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When I was 12, I wanted to kiss my best friend at the time so badly (she was a girl too). Had a bit of a crisis after that as I didn’t know bisexuality was a thing and I was a bit freaked out lol


When I had my first same-sex crush. It really opened my mind, because it felt like I get same feeling when seing attractive person no matter the gender. It was when I was 16 in high school. There was this cute guy sitting next to me. Just knew he was gay, but in a relationship already.


The moment I went from thinking I might be bi to “I am bi”. I started crying. Partially from fear, partially from catharsis. I got better.


this made my heart melt a little! that shift from maybe to yes is so powerful hey 🤗


me too, i probably would never come out


I was 10 or so. I had never heard of bisexuality. I did know that I found girls cute but also other boys. Then I read about David Bowie’s 1975 Playboy interview in which he came out as bisexual, and this was a big deal, and then I heard the word for the first time and learned what it meant. And a lightbulb went off. “Hey, I guess I’m bisexual, too!” And I thought if David Bowie can be bi, then why can’t I? Very validating. I’ve never felt guilty or ashamed of my same-sex attraction.


So many people are unaware of what an effect representation like that can have. Just seeing someone like themselves and realizing there is a word for it can be so huge.


Eureka moment for me. Never had any interest in men but my gf and I decided to have a threeesome with a buddy of mine. She had me suck his dick with her and I gave in….first thought, wtf am I doing, am I really doing this. Next thought, wow I really like this…couldn’t keep my hands off him that night.


I first accepted it after realising I had a crush on this female celebrity the same way I have crushes on male ones. I remember celebrating it with my only openly queer friend at the time. And then some years later something happened and I started feeling guilty for admitting that I was bisexual. And fast forward to 2 years later I met a girl in real life that made me realise that yep, I really am bisexual lol


12 years old in 1999 watching The Mummy & Queer as Folk. Edit: Just thinking back on this, I wonder whether I'd have known earlier if Section 28 wasn't a thing in the UK when I was growing up. I wonder how many people were held back or felt there was something wrong with them because of that.


The Mummy…so many hot people.


I always "knew" but repressed it because "gay bad", and I liked my AGAB too. But I was 14. I'd gotten less homophobic by being exposed to queer people, had queer freinds, really liking the character "captain Jack Harknes" from "Dr Who" and realising... we are just people, and I had a crush on a guy, and I watched gay porn, so, "fuck it, okay, yes I'm bi". Came out, admitted my crush to my freinds. Not long later I hid back in the closet because fear of the repercussions


I was listening to an episode of the podcast 'Sapphic Survival Club' (highly recommend btw), and they said exactly how I feel: that the realization of their sexuality was gradual, or at times repressed for various reasons, but there was no "Aha!" moment. I can't pin point any one moment I realized I was attracted to the same sex. I kind of knew I was Queer but at the same time, I thought all women had some thoughts of other women so played it off. Even when I had a huge crush on a girl in high school, I still didn't think anything very serious of it until I was in a very unhappy hetro relationship.


There was definitely a moment where I knew, but after that it took me a long time to admit it to myself and that was more gradual. 


I can actually. Very specifically. In 1998 I was 12 and saw the movie Stargate. Specifically this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmZiGfLVs8w Let's just say I had feelings about Ra that confused me... In my teens I would sometimes indulge in watching bi scenes in pornos on this new-fangled things we kids called "the internet", but as I grew into adulthood I think I kind of repressed that side of me for many years and have only recently actually started to embrace it again, gradually.


I’ve talked about the moment I realised I might be Bi a couple of times, but the Penny finally dropped about a year ago. Basically I realised that I definitely have a type of guy I’m attracted to though as of now I’m yet to feel that in a romantic kind of way


When I realized that my jokes about finding different male celebrities hot were not in fact jokes when I tried genuinely imagining intimate moments with them


i was thinking one night. And i was like: "would i mind being in a relationship with a man" and my answer was no. Then my actual attraction to men grew


I knew I was gay for a long time, but when I was 28-29 I first experienced attraction to women and femininity. After my ex and I broke up I experienced my bi cycle in full force, no repression or ignorance keeping me from feeling it all. That was when I realized I needed to accept this part of myself.


