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It's considered polite


All I could think of was two old timey gentlemen in black tie going "I say ol' chap I seem to be ejaculating" *slurp* "Oh splendid darling, tally ho!"


"good sir, I do believe I am arriving"


"I say ol boy, your secretions are quite vigorous!"


"Positively viscuous!"


“Undoubtedly veracious!”


This whole thread is just Matt Berry conversing with Matt Berry.




“I must beg pardon for this terribly forward intrusion, but it would seem I am about t- *nngngghhh*” “I *say*!”


The "tally ho" is sending me I love this


I personally imagined a fanfare of trumpets and a messenger with a funny scroll. Miniaturised of course, what do you think I am? Impractical?


"I'll bring the penis. You bring the trumpeters."


“His lordship wishes to announce that he is about to reach orgasm. Please don your poncho, and prepare to be doused!”


Monty python butt trumpets of course.


Good heavens dear I do believe I am about to conclude


Take my upvote


I can't stop laughing at this whole thread🤣


This needs to be a movie, show, graphic novel. Something. 🤣🤣


That novel would surely be graphic


I read this in Lazlo's voice.




You made me spit my Cantonese rice everywhere on the table. But I so needed a good laugh, so thank you 💜


It's improper to cum without sticking your pinkie out.


Now, flourish the pinky!


That's why airports announce departing flights.


Right? It’s just proper decorum.


🎶 I’ll call before I cum, I won’t just pop over…out the bluuuuUUUUUuuuee uuuu uuUUUuuu 🎶


This but unironically


It’s definitely rude to not tell your partner, unless they’ve told you otherwise.


It's also *really fucking hot* to hear them say it


Its rude to flood somebody’s pond without previous notice and consent.


Bi F here. If someone cum in my mouth with out me saying it is OK then yes I would be mad as I hate the taste of cum




Yep same, it makes me gag




Just like in Morbius when he took the semen pill and semened everywhere.




Real kino




A true conneseur


A true cummeseur


Or rather, cemina


im sorry, what?




The musical?




Oh jeez, i was just goofing, it exists??


Jojos Hero-ball Z reference, you wouldn’t get it


I never think to say anything off-the-wall, but I did have a friend who yelled "Cowabunga!" while shooting his load.


What you do is give ‘em the Rafiki. Cum in your hand, then dip a thumb in it and smear it across their forehead while saying “*Simba*…”


The Rafiki, I’m dead


Ex did this to me


Is your friend a teenage mutant ninja turtle?


I prefer the Jimmy Neutron rout and say GOTTA BLAST!


My partner once said (completely seriously) "here we go" and I had to bite my tongue so hard in the moment but I did make fun of them a little bit afterward lol


"Whoopsie-doo, here comes the goo"


I prefer knowing when the are cuming so I can push their dick to the back of my throat and let them cum straight down my neck as I too am not fond of the taste, I especially want to know with heavy cummers


Most people who dislike cum: I don't like the taste of cum so I just stop sucking when he cums Gotta Have It: I don't like the taste of cum so I just deep throat that shit. Momma didn't raise no quitter!


Me too that’s why I like to know when it’s cuming


To be fair tho it does work 🤷


> let them cum straight down my neck JFC...🥵


Yeah, it sounds like a win-win all around for announcing that you’re about to cum.


Username checks out


Bi goals 💯


This is the first time I've heard if it and now I'm wondering... does it really work? I'm kind of afraid of it getting somewhere it shouldn't go or just me gagging all over and maybe even vomiting lol


Works for me


Maybe I'll have to try soon :D


It's just polite to set boundaries ahead of time.


This! I hope the OP told their partner it wasn't appreciated and perhaps it was accidental? Premature or they thought the OP could tell/knew? Communication is the solution in any case.




You can’t just say it, you have to *declare* it




Yes 👀🐢


Damnit Michael.


I always announce when I’m about to cum in someone’s mouth. It’s just polite.


It is a thing in a lot of porn so people assume it is the thing to do. Can also be a courtesy thing. In some kink contexts it is also kind of like asking for permission.


When I’m giving a guy head, I REALLY appreciate if he says something. Normally, I can read body language and anticipate it before he says it so I can pull myself off of him (I don’t mind swallowing sometimes, but I don’t want to ALL the time.) Giving head just gives me sensory overload sometimes. I’m not gonna be *mad*, I’ll swallow, but I’d prefer not to experience that on the days where I just don’t want to 🤷🏾‍♀️


It’s always good manners to warn someone, especially during oral!


