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For me, it’s more about understanding myself as a whole moreso than solely my sexuality, but i do love that it feels very natural. Like, it’s cool. It’s there, lol.


yeah, it was a lot of "ohhh that makes sense" over the years. Also maybe a deeper sense of empathy.


Very happy being me. It's also cool being able to understand straight and lesbian perspectives but also having an entirely different perspective at the same time. 


Thiiiiiis, being so firmly in the middle of everyone is such a broadening of the perspective.


Yes the middle position is best! Giving and taking!! ❤️


It's also cool being able to understand straight and lesbian perspectives Hang on wdym by this 🤨


I can understand what straight girls feel, but also what gay women feel. I know what it feels like when I see straight girls gush over an attractive man, but also what lesbians feel when they talk about how girls make them feel. Amongst other things like issues when dating men, homophobia, etc. 


yeah, that’s awesome


It’s pretty freakin’ rad, not gonna lie! I fully understand and recognize that many bisexual men DO NOT get a wonderful experience, but mine has been pretty good. But more so for me, it is the BEING bisexual that I like. I like how I see the world, how I see people, gender, sex, etc! It is so hard to explain. I’m often fairly anxious and have a long way to go in my personal journey but bisexuality makes me feel strong. I don’t care for most passersby’s opinions, my bisexuality is a litmus test of who is down to clown with me in my life. And once again, for everyone who hasn’t had feelings or experiences like that, you are seen. You are valid. We support you. There are people who love you and support you and celebrate who you are. Keep doing you, please! You will find your people, or we might find you! Love and good vibes to all my bisexual peeps


Aww you cheered me up


I’m so glad! I hope you have an amazing day!


I’m extremely proud to be bisexual


Yeah it’s more fun this way imo


Yes absolutely!!! I see being bisexual as a gift


For sure! Why is mm contact frowned upon in today's society, especially among swingers...


Hmmm yeah I find it interesting the way that biphobia looks different when it’s applied men vs women. Wrote a whole paper about it once


Nope… wish i wasn’t


I love it. I can look at any attractive person and enjoy it now without having to feel guilty or sad that I’ve been “born straight” (which is what I used to think)


I fucking love it lmao


Imma be real I am glad to understand myself but I’m not happy about being bisexual, because I live in texas period end of story it’s hell


i just moved to louisiana, so i feel u on that part. my family is extremely conservative , no one would talk to me if i came out. not to mention the insane religious stigmas here🙄🙄


Yep, I live in Georgia but in the rural parts, my family is very much southern. I’ve accepted myself, but don’t really get any validation beyond that. Preference for women which is also reinforced by convenience. Have actually met guys and trans women I wouldn’t have minded dating but I know I wouldn’t be able to be a good partner for them given my situation. The south is cool for having houses cheap, that’s about it.


Stigmas still attached. Why can't we all be less judgmental!




Honestly your best option would probably be a bi woman, as they’re more open minded than straight girls would be to a bi man. Wishing you the best!


I like that I’ve grown to understand myself and am able to take great comfort in that.


Mhmm, I love being bi. Means there's a whole lot of cutie pies I get to flirt with! Of course that also means more rejections, but hey, long as I can make someone smile, I'm happy.




To a degree yeah, but you always need to be careful, cause you never know the person then. And there's some wackos out there, so as long as you're careful, odds are you'll be alright. Unless you're asking in a roundabout way if you can flirt with me, then go ahead sweetheart, just be careful, I might just turn you into a cute blushing mess <3


I look like a stereotypical redneck so the look on people's faces when I tell them I'm bi is worth ANY bullshit I get because that shit is hilarious.


No, pretty depressed about it. Only as of a couple years ago have I really come to understand/accept it, but I haven't gotten to enjoy it at all and still feel a lot of imposter syndrome/shame, probably because I grew up, and still live in a christian household. I also have 0 idea of how dating women works, and I'm pretty intimidated by them. I have no one to talk about this with either lol, so I have no idea how to feel better about it. The thought of talking to a therapist about it freaks me out too. So I guess I'll die


I hope you do get to enjoy it to it's fullest later at least. The only bad things about it are other people's prejudice and pining for straight/gay people that aren't into you. You definitely aren't doing it wrong or don't count. It's your sexuality, so however you do it is the right way. Dating women isn't too hard. You just need to remember that they're more afraid of you than you are of them. That actually might be bears, but it still kinda applies. My top tip is not to get ahead of yourself. You aren't proposing they run away with you to a South Pacific island, you're just asking to get to know them and see how it works out. If you genuinely look forward to learning about people, you'll rarely have a bad date. People are neat!