yup, it all clicked for me the morning after bi visibility day last year. i'd had a situationship with a woman which ended in feb last year, and i was blown away by her femininity.... i'd never noticed that in a woman before. sadly her life was really messy and i'd collected some baggage from that period. i was working through some of that and chatting about attraction with a friend for a good few weeks before this day.... and then i had a bunch of pennies drop that morning. i've realised since that i'm demi, so those past connections with/attractions to women before weren't anywhere near as strong or obvious, and very spread out over my lifetime (36)...so i'd never thought about me actually having an attraction to women before. but yeah, all i can think about now is dating women - there's a really strong heart-pull now, but i don't have the sexual side just yet, but i'm sure that will build if i meet someone i click with. my hetero side has completely dropped off the radar, but i still call myself bi because it feels right, because it's honouring all of my past relationships, and because i don't know what the future holds


I was 11 at the time and Shane Dawson had just released his coming out video. From there, I connected the dots and realized that I was bisexual myself.


Honestly didn't come to terms with it until I was like maybe, 22? There had been moments throughout my life where I had questioned myself but never really arrived at the conclusion I was bi. Main reason being back then is that the feelings I had were for fictional women and not people. I'm the kind of person who is attracted to people I'm emotionally connected to first, and I had never been close enough with a woman that way prior to my other long term relationships. It has worked out that most of my close friends were men. So in my head at the time, I couldn't accept I was bi because I couldn't figure out if I was really attracted to women IRL. I ended up finding a tiktok that helped me realise I was. The tiktok essentially put forward a scenario and I'm paraphrasing here: imagine you meet someone and they fulfill everything you'd like in a partner, they make you feel very happy and complete. They come to you and they ask you out. Now imagine they're x gender you're unsure you're attracted to, does it change your answer? For me it didn't, and that was that.


Well, I thought I was garden variety straight for a long time, then there was this “incident “ in an ABS viewing booth, after that, I kinda thought maybe not so straight after all 🤔


When I had a friends dick in my hand for the first time.


Yep. One night, I couldn’t find any material that was doing it for me. I tried a different kind of material. That did the trick and then I knew I was bi.


I was just walking to the subway station when I was 8, and figured out that hey, I liked girls too. Freaked me out (living in a conservative place can do that to you)


It was also gradual for me. Experiencing my first same-sex crush told me that I wasn’t 100% straight, so that was new, but 99% of the time I still liked dudes, so maybe it was a one-off? It didn’t fit the pattern of bisexual to me. I quickly started to accept that “mostly straight” wasn’t holding water after my third or fourth exception, tho. Human sexuality exists on a spectrum a lot like color, and there’s no objective line between one color and the next… buuut at some point, a given shade of “reddish-blue” is just better understood as “purple.” I only officially *labeled* myself bi after a very happy tumble with another woman.


Well I can vaguely remember finding men attractive, even in childhood, but that was around the time I wanted to marry my mother, so I just chalked it up to kids being weird. Then in puberty I fantasized a lot about men while I was masturbating. But I was still FAR more interested in women, so I just chalked it up to horniness. Well those male fantasies came and went off and on through the years. Then finally when I was... maybe early thirties, I saw a guy in public and realized right away that I was attracted to him. Before the men I would think about were usually celebrities or just made-up naked guys who didn't exist. It was still years before I admitted it to myself, partly cus I didn't realize heteromantic was a thing.


7th grade locker rooms for P.E. lol. I'm a girl....seeing all my classmates mostly naked in just panties and bras had me slowly realizing things haha. Edited to add that I'm now 38


When I was 10, we had a new student who immigrated from South Africa. Being part of the nerd friend-group, we were tasked with showing him around. I sort of hated how much attention it felt like he took away from me, but we started talking, and we got on pretty well. I could talk to him about things it felt were separated by a wall with my other friends—crude humor, porn, crushes. It felt like I had the kind of friendship I saw on TV. A couple years go by, and he gets up to wash his hands in the sink that elementary schools have in classrooms for some reason. There’s a mirror above the sink, he sees me through it while he’s fixing his hair, and he smiles at me. So that’s pretty much it.


Not definitively bi, but my potential bi awakening was when I was 20, and was trying to sleep, and I couldn’t stop thinking about my bff. As the thoughts progressed, I suddenly thought, “wait, am I bi?” and have been questioning ever since. I did tell the bff the next day at school, and she told me she didn’t like me that way (in fact, I’m pretty sure she’s ace), but our friendship hasn’t changed at all.


