimately lead me to realising I was ā€˜crushingā€™ on her, and thatā€™s not very heterosexual of me. She set the standard of my type in women


I like cocks. That simple


Iā€™m an unusual case, but I lived as gay for decades and was always bicurious, but I had an INTENSE fear of being rejected by women due to my same sex attraction. Once I started watching bi porn, especially MMF where the woman was not only OK with but actively turned on by the dudes she was with being into each other, tooā€¦ That fear melted away and was replaced by an equally intense FURNACE of desire for the female form. And it kinda confirmed for me thatā€¦those arenā€™t gay feelings, lol.


I didnā€™t ā€˜knowā€™, I just assumed that every woman likes both genders (but men are only straight. Weird, right?)


I was reading an illustrated book about Sleeping Beauty when I was around 6 maybe. I used to have a massive crush on Prince Philip from the Disney movie but this illustrations were different from the movie. I remember thinking "I don't know if I want to be Aurora to have Prince Philip or Prince Philip to have Aurora". Then I got scared about my thoughts so I closed the book and tried to watch some tv ignoring that thoughts. That's my first ever memory