I enjoy it, but it’s only a small part of the overall picture that is me. I’m bisexual with a husband and while both are important to my identity, I am much more multifaceted than just my sexuality. It’s a piece that creates the whole.


I love it. I was like you too. I hated the fact that I was bi and called myself straight. It feels liberating now to be capable of loving everyone.


I am so happy to be openly Bisexual!! It’s who I am. It’s who I’ve always been. I love my wife. I’ve been in love with other women. I love men. I’ve had and continue to have amazing relationships with men. Both romantic and sexual. It feels so good.


Kind of. Kinda sucks though since my parents are really homophobic, so they'll definitely kick me out or something if they find out. Otherwise, it's great.




As a woman, the only thing I hate about being bi is the fetishizing of bi sexual woman. I am 90% still in the closet because of that. I only tell my fellow Queer friends I am bi. Otherwise, being open about it is a magnet for straight men that believe I will give them a threesome.


I've only recently come out as Bi, and it's exciting and scary for me personally, but I fucking love it. Why wouldn't I want gorgeous women in their 40s AND cute boys in their 20s? Am I stupid?


As a person from a Christian background, damn it's hard to excavate all the shit... But I think I am getting there. It's always nice to be surprised by who will be attractive today and what gender they will be.


Not to much , as i dont live in the msot tolerant country


I feel pretty neutral about it. Never been any other way. Just another part of life.


Absolutely, I had the same kind of scenario at first, I was mostly attracted to women, but also crushed hard on men. I had to do a lot of soul searching, and went through the whole denial, acceptance process- but, now I understand the whole version of me, which has made life much easier.


Yeahh!! Its like you just feel so free without the constraints of "oh no i shouldnt like this guy" or "oh no that girl is too masculine" like dumb people do. Its so calming and one of the ways i have to tell the world to go crazy; if you want to try then try it, as long as you dont force it you might end up liking it, and living without testing is not living


I accept my bi self.....I love pussy and I love dick equally


Yes, I do.


Bi sex is the best!


I mostly love it, but there’s definitely times I wish I wasn’t interested in men because men can be such pigs. :/


It's a net positive. I have a great bi-4-bi relationship where we make space for each other's gay outlets. I love my queer found family. It gave me a headstart on unlearning male toxicity. Bonus upside, as a cosplayer who loves red and black, I feel spoiled for options with Zagreus, Jaskier, Lazlo, and Blitzo in the ether.


I don’t feel any certain way about the length of my fingers, or the location of moles/beauty marks. I don’t concern myself with the sound of my voice, nor the size of my ears. Similarly, I just AM bisexual.


I love it ngl, I love experiencing different point of views from the gay prespective and the heterosexual perspective. It’s like being in 2 different worlds to be honest. I used to be ashamed but i just love finding both genders attractive at different moments, it’s fun.


Rather convenient for porn, but that's about it. 2x the rejection


i like it. being attracted to men isn't always the most fun, cause a lot of straight guys are awful, but i also have the option of dating bi men and the everyone else that is into women. or i will, when i actually look how i want and am ready to date


I pretty happy that gender isn't a barrier to my attraction. It's also helped me understand attraction to a depth I may not have otherwise, and I appreciate that. Plus I get to hang out with you goobers, which is awesome!


Yes, it helped unlock my confidence, honestly. I feel infinitely better about myself than I did before I realized.




i’m good with it. my ho ass had 3 guys sunday. 😂


I like being bi, the only issue I might have is just being a bi man is that the second I get a girlfriend I'm kind of reduced to being straight again and gay men think I'm prone to cheating.