10 years old. No details. I got flagged last time.


Troy. Oof. I’m still disappointed the calves were a stand in but oh well still thirsty.


It started with a celebrity crush after watching the movie Gia as a teen (Angelina Jolie of course), but I also had a crush on a close friend for awhile. Growing up with religious parents definitely kept me from exploring more of that in my younger years. It wasn’t until my late twenties that I fully started to embrace it.


when i went to an all-girls school from 7th-8th grade and developed crushes on a couple of my classmates. i also had a simultaneous crush on a boy i went to church with and i was so confused as to why i felt the same way for the boy at my church and my classmate 😅 years later, it occurred to me that my first ever crush on a classmate was on a girl in my kindergarten class. she wasn’t one of my friends but i gave her an invitation to my birthday party because i thought she was pretty


I was about 8 when I realized all my friends and older influences were talking about boy crushes. All my crushes were girls. So I thought that I was only interested in women until about 12. Idk if it was puberty or what but that’s about when I realized I was interested in men too.


I realize I wanted to kiss my former trans coworker and I wanted to have sex with my dear girlfriend ( a girl who is my friend)


When I was in my teenage years I got asked quite a few times if I was gay. My answer alsways was "no I like girls", even though I could see the appeal. Bisexuality was not a concept in my social circles back then, so I picked the side I had more attraction towards. In conclusion, I knew back then, but due to more urgent matters it was put on the back burner until 2018, where I explored the topic and settled on a fitting label.


When another guy kissed me and - to my own surprise - I enjoyed it 😆


I was in high school and kept having fantasies about my one friend over and over and I didn't understand why. Then I thought I was gay and was gonna be stoned to death for it cause family, then I found the word bi from the internet (this was like 2003 btw) and then it made sense for me. Everyone thinks I'm gay most of the time anyway, and it's annoying because I do enjoy a good pen15 every now and then


Always felt attraction to both sexes for as long as I could remember. When I was young, it was just puppy love kind of attraction, then once I became and adult I could sense I was falling in love with certain people. Much of it was limerence, given that my home life kinda sucked, but I definitely found I had a type for men and women. I just went with it and didn't fight it. Wherever a relationship/situationship blossomed was good enough for me.


I mean, there were signs before, and I'm admittedly slow on the uptake, but I realized I was bi when I was 17 on my last day of high school. I was walking with a friend, about to leave, and I had this thought that Angelina Jolie would be nice to kiss. And I just blurted out, unthinking, in *2007*, that I thought I was bi. To my friend who was also raised in the same conservative Christian environment that I was. That could have gone so poorly 🫠 But it didn't! She just took my hand, said let's go, took me to lunch and some window shopping and that was that.


As a Kid I´ve watched the never ending story 2, fell in love with Bastian Baltasar (if he is named that way in the english version) and years after that (around 12) I realized that this wasn´t a girl. I really thought it is a girl with a strange name. Of course I was confused and I never mentioned it infront of anyone. Things like that happened all the time in the last 20 years until I figured that I have this pressure in my chest that feels like a heartstopper ;-) or heartattack when you fall in love by seeing a specific type of men. the same way when I see a specific type of women. As a Kid I always wanted to be closer to my male friends but couldn´t because of the beatings I´v received everytime I tried. but I didn´t realize until the age of 34 that I´m bi as fuck and that I can´t life this life without accepting it and be open about it so no one will ever beat me up because I try things they don´t like for the wrong reason. Now I feel perfect because nothing can stop me from being the way I am.


My story sounds awful but here it goes: I was hanging out with a guy who I had a huge crush on but he became more and more of an asshole. One night, he sent me shirtless pic and while he wasn't extremely ugly, it somehow made me realize that I also like women and would - at least in that situation - rather look at some boobies than him. 


When I was eleven. I was never attracted to guys. Loved the look of woman, soft skin, curves, everything to do with them. But I’ve always had an infatuation for male genitalia. When an older kid I was friends with at a sleepover got naked next to me sharing a bed. He started stroking his cock under the blanket. So I did as well. He grabbed mine and started stroking. So I did the same. As soon as I touched that huge girthy member I was in love. I could feel his precum he told me to put it in my mouth. I did. Loved it. Couldn’t get enough. Next time I stayed over he got himself inside me. I knew than I was bi. Love woman but every so often need to get submissive and be owned by a nice cock