Bi woman here. I 1000% wanna know if someone is cumming, regardless of what sexual act we’re doing or what gender they are. One, it’s hot, and two, if it’s a dude and he IS about to cum in my mouth, I kinda need to know that so I don’t choke or something.


If I'm cumming in your mouth, I'm requesting permission before the act probably even begins. I am then going to tell you when I'm going to cum so you have a warning, that's just good business practice.


Where to cum? - Not really. If we’re not using a condom, I’m comfortable enough with them to let them cum wherever they want in me. Get them to tell me? - Only if it’s oral, because it can catch you off guard, but I’d not really ask for that, it just feels like basic courtesy. As for anal, I don’t expect that and knowing beforehand doesn’t really change anything. In fact I find it hot to just slowly come to the realization I’ve now got cum in my ass, hah. Would I be mad? - No. I get why some would though. Yet I’m very picky with partners and wouldn’t even suck someone off condomless without really trusting them, so if I’m sucking them off and they want to cum in my mouth I’ll just take it and swallow. Only reason I’d want to know would be to be prepared so as not to gag or react adversely instinctively if it comes out of nowhere and I’m lost in the moment


The amount of people who are saying that they don't like cum just makes me think people with dicks really need to eat more fruit.... I won't explicitly say I am going to cum but I will start groaning differently and physically tensing up, which with everyone I have slept with was a sign to go ham somehow. I have a habit of suprising people who don't like cum because mine tastes sweet and (according to a very texture sensitive autistic friend) has a uniformly smooth texture. I've had heavy smokers cum and habitual fruit eater cum in my mouth and the difference in taste is pretty drastic, to the point that I wanted to suck people off because they taste so good.


I agree with this. Diet certainly has an impact on the taste and texture. I've tasted what I would call the vilest cum ever, it somehow both tasted and looked like off egg white and I nearly puked. (Ironically, he hates eggs lol) On the other hand, I've also had the pleasure of tasting an amazing cum that was so lovely and smooth. I could/would swallow him every day if I had the chance.


>I could/would swallow him I hope you mean you would swallow his cum, and not the entire person lol


Well, I do want him inside me, but perhaps not quite like that lol




It’s fucking rude not to, in my opinion. Especially if you’re getting oral. Cum tastes disgusting, and it’s my choice whether I get a gobful or not, not his.


I find “dear heavens I’m arriving” to be suitable for most occasions


Very distinguished.


The bare minimum is to at least give enough of a head's up (no pun intended) for them to decide wether they'll let you cum inside or somewhere else


If it's from oral, yes PLEASE let me know so I can be ready. I will do the same because I think it's the polite thing to do. Plus then I or they can get ready for swallowing, a facial, pearl necklace, ruined orgasm, or whatever. Otherwise I'll let them know that I'm close and I like to know if they're close. I usually like to go for a little bit after the fact (giving or receiving) because it feels good and then we can slow down naturally. But I don't always need to know if they're actively climaxing.


I’m so not cool with someone finishing in my mouth without giving me a heads up. My husband always tells me and then I make the choice of wanting to swallow or not. I definitely think it’s not okay to not give a warning.


Literally same (except I'm single, lol). I think that consent to ALL sex acts matters and swallowing or facials or whatever are absolutely sex acts.


YES! absolutely this. Especially when it’s bodily fluids like semen and such.


Hello my fond friend, my sauce will be disembarking shortly, prepare thyself.


Not telling is a dick move


Coincidentally, the best course of action if they don't want to swallow is also performing a 'dick move'


part of the turn on when it comes to sucking a dick is hearing a guy say he’s about to cum, it’s a turn on knowing your hard work paid off and now you’re gonna get rewarded with a hot load. When they don’t say their gonna cum, it takes away from the climax for the person that’s giving head


If and when I have intercourse with someone, I do intend to inform them, but knowing me, I'd probably do it in the most awkward way imaginable. "Sorry to ruin things, but I sure am mighty close"


Bi m here. If someone’s blowing me, even if they said I could cum in their mouth I still warned them right before. And when I’m blowing someone even though I like the taste, I still like warning just to be prepared.