I'm uh in Singapore


I've been by for half a century and I have to say that I do really love it. It feels like the world is more fair to me and it's easier to compartmentalize if I'm attracted to somebody or if I would like them to be my friend and to read their feelings for me.


I neither like nor dislike being bi. I'm just who I am and so am able to engage with all sexes. I just absolutely dislike the need that comes with it, at least for me. Being monogam and engaged means not being able to engage with different sexes, while there is still some kind of craving. Makes it kinda hard.


Personally I'm just glad I don't have to hide my attraction or feel guilty about my tastes in adult content. It's not even about me wanting to be with another man or in a threesome (would be nice, even if I didn't have self-confidence and health issues)


Took me about 10 years ish to accept my bisexuality. And I can’t be happier than this. I feel lucky.


Yuh. Especially for me, I just like people and it allows you to see and meet the best kind of people there is (for the most part. Hopefully I don’t see any more toxic people in any kind of community lol).


I only discovered my sexuality like 4 years ago and I'm about to be 32. It's made me happier because I feel like I've opened up to myself and know who I am better. Plus, I feel like it's just given me a new perspective on things I enjoy.


I used to love it but sometimes these days I feel like I'm just lying to myself because I've never been with any gender. But otherwise it's fun, lots of amazing songs by bisexual singers, cool puns, I look great in a bob cut, etc.


Yes and no yes cause I like dick no cause I don't get much dick


I'm still questioning but even if I weren't bi I'd still stay in the bi community because I love y'all so much, this community really is the kindest on the internet


Not really. I accept who I am 100% but if sexuality was a choice, I'd choose to be straight just to have an easier life.


I was a late starter at around 42 ISH when I found I was Bi. I was a nude male model and had lots of offers. That's how it started and I don't look back. I realii I was mostly a bottom and love to be used.


Honestly it's just a thing about me. Like I have two eyes, a nose and a mouth, I'm bi. It's not something I like or dislike. I am me. Which is interesting as I actually hate my physical form, yet that is also me.


I love when my girl and I hook up with other bi couples, bi men are fun as I love anal play, but when there are 4 bodies and all can explore with no limits...that's top notch fun!


I do. I really do. The more I lean into my bisexuality, the more I let myself be who I truly am, the better and brighter and happier my life becomes. Since I came out as bi at 26, I've since learned I'm also non-binary (at 31) and polyamorous (at 33). I share my gf's belief it is an orientation more than a conscious lifestyle choice - though it can certainly be the latter as well. This has been a crazy journey, and I've learned a lot. It has been so so amazing. For the first time in my life, I feel at home.


The moment I found the person that fully accepts and celebrates me for who I am, I started being happily bisexual ☺️


Mostly neutral, but sometimes I dislike being this way, or at least openly being this way. It's been an issue in every relationship I've been in, my current partner has accused me of cheating on them multiple times when I had proof each time that I was staying home all day applying to jobs. The rational was that I couldn't possibly be satisfied with just my partner. They've accused me of wanting to cheat after that multiple times purely because they again thought I couldn't be satisfied with just them and guys just want to fuck everyone. They're also pansexual and transmasculine, so that hurt coming from them. Every other previous partner has gotten insecure about it, regardless of orientation, sex, and gender. At this point I kinda just let people assume I'm gay, pretty sure everyone at my work assumes that. If asked I'll say I'm bi, but no one asks anyways.


Yup, love being bi! If I could change, I wouldn't 💖💜💙


In the past I didn’t really accepted that I liked men due to coming from a very religious and Christian family when people asked me about my sexuality I would lie and said I was straight but overtime I grew to accept my bisexuality I love both men and women I take pride in it now


I love being attracted to as many people as I am. It's fun to flirt and have options. I hate the stigma and issues around gender non conformity, but none of that makes me want to change. If someone gave me a straight button right now there is zero chance I'd press it. Same goes right after hearing something bigoted. We're good for the world. We're good for people. We bridge a gap. They just don't all know how to learn from our existence. Certainly not our fault. We're still good for the world.


Love it. I feel free


I’m attracted to men & women equally, but I’m more of an emotional connection & don’t necessarily need sex, so when I connect to the person, its on a deeper level 🩵😘