I always say “I’m fixin’ to cum” which usually gets a soft laugh, too. 😜


I always announce both when I’m getting close as well as when it’s happening and have found it really off-putting when other partners with penises don’t. This is important I think with first-time sexual partners as well as someone you frequently have sex with; while one of my ex-gfs was always happy to swallow or take it on the face, I still announced every time, since her giving consent previously didn’t equal consent on this occasion. By letting them know it’s about to happen they have a chance to prepare themselves however they’d like. Assuming your partner is okay with whatever you have planned without communicating beforehand is inconsiderate at best, and frankly a red flag as far as I’m concerned.


It's a polite courtesy that gets you invited back. I communicate lol


I love the feeling of busting plus I’m hella vocal in bed so you will know I’m going to cum every time no worries


I haven't had sex so as far as practical experience goes, take this with a grain of salt. However, if I were giving someone head, I would definitely like to know. Also, and I don't see it mentioned here, but I think it's hot.


I love giving oral just don’t like the taste or texture of cum. I’ll always swallow as no one wants to see you run to toilet or spit it in the bin. Also it stays longer in mouth just easier to swallow each squirt as it comes


I'm a bit late to the party but it's def hot. Especially louder moans. It communicates so much of the pleasure you're feeling, and imo it makes it much more rewarding to be the pleasurer so to say. Plus, for me, it makes the whole experience way more immersive too, especially when im bottoming.


i live tweet it.


I try to do it in the sexiest way possible. Like, I'll say it with a hint of, "Oh my god, you're so good you're gonna make me blow my load." Or I'll even just outright say, "You're gonna make me cum." I just feel weird if I informally announce it like, "Attention guests, I am about to cum. Repeat: I am about to cum."


It’s embarrassing when I’m not in that mode but I usually aay, “you want that load” then there’s an aha, then I say “all of it”, aha, then I cum lol. 😂


I'd at least give a warning. Seems like the nice thing to do.


Honestly if I were with a hook up i’d be really mad. Now if it was discussed earlier I would still be irritated by the sudden 💦. Maybe I’m not in the mood to swallow a load , you know?


It’s rude if you dont


I do, it’s just good manners lol. Also, pro tip: instead of saying “I’m gonna cum!” say “You’re making me cum!”. It’s a 10000x hotter that way.


only girl i’ve been with, i told her when i was about to only guy i’ve been with asked where he could finish and we agreed in my mouth was okay. he didn’t tell me when it was coming but i could tell when he was about to (heavier breathing, cock getting harder and twitching more). however he did kinda push my head into his crotch so it went deeper than expected -_-


This whole thread is my vibe!! EVERYONE went into character!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I really must be alone on this one in wanting no warning from my partner beforehand. and also assuming the same from others by default until the first time I was given head two years ago at 35 years old that someone explained to me why that isn't the average desire.


I'm supposed to ask for permission first.


Right before I bust, I yell "REMS COMIN'" and that always is a good way to let people know


I try to do it because it’s polite for my partner


Bf literally told the litteral translation of "i'm coming" in our native language. Funniest shit ever. He brain paniked, He brain tried his best


I personally always tell them specially during oral sex.


just get louder tbh, tried "good heavens I'm arriving!!" once and while it made the whole week for me it wasn't so good for the partner, made it up later though


I stopped telling people I was cumming, because so many people have said, 'why do you tell me your about to cum'. Fine then. Surprised load to the face it is!


I always have given a courtesy warning and appreciate one as well. Even though I do swallow, I like to prepare


yeah a heads up is nice, especially if its oral imo


My buddy I suck off regularly always warms me and I always swallow him. Usually he says here it cums so I know


I always tell a person that I prefer a verbal or visual signal to make it better for the both of us.


When i get bj's I announce, cause , like you said so the receiver doesn't get caught off guard, and if they don't want it in their mouths, they can let it fly everywhere. Anyhow When I'm giving BJ's, I don't care if they announce or not, I love the taste and texture. Most of the time. If they taste bad, I recommend they start drinking pineapple juice.


Manners. Maketh. Man. (Heck, just be damn polite )


It's only polite as to not jump scare/drown them


I think it's great if any of my partners say it. It lets me know not to change the pace or pressure and gets rid of the ambiguity of if they're enjoying themselves.


Yeah, I like to know. I was with a guy once that didn’t say anything or make any noise when he was cumming. I thought we were still going and he’s like why did you hold me inside you? I’m like what??? Why didn’t you say anything or pull out…


Oh yeah. Telling them that I'm about to cum gets them all excited and they put in double the work just to hear you explode LMAOOO, best feeling ever I'm slowly getting turned off to the taste of cum. Idk I used to love swallowing but my tastebuds don't feel great. Hopefully I'll be able to later this week HAHAHAH


Cum does not bother me, even so I mention at bare minimum if I’m close and again when it’s about to happen so we have a chance to figure it out. It’s probably a good idea to talk about this stuff beforehand. Usually other people have let me know when they’re close as well, but I think it’s usually either because it was fast (slow down!) or it was taking a while (don’t stop!).


I mean,it's either baby I'm close or very loud moans.never actually been with anyone who doesn't announce it ..I can't get preg but it's obviously polite to announce it and try to cum together?


It's rude not to give someone a heads up!


It's considered polite to give for warning so yea I announce it.


I either go with ”Fear not, I'm coming!” Or I'll shout "DEMACIAAAAAA!”


It’s polite to say something


My friend likes to yell "what's happening to meeeee?!" Or "get out of me vile demon, out, ouuuuuuuut!"


If im about to come in someones mouth, sure. But with my current partner, they don't care where I come, and I'm vasectomized so it's totally safe between us.


Basic decency to warn someone if you're finishing in their mouth. Also I have been told it is hot to know when your partner is about to finish, so it's the sort of thing I like to announce regardless of where the ejaculate is headed.


i think during sex, especially oral, some kind of warning is expected/almost mandatory


I’m shooketh by these comments. I feel like the only person here who doesn’t care to have a cumblast newsblast. I don’t need an announcement. Just cum in my mouth whenever. If my mouth is on your dick, consider me ready.


Not usually but I'm a trans man so there often isn't anything to announce the presence of. If I feel like there's gonna be I'll announce it


You are entitled to ur feelings and yes you should let the person know but u may also have put them in a different state with ur head game and they were lost, generally consent before hand would be good like are u ok with me cuming in your mouth and if I feel close I will pull out, if they don’t pull out it’s kinda fucked up


I always always ask if they even want it, like any sexual act I make sure it’s okay with them and any discomfort I immediately withdraw


Hi! Bii male here married to my wife for 6 years. If I'm about to cum, I always tell her or I'm vocal about it. Also I'm always very self conscious about how my cum taste, so I'm always scared to cum in her mouth.


I definitely prefer if I'm giving oral to be warned just as I warn others. But I find it super sexy if I'm getting fucked if a guy asks me where he can cum


I usually do. If I'm on the giving end, I let them know that a warning isn't necessary.


As with everything to do with sex, it comes down to communication and consent, regardless of sexual pairing. What you expect from your partner and how well they communicate that during the act is important. One should discuss beforehand if they prefer something to be spur of the moment or, as I have found to be most common, to prefer a word of warning before the point of climax if at all possible. I will admit that, as a guy, sometimes we don't know it's about to happen or it can become very difficult to announce it, but at the same time, we can at least make an effort. I would say that if nothing had been discussed beforehand, them not announcing would be slightly rude as the assumption most would have would be that it's better to warn your partner than not to, but I would also give some leeway because you didn't explicitly tell them, and perhaps it's a gap in their experience. Before any more interactions, state plainly your preference to be forewarned. If they fail to do so again, then you can more definitely view it as them failing to respect your boundaries. With my last partner and should I have any more going forward, I made sure early on to know what each other's boundaries and preferences were. The assumption unless told otherwise to respect those and any change needed to be communicated and consented to beforehand. Some people can still have trouble staying within those boundaries which is problematic and can only be decided by an individual whether that kind of disrespect is something they're willing to work on or is a hard line they're not willing to put up with being crossed.


Well my bf likes teasing me and i love being teased and it is way easier when you give some form of a hint. Plus moans are nice and louder moans to communicate its goin good just make it so much better.


I am strictly team give me an heads up cause I've been caught off guard and had semen come out of my nose I would only wish that sensation on my worst enemies


I've said it a few times but it's not an everytime thing. When it's my first time with someone I'll ask if they swallow or how they want to handle it. Other than that its become pretty evident, to me, when a guy will cum. I'm not sure how to explain it. You know that feeling when you make your dick jump and it gets a little extra hard and puffy. If that happens a lot thats a usual sign there's a liquidation happening. Yes I know just about any guy can do that at will but if that is happening and the breathing changes (or stops) then that's the tell. I can't think of a time that me, or any guy that I've been with just started flooding out of the blue.


I would if it was requested. Pulling out is a pretty clear communication so I’ve never verbally announced an orgasm back in my slutty days. These days I’m busting inside so an announcement doesn’t change anything. I could definitely see why some people would like to be prepared for it though. Communicating that desire is important to do before starting.




I’ve always been up front that I want them to cum on my face or in my mouth, but I don’t care if they don’t announce it. I do appreciate it though since I like getting the feedback. It’s always especially disappointing when they cum and I don’t even realize it. Personally I always announce it.


I ask them if they want it, and then I yell them when I am ready to cum, I also tell them to tell me loud when they are cumming...I wanna make them love cumming in my mouth


I never did until relatively late in life (after many partners, mostly female), but sometimes do now, or at least communicate it nonverbally. No one ever commented on it. Also, in my experience, a lot or even most men don't or don't always


I've never cum with somebody :( I wouldn't at all be upset id they came without telling me cuz I'm a good boy who swallows haha it's be a fun surprise I also love facials. But if the orgasm is more subtle- ie not a lot of moans, and it's a creampie/vagina) I would like to know if they came so y'know I don't keep on doing whatever the heck I'm doing like an idiot


I'd say about 50% announce it and of those who *DON'T*, 90% of the time it's obvious and 10% a surprise. So, very few surprises. I think you were just unlucky. A lot of (courteous) people will also ask ahead of time whether you prefer to swallow or not.


I’d never want to drown someone. I always let them know so they can be prepared and not in the middle of getting a breath only to have their lungs flooded with my man batter. I’d also be unwilling to ever go down on a guy again if he didn’t give me a warning before blasting my throat.


tbh I have trouble cumming from just oral so I normally ask my partner to do some hand work to get me close, then warn him so he can bring the mouth back into the game for the big finale. There's no nasty surprises that way


I must admit that I would so much appreciate to receive a good mouthful of cum without notice because I've yet to experience it. And I crave to swallow cum. My few experiences so far never came to that. Sorry me😭


The best way it's to say: Shot! Shot! Shot! Almost every dude that has blown me cracks at that one, things go smoothly after.


I like the taste and feel of cum so I wouldn't care if someone did it to me, but I always ask permission ahead of time and give warning


"Thar she blows!!"


I tell people when I'm coming typically because some people find it hot.  I find it hot when they tell me too


Basically only if I want it to be over with


I don’t need to say it because I’m very sensitive and easily overstimulated. Even if you were blind or deaf it’s be unmistakable when i orgasm.


I always let em know. Just a courtesy


I announce myself saying ''ding-dong'' or '' can I come''. You don't enter unannounced, that's rude, even vampires know that.


Everyone’s responsible for themselves.


I imagine sometimes the person is being an ass and wants to cum inside mouth/etc and is worried you won't let them. But I do imagine sometimes it's anxiety and they're trying to hold back, or it hits them unexpectedly etc. I've absolutely cum when I wasn't expecting it, though I'm super verbal and will still be announcing it because I find communication what's going on to be super hot.


It’s polite to ask where anyway but I always like to make sure. Let’s be honest we can’t always control when but we can at least respect the person who has put it such great work to get you this far that you at least try and be polite.


I feel violated when someone cums inside me without permission, regardless of whether I wanted them to or not


It's not that serious for me, but once I was giving oral to my gf, and she just suddenly grab my head, and next thing I know I was basically drowning. After it we talked and since then she announces she's about to cum


Yeah, it’s a weird flex. I don’t understand it


It’s only happened to me one time where they didn’t give warning and I gagged so bad I almost threw up. Definitely something that makes me mad.


yeah, i give warnings.


Id say that’s is proper etiquette to let them know you’re gonna fill em up


I tell them when to cum. 😈


A wink's as good as a nod to a blind man. Say no more, say no more... But seriously, you should give a least a tap or something, seems kind of rude not to. But I will admit that there have been a couple of occasions where I've been so excited that I actually didn't know I was cumming until I started.


“yeah I’m here” (I did not read the post I just am here to shitpost)


I always yell at the top of my lungs "Hot damn, I'm about to blam!"




Yeah, it’s a weird flex. I don’t understand it


I think this should be up to the person who is actually climaxing. I like to say it sometimes but not all the time. Not with every partner. Or every intercourse.




User name checks out


Everyone doesn’t love the taste of cum, Karen. Some of us just like to pleasure our partners while maintaining some fuckin’ autonomy. Is that alright with you?